Exodus 20
Commandments related to our relationship to Godverses 1-7
And God spoke all these WORDS
I am the LORD your God
which have brought you out of the land of Egypt
out of the house of bondage
YOU shall have NO OTHER gods
before ME
YOU shall NOT make to you any GRAVEN image
or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above
or that is in the earth beneath
or that is in the water under the earth
YOU shall not bow down yourself to them – nor serve them
for I the LORD your God am a JEALOUS God
visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the
children unto the third and fourth
generation of them that HATE ME
and showing MERCY to thousands of them
YOU shall not take the NAME of the LORD your God in vain
for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that takes
HIS NAME in vain
Commandment related to worshipverses 8-11
to keep it HOLY
SIX days shall you labor – and do all your work
but the SEVENTH day is the Sabbath of the
LORD your God
in it you shall NOT do any WORK
you – nor your son – daughter
manservant – maidservant
cattle – stranger that is within your gates
FOR in SIX days the LORD MADE heaven and earth
the sea – and all that in them is
and RESTED the SEVENTH day
Wherefore the LORD BLESSED the Sabbath day
and hallowed it
Commandment related to parentsverse 12
HONOR your father and your mother
that your days may be LONG on the land
which the LORD your God
gives you
Commandment related to murderverse 13
YOU shall not kill
Commandment related to adulteryverse 14
YOU shall not commit adultery
Commandment related to stealingverse 15
YOU shall not steal
Commandment related to false testimonyverse 16
YOU shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor
Commandment related to covetousnessverse 17
YOU shall not covet thy neighbor’s house – wife
nor his manservant – maidservant – ox – ass
nor any thing that is your neighbor’s
People trembled in fearverses 18-21
And all the people saw the thunderings – and the lightnings
and noise of the trumpet – and the mountain smoking
and when the people saw it
they removed – and stood AFAR OFF
They said to Moses
Speak you with us – and we will hear
BUT let not God speak with us – LEST we die
And Moses said to the people
Fear not – FOR God is come to PROVE you
and that HIS fear may be before you
that you SIN NOT
And the people stood AFAR OFF
and Moses DREW NEAR to the thick darkness
where God was
LORD talked personally to children of Israelverses 22-23
And the LORD said to Moses
Thus you shall say to the children of Israel
You have seen that I have TALKED
with you from HEAVEN
You shall not make with ME gods of silver
neither shall you make unto you gods of gold
Building of altars to the LORDverses 24-26
An altar of earth you shall make to ME
and sacrifice thereon your burnt offerings
and your peace offerings – your sheep – and your oxen
in all places where I record MY NAME
I will come unto you – and I will bless you
And IF you will make ME an altar of stone
you shall not build it of hewn stone
FOR if you lift up your TOOL upon it
you has POLLUTED it
Neither shall you go up by STEPS to MINE altar
that your nakedness be not discovered thereon
: 7 You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that takes HIS name in vain. (7723 “vain” [shav’] means false, lying, emptiness, vanity, destruction, futile, inconsequential, unrestrained, or the quality of being valueless or futile)
DEVOTION: Our language is so important to the LORD. We have to watch what we say at all times. Our words should be words that we will not regret later. Our words should be words that we can say in front someone we really respect.
Remember that every word we say is recorded in our brain for future reference on the Day of Judgment for those who reject Jesus Christ. Those who are believers will be chastened of the LORD for the use of wrong words.
Some of the words that are used today take the name of the LORD in vain.
This means that we are not to use the name of the LORD when we are telling a lie. If we use the name of the LORD for no good purpose it is a sin. We use HIS name to swear to tell the truth and then lie in a courtroom situation.
Truthfulness is what the LORD expects from those who serve HIM. There is an old saying: “that if you can’t say something nice, then don’t say anything at all.” The problems is that the LORD wants us to say the truth but in a loving manner. This is especially true when we use HIS name to complete our statements.
Too often I have witnessed those who claim to be Christians who think nothing of using the name of Jesus or Christ or God in a manner that would not please the LORD.
CHALLENGE: This should change.
DAILY SPIRITUAL LUNCH: Transitional Believers
: 12 Honor your father and your mother: that your days may be long on the land which the LORD your God gives you. (3513 “Honor” [kabad] means to weigh heavily upon, to be weighty, to show esteem or honor towards, distinguish, glorify, to make heavy, or glorify)
DEVOTION: Children have an awesome responsibility given to them by the LORD. They are to honor their parents. This means that they are to be obedient to their parents when they give them instructions that are pleasing to the LORD.
Some parents try to teach their children to do things that are displeasing to the LORD like lying and stealing. This would break the commandments the LORD has given regarding these matters. They should not obey their parents when they tell them to do wrong things.
However, when parents who are not believers ask their children to do things that are not against the commands of the LORD, they should do them with a smile on their face.
Obedience is important to God. Our obedience has to start with HIM and then to those who have authority over us. This is the only commandment with a promise attached to it.
Those children who followed the LORD and obeyed parents who gave commands that are pleasing to the LORD were promised longer life. This can be true because there would be good habits established from birth to the time that these children moved out of the house to start their own home.
With proper training this family could have children, grandchildren and great grandchildren who were obedient to the LORD and their godly parents. The Bible states in verse five that the iniquity of the fathers can be upon the children to the third and fourth generation. The opposite is true also.
Children obey your parents in the LORD. Parents train your children in the ways of the LORD. Grandparents help parents to train properly through prayer and advice when asked.
CHALLENGE: Parents and children each have an important responsibility in their relationship to each other. Good parents love the LORD enough to raise their children properly. That means a LOT OF PRAYER and TRAINING.
: 22 And the LORD said unto Moses, Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, You have seen that I have talked with you from heaven. (8064 “heaven” [shamayim] means abode of God, sky, or atmosphere).
DEVOTION: The LORD made a point of saying that the children of Israel heard HIS voice when HE gave the Ten Commandments. Their reaction was one of fear. They knew that HE had been talking to Moses but when HE talked with them they understood that HE was serious about setting a standard for HIS people.
HE didn’t want them to doubt that HE existed and had a special relationship with them. HE wanted them to listen to Moses from this time on with a special understanding that would leave no doubt in their mind that HE not only existed but that HE was communicating with them on a regular basis through HIS chosen servant or servants.
The children of Israel saw God move from heaven to the mountain and talk with them. God was proving them according to Moses. HE wanted their fear to be a fear of reverence not of just punishment. Their reverent fear would cause them not to want to sin.
The LORD communicates with us through the Word of God. We have enough revelation from HIM to know what we should do in all situations. The Holy Spirit confirms if our actions are right in HIS sight. There is pruning and correcting that goes on in our lives on a regular basis.
As the children of God because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ we have a special relationship with HIM similar to the children of Israel had in the Old Testament.
When we meditate on the Word of God we can grow in our relationship with HIM. The triune God spoke to us through Jesus Christ.
CHALLENGE: Jesus Christ had a physical presents in the first century and HIS disciples recorded what HE spoke and how HE acted. We are to follow HIS example.
: 24 An altar of earth you shall make to me, and shall sacrifice thereon your burnt offerings, and your peace offerings, your sheep, and your oxen: in all places where I record my name, I will come to you, and I will bless you. ( 2142 “record” [zakar] means to mark, to remember, or be mindful)
DEVOTION: We live in a day when it is wrong to have the TEN COMMANDMENTS in our public places. They are not to be in the courtroom. They are not to be in our state capitals. They are not to be in our schools. Some people think that they can separate the church and the state. Some people think that they can compartmentalize life in such a way that they can push God out. Most people DON’T want to obey the TEN COMMANDMENTS. They want to live the way they want to live without any interference from God.
The children of Israel were going to be moving around the land. They were commanded to build altars to the LORD in every special location. There are special places that the LORD wants to be remembered and in those places the children of Israel are to build an altar. On Mount Sinai God gave the children of Israel the TEN WORDS.
These Ten Commandments were the standard by which the children of Israel were to live by. However, the LORD knew that they would not be able to live by these commandments. The New Testament teaches us that these were given to show us that we are sinners and in need of a Savior. There is only one Savior and that is Jesus Christ. HIS death on the cross was the appeasing sacrifice for our sins.
Therefore, the LORD gave them instructions regarding offering sacrifices to HIM. HE gave them instructions on how to build an altar to sacrifice to HIM. HE wanted them to know that HE didn’t want a fancy building or altars but ones that gave HIM the GLORY.
The New Testament tells us that we are to offer sacrifices to the LORD. These sacrifices are SPIRITUAL sacrifices as something different than PHYSICAL sacrifices that the children of Israel were to offer.
Are we offering our SPIRITUAL sacrifices to the LORD on a regular basis? Do we know what the SPIRITUAL sacrifices are that we are to offer to the LORD?
If some don’t know what they are please write and I will send a list. Remember that the LORD wants to leave HIS mark on each of us. In the Old Testament HE left HIS mark on places, so that, the people would remember HIS power. Now HE wants to leave HIS mark in us, so that, people see that HE does make a difference in our lives.
We cannot and will not ever be able to live a sinless life here on this earth. All individuals who have a human father and mother will be born with a sin nature.
CHALLENGE: ONLY Christ can give us a new nature. Repentance of sin is necessary for us to have a personal relationship with Christ. Our lives need to have the mark of the LORD on them.
26 Neither shall you go up by steps to mine altar, that your nakedness be not discovered thereon. (6172 “nakedness” [ʿervah] means 1 nakedness, nudity, shame, pudenda. 1a pudenda (implying shameful exposure). 1b nakedness of a thing, indecency, improper behavior. 1c exposed, undefended (fig.). [Strong, J. (1995). Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon. Woodside Bible Fellowship])
DEVOTION: God here establishes rules for approaching His altar, and states that it must be on level ground so as not to expose the people. What is interesting about this is that God made man and knows exactly what men’s and women’s anatomy is like. In addition, prior to the Fall, both man and woman were naked and not ashamed, and it is after the Fall that first man, and then God, clothes the man and the woman. So, this prohibition is not directed specifically toward God, but rather toward man.
God knows our fallen natures, and that we desire to be sexually stimulated. That is why He set boundaries as to when and where we could expose the private areas of our bodies. In our day, people have largely ignored these boundaries through the widespread use of pornography, and seem to think that there are not going to be any consequences for this. The point is that God is concerned that our thoughts always be upon Him rather that our own selfish lusts, and that when we give in to lust, we have lost our focus on Him.
The statistics say that 75-80% of “Christian” males are users of pornography. If this statistic is even close to being true (based on self-confessions), then we need to alert to this in the church and warning people about it. We need to recover the idea that sex is holy and good when God blesses it inside the boundaries of a monogamous marriage, but otherwise violates His statutes. For women, the reading of romance novels is just as addictive as porn is to men.
What we see in this passage is that God is concerned about our holiness, especially when we approach His altar. We need to be sure that our thoughts are clean and pure as we go to worship Him each morning, and that we confess any known sin.
CHALLENGE: Is there any area of moral impurity that you need to repent of and confess before God today? If so, get with a trusted brother or sister and ask for their help.
Chastity (Purity in living)
Fasting (Time alone with LORD without eating or drinking)
Sacrifice (Giving up something we want to serve the LORD)
Submission (Willing to listen to others and LORD)
Solitude (Going to a quiet place without anyone)
Fellowship (Gathering together around the Word of God)
Frugality (wise use of resources)
Journalizing (Writing down what you have learned from the LORD)
Study and Meditation (Thinking through your study in the Word)
Secrecy (Doing your good deeds without others knowing but God)
Celebration (Gathering around a special occasion to worship LORD)
Confession (Tell the LORD we are sorry for our sins on a daily basis)
Prayer (Conversation with God on a personal level)
Silence (Letting the LORD deal with some problems and needs)
Worship (Time to praise the LORD alone or in a group)
Sabbath day: holyverses 8, 10
Seventh day of week
No work
Altar of earthverse 24
Sacrificeverse 24
Altar of stoneverses 25-26
Not of hewn stone
No tools or it is polluted
No steps that shows nakedness
Scripture (66 inerrant books of the Bible)
Keep MY commandmentsverse 6
God the Father (First person of the Godhead)
God (Elohim)verses 1, 2, 5, 7, 10, 12, 19-21
LORD (Jehovah)verses 2, 5, 7, 10-12, 22
LORD your Godverses 2, 5, 7, 10, 12
Brought children of Israel out of land of Egyptverse 22
Jealous Godverse 5
Visits iniquity of the fathers on four generationsverse 5
Show mercy on those who love MEverse 6
Creatorverse 11
Six days
Rested on seventh dayverse 11
Blessed the Sabbathverse 11
Made Sabbath holyverse 11
God come to prove peopleverse 20
Fear of the LORDverse 20
Talked from heaven to children of Israelverse 22
I will comeverse 24
I will blessverse 24
God the Son (Second person of the Godhead – God/man, Messiah)
God the Holy Spirit (Third person of the Godhead – our comforter)
Trinity (Three persons of the Godhead who are co-equal = ONE God)
Angels (Created before the foundation of the world – Good and Evil)
Man (Created on the sixth twenty-four hour period of creation)
Land of Egyptverse 1
Strangerverse 10
Neighborverses 16, 17
Not steal
Bear false witness
Covet his house, wife, manservant,
Maidservant, ox, ass, anything
Sin (Missing the mark set by God on man and angels)
Other godsverses 3, 23
Graven imagesverses 4, 23
Bow down to false godsverse 5
Serve other godsverse 5
Iniquityverse 5
Hate Godverse 5
Take God’s name in vainverse 7
Not keep Sabbath dayverse 8
Working on Sabbathverses 9, 10
No one in household work on Sabbathverse 10
Not honoring parentsverse 12
Killverse 13
Adulteryverse 14
Stealverse 15
Bear false witnessverse 16
Covetverse 17
Sinverse 20
Altar of hewn stoneverse 25
Pollute altarverse 25
Build an altar with stepsverse 26
Exposed nakednessverse 26
Salvation (Provided by Christ’s death on the cross for our sins)
Mercyverse 6
Love LORDverse 6
Keep HIS commandmentsverse 6
Guiltlessverse 7
Holyverse 8
Work six daysverse 9
Honor parentsverse 12
Long life for those who honor parentsverse 12
Fear of the LORDverse 20
Prove or test usverse 20
Sacrifice to the LORDverse 24
Presence of LORDverse 24
Blessed of the LORDverse 24
Israel (Old Testament people of God)
Sabbath dayverses 8, 10
Not do any work
Mosesverses 19-20
People said they would hear him
Told people to fear not
Drew near to thick darkness of God
LORD spoke to him
Not make false gods
Make an altar of earth
Sacrifice burnt offerings
Sacrifice peace offerings
Children of Israelverse 22
Sacrificesverse 24
Burnt offeringsverse 24
Peace offeringsverse 24
Altar of stoneverses 25, 26
Church (New Testament people of God)
Last Things (Future Events)
Die verse 19
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QUOTES regarding passage
24–26 This passage has played a major role in critical scholarship. The claim has been that the Deuteronomic legislation, requiring one central sanctuary (e.g., Deut 12:5, 11, 14, 18, 21), is a clear advance over this Sinaitic legislation that allows sacrifices at numerous places that the Divine Presence has sanctified. This view cannot be endorsed for many reasons. Just to state one: Deuteronomy 27:1–8 enjoins Israel to build an altar on Mount Ebal (not in Jerusalem!), in the very words of Exodus 20:24, which Deuteronomy was supposed to have revoked (see Kaiser, Old Testament Theology pp. 131–33).
These modest earthen altars were temporary in form and after a while occasional in usage (see the patriarchs’ altars in Gen 12:7; 13:18; 22:9). Stone altars were not to be hewn with a “tool” (ḥereḇ usually translated elsewhere as “sword”), possibly so that no one could turn it into an image or some other fetish. Likewise, steps were not to be built up to the altars. The reason is that the long garment would trail behind the worshiper on the steps as he descended and thus possibly expose his nakedness. Later on, when altars with steps were allowed to be built (Lev 9:22; Ezek 43:13–17), the priests were instructed to wear linen undershorts (28:40–42; Ezek 44:18). (Kaiser, W. C., Jr. (1990). Exodus. In F. E. Gaebelein (Ed.), The Expositor’s Bible Commentary: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers (Vol. 2, pp. 428–429). Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House)
On an altar the people were to offer burnt offerings and fellowship offerings, which would result in His name being honored and their lives being blessed. Reference to a single altar indicates that God intended that worship should be centralized in one place. The altar was to be unadorned by craftsmanship; it was to be of earth (i.e., of natural stones; cf. Deut. 27:5–7), and without steps so the priests would not be indecently exposed. Altars with elaborate craftsmanship and elevated platforms with staircases were common in the worship of false deities. (Hannah, J. D. (1985). Exodus. In J. F. Walvoord & R. B. Zuck (Eds.), The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures (Vol. 1, pp. 140–141). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books)
A simple altar of earth or unhewn stone would be acceptable to the Lord. If the stones were chiseled, they would become like idols, and the work of man would become more important than the worship of God. The natural stone provided by the Lord was all He would accept.
Both nudity and intercourse with temple prostitutes were a part of many pagan religious ceremonies, and these were expressly forbidden by the Lord. God commanded the Jewish priests to wear special garments to cover their nakedness (Ex. 28:42–43; Lev. 6:10), and if they failed to obey, they were in danger of being killed (Ex. 28:35, 43). (Wiersbe, W. W. (1998). Be delivered (p. 116). Colorado Springs, CO: Chariot Victor Pub)
20:22–26 Sacrifices, offerings, and altars were not unknown to Israel and were already part of certain worship ceremonies. Neither the earthen nor stone altars would have even a hint of being shaped to represent something more specific, so the restrictions on the form and the method of building would ensure the appropriateness and propriety of their worship. (MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (2006). The MacArthur study Bible: New American Standard Bible. (Ex 20:22–26). Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers.)
Exodus 20:22–26 deals with laws pertaining to the types of altars that are permissible for Israel to make and use. Those made of beaten clay and unhewn stone are allowable. Clearly some altars were too similar to those used by the Canaanites and were not to be copied. The statement about the priest’s nakedness in verse 26 is most curious. When this same word for “nakedness” occurs elsewhere in the Pentateuch (e.g., Lev. 20:17–21), it has to do with sexual impropriety. Therefore “nakedness” here probably refers to the type of Canaanite fertility rituals that included sexual acts such as those described in Amos 2:7–8 (Hoffmeier, J. K. (1995). Exodus. In Evangelical Commentary on the Bible (Vol. 3, p. 55). Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House.)
Ver. 25. And if thou wilt make me an altar of stone, &c.] If they chose instead of an earthen one to make one of stone, as they might in rocky places, where they came, and in such an one where they now were, Mount Sinai, under which hill an altar was built, ch. 24:4 thou shalt not build it of hewn stone; which would require time and occasion expense, to hew and polish them in an artificial way; but it was to be built of rude and unpolished stones, just as they were taken out of the quarry, or found lying by the way, and which were laid up in an heap one upon another, and was done with little trouble, and without any ornament, and easily separated and thrown down, when become useless: the reason of this law, as given by Maimonides, is this, “because the idolaters of that time built their altars of hewn stones, therefore God forbad it, lest we should be like them, and that we might shun it in all things, he commanded the altar to be made of earth, as it is said, an altar of earth shalt thou make unto me; and if it could not be made without stones, that the stones should remain in their own natural form, and be neither hewn nor polished; as he after forbad a painted stone, and a plantation of trees by an altar; for in each of these there is one and the same intention and design, namely, that we might not worship him in the same manner in which idolaters used to worship their fictitious deities:” for if thou lift up thy tool upon it; or, thy sword; it signifies any tool or instrument made of iron as a sword is, and here such an one as is used in hewing of stone; which, if lifted up on the altar, or on any of the stones of which it is built, to strike and hew them with, thou hast polluted it; and so made it unfit for use: how this should be done hereby is not easy to say, no good reason seems to be assignable for it but the will and pleasure of God; who so appointed it, and reckoned that a pollution, and would have it so thought by others, which with men is accounted ornamental; his thoughts and judgment are not as man’s: the Targum of Jonathan is, “for if thou liftest up iron, of which a sword is made, upon a stone, thou wilt profane it:” the reason which the Misnic doctors give, and Jarchi from them, is, “because iron was created to shorten the days of men, but the other was made to prolong the days of men: and therefore it cannot be just that that which shortens should be lifted up and agitated over that which prolongs:” but Maimonides gives a better reason of it, as Abarbinel understands him, which was to prevent persons making images in stonesz, which image-making is the thing guarded against and forbidden in the context; but still better is that of Isaac Arama, that the hands of the artificer were to abstain from the stones of the altar, lest that good which men obtain of God at the altar should be attributed to any work of their’s: though, after all, it is right what Aben Ezra, says, that it does not belong to us to search after the reasons of the commands, at least not in too curious and bold a manner, and where God is silent and has not thought fit to give any.
Ver. 26. Neither shalt thou go up by steps unto mine altar, &c.] That is, you priests, the sons of Aaron, as the Targums of Jonathan and Jerusalem paraphrase the words; the altar of burnt-offering built when the tabernacle was seemed not to require any, being but three cubits high, Exod. 27:1 but that in Solomon’s temple did, being ten cubits high, 2 Chron. 4:1 and therefore some method must be used to ascend it, and do the business that was to be done on it: now the Jews say, there was what they call Kibbesh, a sort of a causeway made of earth thrown up, which rose gradually and led to the top of the altar, and was about 32 cubits long and 16 broad: and so the Targum of Jonathan paraphrases the words, “thou shalt not go up by steps to mine altar, but by bridges;” express mention is made of stairs to the altar in Ezekiel’s vision, ch. 43:17 that thy nakedness be not discovered thereon; that part of the body which is not to be named, and ought not to be seen, and which would be exposed if there were many steps, and these at a distance from each other; which would oblige them to take large strides, and so be in danger of discovering those parts which would make them the object of contempt and ridicule with the people; since as yet breeches were not used, and the garments were long loose ones, which were easily turned aside, or the parts under them seen by those below; to prevent which, afterwards linen breeches were ordered to be made for the priests, and to be used by them in their service: Maimonides thinks the reason of this was, because formerly the idolatrous worship of Peor was performed by uncovering of their nakedness before it; and so by this is expressed God’s detestation of such an impure and abominable practice; but this is uncertain; however, this we may be sure of, that this is the will of God, that all immodesty and indecency, and whatever tends to create impure thoughts and stir up unclean lusts, should be carefully avoided in his worship. (Gill, J. (1810). An Exposition of the Old Testament (Vol. 1, pp. 434–435). London: Mathews and Leigh.)
(Remember the only author that I totally agree with is the HOLY SPIRIT in the inerrant WORD OF GOD called THE BIBLE! All other I try to gleam what I can to help me grow in the LORD!!)
Quote: The Hillbilly’s Ten Commandments (posted on the wall at Cross Trails Church in Gainesboro, TN)
(1) Just one God
(2) Put nothin’ before God
(3) Watch yer mouth
(4) Git yourself to Sunday meetin’
(5) Honor yer Ma & Pa
(6) No killin’
(7) No foolin’ around with another fellow’s gal
(8) Don’t take what ain’t yers
(9) No tellin’ tales or gossipin’
(10) Don’t be hankerin’ for yer buddy’s stuff
Daniel 3
God supernaturally protects Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the fiery furnace.
What courage it took to defy the king! Nebuchadnezzar sets up a golden image and orders everyone to bow down to it. When the Jews are brought to him in violation of the order, they say, “God may protect us from the fire, but even if He doesn’t, let it be known that we are not going to serve your gods!” Surely God gives His grace in times such as these. For those of us who are living in easier times, our total dedication to the Lord must be seen in our selfless commitment to serving Him. (Quiet Walk)
Inheritance in Our Father’s House
“And Rachel and Leah answered and said unto him, Is there yet any portion or inheritance for us in our father’s house?” (Genesis 31:14)
This is the first mention of the word “inheritance” in the Bible, and, appropriately enough, its theme is the futility of basing one’s future plans on the hope of any earthly estate.
No earthly inheritance could ever compare with “the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints” (Ephesians 1:18), with one exception—one heritage that the Lord does grant in this life: “Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward” (Psalm 127:3). This promise no doubt applies to spiritual as well as physical children, but nowhere else in Scripture does God promise any kind of material inheritance to His loved ones. The reason for this exception is that the only material blessing capable of sharing our eternal inheritance is our children when we lead them to Christ.
Our real inheritance is called an “eternal inheritance” (Hebrews 9:15), an “inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled” (1 Peter 1:4), and a “glorious inheritance” (Ephesians 1:18). In one of the great Messianic psalms, the Lord Jesus, as the sin-bearing, suffering Son of man, testifies as follows: “The LORD is the portion of my inheritance….The lines [that is, the surveying lines bounding His ‘lot’] are fallen unto me in pleasant places; yea, I have a goodly heritage” (Psalm 16:5-6). In fact, He has been “appointed heir of all things” (Hebrews 1:2).
We are sometimes better off with little or no earthly inheritance, but when we are born again through receiving the saving death and life of Christ, we become “children of God: and if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ” (Romans 8:16,17). In Christ, the Lord also becomes the portion of our inheritance.
(HMM, The Institute for Creation Research)
He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him. John 3:36
Another moral attribute of God that the Bible emphasizes is the righteousness or the justice of God. Now this follows, of course, inescapably, from the holiness of God. What is righteousness? Well, it is holiness manifested in God’s dealings with us. I think that is as good a definition as you can get. Or you can look at it like this: It is that quality in God that always reveals God as doing that which is right. It is that in God which makes Him incapable of doing anything that is wrong.
Righteousness and justice are the carrying out of God’s holiness and the expression of it in the government of the world. A further definition still is that the righteousness of God is God’s love of holiness, and the justice of God is God’s abomination of sin. And I think that is the definition that most commends itself. Now the righteousness and the justice of God, of course, are revealed almost everywhere in the Scriptures. The wrath of God is taught in both the Old and New Testaments. Our Lord Himself taught it; one of the cardinal doctrines of the whole Bible is that God has a hatred of sin, which He expresses in His wrath. If anyone does not believe, says John, then “the wrath of God abideth on him” (John 3:36). We are all by nature, says Paul, “the children of wrath” (Ephesians 2:3).
But God’s righteousness and justice are not only manifested in His wrath. He reveals the same qualities in forgiving our sins. Having prepared the way of forgiveness, if we conform to it, the justice of God comes in, and by His justice God forgives us. And God prepared the way of forgiveness by providing propitiation for our sins–and this is the most remarkable thing of all.
A Thought to Ponder: Righteousness is holiness manifested in God”s dealings with us.
(From God the Father, God the Son, pp. 72-73, by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones)
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