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Luke 15


Pharisees didn’t like the company Jesus kept               verse 1- 2 

Then drew near to HIM all the publicans and sinners for to hear HIM

and the Pharisees and scribes murmured – saying

This man receives sinners – and eats with them 

Parable of lost sheep                                                     verse 3- 7 

And HE spoke this parable to them – saying… Read More

Luke 14

Jesus is a diner guest of a Pharisee                                                                         verse 1- 6

 And it came to pass – as HE went into the house of one of the chief Pharisees

            to eat bread on the Sabbath day – that they watched HIM

And BEHOLD – there was a certain man before HIM which had the dropsy

and Jesus answering spoke to … Read More

Luke 13

Jesus continues to teach repentance                                                   verse 1- 5

 There were present at that season

some that told HIM of the Galileans

whose blood Pilate had mingled

with their sacrifices

AND Jesus

answering said to them

Suppose you that these Galileans

were sinners above all the Galileans

BECAUSE they suffered such things?

            I tell you – NAY – but except you … Read More

Luke 12

Jesus warn of hypocrisy                                                                     verse 1- 12

 In the meantime

when there were gathered together

an innumerable multitude of people

insomuch that they trode one upon another

 HE began to say unto HIS disciples first of all

Beware ye of the leaven of the Pharisees – which is hypocrisy

FOR there is nothing covered – that shall not be revealed… Read More

Luke 11

LORD teaches disciples to pray                                                        verse 1-4

when HE ceased – one of HIS disciples said to HIM

Lord – teach us to pray

as John also taught his disciples

And HE said to them – When you pray – say

Our Father which art in heaven – Hallowed be YOUR name

YOUR kingdom come

YOUR will be done as … Read More

Luke 10

Sending of the seventy witnesses                                   verse 1- 16

After these things the Lord appointed other seventy also

and sent them two and two before HIS face

into every city and place

whither HE HIMSELF would come

THEREFORE said HE to them

The harvest truly is great – but the laborers are few

pray you therefore the Lord of the harvestRead More

John 15


Jesus is the true vine                                                                                          verse 1- 8

 I AM the true vine – and MY Father is the husbandman

every branch in ME that bears not FRUIT HE takes away

and every branch that bears fruit – HE purges it

            that it may bring forth MORE FRUIT

Now you are clean through the … Read More

Luke 9

Disciples sent on an outreach mission                                                      verse 1- 6

 Then HE called HIS twelve disciples together

and gave them power and authority over devils

and to cure diseases

AND HE sent them … Read More

Luke 7

Jewish leaders ask Jesus to heal Centurion servant                                       verse 1- 5

 Now when HE had ended all HIS sayings in the audience of the people

HE entered into Capernaum

AND a certain centurion’s servant – who was dear to him – was sick – and ready to die

and when he heard of Jesus – he sent unto HIM the … Read More

Luke 8

Ladies who supported ministry of Jesus                                           verse 1- 3

 And it came to pass afterward

that HE went throughout every city and village

preaching and showing

the glad tidings of the kingdom of God

and the twelve were with HIM

And certain women

which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities

Mary called Magdalene

out of whom went seven … Read More

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