Ezekiel 16
Birth of the nation of Israel verse 1- 5
Again the word of the LORD came unto me – saying
Son of man – cause Jerusalem to know her abominations
and say
Thus says the Lord GOD to Jerusalem
Your birth and the nativity is of the land of Canaan
Your father was an Amorite and your mother an Hittite
And as for your nativity in the day you were born your navel
was not cut neither were you washed in water
to supple you
You was not salted at all
nor swaddled at all
No eye pitied you – to do any of these to you
to have compassion upon you
BUT you were cast out in the open field
to the loathing of your person
in the day that you were born
LORD gave life to the nation of Israel verse 6- 7
AND when I passed by you
and saw you polluted in thine own blood
I said unto you when you were in your blood – Live
Yea – I said to you when you was in thy blood
I have caused you to multiply as the bud of the field
and you have increased and waxen great
and you are come to excellent ornaments
your breasts are fashioned
and thine hair is grown
whereas you were naked and bare
List of gives the LORD gave Israel verse 8- 14
NOW when I passed by you – and looked upon you
BEHOLD – your time was the time of love
And I spread MY shirt over you – and covered your nakedness
YEA – I swore unto you and entered into a covenant
with you says the Lord GOD
and you became MINE
THEN washed I you with water
YEA – I thoroughly washed away your blood
from you and I anointed you with oil
I clothed you also with embroidered work
and shod you with badgers’ skin
and I girded you about with fine linen
and I covered you with silk
I decked you also with ornaments
and I put bracelets upon your hands
and a chain on your neck
and I put a jewel on your forehead
and earrings in your ears
and a beautiful crown upon your head
Thus were you decked with gold and silver
and your raiment was
of fine linen- silk- embroidered work
You did eat fine flour – honey – oil
and you were exceeding beautiful
and you did prosper into a kingdom
And your renown went forth among the heathen
for your beauty
for it was perfect through MY comeliness
which I had put upon you
says the Lord GOD
Sin entered the life of nation of Israel verse 15- 19
BUT you did trust in your own beauty
and played the harlot because of your renown
and poured out your fornications on every one
that passed by his it was
And of your garments you did take
and deck your high places with divers colors
and played the harlot thereupon
the like things shall not come
neither shall it be so
You have also taken your fair jewels of MY gold and MY silver
which I had given you
and make to yourself IMAGES of MEN
and did commit whoredom with them
and took your embroidered garments
and covered them
and you have set MINE oil
and MINE incense before them
MY meat also which I gave you – fine flour – oil – honey
wherewith I fed you
you have even set it before them for a sweet savor
and thus it was – says the Lord GOD
Sin of offering children to false gods verse 20- 22
MOREOVER you have taken your sons and your daughters
whom you have borne to ME
and these have you sacrificed
unto them to be devoured
Is this of your whoredoms a small matter
that have slain MY children
and delivered them to cause them
to pass through the fire for them?
AND in all your abominations and your whoredoms you have
not remembered the days of your youth
when you were naked and bare
and was polluted in your blood
Israel built high places to false gods verse 23- 25
AND it came to pass after all your wickedness
(woe- woe unto you – says the Lord GOD)
that you have also built to you an eminent place
and have made you an high place in every street
you have built your high place at every head of the way
and have made your beauty to be abhorred
and have opened your feet
to everyone that passed by
and multiplied your whoredoms
Israel played the harlot with other nations verse 26- 29
You have committed fornication with the Egyptians your neighbors
great of flesh and have increased your whoredoms
to provoke ME to anger
BEHOLD – THEREFORE – I have stretched out MY hand over you
and have diminished your ordinary food
and delivered you to the will of them that hate you
the daughters of the Philistines
which are ashamed of your lewd way
You have played the whore also with the Assyrians
BECAUSE you were insatiable
YEA – you have played the harlot with them
and yet could not be satisfied
You have moreover multiplied your fornications
in the land of Canaan – unto Chaldea
and YET you was not satisfied herewith
Israel built places of false worship verse 30- 34
How weak is your heart – says the Lord GOD
seeing you do all these things
the work of an imperious whorish woman
In that you build your eminent place in the head of every way
and make your high place in every street
and have not been as an harlot
in that you scorn hire
BUT as a wife that commits adultery
which takes strangers instead of her husband
They give gifts to all whores
BUT you give your gifts to all your lovers – and hires them
that they may come unto you on every side
for your whoredom
AND the contrary is in you from other women in your whoredoms
whereas none follow you to commit whoredoms
and in that you give a reward
and no reward is given unto you
THEREFORE you are contrary
LORD going to use false lovers to judge Israel verse 35- 37
WHEREFORE – O harlot
hear the word of the LORD
Thus says the Lord GOD
BECAUSE your filthiness was poured out
and your nakedness discovered through your
whoredoms with your lovers
and with all the idols of your abominations
and by the blood of your children
which you did give to them
BEHOLD – THEREFORE I will gather all your lovers
with whom you have taken pleasure
and all them that you have loved
with all them that you have hated
I will even gather them round about against you
and will discover your nakedness to them
that they may see all your nakedness
LORD acknowledges Israel breaking marriage vows verse 38
And I will judge you
as women that break wedlock
and shed blood are judged
And I will give you blood in fury and jealousy
LORD judges Israel for their sins verse 39- 42
And I will also give you into their hand
and they shall throw down your eminent place
and shall break down your high places
they shall strip you also of your clothes
and shall take your fair jewels
and leave you naked and bare
They shall also bring up a company against you
and they shall stone you with stones
and thrust you through with their swords
And they shall burn your houses with fire
and execute judgments upon you
in the sight of many women
and I will cause you to cease from playing the harlot
and you shall give no hire any more
SO will I make MY fury toward you to rest
and MY jealousy shall depart from you
and I will be quiet – and will be no more angry
LORD states that Israel has no memory verse 43
BECAUSE you have not remembered the days of your youth
BUT have fretted ME in all these things
THEREFORE I will recompense your way
upon your head says the Lord GOD
and you shall not commit this lewdness above
all your abominations
LORD compares Israelites to Sodom verse 44- 45
BEHOLD – every one that uses proverbs shall use
this proverb against you
As is the mother – so is her daughter
You are your mother’s daughter
that loathes her husband and her children
and you are the sister of your sisters
which loathes their husbands
and their children
your mother was an Hittite
and your father an Amorite
LORD deals with sins of Samaria verse 46- 50
AND your elder sister is Samaria
she and her daughters that dwell at your left hand – and your younger sister
that dwells at your right hand – is Sodom and her daughters
YET have you not walked after their ways
nor done after their abominations
BUT – as if that were a very little thing
you were corrupted more than they in all your ways
AS I live – says the Lord God – Sodom your sister has not done
she nor her daughters – as you have done
you and your daughters
BEHOLD – this was the iniquity of your sister Sodom
pride – fullness of bread
and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters
neither did she strengthen the hand of the
poor and needy
And they were haughty – and committed abominations before ME
THEREFORE I took them away as I saw good
LORD compares sins of Samaria with sins of Judah verse 51- 52
Neither has Samaria committed half of your sins
BUT you have multiplied your abominations more than they
and have justified your sisters in all your abominations
which you have done
You also – which have judged your sisters
bear your own shame for your sins that you have committed
more abominable than they
they are more righteous than you
yea – be you confounded also
and bear your shame
in that you have justified your sisters
LORD lists sins of Judah verse 53- 58
WHEN I shall bring again their captivity
the captivity of Sodom and her daughters
and the captivity of Samaria and her daughters
THEN will I bring again the captivity of your captives
in the midst of them
that you may bear your own shame
and may be confounded in all that you have done
in that you are a comfort unto them
WHEN your sisters – Sodom and her daughters
shall return to their former estate
and Samaria and her daughters
shall return to their former estate
THEN you and your daughters shall return to
your former estate
FOR your sister Sodom was not mentioned by your mouth
in the day of your pride
BEFORE your wickedness was discovered
as at the time of your reproach of the daughters of Syria
and all that are round about her
the daughters of the Philistines
which despised you round about
You have borne your lewdness and your abominations
says the LORD
LORD going to establish an everlasting covenant verse 59- 63
FOR thus says the Lord GOD
I will even deal with you as you have done
which have despised the oath in breaking the covenant
NEVERTHELESS I will remember MY covenant with you
in the days of your youth
and I will establish unto you an
everlasting covenant
THEN you shall remember your ways – and be ashamed
WHEN you shall receive your sisters
your elder and your younger
and I will give them unto you for daughters
but not by your covenant
And I will establish MY covenant with you
that you may remember – and be confounded
and never open your mouth any more
because of your shame
when I am pacified toward you
for all that you have done
says the Lord GOD
: 8 Now when I passed by you, and looked on you, behold, your time was the time of love; and I spread MY skirt over you, and covered your nakedness; yea, I swore to you, and entered into a covenant with you, says the Lord GOD, and you became MINE. (1730 “love” [dowd] means beloved, a deep feeling and attraction, object of love, a romantic kindred spirit, one who is in close association to another, or the state or condition of romantic affection.)
DEVOTION: This chapter is one that states the relationship between Israel and the LORD at the beginning. HE chose her to be his bride. HE chose her to be with HIM forever. This is a marriage made in heaven. God was faithful but HIS bride was not faithful.
The verse describes the beginning of HIS relationship with Israel. HE knows her lineage. HE knew her from the beginning with the calling of Abraham. HE followed her history until HE established her as a nation. HE gave her great blessing. HE showed HIS love for her.
However, she didn’t return HIS love. She went after other gods. She worshiped the false gods of the nations around her. HE called her back to HIMSELF but she would not listen. It is because of her wandering from HIM that HE had to judge her for her lack of acceptance of their relationship.
Now things are different. HE had established a covenant with her but in her actions she broke the covenant. HE had to deal with her because HE was holy and she was not. This is true today with the church.
God has established a covenant with the church through HIS Son Jesus Christ who died on the cross for all those who believe. Those who believe are supposed to join the one true church. This church honors the LORD and wants to serve the LORD.
However, as the children of Israel have broken their covenant with the LORD many churches are not worshiping HIM in spirit and in truth. They are wandering after false gods. They are teaching that we can be PC with the world and still be OK with HIM. This is a lie. God is going to have to judge the church as HE judged Israel.
There is going to be a remnant in our time as there was in this time period of Israel. HE is going to spare this remnant from the judgment that is going to follow not only in this earth but also in eternity.
CHALLENGE: We must be part of the remnant that is faithful to our Savior Jesus Christ. HE is our bridegroom and we are HIS bride. The faithful church is one that is working to honor the LORD.
DAILY SPIRITUAL LUNCH: Transitional Believers
: 32 But as a wife that commits adultery, which takes strangers instead of her husband. (2114 “strangers” [zuwr] means estranged, foreigner, enemy, a person who does not belong in the environment in which they are found, often of those from another region or country or illegitimate)
DEVOTION: Here we find that Israel was going to those who were foreigners or illegitimate. They were worshiping false gods that the LORD didn’t approve of and they didn’t seem to care.
The LORD was warning them that this would lead to trouble because HE was their husband. HE was the one who had married them and wanted them to stay married to HIM alone but they were looking for other lovers.
They were not satisfied with the LORD and what HE expected of them. HE wanted them to be faithful to HIM alone but they looked at other nations and saw their false gods and thought they could worship them as well as the LORD.
However, the LORD didn’t want to share them. HE wanted to have them worship HIM alone but they were not practicing an exclusive relationship with HIM and so HE had to judge them for their actions.
This is true today as well. HE wants us to worship HIM alone. HE doesn’t want to share our worship with any other. IF we try to live like the Israelites HE is going to have to judge us like HE did the children of Israel.
The world wants a hold on every believer and with the help of the Holy Spirit we can fight the desire to worship other gods that we find in our world today. Our actions need to please the LORD to receive HIS blessings and if we are not willing to follow HIM alone then the judgment of God will fall on us even today.
CHALLENGE: We have to ask ourselves if we are exclusively following the LORD each day. If our answer is “NO” then we need to change our actions if we want the LORD’S blessings.
: 38 And I will judge you, as women that break wedlock and shed blood are judged; and I will give you blood in fury and jealousy. (5003 “break wedlock” [na’aph] means adultery, idolatrous worship, commit fornication, or to apostatize.)
DEVOTION: My wife and I will be married 48 years. We have four wonderful children who are married to believers and are raising their children (13 grandchildren) to love the LORD.
The LORD established marriage to be between one man and one woman for life. When God created the first couple, HE created one man and one woman. When the man saw the woman he said “WOW.” There should be a WOW factor in every marriage.
God put a WOW factor in HIS marriage to the children of Israel. This chapter reveals how HE established a relationship with them. HE saw their condition and improved on it by establishing a covenant with them. HE gave them many gifts. HE blessed them.
What did they do in response? They took all HIS gifts and blessings and used their possessions to worship false gods. They didn’t honor their marriage vows but committed abominations with many lovers. They didn’t even look in the direction of the ONE who provided all their wealth.
Once we become a follower of Jesus Christ we are promised all the blessing that heaven has to offer. We are promised the peace that passes all understanding. We are promised the presence of the LORD continually. We are promised the engagement ring of the Holy Spirit to bring us to the wedding of us and the bridegroom, Jesus Christ. We are promised an abundant life. The promises are more than can be listed here.
The problem is that we act just like the Israelites with our blessings that the LORD has given us. We start to worship the blessings rather than the LORD. We start looking in other directions for enjoyment. We start thinking that there is more pleasure in this world than in the worship of the LORD. These are thoughts that should not enter the mind of a believer who has the mind of Christ.
Our churches, just like the nation of Israel, begin to look like places where our giving glory to the LORD starts to look like our glory to a religious leader. If we put any man before the LORD we are worshiping an idol. We start using our money for our own personal pleasure rather than to support the work of the ministry of the LORD.
Many people who claim to be Christians think nothing of breaking their vows with other people. This can be forgiven if confession is made but the children of Israel and some people today don’t want to confess. If confession doesn’t take place than the LORD will send judgment on the individuals but also if the church isn’t teaching the Word of God and HIS authority over marriage it will be judged.
It is never too late to confess our sins and reestablish a proper relationship with the LORD before HE has to judge us. Honor the LORD in your relationships with others, especially in marriage.
CHALLENGE: The Biblical church is married to Jesus Christ the bridegroom.
: 63 That you may remember, and be confounded, and never open your mouth anymore because of your shame, when I am pacified toward you for all that you have done, says the Lord GOD. (3722 “pacified” [kaphar] means give a gift, to cover, purge, make atonement, make reconciliation, make amends or cover over with pitch.)
DEVOTION: One point that the LORD is making through the prophet Ezekiel is that HE wants the children of Israel to realize that HE is LORD. HE is Jehovah. Jehovah is a covenant keeping God.
They had broken their covenant with HIM. HE is going to judge them as a woman who breaks her vows in wedlock. HE knows that HE has to cause the people to get to the point that they are ashamed of their sins against HIM.
HE calls Judah Sodom and Samaria her sister. They both are guilt before God. The list of sins is great. Their attitude is one of pride. That pride had to be broken before they could be restored.
Captivity is the only answer. They need to atone for their sins. There are consequences to sin. They need to get to the point where they don’t even open their mouth to the LORD. They will not be like the Pharisee in the temple who thanks God that he is not like the publican.
The LORD remembered HIS covenant with them. HE remembered when they were a young nation. They had forgotten but HE remembered. HE was going to establish HIS everlasting covenant with HIS people. The reason for the captivity was that they needed to remember “I am the LORD.”
We need to get to that point in our lives that we realize that we are no better than others who are around us. We are in a martial relationship with Christ. HE is the bridegroom and we are the bride. We need to make sure that we keep short accounts with God. We need to make sure that we keep short accounts with others.
Today is a new day. Have we forgiven those who have trespassed against us? Do we want the LORD to forgive our trespasses against HIM, so that, we can receive a blessing from HIM? If we don’t forgive humans we can see, why should the LORD forgive us?
Start the new day right. Christ made the atonement for our sins. God is satisfied with HIS atonement. Our fellowship depends on our short accounts with God and others. The LORD promises that in the future the nation of Israel will be blessed again. PTL.
CHALLENGE: Make amends with those around you that you have hurt. Confess your sins to the LORD. Never think that you are sinless before you arrive in heaven. Never think that you can get away with sin and suffer no consequences.
Chastity (Purity in living)
Fasting (Time alone with LORD without eating or drinking)
Sacrifice (Giving up something we want to serve the LORD)
Submission (Willing to listen to others and LORD)
Solitude (Going to a quiet place without anyone)
Fellowship (Gathering together around the Word of God)
Frugality (wise use of resources)
Journalizing (Writing down what you have learned from the LORD)
Study and Meditation (Thinking through your study in the Word)
Secrecy (Doing your good deeds without others knowing but God)
Celebration (Gathering around a special occasion to worship LORD)
Confession (Tell the LORD we are sorry for our sins on a daily basis)
Prayer (Conversation with God on a personal level)
Silence (Letting the LORD deal with some problems and needs)
Worship (Time to praise the LORD alone or in a group)
Scripture (66 inerrant books of the Bible)
Word of the LORD verse 1, 35
God the Father (First person of the Godhead)
LORD – Jehovah (Covenant keeping, Personal) verse 1, 35, 58, 62
Lord – Adonai (Owner, Master) verse 3, 8, 14, 19, 23, 30, 36, 43, 48, 59, 63
GOD – Jehovah verse 3, 8, 14, 19, 23, 30, 36, 43, 48, 59, 63
Lord God verse 3, 8, 14, 19, 23, 30, 36, 43, 48, 59, 63
LORD said “Live” to Israel verse 6
I have caused Jerusalem to live verse 6
I have caused Jerusalem to multiply
as a bud of the field verse 7
LORD spread HIS shirt over Israel
and covered her nakedness verse 8, 32
LORD established a covenant with Israel verse 8
I washed Jerusalem with water verse 9
I anointed you with oil verse 9
I clothed you with broidered work verse 10
I shod you with badgers’ skin verse 10
I covered you with fine linen verse 10
I covered you with silk verse 10
I decked you with ornaments verse 11
I put bracelets on your hands and
a chain on your neck verse 11
I put a jewel on your forehead
and earrings in your ears verse 12, 13
and a beautiful crown on
your head
decked with gold and silver
raiment was of fine linen, silk,
broidered work
Provoked to anger verse 26, 38
Judge verse 38- 42
God the Son (Second person of the Godhead –God/man, Messiah)
God the Holy Spirit (Third person of the Godhead – our comforter)
Trinity (Three persons of the Godhead who are co-equal = ONE God)
Angels (Created before the foundation of the world – Good and Evil)
Man (Created on the sixth twenty-four hour period of creation)
Land of Canaan verse 3, 29
Amorite verse 3, 45
Hittite verse 3, 45
Heathen verse 14
Egyptians verse 26
Philistines verse 27, 57
Assyrians verse 28
Chaldea verse 29
Strangers verse 32
Samaria verse 46, 51,53, 55
Sodom verse 46, 48, 49, 53, 55, 56
Daughters of Syria verse 57
Sin (Missing the mark set by God on man and angels)
Abominations verse 2, 22, 36, 43, 47, 50, 51, 58
Polluted verse 6, 22
Trust in own beauty verse 15
Harlot verse 15, 16, 28, 31, 35, 41
Fornications verse 15, 25, 26, 29
High places verse 16, 24, 25, 31, 39
Images of men – worshiped verse 17- 21, 36
Whoredom verse 17, 20, 22, 25, 26, 28, 33, 34, 36
Worshiped false gods verse 18- 29
Human sacrifices to false gods verse 20- 23, 36
Wickedness verse 23, 57
Hate verse 27, 37
Lewd way verse 27, 43, 58
Unsatiable verse 28
Weak heart verse 30
Imperious whorish woman verse 30
Adultery verse 32
Strangers instead of husband verse 32
Lovers verse 33, 36, 37
Contrary verse 34
Filthiness verse 36
Nakedness discovered verse 36, 37
Idols of abominations verse 36
Break wedlock verse 38
Fretted LORD verse 43
Loathing of husbands and children verse 45
Iniquity verse 49
Pride verse 49, 56
Fulness of bread verse 49
Abundance of idleness verse 49
Forgot the poor and needy verse 49
Haughty verse 50
Sins verse 51, 52
Justified sin verse 51, 52
Shame verse 52, 54, 63
Breaking the covenant verse 59, 61
Salvation (Provided by Christ’s death on the cross for our sins)
Compassion verse 5
Love verse 8
Covenant verse 8, 60, 62
Washed verse 9
Anointed verse 9
Clothed verse 10- 13
Fed verse 13
Comeliness verse 14
Wife verse 32
Judged verse 38
Wedlock verse 38
Recompense verse 43
Righteous verse 52
Everlasting covenant verse 60, 62
Remember God’s way verse 61, 63
Be ashamed verse 61
Know the LORD verse 62
Israel (Old Testament people of God)
Son of man = Ezekiel verse 2
Jerusalem verse 2- 9
To know her abominations
Land of Canaan
Father was an Amorite
Mother an Hittite
LORD cause it to was great
Excellent ornaments
Was naked and bare
Became mine (God’s)
Trusted in your own beauty
Played the harlot because of your renown
Poured out your fornications
Kingdom verse 13
Comeliness of Israel verse 14
Elder sister = Samaria verse 46
Church (New Testament people of God)
Last Things (Future Events)
Everlasting covenant verse 60
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QUOTES regarding passage
This chapter is the longest single prophetic message in the Book of Ezekiel, sixty-three verses, beginning with the revelation formula in 16:1. It follows logically after the declaration of uselessness and consequent judgment in chap. 15, since it graphically portrays the cause for Yahweh’s anger. The vine had not just failed to produce good fruit; it had produced vile, disgusting fruit. This prophetic oracle is a parable about a despised orphan who became the wife of the king, then gave away all his gifts to become a harlot. A figurative biography of Israel, it is a parable about grace and ingratitude, of God’s love spurned and his riches squandered. As such, it is reminiscent of the story of Hosea and Gomer (Hos 1–3). The chapter has six divisions: the orphan who became a queen (16:1–14); the queen who became a harlot (16:15–34); the harlot who became a convict (16:35–43); the convict who became a proverb (16:44–52); the convict and her companions who repented (16:53–58); and the convict who was saved, cleansed, and restored (16:59–63). (Cooper, L. E. (1994). Ezekiel (Vol. 17, pp. 167–168). Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers.)
The Lord visited Jerusalem and claimed her in marriage by spreading his garment over her (v.8; cf. Ruth 3:9). He entered into a marriage covenant with Jerusalem (cf. Prov 2:17; Mal 2:14) as described in Psalm 132:13–17. She became the Lord’s city where he dwelt when David brought the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem and purchased the threshing floor of Arunah, the Jebusite (2 Sam 6; 24), in preparation for the temple’s construction. As a groom to his bride, God lavished marriage gifts on Jerusalem (vv.10–13; cf. Gen 24:53; Ps 45:13–15; Isa 61:10): ornaments, cleansing, anointing, costly garments, jewelry, a crown, and fine foods. She was made exceedingly beautiful and advanced to royalty under the reigns of David and Solomon. Her fame and beauty became renowned throughout the ancient Near East as the capital of the leading nation of that day (v.14; 1 Kings 10; Lam 2:15). Some maintain that this “rags-to-riches” motif was a popular oriental tale (so Taylor), but this view lacks supporting evidence. (Alexander, R. H. (1986). Ezekiel. In F. E. Gaebelein (Ed.), The Expositor’s Bible Commentary: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel (Vol. 6, p. 812). Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House.)
16:8. God again passed by Jerusalem and noticed that she was old enough for love, that is, of marriageable age. God then entered into a covenant of marriage with her. I spread the corner of My garment over you and covered your nakedness. I gave you My solemn oath and entered into a covenant with you … and you became Mine. The symbolic act of spreading the lower part of one’s garment over another signified protection and betrothal (cf. Ruth 3:9). God pledged His fidelity to Jerusalem and took her as His own. The historical event to which this alludes could be the appointment of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and God’s dwelling place. (Dyer, C. H. (1985). Ezekiel. In J. F. Walvoord & R. B. Zuck (Eds.), The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures (Vol. 1, pp. 1255–1256). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.)
This long chapter contains some of the most vivid language found anywhere in Scripture. It is addressed to the city of Jerusalem but refers to the entire nation. The chapter traces the spiritual history of the Jews from “birth” (God’s call of Abraham) through “marriage” (God’s covenant with the people), and up to their “spiritual prostitution” (idolatry) and the sad consequences that followed (ruin and exile). The Lord takes His “wife” to court and bears witness of her unfaithfulness to Him. At the same time, the Lord is replying to the complaints of the people that He had not kept His promises when He allowed the Babylonians to invade the land. God did keep His covenant; it was Israel who broke her marriage vow and also broke the heart of her Lord and invited His chastening (Ezek. 6:9). But as we read the chapter, we must see not only the dark background of Israel’s wickedness but also the bright light of God’s love and grace. “But where sin abounded, grace abounded much more” (Rom. 5:20, nkjv).
Israel experienced a great love (Ezek. 16:1–14). Israel is pictured here as an unwanted child—exposed, abandoned, and left to die, but was then rescued by the Lord and became His wife. Many Jews were excessively proud of their heritage and called the Gentiles “dogs,” but the Lord reminded them that they had descended from the Amorites and the Hittites (see Gen. 10:15–16; Deut. 20:17), and that their great city of Jerusalem was once inhabited by the Jebusites (Josh. 15:63). It wasn’t until the time of David that Jerusalem belonged to the Jews and became the capital of the nation (Josh. 10:5; 2 Sam. 5:6–10). For that matter, their esteemed ancestor Abraham was an idol-worshiping pagan when God graciously called him! (Josh. 24:2–3) So much for national pride.
The parents of the newborn child didn’t even given her the humane treatment that every baby deserves. They didn’t cut the umbilical cord, wash the child, rub her skin with salt” or even wrap her in cloths (“swaddled,” kjv) for her protection and to keep her limbs straight. Without pity or compassion, they threw her out into the open field and exposed her to the elements. The Lord passed by, saw the helpless baby, took pity on her, and saved her. By the power of His Word He gave her life, and this was wholly an act of divine grace. “The God of glory appeared to our father Abraham” (Acts 7:2, nkjv), not because Abraham earned it or deserved it, but because of God’s great love and grace.
The baby grew and became a young woman ready for marriage. The kjv phrase “come to excellent ornaments” in Ezekiel 16:7 means “come to full maturity.” But would any suitor want a young woman who was forsaken by her own parents? By now, Israel was enslaved in the land of Egypt, so the Lord would have to redeem her. He wanted her for Himself so He “passed by” again (vv. 6, 8) and claimed her for His own bride. When a suitor spread his garment over a marriageable girl, that meant they were engaged (Ruth 3:9). He did deliver them from bondage, and at Sinai He entered into a “marriage covenant” with the people of Israel. (See Deut. 32:1–14.)
Once again, the Lord cleansed her and clothed her with beautiful, expensive garments, fit for a queen. During the reign of King David and during Solomon’s early years, Jerusalem was indeed a queenly city and Israel a prosperous kingdom. As long as Israel, Jehovah’s wife, obeyed His Word and kept His covenant, He blessed her abundantly just as He promised. He gave her healthy children, fruitful flocks and herds, abundant harvests, and protection from disease, disaster, and invasion. There wasn’t one word of the covenant that the Lord failed to keep, and the reputation of Israel spread far and wide. During Solomon’s day, foreign rulers came to listen to him (1 Kings 10:1–10, 24–25). (Wiersbe, W. W. (2000). Be reverent (pp. 72–73). Colorado Springs, CO: Chariot Victor/Cook Communications.)
16:8 the time for love. This refers to the marriageable state. Spreading his “skirt” was a custom of espousal (cf. Ru 3:9) and indicates that God entered into a covenant with the young nation at Mt. Sinai (cf. Ex 19:5–8). Making a covenant signifies marriage, the figure of God’s relation to Israel (cf. Jer 2:2; 3:1ff.; Hos 2:2–23). (MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (2006). The MacArthur study Bible: New American Standard Bible. (Eze 16:8). Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers.)
Jehovah looked upon the infant nation in pity and tender consideration. Instead of permitting her enemies to destroy her, He threw the mantle of His protection over her, took her up in grace, nourished and cherished her, saw her develop as from a neglected infant into a fair and beautiful maiden.
In His tender love He cleansed, clothed and adorned her, making her to become the most favored of nations, a witness to His great compassion and His omnipotent power. Thus she became renowned throughout the world, and even the nations that knew not her God, could not fail to realize that she was specially favored by Him who had become her Deliverer and Protector. All was of Him. He acted according to the love of His heart not according to any merit He saw in her.
Instead of responding to such goodness by loyalty to her Redeemer-God, she proved utterly faithless, as the next section reveals. (Ironside, H. A. (1949). Expository notes on Ezekiel, the prophet. (p. 101). Neptune, NJ: Loizeaux Brothers.)
Ver. 8. Now when I passed by thee, and looked upon thee, &c.] Which the Targum refers to the Lord’s appearance to Moses in the bush; see the note on ver. 6: thy time was the time of love; which the Targum explains of the time of redemption of the people of Israel out of Egypt, which was an instance of the great love of God unto that people; and which time was fixed by him; and when it was come, at the exact and precise time, the redemption was wrought; see Gen. 15:13, 14; Exod. 12:40, 41 and so there is a set time for the calling and conversion of God’s elect, who are therefore said to be called according to purpose; and, when that time comes, all means are made to concur to bring it about; and this is a time of love; for though the love of God to his people is before all time, yet it is manifested in time; and there are particular times in which it is expressed unto them; and the time of conversion is one of them; and indeed it is the first time that there is a manifestation and application of the love of God made to the souls of his people: and this is a time of loves; as it is in the original text; denoting the large abundance of it which is now shewn forth; and the various acts of it now done; as bringing of them out of a most miserable condition, out of a horrible pit; plucking them as brands out of the burning; quickening them when dead in sin; speaking comfortably to them, and applying pardoning grace and mercy to their souls: and it may include both the love of God to his people, and their love to him; for now is the love of their espousals, and the kindness of their youth, Jer. 2:2. the grace of love is now implanted, to God and Christ, to his people, word, worship, and ordinances, which before had no place in them: and I spread my skirt over thee, and covered thy nakedness; the Lord espoused the people of Israel to himself in the wilderness, after he had brought them out of Egypt, and took them under the wings of his protection; both which this phrase may be expressive of; see Ruth 3:9. Some understand this of his giving them the spoils of the Egyptians, and also the law: it may very well be applied to the righteousness of Christ, which is often compared to a garment, for which the skirt, a part, is put; and this is put on as a garment, and answers all the purposes of one; and particularly covers the nakedness of men, which their own righteousness will not do; this the Lord spreads over his people, and covers them with; and being clothed with this, they shall not be found naked: yea, I sware unto thee; to his love expressed to his people, and to his covenant be entered into with them, neither of which shall ever be removed; and this makes to their abundant comfort; see Psal. 89:3, 35; Isa. 54:9, 10; Heb. 6:13–18: and entered into covenant with thee, saith the Lord God; as he did with the people of Israel at Horeb, and which was a sort of a marriage-contract with them; see Deut. 29:1; Jer. 31:32. the covenant of grace was made from everlasting with Christ, and the elect in him; but is made manifest at conversion, when the Lord makes himself known unto them as their covenant-God; leads them to Christ the Mediator of it; sends his Spirit down into their hearts, to make them partakers of the grace of it; and shews them their interest in the blessings and promises of it; all which may be meant by the phrase here used: and thou becamest mine; as Israel did at the time before mentioned, became the Lord’s peculiar people, and were avouched as such by him, Exod. 19:5. so, in conversion, those who before were secretly the Lord’s by electing and redeeming grace, become openly his by calling and sanctifying grace. (Gill, J. (1810). An Exposition of the Old Testament (Vol. 6, pp. 67–68). London: Mathews and Leigh.)
(Remember the only author that I totally agree with is the HOLY SPIRIT in the inerrant WORD OF GOD called THE BIBLE! All other I try to gleam what I can to help me grow in the LORD!!)
Samson is subdued and later dies in his final act of resistance.
“Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap” (Galatians 6:7). Samson’s lustful foolishness finally catches up with him, and in a profound example of bad judgment, he discloses the secret of his strength to a woman who had betrayed him repeatedly.
He violates his Nazarite vow, and all his power leaves him. His eyes are gouged out and he dies, not avenging the Lord against the Philistines but avenging the loss of his own eyes. It is a heartbreaking conclusion to a life that is tragic-tragic not only because of what it was, but even more for what it could have been. (QuietWalk)
There shall no man see me, and live. Exodus 33:20
We all start by assuming that our knowledge of God is all right, and if someone tells us that is the first problem, we feel it is almost insulting. This is surely the central cause of so many of our subsequent difficulties—namely, that we assume we know God, that we assume this great knowledge is something at which we start. We say, perhaps, that we know a certain amount of the teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ. Maybe we have enjoyed certain experiences—“Well, of course with regard to God, I have always believed in Him; I have always been in the position of a believer.”
But my whole suggestion is that it is just there that we fail—and fail completely. Let me remind you of some of the statements that our Lord made with respect to this important matter. “No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him” (John 1:18)—revealed Him, manifested Him. “There shall no man,” says God to Moses, “see me, and live” (Exodus 33:20). We think that we know everything about God and that there is no difficulty about our belief in God. My dear friend, ponder a statement like that—you have never seen God! No one can see God and live. God is incomprehensible to man; He is beyond him in His greatness and in His infinity. Consider what our Lord says in John 17:25: “O righteous Father, the world hath not known thee: but I have known thee, and these have known that thou hast sent me.” There it is once more. He again makes the dogmatic statement that the world as it is, as the result of sin, does not kno w God, and never has.
A Thought to Ponder: The world as it is, as the result of sin, does not know God, and never has. (From The Heart of the Gospel, p. 124, by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones)
The Light Brigade
“Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light: Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son.” (Colossians 1:12-13)
By His grace, we have been snatched from Satan’s darkness and been placed in the kingdom of light. However, we still live in a dark world hostile to the light. We are therefore soldiers of light, but as with any army, we are not to act independently but instead “as a good soldier of Jesus Christ” (2 Timothy 2:3), we must follow the orders of our commander and act in accordance with established guidelines.
The Supreme Commander in this battle of light versus darkness is none other than God the Father, for “God is light, and in him is no darkness at all” (1 John 1:5). “The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?” (Psalm 27:1).
Perhaps, in this analogy, the field commander can be considered to be none other than Jesus Christ, carrying out the will of the Supreme Commander. He said, “I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life” (John 8:12). “I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me” (John 6:38).
We, of course, are the infantry, the light brigade, as it were. “Ye are the light of the world” (Matthew 5:14). “Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober” (1 Thessalonians 5:5-6).
Our marching orders, our objective, and our methods are all found in the war manual, the Bible. “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path” (Psalm 119:105). “For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light” (Proverbs 6:23). What more could we ask? (JDM, The Institute for Creation Reseaerch)
Christ’s Call TO REFORM the Church by John MacArthur
HIS resurrection from the dead is the proof that God accepted His sacrifice as full atonement for sin. The resurrection is also the guarantee of our hope for an eternity with HIM. (p. 77)
In addition, Smyrna was awash in paganism. They fastidiously worshiped all the gods housed on the Pagos, and many more. Pagan temples, festivals, and rituals of every kind dominated the social life of the city. And believers avoided it all. Christians in Smyrna were out of sync with the culture in every way. (p. 78)
The Jewish community in Smyrna hated the Christians. They spread vicious gossip about the church, poisoning the minds of the people and inciting the local government. Why? Because they fiercely despised the gospel of Jesus Christ and anyone who declared Him to be the long-awaited Messiah. (p. 79)
That was the kind of treacherous persecution the Jews in Smyrna were bringing against the church. They were so desperate to curtail the growth of the church that they partnered with heathens. (p. 80)
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