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Isaiah 12

Change of relationship         verse 1- 2

And IN THAT DAY you shall say


I will praise YOU

though YOU were angry with me

                        YOUR anger is turned away

and YOU comforted me

BEHOLD – God is my salvation

I will trust – and not be afraid

            for the LORD JEHOVAH is

my strength and my song

HE also is become my salvation

Joy in relationship                                                                 verse 3

THEREFORE with joy shall you draw water

out of the wells of salvation

God is exalted in relationship                                               verse 4 

And IN THAT DAY shall you say

Praise the LORD – call upon HIS name

            declare HIS doings among the people

                        make mention that HIS name is exalted

Sing praise of all benefits in relationship                            verse 5- 6

Sing to the LORD

            for HE has done EXCELLENT THINGS

                        this is known in all the earth

Cry out and shout you inhabitant of Zion

            for GREAT is the Holy One of Israel

in the midst of you                         

         : 2        And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of                               counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD. (5117 “rest” [nuwach] means                             settle down and remain, to reside, or be in alliance.)

DEVOTION:  Here we have a description of the Holy Spirit in relationship to the Messiah. The Messiah was to fulfill the prophecies regarding a future generation king from the family of David.

When Jesus Christ was baptized the New Testament book of Matthew described what happened when Jesus came out of the waters of baptism. The Father made a comment from heaven “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” [Matthew 3:17] Also on the same occasion we find the Spirit of God or the Holy Spirit descending like a dove and lighting upon Jesus.  The Holy Spirit was in alliance with Jesus Christ. The next thing that HE did was lead Jesus Christ into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil.

In the book of Revelation Jesus is described “…and from the seven Spirits which are before his throne ….” This description goes along with the verse we are covering now.

This chapter gives us a glimpse of the relationship between the persons of the Trinity or Godhead. The Father is the one that they stand in awe of when they have the fear of the LORD. The Spirit encourages the people to realize that true wisdom comes for God alone. Jesus Christ is described as reigning in a world that is without conflict between humans and animals. HE is described as one who rules with righteousness. HE is faithful.

Followers of Jesus Christ now will reign with HIM during this time period. This gives us something to look forward to as we sometimes think that it isn’t worth it to live for Christ now. That is a wrong attitude. Serving the LORD now is an honor. It is a time period in which we can witness for the LORD to a lost world. It should excite us when we see individuals understand the truth of the Word of God and with this make a choice to follow the LORD. Then they can be with us for eternity.

CHALLENGE: Patience is what is necessary in our service to the LORD. Waiting for a time to reign with HIM seems like it is too hard but it will be worth it all. Don’t be like most of the world and think that instant gratification has to happen for true satisfaction. 



: 1        And in that day thou shalt say, O LORD, I will praise thee: though thou was angry with me, thine anger is turned away, and thou comforted me.  (5162 “comforted” [nacham] means console, have compassion, help, or express sympathy.

DEVOTION: There times in all of our lives when we are out of fellowship with the LORD. It is during this time that we feel that the LORD is angry with us. Sometimes we are even angry with ourselves for our failures to combat sin. When we are in such a state we find that there is a need for confession of sin and an expression of grief for not having a close relationship with the LORD. The LORD wants HIS children to have a close relationship with HIM. HE wants us to communicate with HIM through conversation or prayer.

We find this first established in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve. There was a time each day when the LORD came and walked with them in the Garden. HE gave them instructions. HE addressed any problem. It was a time of what we call fellowship.

Today we have the Word of God. Even in the days of Isaiah they had part of the Word of God to follow. They knew when they were out of fellowship with the LORD. They understood that HE is angry at sin. There were many examples throughout the history of Israel where God showed HIS anger to the people to get their attention.
HE doesn’t want us to practice sin in our life. HE is holy and needs to correct the problem before it gets worse. Then HE can reestablish a good relationship with us.

In these verses we see a change from anger to a time of compassion. We understand as Isaiah did that when there is such a time our relationship with God causes us to sing.

The children of Israel sang praises to the LORD when they were going to the Temple and when they were leaving the Temple. This should be a practice by us today. It shouldn’t be only in church that we sing. Singing should be part of our life twenty-four hours a day. We can even sing in the night when we realize the presence of the LORD is near.

All should practice singing not only in the shower but while you are walking from one location to another. Even those who are only making a joyful noise unto the LORD should do it as often as possible. People will wonder what is making you so happy and then you can tell them about what the LORD is doing in your life.

CHALLENGE: When was the last time someone asked you why you are singing? Try to make it happen this week. 


DAILY SPIRITUAL LUNCH: Transitional Believers 

: 2        Behold, God is my salvation, I will trust, and not be afraid: for the LORD JEHOVAH is my strength, and my song: HE also is become my salvation. (982 “trust” [batach] means confidence, secure, hope, to have a strong confidence or reliance upon someone or something, or lead to believe.)

DEVOTION: Here is one man giving his testimony in his confidence in the LORD at all times. He was one who gave witness to the children of Israel. He challenged them to put their confidence in the LORD instead of other things or people.

 We need to do the same today. Too often we are thinking that the only one we can rely on is ourselves and that is wrong thinking. We need to continually challenge ourselves to trust in the LORD instead of ourselves or others.

Others will let us down at times but the LORD is one who can be depended on a moment by moment basis if we allow ourselves to put our confidence in HIM alone.

Too often we turn to the LORD as a last resort instead of a first resort. This causes us to have fears the LORD doesn’t want us to have.

CHALLENGE: We sing the song “Trust and Obey” and then look for other ways to find a solution instead of fully putting or confidence in the LORD.


: 4        And in that day shall you say, Praise the LORD, call upon HIS name, declare HIS doings among the people, make mention that HIS name is exalted. (7121 “call” [qara’] means to utter in a loud voice, cry out, to proclaim, or announce.)

DEVOTION:   During this time period which is a time period when the LORD is reigning after the Tribulation there is a need to praise with the LORD. It is not a time when it should be forced but something that the people genuinely want to do. It is a time period when everything is good in the eyes of those who are genuine servants of the LORD.

There will be children born to those who enter the millennial reign of Christ. These individuals have to make a choice regarding their relationship to the LORD. We know that presently we are tempted by the world, the flesh and the devil. This will not be true during HIS reign.

The devil will be bound for the thousand years and then released at the end of this time period to see who will follow. During this time also the LORD will be reigning over the whole earth and so the temptation by society will not be as great as now. The third area of temptation will still be in existence as every human being is born with a sin nature and so within every person there will need to make a decision when they reach the age of accountability.

Those who make a decision to follow will enter into eternity with HIM. Those who reject HIM will have to follow the devil and his angels into the lake of fire for eternity. There are no other choices available then and now.

Are you proclaiming the name of the LORD today? Do people around us know that we are genuine followers of the LORD? Isaiah wants us to be individuals who let everyone around us that we love the LORD.

CHALLENGE: We need to be obedient to the LORD each day and proclaim all HE is doing for us even today.


: 5        Sing unto the LORD; for he hath done excellent things: this is known in all earth (1348 “excellent things” [ge’uwth] means majesty, majestically, glory, splendor, or having high status or rank.

DEVOTION:  One of the concerns of every believer is what the LORD is doing in his life. There are times when we wonder what is happening because things don’t seem to be going our way. We would like things to be better. Sometimes it is a problem of finances. Sometimes is a family problem. Too often it can even be a problem at church.

The biggest problem that we can have is our personal relationship with the LORD. We realize that we sin each day. Even after we become a Christian we struggle with old habits. We try to fight them off in our mind but they seem to keep coming back.

When we don’t keep short accounts with God sin can have partial control over our life. When this happens our relationship with the LORD can be called “being out of fellowship.” It doesn’t mean that we have lost our salvation but our closeness to the LORD is not there.

When this happens and we realize it we should want to re-establish that close relationship. We are to practice the presence of the LORD in our life on a daily basis. This comes through our quiet time with HIM while we read the Bible and pray and wait on the LORD for instructions.

When this happens we start realizing all the benefits the LORD has given us throughout the week and our life. Our attitude changes to one of thankfulness. We can remember all the glorious things that have happened to us since we became a follower of HIM.

This psalm explains with praise for what the LORD has done in the past for HIS people. HE has turned away HIS anger from Judah. HE has comforted HIS people. HE has given strength. HE has provided salvation.

It brings joy and song and praise to those who are true worshipers of Jehovah.

Because of all that the LORD has done, HIS people will call upon HIM for blessings. HIS people will declare all HIS works to others. They will sing, so the whole world knows what a great God is in Israel.

When the LORD does HIS work, the entire world knows that HE is a great GOD.

HIS work is described as splendor. When we look at the Falls of Niagara we see HIS work. Not the works of evolution. When we look into a sunset, we see HIS work. When we see a baby born, we see HIS work. These works of splendor didn’t just happen over millions of years.

They happened by the WORD of the LORD at CREATION. Israel had seen great miracles in the past. They were going to see great works in the Last Days.

This should give them and us a reason to sing. Are we singing with our whole heart when we worship the LORD? Do we really appreciate all HE has done for us? Do we really appreciate HIS great creation?

In a local library in Sheboygan there were many magazines. One of them was titled “Mother Earth.” Do we believe in “Mother Earth”? NO. God is the CREATOR and we worship HIM and HIM ALONE. HIS work is majestic!!!

CHALLENGE: Remember to praise the Creator of our Universe for all HIS works in our life and world.)




Chastity (Purity in living)

Fasting (Time alone with LORD without eating or drinking)

Sacrifice (Giving up something we want to serve the LORD)

Submission (Willing to listen to others and LORD)

Solitude (Going to a quiet place without anyone)


Fellowship (Gathering together around the Word of God)

Frugality (wise use of resources)

Journalizing (Writing down what you have learned from the LORD)

Study and Meditation (Thinking through your study in the Word)

Secrecy (Doing your good deeds without others knowing but God)


Celebration (Gathering around a special occasion to worship LORD)

Confession (Tell the LORD we are sorry for our sins on a daily basis) 

            Declare HIS doings among the people                                verse 4 

Prayer (Conversation with God on a personal level) 

Call upon HIS name                                                               verse 4 

Silence (Letting the LORD deal with some problems and needs)

Worship (Time to praise the LORD alone or in a group) 

Praise                                                                                      verse 1, 4

                  Song                                                                                      verse 2, 5

                  Joy                                                                                         verse 3

                  Declare HIS doings                                                               verse 4

                  Shout                                                                                     verse 6



Scripture (66 inerrant books of the Bible)

God the Father (First person of the Godhead) 

LORD – Jehovah (Covenant keeping, Personal)                    verse 1, 2, 4, 5

Anger of the LORD                                                                 verse 1

                        God – Elohim (Creator, Sovereign)                                      verse 2

                        Jehovah (Covenant keeping, Personal)                               verse 2

                        LORD Jehovah                                                                     verse 2

                        Name                                                                                    verse 4

                        Done excellent things                                                         verse 5

                        Great                                                                                    verse 6

                        Holy One of Israel                                                               verse 6 

God the Son (Second person of the Godhead –God/man, Messiah)

God the Holy Spirit (Third person of the Godhead – our comforter)

Trinity (Three persons of the Godhead who are co-equal = ONE God)    

Angels (Created before the foundation of the world – Good and Evil)

Man (Created on the sixth twenty-four hour period of creation)

Sin (Missing the mark set by God on man and angels)

Salvation (Provided by Christ’s death on the cross for our sins) 

Praise                                                                                     verse 1, 4

Comfort                                                                                 verse 1

                        Salvation                                                                             verse 2, 3

                        Trust                                                                                    verse 2

                        Not be afraid                                                                       verse 2

                        Strength                                                                              verse 2

                        Song                                                                                    verse 2

                        Joy                                                                                       verse 3

                        Wells of Salvation                                                               verse 3

                        Call upon HIS name                                                            verse 4, 6

                        Declare Lord’s works                                                          verse 4, 5

                        Make mention of HIS name                                               verse 4

                        Exalt the LORD                                                                    verse 4

                        Sing                                                                                     verse 5

                        Cry out and shout                                                               verse 6

                        Presence of the LORD in the midst                                    verse 6 

Israel (Old Testament people of God) 

Zion                                                                                       verse 6 

Church (New Testament people of God)

Last Things (Future Events) 

In that day                                                                            verse 1, 4



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QUOTES regarding passage

This song forms the concluding bracket/inclusio to chapters 6–12, to which 6:1–13 is the opening bracket. Isaiah began with his own story: an individual who, though he shared in the deadly sins of the whole community, yet experienced salvation, a divine provision of cleansing leading to reconciliation and commission (see pp. 78–79). His address to Judah (7:1–9:7) and Israel (9:8–11:16) concluded with the same hope, the King whose coming would put all things to rights. In 12:1–6 we see the fruits of this royal work, a community in which each knows God’s saving work (1–2), all drink the saving waters (3) and share a testimony to the world (4–6). We notice therefore the first person singular (I, me, my) of verses 1–2; and the second person plural (you, coupled with plural imperatives) of 3–6. There cannot be a transformed community without saved individuals; nor can there be a saved individual who is not incorporated into the community.


4. The same voice speaks again as in verses 1 and 3, now envisaging that the whole community will react as the prophet himself did in 6:8, responding to the Lord and engaging in proclamation. The responses are gratitude (for what the Lord has done), worshipping him for what he is, and worldwide testimony to his deeds and his person. Call on his name: of all the shades of meaning of call on (qārā’ bĕ, e.g. Exod. 34:5–6; 35:30; Isa. 43:1), the most suitable here is ‘to invoke the Lord in worship by using his name’ (Gen. 12:8). His name is shorthand for all that he has revealed about himself. Those to whom he has thus made himself known enter into a worshipping intimacy with him. But their secrets must be shared openly. They alone know what he has done for them in salvation and they ceaselessly thank him; they alone know the name of the Lord and they enter the privacy of worship. They also have a duty: they must tell others what he has done, share with others the revelation of the name which they have received. (Motyer, J. A. (1999). Isaiah: an introduction and commentary (Vol. 20, pp. 123–124). Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.)


The universalism of these verses is now modified as is common in the Bible, by a form of particularism. The song being sung was the celebration of God’s forgiving grace and saving deeds for his own people, Zion. The pardoning grace of God is the source of many blessings, but none is more wonderful than his presence with his people. That presence was promised and sealed in the child Immanuel (cf. 7:14; 8:10, 18). Here its realization was celebrated and extolled by his people. It is worth noting that the presence of God among his people is no contradiction of his transcendent uniqueness and separateness, expressed in the phrase “the Holy One of Israel.” He is distinct but not aloof, for in him holiness and grace find their perfect union. (Grogan, G. W. (1986). Isaiah. In F. E. Gaebelein (Ed.), The Expositor’s Bible Commentary: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel (Vol. 6, p. 94). Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House.)


Isaiah’s name means “Jehovah is salvation,” and “salvation” is a key theme in this song. “In that day” refers to the day of Israel’s regathering and reunion and the righteous reign of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Jewish remnant will have come through the time of tribulation on earth (“the time of Jacob’s trouble,” Jer. 30:7), seen their Messiah, repented, and received Him by faith (Zech. 12:10–13:1; 14:4–11). Cleansed and established in their promised kingdom, the nation will praise the Lord and extol Him among the Gentiles.

The refrain in Isaiah 12:2—“The Lord, even Jehovah, is my strength and my song; He also is become my salvation”—was sung at the Exodus (Ex. 15:2) and at the rededication of the temple in Ezra’s day (Ps. 118:14). It was sung by the Red Sea after the Jews had been delivered from Egypt by Moses, a prophet. It was sung in Jerusalem when the second temple was dedicated under the leadership of Ezra, a priest. It will be sung again when the Jewish nation accepts Jesus Christ as its King. They will recognize Him as “the Holy One of Israel” and willingly obey His holy law.

This joyful song closes this section of Isaiah in which the prophet has used four significant names to tell the people what God had planned for them. Because of Immanuel, there is a message of hope. Maher-shalal-hash-baz gives a warning of judgment, but his brother Shear-jashub speaks of a promise of mercy. The father’s name, Isaiah, brings a song of rejoicing as the people discover that Jehovah is indeed their salvation.

The Lord will never forsake His people. No matter how difficult the days may be, or how long the nights, for the people of God, the best is yet to come. (Wiersbe, W. W. (1996). Be Comforted (pp. 40–41). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.)


It is a blessed and precious experience when the heart is fixed upon the Lord Himself and when the soul realizes the gladness of reconciliation to the One against whom it had sinned, so as to be able to say, “Though Thou wast angry with me, Thine anger is turned away, and Thou comfortedst me.”

It means much to know God as the One through whom deliverance has been wrought and who is Himself “ salvation.” This is the end of all worry and anxiety. And so we hear the remnant saying, “I will trust, and not be afraid.” Faith is the antidote to fear. As we learn to look to God in confidence all anxiety disappears, for we know that He who saved us will stand between us and every foe. He does not leave His people to fight their battles in their own power, but He is the Strength of all who rest upon His Word.

From the wells of salvation, so long spurned by the self-righteous Jew, seeking to save himself by his own efforts, the returned remnant draw the water of life as they call upon His name and bear witness before all the world to the salvation He has wrought.

The psalm, for it is a psalm, ends with a call to praise and adore the God of Israel, who will dwell in the midst of His redeemed people in that day of His manifested glory. Even now those who come to Him in faith can make this song their own as they know the reality of His saving grace. (Ironside, H. A. (1952). Expository notes on the prophet Isaiah. (pp. 80–81). Neptune, NJ: Loizeaux Brothers.)


12:4–6. The remnant will thank the Lord and will call on each other to let the world know what God has done, probably meaning what He will have done for Israel and Judah. God’s name (His revealed character) is to be exalted (vindicated) before the world, so that people everywhere will realize that He fulfills His promises. And people will sing to Him because of His glorious deeds.

The remnant also will remind themselves of the greatness of God, the Holy One of Israel (cf. comments on 1:4). Being reassured that God is among them, they will be joyful (cf. 12:3). Chapter 12 is a fitting climax to the contrast between the fall of the Assyrian Empire, which was threatening Judah in Isaiah’s day, and the rise of God’s glorious kingdom, which will certainly come. Eventually all the world will know of God’s truth. (Martin, J. A. (1985). Isaiah. In J. F. Walvoord & R. B. Zuck (Eds.), The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures (Vol. 1, p. 1058). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.)


Ver. 4. In that day shall ye say, praise the Lord, &c.] On account of his being and perfections, for blessings received from him, especially spiritual ones; and particularly such as are before mentioned, fulness of grace in him, strength and salvation by him, a view of interest in him as a Saviour, and divine comforts communicated from him; which is done by giving him the glory of them, and thanks for them. This is a work very proper for Gospel times; it always was a duty, and there was ever reason for it under the former dispensation, and much more under the present one; and there will be still more reason for it in the latter day here referred to, when antichrist will be destroyed, the kingdom of Christ will be enlarged, and his church will be in a very glorious state and condition, her walls will be salvation, and her gates praise; when the saints will be stirring up one another to this service, and engaging in it with all readiness and cheerfulness; see Rev. 11:15, 16, 17 and 15:2, 3 and 19:1–7; Isa. 60:18: call upon his name; which takes in the whole of religious worship, of which Christ is the object, being the true Jehovah; and particularly prayer, in which his name is invocated together with faith in him, and expressions of affection to his name; which is precious to believers, and is as ointment poured out: declare his doings among the people; not merely his works of creation, in which he was equally concerned with his divine Father; nor so much his miracles which he wrought when on earth, in proof of his deity and Messiahship, and in confirmation of his doctrine; but his acts of obedience and righteousness, which were perfect; and his bearing the sins of his people, and the punishment due to them; and so fulfilled the whole law, and hereby accomplished the great work of redemption and salvation; which, according to his orders, have been published among the Gentiles, for their good, and his glory: make mention that his name is exalted; that is, he himself, who has a name given him above every name; for having obeyed, suffered, and died in the room of his people, he is by his Father, according to promise, exalted, by raising him from the dead, receiving him into heaven, placing him at his right hand, giving him all power in heaven and in earth, and causing angels, authorities, principalities, and powers, to be subject to him; all which is to be made mention of, to the honour of his name: or else the sense is, to speak of him, to make mention of his name, of his person, of his offices, of his grace and salvation, that he may be exalted in each of them by his people; for he is, and ought to be, exalted in their hearts, and with their lips, since he is above all in the excellency of his person, and is their only Saviour and Redeemer, Head and Husband; and so he will be exalted more abundantly in the latter day. See the note on ch. 2:11. (Gill, J. (1810). An Exposition of the Old Testament (Vol. 5, p. 77). London: Mathews and Leigh.)



(Remember the only author that I totally agree with is the HOLY SPIRIT in the inerrant WORD OF GOD called THE BIBLE! All other I try to gleam what I can to help me grow in the LORD!!)


The temple veil – sixty feet long, thirty feet wide, and six inches thick separating the Holy Place from the Holy of Holies – was torn from top to bottom, indicating it was a divine act. God had torn the veil, opening the way into His presence for all believers (see Hebrews 4: 14, 16). The death of Christ  now provided direct access to God. (April 29, Living The New Testament by Paul Enns)


 Genesis 2

Adam and Eve rebel against their Creator.


You may have heard the old saying, “For want of a nail, the shoe is lost; for want of a shoe, the horse is lost; for want of a horse, the king is lost; and for want of a king, the kingdom is lost.” It is a clever way of saying that little things matter. Little things lead to larger things–often with disastrous consequences.

We see the first example of this in Genesis 3:6. First, Eve “saw” the forbidden fruit. No transgression yet. Then she “desired.” Still no transgression–but a step closer. Finally, she “took and ate.” Transgression.

The “look” seemed harmless. It was a small thing, but it led to “eating.” Are there things in your life that you are “looking” at? They seem harmless now, but they lead to larger things. Spare yourself–give them up now. “For want of a nail . . . the kingdom is lost.” (Quiet Walk)


But ye have an unction from the Holy One. 1 John 2:20
Why is the Holy Spirit called holy? Surely, the explanation is that it is His special work to produce holiness and order in all that He does in the application of Christ’s work of salvation. His objective is to produce holiness, and He does that in nature and creation, as well as in human beings. But His ultimate work is to make us a holy people, holy as the children of God. It is also probable that He is described as the Holy Spirit in order to differentiate Him from the other spirits—the evil spirits. That is why we are told to test the spirits and to prove them and to know whether they are of God or not (1 John 4:1).
Then the next great question is the personality or the personhood of the Spirit. The personhood of the Holy Spirit is not only forgotten by those whom we describe as liberals or modernists in their theology, but we ourselves are often guilty of precisely the same thing. I have heard most orthodox people referring to the Holy Spirit and His work as “it” and “its” influence and so on, as if the Holy Spirit were nothing but an influence or a power. And hymns, too, frequently make the same mistake. There is a confusion about the Holy Spirit, and I am sure there is a sense in which many of us find it a little more difficult to conceive of the third person in the blessed Holy Trinity than to conceive of the Father or the Son. 
Why is there this tendency to think of Him as a force or an influence or an emanation? There are a number of answers to that question, but they are not good reasons. His work seems to be impersonal because it is a kind of mystical and secret work. He produces graces and fruits; He gives us gifts, and He gives us various powers. And because of that, we tend to think of Him as if He were some influence. I am sure that this is a great part of the explanation.
A Thought to Ponder: His special work is to produce holiness. (From God the Holy Spirit, p. 8, by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones)


The Branch of the Lord

“In that day shall the branch of the LORD be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the earth shall be excellent and comely for them that are escaped of Israel.” (Isaiah 4:2
One of the fascinating titles of the promised Messiah is that of “the Branch.” Here He is called “the branch of the LORD,” along with “the fruit of the earth.” As the first, He is “beautiful and glorious.” As the second, He is “excellent and comely.” “And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem [or ‘stump’] of Jesse [that is, the father of King David], and a Branch shall grow out of his roots” (Isaiah 11:1).
In addition to the two references in Isaiah, there are two in Jeremiah and two in Zechariah. In both Jeremiah passages, He is a Branch of David. “Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch” (Jeremiah 23:5). See also Jeremiah 33:15.
In Zechariah’s prophecy, He is called God’s servant and God’s man. “For, behold, I will bring forth my servant the BRANCH” (Zechariah 3:8). “Behold the man whose name is The BRANCH; and he shall grow up out of his place, and he shall build the temple of the LORD” (Zechariah 6:12).
This fourfold presentation of the Branch of David, the Branch as a servant, the man who is the Branch, and the Branch of the Lord beautifully corresponds to the fourfold gospel depiction of Christ as King (Matthew), Servant (Mark), Perfect Man (Luke), and Son of God (John).
Just as a branch when it first begins to shoot forth appears small and fragile and easily broken, so would the Messiah first appear to be inconspicuous and unattractive. “For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground” (Isaiah 53:2). Yet this same fragile branch will one day become a great vine with innumerable branches (John 15:5) that will spread its excellent fruit throughout all the earth. (HMM, The Institute for Creation Research)


I am convinced that anyone who brings up the question of consequences in the Christian life is only a mediocre and common Christian. (p. 48)___________________

It is because there are so many of these ignoble saintlets, these miniature editions of the Christian way, demanding that Christianity must be fun, that distinct organizations have been launched ot give it to them. Yes, there are organizations that exist for the sole purpose of mixing religion and fun for our Christian young people (p. 52)


We are not to spend our time looking back and looking in – we are told to look forward! (p. 54)   (I Talk Back to the Devil by A.W Tozer)


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