Song of Praise: Faithful enter the city verse 1- 2
IN THAT DAY shall this song be sung in the land of Judah
we have a strong city
salvation will God appoint for walls and bulwarks
Open you the gates
that the righteous nation which keeps the truth may enter in
Song of Praise: Perfect peace verse 3- 4
YOU will keep him in perfect peace
whose mind is stayed on YOU
because he trusts in YOU
TRUST you in the LORD forever
for in the LORD JEHOVAH
is everlasting strength
Song of Praise: Humbling the proud verse 5- 6
For HE brings down them that dwell on high -the lofty city
HE lays it low – HE lays it low – even to the ground
HE brings it even to the dust
The foot shall tread it down – even the feet of the poor
and the steps of the needy
Song of Praise: Glorify the LORD verse 7- 8
The way of the just is uprightness
YOU – most upright – does weigh the path of the just
YEA – in the way of YOUR judgments – O LORD
have we waited for YOU
the desire of our soul is to YOUR name
and to the remembrance of YOU
Song of Praise: Seek the LORD verse 9- 11
With my soul I desired YOU in the night
YEA – with my spirit within me will I seek YOU early
for when YOUR judgments are in the earth
the inhabitants of the world
will learn righteousness
Let favor be showed to the wicked
yet will he not learn righteousness
in the land of uprightness will he deal unjustly
AND will not behold the majesty of the LORD
LORD – when YOUR hand is lifted up – they will not see
BUT they shall see – and be ashamed for their envy at the people
Yea – the fire of YOUR enemies shall devour them
Song of Praise: LORD alone extends borders verse 12- 15
LORD – YOU will ordain peace for us
for YOU also have wrought all our works in us
O LORD our God – other lords besides YOU have had dominion over us
BUT by YOU only will we make mention of YOUR name
They are dead – they shall not live – they are deceased – they shall not rise
THEREFORE have YOU visited and destroyed them
and made all their memory to perish
YOU have increased the nation – O LORD
YOU have increased the nation:
YOU are glorified
YOU had removed it far unto all the end of the earth
Song of Praise: Suffering important verse 16- 17
LORD – in trouble have they visited YOU
they poured out a prayer when YOUR
chastening was upon them
Like as a woman with child
that draws near the time of her delivery
is in pain – and cries out in her pangs
so have we been in YOUR sight
Song of Praise: Resurrection verse 18- 19
We have been with child – we have been in pain
we have as it were brought forth wind
we have not wrought any deliverance in the earth
neither have the inhabitants of the world fallen
your dead men shall live
together with my dead body
shall they arise
Your dead men shall live
together with my dead body shall they arise.
Awake and sing – you that dwell in dust
for your dew is as the dew of herbs
and the earth shall cast out the dead
Song of Praise: Return of Christ verse 20- 21
Come – my people – enter you into your chambers
and shut your doors about you
hide yourself as it were for a little moment
until the indignation be over past
For – behold – the LORD comes out of HIS place
to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity
the earth shall disclose her blood
and shall no more cover her slain
: 2 Open you the gates, that the righteous nation which keeps the truth may enter in. (529 “truth” [‘emuwn] means faithful, trusting, trustworthiness, the quality of being faithful, reliability, a state or condition of being dependable and loyal to a person or standard, or a person that is dependable to a person or standard.)
DEVOTION: The LORD is looking for a nation that will be dependable. HE wanted the children of Israel to be faithful to HIM but that only happened for short time period during their history.
There is coming a day in the future where there will be such a nation. The children of Israel have been sporadic in their obedience to the LORD throughout their history. This is also true of the church today.
There are times when a revival has affected the children of Israel and the church. It has happened at different times in the history of both groups. It is sad that the time of revival didn’t last very long and that those who claim to be followers of the LORD would go back to not serving HIM faithfully.
We need to realize that we are going through these times even today. There are times of revival in the church today but at present it seems to be only in a few churches that are on fire for the LORD. Most churches seem to settle for going through the motions rather than having a genuine love for the LORD.
One of the signs of a revival is a time of spreading the truth of the Word of God and many individuals making genuine commitments to the LORD and going out and telling their loved ones and friends about the gift the LORD has given them.
We need to be sharing the truth of the Word of God and presenting truth to those we know and those who are living around our church, so that, they can make a choice to become a follower of Jesus Christ.
We need new people entering into the Biblical churches in every nation and become genuine followers of the LORD. A revival can happen even today if God’s people with the help of the Holy Spirit start spreading the truth of the provision of salvation.
Some thing that it is impossible to have a revival even today but those who are genuine followers of the LORD know that a revival can break out at anytime that God’s people pray and genuinely worship HIM in spirit and in truth.
Remember the majority of people are going to spend eternity in hell because they have never made a commitment to the LORD. We can reach a few with the help of the Holy Spirit.
CHALLENGE: We can pray for revival even today if we are willing to act when the LORD gives us instruction to share the truth of the Word of God with all those we meet on a daily basis.
DAILY SPIRITUAL LUNCH: Transitional Believers
: 3 YOU will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on YOU: because he trusts in YOU. (3336 “mind” [yetser] means thought, purpose, impulse, tendency, the content of thinking and reasoning, motivation, or form.)
DEVOTION: We live in a world full of chaos. The country is in chaos over money. The church is in chaos because of all the false teachers who are on the radio and television and in many of our churches. People don’t seem to study the Bible for themselves and so they listen to every voice. Families are in chaos because our world doesn’t think marriage and family are important. It is more important for an individual to think only of themselves. Even married couples are not on the same page. One thinks it’s all about them and the other thinks the same.
There are therapies out there for every kind of addiction. There are personal counselors who will help people with pills and pillow talk. There are places to go and hide from reality. Some people look to drugs, sex or alcohol to bury their problems.
It seems that what people can’t find is an internal peace in their given situation. They are looking for answers in all the wrong places.
The only place that perfect peace comes from is in a proper relationship with the LORD. Our thought life trusts our belief in the total safety that the LORD can provide. HE will provide salvation for eternity. With this salvation nothing that happens to this body matters because our life is only for a short time. We would like to have power, fame and riches in this life but that doesn’t bring peace. Each of them bring their own problems.
Isaiah informs us that our form of thinking has to begin and end with the LORD as our central figure of help. If our thinking is correct we will realize that the LORD will not let anything happen that isn’t for our good. We need to not fret or worry about what is going on around us. Isaiah was an example of that. Just get the message of salvation out to our world. Leave the results to the LORD.
CHALLENGE: This is a great memory verse but we need to apply to our heart. Then we can have the strength to face each day.
: 9 With my soul have I desired thee in the night; yea, with my spirit within me will I seek thee early: for when thy judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness.
: 10 Let favor be showed to the wicked, yet will he not learn righteousness: in the land of uprightness will he deal unjustly, and will not behold the majesty of the LORD. (3925 “learn” [lamad] means to be taught, be trained, instruct, skillful, or gain information and respond properly to it with regular action.)
DEVOTION: Isaiah is instructing the people of God regarding the future time, when the LORD will judge the world.
There will be singing on the part of the righteous even during the time of judgment. Those who concentrate on the LORD will have perfect peace during the time of Tribulation on the earth. They will trust the LORD to see them through this time period of seven years.
The two verses stated above deal with the fact that the unrighteous will learn about how righteous God is by the judgment HE is giving to the world. They would not learn any other way. HE has shared HIS grace with them before the Tribulation but they would not listen to HIM.
HIS majesty will be manifested to the whole world at this time. Following the Tribulation there will be a time of singing praises to the LORD.
What about now? Isaiah was warning the Israelites of a future judgment.
He was also telling them of a future victory for those who are trusting in the LORD.
We are presently living in a time period called the Church Age. This time period will end and the time of Jacob’s trouble will begin. Our responsibility is to share the truth of the gospel with all those around us or in our world. The freedom of speech in this country is slowly coming to an end. People don’t want to hear anyone saying that they have the only way to heaven. They think that there are many ways to heaven. The Bible states that their view is false. They are following the enemy even when they know and hear the truth.
Judgment is coming. It may be soon. It is not a time to rest. It is a time to trust and obey. Are we doing our part?? Are we learning righteousness daily????
Our responsibility is to speak the TRUTH in LOVE. Our attitude toward people shows on our faces. Most will not accept the truth, but we have to try.
CHALLENGE: Be an Isaiah. Reread Isaiah 6 and put it into practice in your life. HE is sending you into a world that doesn’t want to hear the truth.
:16 “LORD, in trouble they have visited You, They poured out a prayer when Your chastening was upon them.” The New King James Version (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1982).
DEVOTION: Adversity can be our best instructor! Even people of faith sometimes begin to enjoy the luxury and pleasure that this world brings. There is nothing wrong with enjoying the bounty of the Lord’s blessings as He pours out His goodness in our lives. We can rejoice and be thankful for those things, yet in times of difficulty it seems we return to the Lord and pour out our heart to Him. The blessings and prosperity He gives can cause us to forget the very source of those items, The Lord! Yet when difficulty arises we are so quick to pour out a prayer and come back in full reliance to the Lord. Perhaps the Lord has been blessing you in various ways and you are beginning to slip in your praise and adoration to the God of your salvation. Today might be a good time to just spend a few moments thanking Him.
CHALLENGE: Adversity drives us to our knees but it doesn’t have to be the only time we kneel. Take a moment and thank the Lord for all His work in your life. (Dr. Brian Miller – board member)
Chastity (Purity in living)
Fasting (Time alone with LORD without eating or drinking)
Sacrifice (Giving up something we want to serve the LORD)
Submission (Willing to listen to others and LORD)
Perfect peace to those who trust in LORD verse 3, 4
Solitude (Going to a quiet place without anyone)
Fellowship (Gathering together around the Word of God)
Frugality (wise use of resources)
Journalizing (Writing down what you have learned from the LORD)
Study and Meditation (Thinking through your study in the Word)
Secrecy (Doing your good deeds without others knowing but God)
Celebration (Gathering around a special occasion to worship LORD)
Confession (Tell the LORD we are sorry for our sins on a daily basis)
Prayer (Conversation with God on a personal level)
Prayer given by those the LORD is chastening verse 16
Silence (Letting the LORD deal with some problems and needs)
Worship (Time to praise the LORD alone or in a group)
Song of worship in end times verse 1, 19
Enter into chambers verse 20
Scripture (66 inerrant books of the Bible)
God the Father (First person of the Godhead)
God – Elohim (Creator, Sovereign) verse 1, 13
LORD – Jehovah (Covenant keeping, Personal) verse 4, 8, 10- 13,
15- 17, 21
Jehovah – LORD (Covenant keeping, Personal) verse 4
Everlasting Strength verse 4
HE brings down those who dwell on high verse 5
Lofty city
HE lays it low
HE brings it down to the dust
Judgments verse 8
Majesty of the LORD verse 10
Ordain peace verse 12
Wrought work in believers verse 12
LORD our God verse 13
Glorified verse 15
LORD comes out of HIS place verse 21
Punish the inhabitants of the earth verse 21
God the Son (Second person of the Godhead –God/man, Messiah)
God the Holy Spirit (Third person of the Godhead – our comforter)
Trinity (Three persons of the Godhead who are co-equal = ONE God)
Angels (Created before the foundation of the world – Good and Evil)
Man (Created on the sixth twenty-four hour period of creation)
Poor verse 6
Needy verse 6
Inhabitants of the world verse 9
Enemies verse 11
Lords verse 13
Dominion over others verse 13
Woman with child verse 17
Sin (Missing the mark set by God on man and angels)
Wicked verse 10
Not learn righteousness verse 10
Envy verse 11
Iniquity verse 21
Salvation (Provided by Christ’s death on the cross for our sins)
Salvation verse 1
Righteous verse 2
Keeps the truth verse 2
Perfect peace verse 3, 12
Mind is stayed on God verse 3
Trust verse 3, 4
Just verse 7
Uprightness verse 7, 10
Wait verse 8
Desire of our soul verse 8
Seek the LORD early verse 9
Learn righteousness verse 9, 10
Mention name of the LORD verse 13
Chastening verse 16
Israel (Old Testament people of God)
Judah verse 1
Righteous nation verse 2, 15
Land of uprightness verse 10
Increased the nation verse 15
Visited the LORD verse 16
Cried out like a woman with child verse 17
My people verse 20.
Church (New Testament people of God)
Last Things (Future Events)
In that day verse 1
For ever verse 4
Dead verse 13, 19
Deceased verse 13
Indignation be overpast verse 20
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QUOTES regarding passage
(yēṣer). Form. The noun yēṣer, which connotes the concept of “form,” may refer either to the shape of an object or the object itself, i.e. that which has been formed. It refers to the external shape of an idol in Hab 2:18, but to pottery itself in Isa 29:16. Its most frequent usage in the latter sense refers to that which is formed in the mind, e.g. plans and purposes (Gen 6:5; 8:21; Deut 31:21) or even the state of mind (Isa 26:3). (Mccomiskey, T. E. (1999). 898 יָצַר. In R. L. Harris, G. L. Archer, Jr. & B. K. Waltke (Eds.), Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament (R. L. Harris, G. L. Archer, Jr. & B. K. Waltke, Ed.) (electronic ed.) (396). Chicago: Moody Press.)
3. Perfect peace is (lit.) ‘peace, peace’, the idiom of reduplication (6:3) meaning all-embracing peace. Mind (yēṣer) is the tendency of the mind (Gen. 6:5), its formulated purposes (Deut. 31:21); it is our mind-set, our way of looking at life. Steadfast is a passive participle, meaning ‘maintained’ or ‘made/resolved to be undeviating’. This is the element within the person which is the key to the divine peace. Because he trusts, because it is trusted/trust is exercised’. There can, of course, be no belief without a believer, but what matters is not who is exercising faith but that faith is being exercised. (Motyer, J. A. (1999). Isaiah: an introduction and commentary (Vol. 20, p. 195). Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.)
People who trust in the Lord enjoy perfect (i.e., complete, genuine) peace (cf. Phil. 4:7), now as well as in the Millennium. This availability of inner tranquility encourages believers to continue trusting the Lord (Isa. 26:4) because He is firm like a Rock (cf. 17:10; 44:8; see comments on Ps. 18:2) and He is eternal. (Martin, J. A. (1985). Isaiah. In J. F. Walvoord & R. B. Zuck (Eds.), The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures (Vol. 1, p. 1074). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.)
26:3 perfect peace … trusts in You. A fixed disposition of trust in the Lord brings a peace that the wicked can never know (48:22; 57:21). Such reliance precludes double mindedness (Jas 1:6–8) and serving two masters (Mt 6:24). (MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (2006). The MacArthur study Bible: New American Standard Bible. (Is 26:3). Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers.)
Surely in these opening words the remnant speak of the city in a spiritual rather than a material sense. While they look forward to the establishment of Jerusalem as a great center of blessing to the whole earth and a fortress never again to be destroyed by their foes, they sing in anticipation, recognizing in the Lord Himself their strong city and rejoicing in the assurance that their foes will never again be able to overcome them. But they are also contemplating the actual rebuilding of the literal Jerusalem as they cry, “Open ye the gates, that the righteous nation which keepeth the truth may enter in.” Of Israel in that day God has said, “They shall be all righteous.” Their iniquities will be purged, their hearts cleansed by the washing of the water by the Word, according to the promise given in Ezekiel: “Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean: from all your filthiness, and from all your idols, will I cleanse you. A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh” (Ezek. 36:25, 26). The veil taken away from their eyes, they will be delivered from unbelief and will find an all-sufficient Saviour in Jesus, their once-rejected Messiah.
The third verse may well apply, not only to the remnant in that coming day, but to every trustful believer in all dispensations. Perfect peace, rest of heart and mind, and freedom from worry and anxiety, are found only as we learn to commit all our ways to the Lord and trust Him implicitly to undertake for us. It is as we give heed to the admonition of Philippians 4:5, 6 that the peace of God which passes all understanding keeps our hearts as with a military garrison. Peace with God every believer has through the blood of the Cross, as we read in Romans 5:1, “Being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” But the peace of God, this perfect peace of which Isaiah speaks, is something more. It is that quiet assurance that all is well, no matter what adverse circumstances the soul has to face, because we realize that our Father is ordering everything for blessing. What untold comfort has come to myriads through meditation upon and faith in such a verse as Romans 8:28, “All things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.” (Ironside, H. A. (1952). Expository notes on the prophet Isaiah. (pp. 154–155). Neptune, NJ: Loizeaux Brothers.)
The strong city (Isa. 26:1–6). Samaria fell to the Assyrians and Jerusalem to the Babylonians, but the New Jerusalem would be impregnable. During “the Day of the Lord,” God will level the lofty cities of the earth; but Mt. Zion will be exalted to the glory of the Lord (2:1–5). Jerusalem will no longer be the sinful city described in chapter 1; it will be a righteous city for a holy nation whose sins have been washed away (Zech. 13:1). Compare Isaiah 26:2 with Psalms 15 and 24.
Only those who have trusted Jesus Christ will enter the city; and because they believe, they have peace (Rom. 5:1). The Hebrew word for “peace” (shalom) means much more than a cessation of war. It includes blessings such as wholeness, health, quietness of soul, preservation, and completeness. “What is your peace?” is the way Jews often greet one another; and Isaiah’s reply would be, “My peace is from the Lord, for I trust wholly in Him!” Paul’s counsel in Philippians 4:6–9 is based on Isaiah 26:3.
It is worth noting that Augustus Toplady’s song “Rock of Ages” is based on the marginal reading of verse 4: “for in the Lord God is the Rock of ages.” The New Jerusalem is a city built on a Rock! (Wiersbe, W. W. (1996). Be Comforted (pp. 64–65). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.)
Ver. 3. Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, &c.] Peace with God in Christ through his blood, in a way of believing, and as the fruit and effect of his righteousness being received by faith; this is not always felt, received, and enjoyed in the soul; yet the foundation of it always is, and is perfect; and besides, this peace is true, real, and solid; in which sense the word perfect is used, in opposition to a false and imaginary one; and it will end in perfect peace in heaven: moreover, the word perfect is not in the Hebrew text, it is there peace, peace; which is doubled to denote the certainty of it, the enjoyment of it, and the constancy and continuance of it; and as expressive of all sorts of peace, which God grants unto his people, and keeps for them, and them in; as peace with God and peace with men, peace outward and peace inward, peace here and peace hereafter; and particularly it denotes the abundance of peace that believers will have in the kingdom of Christ in the latter day; see Psal. 72:7; Isa. 9:7: whose mind is stayed on thee; or fixed on the love of God, rooted and grounded in that, and firmly persuaded of interest in it, and that nothing can separate from it; on the covenant and promises of God, which are firm and sure; and on the faithfulness and power of God to make them good, and perform them; and on Christ the Son of God, and Saviour of men; upon him as a Saviour, laying the whole stress of their salvation on him; upon his righteousness, for their justification; upon his blood and sacrifice, for atonement, pardon, and cleansing; on his fulness, for the supply of their wants; on his person, for their acceptance with God; and on his power, for their protection and preservation; see ch. 10:20 and 50:10 and Psal. 112:7, 8: because he trusted in thee; not in the creature, nor in any creature-enjoyment, nor in their riches, nor in their righteousness, nor in their own hearts, nor in any carnal privileges, only in the Lord, as exhorted to in the next verse; in the Word of the Lord, as the Targum, that is, in Christ. (Gill, J. (1810). An Exposition of the Old Testament (Vol. 5, p. 143). London: Mathews and Leigh.)
(Remember the only author that I totally agree with is the HOLY SPIRIT in the inerrant WORD OF GOD called THE BIBLE! All other I try to gleam what I can to help me grow in the LORD!!)
He considered that those things that were behind him would have shut out the face of God if allowed to remain in the foreground. He put them under his feet by forgetting -defeats, mistakes, blunders, errors, rebukes.
This is the place of victory for the Christian – putting the cloud under our feet so that we see the smiling face of God again. (pg. 132)
In the spiritual realm we have a Pilot wh has promised us His sunlight, and if we will consent, He will put the clouds under our feet. He just asks that we be willing. (p. 133)
Man’s very human habit of trusting in himself is generally the last great obstacle blocking his pathway to victory in Christian experience. (p. 137)
He had discovered that to be fully surrendered to God and the will of God meant that first he must come to an entire and radical distrust of himself. (p. 138, I Talk Back to the Devil by A. W. Tozer)
Assurance Before God
“And hereby we know that we are of the truth, and shall assure our hearts before him.” (1 John 3:19)
There is a chain of reasoning in this context that is important to understand. Our hearts will be “assured” before God (1 John 3:19) if we love the brethren in “deed and in truth” (v. 18). A lack of that heart assurance condemns us (v. 20). If our heart does not condemn us, then we will have “confidence toward God” (v. 21).
It is worth noting that John uses the word “love” 26 times in this little letter. The word “know” is used 31 times, but the word “assure” is used only once (our text) and the word for “confidence” just four times. In each case, the promises of boldness in prayer or trust in answered prayer are based on our obedience.
Apparently, the key to an effective relationship with God, especially the key to a confidence in our prayer life, is a ready, visible, and instant response to God’s requirements for the believer. To the degree that we abide in Him (2:28), we will be confident when He returns. Our ready love for the brethren will keep us bold before God in our prayers (3:21), and our Christlike lifestyle will give us boldness at the judgment (4:17).
Meanwhile, absolute and steady belief in God’s salvation will remove any doubt that God hears us when we pray (5:14).
There is a continuing loop in these messages. We gain confidence as we “do” truth. We find more boldness as we understand God’s answers to our needs and prayers for others. That, in turn, increases our confidence that God is listening to our prayers, making our hearts all the more confident in our relationship with our heavenly Father. (HMM III, The Institute for Creation Research)
Genesis 28
Jacob dreams of angels and heaven.
Jacob’s dream — in which he sees the angels ascending and descending the ladder to heaven — seems to be a turning point in his life. It appears to be the point at which he receives a personal relationship with the Lord. Jacob’s life after this encounter was not flawless. But God was able to use him in a central role to fulfill ancient promises.
So, too, we must have a personal relationship with God through Jesus, His Son, and our Savior, before we can experience the work of God in us and through us. Do you know Jesus personally? If not, why not receive Him as your Savior and Lord now? (Quiet Walk)
Diana writes (NY): This afternoon I went to the Harvest House in Buffalo to address Nardin Academy’s senior class. I shared my story about how faith, hope and love helped me get through my precarious and unstable health crisis.
Any nerves I had when I started the presentation immediately diminished when I said my first line and introduction.
My speech contained several elements that I though I would share with all of you!
1. Be your own advocate! If you don’t advocate for yourself, nobody will do it for you.
2. Have self-love. We were created in gods image. We can’t go on loving others if we do not love or honor ourselves.
3. As humans we create trivial problems, many of these problems aren’t important.
4. Rely on God’s grace to get you through difficult or challenging events.
5. Tell the people you care about how important they are to and how much you love them.
6. Realize that life will throw challenges your way. Many times it’s your mindset and attitude that will dictate your outcome.
7. Become an organ donor. Because one girl said yes to transplant she not only save mine but seven other lives as well.
8. Practice gratitude
9. Pray the most when it’s hardest to pray
10. Realize God can see the whole puzzle and master plan when we can only see one individual piece.
What a great day. The girls were all super receptive and had lots of great questions for me. I wish them all the best as they enter into a new chapter of their lives. I hope to continue public speaking. If one person can benefit from what I went through, it was all worth it.
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