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Isaiah 8

Faithful witnesses record instructions to Isaiah            verse 1- 2

Moreover the LORD said unto me

Take you a great roll and write in it with a man’s pen concerning


And I took unto me faithful witnesses to record – Uriah the priest

and Zechariah – son of Jeberechiah

Isaiah has a son                                                             verse 3- 4

And I went unto the prophetess – and she conceived

and bare a son

Then said the LORD to me

Call his name Maher-shalal-hash-baz

            for before the child shall have knowledge to cry

                        My father and my mother- the riches of Damascus

and the spoil of Samaria shall be taken away

before the king of Assyria 

LORD informs Isaiah the people reject HIM               verse 5- 6

The LORD spoke also unto me again – saying

            Forasmuch as this people refuses the waters of Shiloah that go softly

and rejoice in Rezin and Remaliah’s son

LORD sends Assyria in judgment                                verse 7- 8

Now therefore – behold – the Lord brings up upon them the waters of the river

strong and many – even the king of Assyria – and all his glory

and he shall come up over all his channels

and go over all his banks

and he shall pass through Judah

                                    he shall overflow and go over

                                    he shall reach even to the neck

                                                and the stretching out of his wings shall

fill the bread of thy land        

                                                      O Immanuel 

People want to listen to wrong advice                           verse 9- 10

Associate yourselves – O you people – and you shall be broken in pieces

            and give ear – all you of far countries – gird yourselves

you shall be broken in pieces – gird yourselves

you shall be broken in pieces

Take counsel together – and it comes to nought

            speak the word – and it shall not stand – for God is with us 

LORD correct improper thinking                                verse 11- 15

For the LORD spoke thus to me with a strong hand and instructed me

that I should not walk in the way of this people – saying

Say ye not

A confederacy to all them to whom this people shall – say

A confederacy – neither fear ye their fear – nor be afraid

            Sanctify the LORD of hosts himself – and let HIM be your fear

                        and let HIM be your dread

And HE shall be for a sanctuary

                        BUT for a stone of stumbling and for a rock of offense of to

both the houses of Israel

                                                for a gin and for a snare

to the inhabitants of Jerusalem

And many among them shall stumble – fall – be broken

be snared – be taken

Isaiah going to teach properly                                      verse 16- 17

Bind up the testimony – seal the law

among my disciples

            And I will wait upon the LORD

                        that hides HIS face from the house of Jacob

                                    and I will look for HIM

Isaiah’s family is a sign given Israel from the LORD   verse 18

BEHOLD – I and the children whom the LORD hath given me are

for signs and for wonders in Israel from the LORD of hosts

which dwells in mount Zion

Israelites want to go to medium for instructions           verse 19

AND when they shall say unto you

            Seek unto them that have familiar spirits

and unto wizards that peep – and that mutter

should not a people seek unto their God?

for the living to the dead?

Isaiah warns that the LORD is the source of all truth  verse 20- 22

To the law and to the testimony

                        if they speak not according to this word

                                    it is because there is no light in them

            And they shall pass through it – hardly bestead and hungry

                        and it shall come to pass – that when they shall be hungry

                                    they shall fret themselves

                                                and curse their king and their God

and look upward

            And they shall look unto the earth

                        and behold trouble and darkness – dimness of anguish

                                    and they shall be driven to darkness





: 2        And I took unto me faithful witnesses to record, Uriah the priest, and Zechariah the son of Jeberechiah. (539 “faithful” [’aman] means assurance, established, verified, make firm, reliable, or lasting.)

DEVOTION:  These two men were not picked because of their character but because they would be trusted by the general public to confirm that Isaiah had said what he said at the time. They were to write it down and make sure that after the events happened there would be no question as to the timing of the prophecy.

It is like writing a will before your death and having people witness your signature. Here we have two men who were going to have to say after the events happened that Isaiah had said they were going to happen just the way they did.

We have to be individuals who will be ones that say that the Bible is the truth and needs to be followed or judgment will come and people who are not obedient will suffer the consequents of their actions. This was true in Israel and it is true today in America.

The Bible informs us of what sin is and if we continue in sin as a nation the LORD will have to judge us as HE did Israel. Our nation is moving further and further away from the standards of the LORD that are set forth in the Bible.

God is longsuffering but too much “innocent blood” has been shed for the LORD not to look at us in judgment. Too many of HIS standards are not allowed to be taught in our schools and in our colleges. The time is coming that we will face the wrath of God as a nation and many will wonder what happened. The children of Israel faced the same wondering!!


DAILY SPIRITUAL LUNCH: Transitional Believers 

: 10      Take counsel together, and it shall come to nought; speak the word, and it shall not stand for God with us. (6565 “come to nought” [parar] means make void, defeat, disannul, disappoint, frustrate, to be broken, to be hindered or prevented (in one’s efforts, plans, or desires)

DEVOTION: No matter how bad it seemed to the people of Judah they needed to realize that the LORD was with them. The circumstances might seem beyond the ability of God to defeat the enemy but HE was always able to protect HIS people.

We need to realize that no matter how bad the circumstances the LORD is with us during all of our trials that HE allows in our lives. Trust in the LORD is a much. HE knows what is best for HIS people to keep them following HIM to the end.

There are enemies that we are fighting even today but the LORD is able to protect us from their evil. Our responsibility is to trust in HIM to delivers us from all the trials HE allows in our lives. HE wants us to be faithful to HIM and this takes work on HIS part because we are prone to wander just like Israel in the Old Testament.

Remember no counsel taken against genuine believers will ever get the final victory. The death of Jesus proved this fact as the Jews thought they had victory over Jesus – HE arose from the dead and gave all believers victory over the world, the flesh and the devil.

CHALLENGE: Genuine believers need to remember these fact and live in the faith this belief has in our daily walk with the LORD.


: 13      Sanctify the LORD of hosts himself; and let him be your fear, and let him be your dread. (6206 “dread” [‘arats] means to stand in awe, to cause to tremble, fear, prevail, afraid, or shake terrible).

DEVOTION:  The people of Judah thought they could trust the king of Assyria better than the LORD. They put their confidence in him. The LORD was compared to the waters of Shiloah that go softly instead of the strong and many river of the king of Assyria.

HE would deal with them softly but the king of Assyria would treat them roughly. Isaiah is telling the people to set themselves apart unto the LORD. That is what the word  “sanctify” means. HE is the one to be feared. HE is the one they are to stand in awe of.

However, because they didn’t want to trust in the LORD, HE was going to be a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense to them. They thought they would have it easy following the king of Assyria but HE promised it would be a rough road they have chosen. Isaiah says they are looking to the earth instead of to heaven. In the earth they will find trouble, darkness, anguish and will be driven to greater darkness.

We need to realize that the LORD is separate from all other beings. HE is HOLY. HE is to be feared. This is not a phobia type of fear but a fear that respects the PERSON of the LORD. We are to stand in awe of the LORD. Our God is an awesome God.

We need to let HIM prevail in our lives. HE wants to have a set place in our lives and that is FIRST PLACE. When we face an enemy the first and last one we should turn to is the LORD. We have many giants that we are facing in our world. The LORD has the stones to kill them. Remember David picked up five smooth stones to face Goliath. Why five? It was because Goliath had four brothers. He was prepared to meet them all because he knew the LORD was with him. Is the LORD the one we stand in awe of on a daily basis?

CHALLENGE:  The LORD wants us to think of HIM first and foremost when we face trials in our life. HE is the answer.


            : 19      And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that                               peep, and that mutter: should not a people seek unto their God? for the living to the dead? (1875                                  “seek” [darash] mean enquire, resort to, consult, petition, make a request, or have a relationship.)

DEVOTION:  There are choices that we make each day. The children of Israel were the chosen people of the LORD. They were given the Ten Commandments. They were given the Temple. They knew what the LORD expected of them. The prophets continued to tell them about new visions of the LORD regarding HIS current message regarding their present and future. Some would listen to HIM but most went in their own direction.

Isaiah was dealing with those who wanted to go to other sources regarding their present situation and what was going to happen in the future. There were people that stated that God would never send judgment on HIS chosen people. They thought that they could live as they pleased and face only the blessings of the LORD.

Some were even suggesting that they should consult mediums and wizards. They were warned of God that these were wrong sources of information. Their information was not coming from the LORD, it was coming from the enemy. All those who listened to these individuals were going to be judged.

Can Christians be mediums or wizards? The answer is NO!!! The power behind them is that of the devil and his fallen angels that are called demons many places in the Bible. I recently talked with a Christian mother who said that her daughter has this “gift” and she told her to use it for good.  Is this a possibility? NO!!! It causes confusion and the LORD is not the author of confusion. There are many things being done that are strictly forbidden in Scripture starting in Genesis and ending in Book of Revelation. 

Christians receive their information from the Word of God through the ministry of the Holy Spirit who indwells them. Once the Holy Spirit indwells an individual there is no room for other spirits. We can be influenced by the enemy and his army but not indwelt with them. Only those outside of Christ can be indwelt by the enemy. We should not give place for their influence in our life. It is asking for trouble.

CHALLENGE: Watch where you look for information regarding the future. Don’t consult the newspaper or people with so-called special gifts to understand the future. They are not from the LORD. Warn others.




Chastity (Purity in living)

Fasting (Time alone with LORD without eating or drinking)

Sacrifice (Giving up something we want to serve the LORD)

Submission (Willing to listen to others and LORD)

Solitude (Going to a quiet place without anyone)


Fellowship (Gathering together around the Word of God)

Frugality (wise use of resources)

Journalizing (Writing down what you have learned from the LORD)

Study and Meditation (Thinking through your study in the Word)

Secrecy (Doing your good deeds without others knowing but God)


Celebration (Gathering around a special occasion to worship LORD)

Confession (Tell the LORD we are sorry for our sins on a daily basis)

Prayer (Conversation with God on a personal level)

Silence (Letting the LORD deal with some problems and needs)

Worship (Time to praise the LORD alone or in a group) 



Scripture (66 inerrant books of the Bible) 

Law                                                                            verse 16, 20

Testimony                                                                  verse 16, 20 

God the Father (First person of the Godhead) 

LORD – Jehovah (Covenant keeping, Personal)   verse 1, 3, 5, 11, 13, 17, 18

                        Lord – Adonai (Master, Owner)                             verse 7

                        God – Elohim (Creator, Sovereign)                        verse 10, 19, 21

                        Strong hand                                                               verse 11

                        LORD of hosts                                                           verse 13, 18

                        HE shall be your sanctuary                                      verse 14

                        HE hides HIS face from the house of Jacob           verse 17

                        Dwells in mount Zion                                                verse 18 

God the Son (Second person of the Godhead –God/man, Messiah) 

Immanuel                                                                   verse 8, 10

Stone of stumbling                                                    verse 14

Rock of offense                                                          verse 14

Gin and snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem      verse 14 

God the Holy Spirit (Third person of the Godhead – our comforter)

Trinity (Three persons of the Godhead who are co-equal = ONE God)    

Angels (Created before the foundation of the world – Good and Evil)

Man (Created on the sixth twenty-four hour period of creation) 

Child                                                                           verse 4

Mother                                                                       verse 4

Father                                                                         verse 4

Damascus                                                                   verse 4

King of Assyria                                                          verse 4, 7, 8

Rezin                                                                          verse 6

Far countries                                                             verse 9

Take counsel together and it will

come to nought                                              verse 10       

            Sin (Missing the mark set by God on man and angels) 

Walk in the way of this people                                 verse 11

Confederacy with sinner                                          verse 12

Improper fear                                                           verse 12

Being afraid                                                               verse 12

Seeking those with familiar spirits                          verse 19

Seeking those who are wizards                                verse 19

No light                                                                       verse 20

Fret                                                                             verse 21

Curse the king and their God                                  verse 21

Trouble                                                                      verse 22

Darkness                                                                    verse 22

Dimness of anguish                                                   verse 22 

Salvation (Provided by Christ’s death on the cross for our sins) 

God is with us                                                            verse 10

Instructed                                                                   verse 11

Sanctify the LORD of hosts                                     verse 13

Fear the LORD                                                         verse 13

Let the LORD be your dread                                  verse 13

Sanctuary                                                                   verse 14

Bind up the testimony                                               verse 16

Seal the law                                                                verse 16

Disciples                                                                     verse 16

Wait upon the LORD                                               verse 17

Look for the LORD                                                  verse 17

Seek the LORD                                                         verse 19

Light                                                                           verse 20 

Israel (Old Testament people of God) 

Mahershalalhashbaz                                                 verse 1, 3

            Son of a prophetess

Uriah the priest                                                         verse 2

Zechariah                                                                   verse 2

Prophetess                                                                  verse 3

            Bare a son

Samaria – spoils of taken to Assyria                       verse 4

People of Israel                                                          verse 6, 14

Water of Shiloah                                                       verse 6

Rezin                                                                          verse 6

Remaliah’s son                                                          verse 6

Judah                                                                         verse 8, 14

Broken in pieces                                                        verse 9

Take counsel that comes to nought                         verse 10

Isaiah not to walk in ways of people                       verse 11

Houses of Israel                                                         verse 14

Jerusalem                                                                   verse 14

Many shall stumble, fall, broken, snared

            and taken                                                       verse 15

House of Jacob                                                          verse 17

Children of Isaiah                                                     verse 18

Signs and wonders in Israel                                     verse 18

Mount Zion                                                                verse 18


Church (New Testament people of God)

Last Things (Future Events)



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QUOTES regarding passage

1–2 The word gillāyôn (v.1) is broad enough to include both a “scroll” (NIV) and a “tablet” (RSV). What is in view is a large writing surface, its form or material un specified. Its size strongly suggests it was intended for public display, so that it conveyed a message and could be cited later as evidence when its prophecy was fulfilled. Its somber message of doom was to be interpreted a little later (cf. v.4).

“Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz” probably means “quick to plunder, swift to the spoil” (NIV mg.). This particular Zechariah is unknown (the name was extremely common), but Uriah the priest is probably the king’s ally and instrument in apostasy who is named in 2 Kings 16:11. “Reliable witnesses” need not describe their character so much as their position as people of standing in the community. (Grogan, G. W. (1986). Isaiah. In F. E. Gaebelein (Ed.), The Expositor’s Bible Commentary: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel (Vol. 6, p. 67). Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House.)



8:2. God said He would call in two witnesses (Num. 35:30; Deut. 17:6; 19:15), who could confirm that His words were true. Uriah the priest is mentioned later in an unfavorable light (2 Kings 16:10–16) when he complied with Ahaz’s order to change the temple worship after the Aram-Israel alliance had been broken. Apparently he was an influential priest. Zechariah son of Jeberekiah is nowhere else mentioned by that full title. He may have been a prophet during the time of Uzziah (2 Chron. 26:5) or a Levite who helped cleanse the temple in Hezekiah’s day (2 Chron. 29:12–13). (Martin, J. A. (1985). Isaiah. In J. F. Walvoord & R. B. Zuck (Eds.), The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures (Vol. 1, p. 1049). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.)


Isaiah married the virgin, and the legal documents were duly witnessed and sealed. He even announced that their first child would be a son and his name would be Maher-shalal-hash-baz, which means “quick to plunder, swift to the spoil.” Since Isaiah’s sons were signs to the nation (8:18), this name was significant. It spoke of future judgment when Assyria would conquer Syria and invade both Israel and Judah, and when Babylon would take Judah into exile. A child would start speaking meaningful sentences about the age of two. In 732 B.C., about two years after Isaiah’s son was born, both Pekah and Rezin were dead (7:1); and Assyria had conquered Syria and begun to invade Israel (2 Kings 15:29). The army was “quick to plunder and swift to take the spoil.”

In the remainder of this chapter, Isaiah used three vivid contrasts to show the rulers of Judah the mistake they were making by trusting Assyria instead of trusting the Lord.


The Jewish political leaders were asking, “Is it popular? Is it safe?” But the prophet was asking, “Is it right? Is it the will of God?”


But even if his words fell on deaf ears, Isaiah and his family were themselves a “living prophecy” that the nation could not ignore. Isaiah’s name means “Jehovah is salvation,” and this would remind the people to trust the Lord to deliver them. His older son’s name means “A remnant shall return,” and this was a word of promise when it looked as though the nation was destroyed. A believing remnant did return to Jerusalem from Babylon and they were encouraged by what Isaiah wrote in chapters 40–66. The name of the younger son, Maher-shalal-hash-baz, means “quick to plunder, swift to the spoil,” and pointed to the fall of Syria and Ephraim. Verse 18 is quoted in Hebrews 2:13–14 and applied to the Lord Jesus Christ. (Wiersbe, W. W. (1996). Be Comforted (p. 33). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books)


8:2 Just as the wicked Ahaz was forced to be a party to the sign regarding the birth of Immanuel (7:10–17), Uriah, an apostate priest (2 Kin. 16:10–16), and Zechariah, presumably a false prophet (not to be confused with the prophet who wrote the Book of Zechariah), were forced to witness to this prophecy. (Radmacher, E. D., Allen, R. B., & House, H. W. (1999). Nelson’s new illustrated Bible commentary (Is 8:2). Nashville: T. Nelson Publishers.)


8:2 faithful witnesses. After the prophecy’s fulfillment, the respected leaders Uriah and Zechariah verified to the people that Isaiah had spoken it on a given date before the Assyrian invasion. This verification accredited the Lord’s word and upheld His honor (Dt 18:21, 22; Jer 28:9). (MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (2006). The MacArthur study Bible: New American Standard Bible. (Is 8:2). Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers.)


2. And I took unto me faithful witnesses. What was the precise object in calling in these witnesses is not known. Some have supposed that it was to bear testimony to the marriage of the prophet at that time. But it may have been for the purpose of a public record of the prophecy; a record so made, that the precise time when it was delivered could be attested without dispute. The prophecy was an important one; and it was important to know, in the most authentic and undisputed manner, that such a prophecy had been delivered. It is probable that the prophecy, attested by the names of those two men, was suspended in some public place in the temple, so that it might be seen by the people, and allay their fears; and in order to remove from the multitude every suspicion that it was a prophecy after the event. That this was a real, and not symbolical transaction, is perfectly manifest, not only from the narrative itself, but from ver. 18. They are called ‘faithful,’ not on account of their private character, but because their public testimony would be credited by the people. To record. To bear witness.

Uriah the priest. This is, doubtless, the same man that is mentioned in 2 Kings 16:10. He was a man of infamous character; the accomplice of Ahaz in corrupting the true religion; but still his testimony might be the more valuable to Ahaz, as he was associated with him in his plans.

And Zechariah, &c. It is not certainly known who this was. Perhaps he was one of the Levites whose name is mentioned in 2 Chron. 29:13. (Barnes, A. (1851). Notes on the Old Testament: Isaiah (Vol. 1, p. 174). London: Blackie & Son.)


Instinctively in times of stress and danger men think of confederacies and associations of some kind as the best means of preserving the traditions and conditions which they hold dear. It was so in Judah. It is so in Christendom today. So we have various associations and federations of individuals and of churches which it is hoped will prove to be bulwarks against the onrushing tide of evil. But again and again it has been demonstrated that all such confederacies tend to deteriorate as time goes by, and afterward the children of those who formed these associations revert to the evils against which their fathers protested.

The only real recourse in a day of evil is to cleave to the Lord Himself with purpose of heart. No matter what failure may come in, He remains unchanged and unchangeable. So the prophet exhorts, “Sanctify the Lord of hosts Himself; and let Him be your fear, and let Him be your dread” (verse 13).


The remaining part of the chapter gives us a solemn warning against what is now known as Spiritualism or any form of necromancy. When urged to seek unto spirit-mediums for light and help, the answer is, Should not a people seek unto their God? Should the living seek unto the dead? All such attempts to get into contact with the spirits of the dead are forbidden in Scripture. (See Deuteronomy 18:9–12 and Leviticus 20:27.) It is a grievous offence in the eyes of God for anyone to turn from His revealed Word to those who profess to have power to summon the spirits of the departed in order to give light and help. Such are either charlatans deceiving those who go to them or else possessed by impersonating demons misleading all who follow them.

God’s sure Word abides and if any speak contrary to it, it is because they are in darkness themselves and there is no morning for them. That is, when the day dawns for the eternal blessing of the redeemed, there will be outer darkness for those who spurned the light of truth only to be misled by falsehood.

Such will be exposed at last for what they really are, blind leaders of the blind, who will look in vain for help when those who obeyed the Word of God find light and blessing.

Spiritism is a satanic cult which can only disappoint those who follow the will-o’-the-wisp of its direction and shall at last be driven into the darkness. (Ironside, H. A. (1952). Expository notes on the prophet Isaiah. (p. 53). Neptune, NJ: Loizeaux Brothers.)


Ver. 2. And I took unto me faithful witnesses to record, &c.] Not his marriage, nor the birth of his son, nor the name he gave him, but the prophecy written in the roll, concerning the spoiling of Syria and Israel, in a very short time; that so, when it came to pass, it might be a clear and certain point that it had been foretold by him: Uriah the priest; of whom mention is made in 2 Kings 16:10 which some object to, because he proved a wicked man, and obeyed the king’s command, contrary to the law of God, in building an altar according to the form of one at Damascus; but to this it is replied, that it was before this happened that Isaiah took him to be a witness; and besides, because of the authority of his office, and his familiarity with Ahaz, he must be allowed to be a proper and pertinent person to bear testimony in this case. Some indeed, and so the Jewish commentators, Jarchi, Aben Ezra, Kimchi, and Abarbinel, would have Uriah the prophet meant, who prophesied in the times of Jehoiakim, and was slain by him, Jer. 26:20–23 to which it is objected, that he was no priest, as this was and, besides, was not born at this time; it was a hundred and forty years after that he lived: and Zechariah the son of Jeberechiah; this was Zechariah the prophet, as the Targum, and all the Jewish writers, say; who lived in the times of Darius, which was two hundred and forty years after this; but most likely this Zechariah is he who was Ahaz’s wife’s father, 2 Kings 18:2 or rather, as Vitringa thinks, Zechariah a Levite, a son of Asaph, 2 Chron. 29:13 though there are some learned men, who think the two prophets Uriah and Zechariah are meant, though then unborn; who prophesied of the like or same things as Isaiah did; and so were faithful witnesses of his prophecy, as of the calamities that should come on the land, the restitution of it to its former fruitfulness, and the coming of the Messiah; nor is the observation of Abarbinel to be despised, taken from the ancient Jews, that these are the words, not of the prophet, but of God himself; as also that they are to be read in the future tense, and I will take to me, &c. (Gill, J. (1810). An Exposition of the Old Testament (Vol. 5, p. 46). London: Mathews and Leigh.)



(Remember the only author that I totally agree with is the HOLY SPIRIT in the inerrant WORD OF GOD called THE BIBLE! All other I try to gleam what I can to help me grow in the LORD!!)


The Two-Fold Call
“And the LORD came, and stood, and called as at other times, Samuel, Samuel. Then Samuel answered, Speak; for thy servant heareth.” (1 Samuel 3:10
There are a number of other times in Scripture when the Lord repeated a second time the name He was calling, always at a time of great significance and urgency. Once had been to Moses: “God called unto him out of the midst of the bush, and said, Moses, Moses. And he said, Here I am” (Exodus 3:4).
God then ordained Moses to lead His people out of Egypt. When He called Samuel, it was to lead His people out of the chaos of the period of the judges and to prepare them for the Davidic kingdom. The first time God had called in this fashion was to Abraham, and then it was to confirm that he had passed God’s final test for the fulfillment of the great promise concerning the blessing on his seed. “And the angel of the LORD called unto him out of heaven, and said, Abraham, Abraham: and he said, Here am I” (Genesis 22:11).
In the New Testament, the Lord Jesus spoke thus unto all His rebelling nation: “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, . . . Behold, your house is left unto you desolate” (Matthew 23:37-38). Before this, He had spoken both in grief and in encouragement to Peter, who must be prepared to lead the disciples later on. “Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat: But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren” (Luke 22:31-32). Finally, when the Lord was ready to call Paul as His apostle to the Gentiles, He met him on the road to Damascus: “Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?” (Acts 9:4).
The last calling in the Bible is not a two-fold call but fourfold! “And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely” (Revelation 22:17). (HMM, The Institute for Creation Research)


CHINESE GOVERNMENT VIOLENTLY SHUTS DOWN LARGE CHURCHES (Friday Church News Notes, December 28, 2018,, 866-295-4143) – The following is excerpted from “Hong Kong Christians Protest Brutal China Crackdown,” Breitbart, Dec. 23, 2018: “On December 9, Chinese security forces carried out a series of coordinated raids on the Early Rain Covenant Church, one of the most prominent house churches in China, arresting as many as a hundred members, including Pastor Wang Yi and his wife. According to Gina Goh, Southeast Asia regional manager for International Christian Concern, officials beat, tortured, and denied food and restroom accommodations to the Christian detainees. Some of the Christians were dragged along the ground, stepped on, bound to chairs, and had handfuls of hair pulled from their scalp, Goh said. Six days later, authorities repeated the exercise on the Rongguili Church in Guangzhou, the largest unregistered church in south China. Local officials shut down the church, interrupting a children’s Bible class, and confiscated some 4,000 religious books. The pre-Christmas raids are part of an escalating crackdown on house churches and unsanctioned Christians, as part of an effort by the Xi regime to secure absolute control over all religious activities in the country. So far this year, there have been more than 10,000 cases of Christians being detained in China, compared with just over 3,000 cases for the whole of last year, according to Bob Fu of China Aid, a U.S.-based Christian non-profit organization.”


Revelation 19
John describes Jesus’ return to the earth as the conquering King.

Apocalypse: “The revelation of a violent struggle in which evil will be destroyed” (Webster’s Dictionary). The second coming of Christ will be the apocalypse fulfilled. While the symbolism of the language in Revelation makes it difficult to ascertain exactly how events will unfold, it is clear that when Jesus returns again, it will be to confront evil and destroy it. The heavens will split and Jesus will descend upon the armies of the earth which have gathered in opposition to His return. In contrast to His past role as Savior of man, He will now come as King of creation. Whereas once He made Himself subject to men, now all men will become subject to Him. History will end and eternity will begin. (Quiet Walk)


Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. For I acknowledge my transgressions: and my sin is ever before me. Psalm 51:2-3
The second step when we become convicted of sin is a recognition of the exact character or nature of what we have done. This is put here [in Psalm 51] perfectly in three words. The first is the word “transgressions,” the second is “iniquity,” and “sin” is the third.
What does “transgression” mean? It means rebellion; it means the uprising of the will against authority, and especially against a person of authority. “Blot out my transgressions” (verse 1). In other words, David admits he has transgressed. He has rebelled against an authority. His own will has risen up within him, and he has asserted himself. He has been governed by desire and has allowed himself to be swayed by lust. Transgression means a desire to have our own way, a desire to do what we want to do.
“Iniquity”—what does that mean? Well, iniquity means that an act is twisted or that it is bent. It means perversion, and this is obvious in the case of David. “Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity”—the foul thing, that dastardly thing. “What was it in me that made me do it? How perverted I must have been to do that!” I ask you as you examine yourself, do you not see that so many things you do are twisted and perverted? Jealousy and envy and malice—how horrible the twist! The desire that evil may come to someone, the dislike of praise of another—evil thoughts, bent, twisted, ugly, foul—“iniquity”! And we are all guilty of iniquity.
“Sin” means “missing the mark.” We are not living as we ought to be living. A man aims at a target; he shoots, but he misses it. That is what sin always means. A man is not treading the path God has marked out for him.
A Thought to Ponder: We are all guilty of iniquity. (From Out of the Depths, pp. 25-26, by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones)


Franklin Graham took to Facebook on Wednesday to call out the news media as “vicious and relentless.”

The evangelist wrote, “Well, it’s the day after Christmas—and I’m tired. How about you?”

He continued, “Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy seeing family and friends and hearing from people I haven’t heard from in a long time. But I’m tired, and it’s not just the season.”

He continued, referring to the government shut down, “I’m tired of all the fighting in Washington. You can’t turn on the news or read the headlines online without being overwhelmed by all of the political squabbling (to put it mildly). The news media are so vicious and relentless in their fault finding and their attacks on the President.”

According to Fox News, the government “partially shut down” on Saturday after Congress could not agree on a budget. The outlet reports that Trump said he would only sign a bill that provided adequate funding for the southern border wall and border security.

According to WND, the $5 billion demand was met with great opposition, including opposition from New York Senator Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) who promised President Trump that the Democratic party would never work with the president on border wall or security plans. In his post on Facebook, Graham emphasized that he was tired of this lack of civility in Washington and the media. 

He wrote, “It’s just sickening. We have the potential for so much good and so much progress for our nation, but Washington is squandering it away over political agendas.”

Graham ended his post by giving thanks to God for being consistent and unchanging. He said, “I’m thankful that I have put my faith and trust in God who never grows weary and is never shut down, no matter what the problems are.

‘The everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, neither faints nor is weary’ (Isaiah 40:28).” (Christian Headlines)


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