Job 21
Job responds to Zopharverse 1
But Job answered and said
Job accuses Zophar of mocking himverses 2-3
Hear diligently my speech – and let this be your consolations
suffer me that I may speak
and after that I have spoken – MOCK ON
Job wants to speak before the LORDverses 4-6
As for me is my complaint to man? – and if it were so
Why should not my spirit be troubled?
Mark me – and be astonished – and lay your hand upon your mouth
even when I remember I am afraid
and trembling takes hold on my flesh
Job confused with wicked prosperingverses 7-16
Wherefore do the wicked live – become old – yea – are mighty in power?
their seed is established in their sight with them
their offspring before their eyes
their houses are safe from fear
neither is the rod of God upon them
their bull genders – and fails not – their cow calves
and casts not her calf
they send forth their little ones like a flock – their children dance
they take the timbrel and harp
and rejoice at the sound of the organ
they spend their days in wealth
and in a moment go down to the grave
say to God
Depart from us
for we desire not the knowledge of YOUR ways
What is the Almighty
that we should serve HIM?
What profit should we have
if we pray to HIM?
Lo – their good is not in their hand
the counsel of the wicked is far from me
Job thinks judgment should happen to wickedverses 17-18
How oft is the candle of the wicked put out
AND how oft comes their destruction upon them
God distributes sorrows in HIS anger
they are as stubble before the wind
and as chaff that the storm carries away
Job doesn’t want judgment on children of wickedverses 19-21
God lays up his iniquity for his children – he rewards him
he shall know it – his eyes shall see his destruction
he shall drink of the wrath of the Almighty
for what pleasure has he in his house after him
when the number of his months is cut off
in the midst?
Job believes death is final for both just and wickedverses 22-26
Shall any teach God knowledge?
seeing HE judges those that are high
one dies in his full strength
being wholly at ease and quiet
his breasts are full of milk
his bones are moistened with marrow
another dies in the bitterness of his soul
and never eats with pleasure
they shall lie down alike in the dust
and the worms shall cover them
Job tells of the wicked dying in styleverses 27-33
BEHOLD – I know your thoughts
and the devices which you wrongfully
imagine against me
for you say
Where is the house of the prince?
Where are the dwelling places of the wicked?
Have you not asked them that go by the way?
do you not know their tokens that the wicked is reserved
to the day of destruction?
they shall be brought forth to the day of wrath
Who shall declare his way to his face?
Who shall repay him what he has done?
Yet shall he be brought to the grave – and shall remain in the tomb
the clods of the valley shall be sweet to him
and every man shall draw after him
as there are innumerable before him
Job doesn’t want to hear the lies of his “friends”verse 34
How then comfort me in vain
seeing in your answers there remains FALSEHOOD?
: 2 Suffer me that I may speak, and let this be your consolations. (8575 “ consolations” [tanchuwm] means comfort, the comfort you feel when consoled in times of disappointment, words which causes encouragement, implying hope, solace, or compassion.)
DEVOTION: Job informs his three “friends” that they could do one thing that would make him happy on this occasion of his life. He only wants them to listen to what he has to say with their ears open and not look at his present condition as a judgment of God.
Is it so hard to listen to someone else when they are going through a hard time? These “friends” did. They thought they had the answer to Job’s present condition and were telling him what they thought he should do and how he should do it. They didn’t think of any other possibility. So they thought there was not another possibility that Job could tell them about.
Then Job had deaf ears listening to him when he tried to explain that if he was the sinner that they thought he was that he could have long life and really enjoy all the pleasures of life.
He told Zophar that his philosophy of what happens in the lives of those who disobey God were wrong. He knew different and wanted to explain it.
So when we are going through our times of difficulty are our friends and fellow believers willing to listen to what we have to say or do they think they have all the answers we need.
Our comment would be the same as those of Job that no one knows exactly what is going on in another person’s life unless they were God. HE knows what is going on in all of our lives and HE knows how to handle each person on an individual basis to help them become a better follower of HIM. This is true in everyone who claims Christ as their Savior and is genuinely a believer. HE wants us to grow. HE wants us to understand our world.
Until we are God which we will never be then we need to continue to listen to our fellow believers regarding what is going on in their life.
CHALLENGE: We are to be good counselors who are encouraging one another.
DAILY SPIRITUAL LUNCH: Transitional Believers
: 3 Suffer me that I may speak, and after that I have spoken, mock on. (3932 “mock” [la’ag] means scorn, laugh, have in derision, deride, ridicule, jeering, or to treat with contempt.)
DEVOTION: As we have read regarding the three friends of Job. They continue to say things against him and their counsel is that he has sinned and that is the reason the LORD is judging him.
He doesn’t agree with their evaluation of his circumstances. He thinks that they have just come to mock him and to give him their opinion of what is going on and not God’s opinion of what is going one.
He doesn’t think that they understand that he has been living a life that is pleasing to the LORD and for some reason the LORD has allowed all these things to happen to him. He knows that the LORD is in control but still doesn’t understand what his happening but he knows that what they are saying is wrong.
Now he wants to express his opinion with the realization that he is not going to change their opinion because they are sure that all this is happening because of sin in his life. So he just wants to state his opinion and then let them continue their advice even though he thinks they are wrong.
Too often we find that “friends” look at our circumstances and think that God is judging because of sin when HE is just stretching an individual to make him grow more. It is not because of sin but because of a need for growth and a better understanding of God.
We tend to think that we have all the answers when it is only the LORD that has ALL the answers. We are to be individuals who come alongside a fellow believer who is going through a hard time and comfort him or her and wait on the LORD for HIS words to say.
There is a tendency in all of us to be judgmental of others and that is not the new nature but the old nature.
CHALLENGE: Look to the LORD for guidance each time you try to come alongside an individual who is suffering!
: 14 Therefore they say unto God, Depart from us; for we desire not the knowledge of your ways. (2654 “desire” [chaphets] means take pleasure, delight in, favor, like, inclined, be pleased to do, or attentive to.)
DEVOTION: Can you imagine that the majority of people in our world do not want to hear from the LORD let alone obey HIM? This is a true statement. It is true now and it was true in Job’s day.
He was informing his three friends who have commented so far, that those who not followers of the LORD, mostly don’t want to ever follow HIM even in the future. Zophar stated that Job was part of that group and he wanted them to know that he was one who wanted to and has followed the LORD.
Today we know that people say that they just want to go to hell to be with their friends. They want to party until they can’t any longer. They think that is being cool. These might be some of the same thoughts the people in Job’s day thought.
The LORD is not popular in our world. The majority of people have pleasure in finding out what the Bible says they should do in a given circumstance. Their only rule is whatever makes them happy.
Job understood this philosophy of life and said it was not his. It cannot be the philosophy of anyone who wants to be considered a follower of Jesus Christ.
Our thoughts should be in line with the Biblical standards that the LORD has set from the beginning of time. HE is consistent in what HE expects of us on a daily basis. We should take pleasure in doing things that are pleasing in HIS sight. It should be our daily goal.
We are here to bring HIM glory in everything we say and do. If we fail to live up to the standard, which we do, we have to confess our sin and HE will forgive us and restore to a place of blessing
The world doesn’t have this inclination and it never will. It is a system that is under the influence of the enemy of our souls.
CHALLENGE: Remember that your thinking has to be different from those who deny the LORD. You should want HIS counsel moment by moment each day.
: 27 Behold, I know your thoughts, and the devices which you wrongfully imagine against me. (4284 “thoughts” [machashabah] means plan, invention, intent, the content of what a person is thinking about, purposes, counsel, intention, or design.)
DEVOTION: We all have preconceived ideas about almost every area of life. We have been thinking since birth. We have been taught a philosophy of life by our parents, teachers and other instructors we have had until now.
Every human has been collecting thoughts and drawn conclusions from those thoughts throughout his life. This means that each of us have learned correctly or incorrectly about some areas of our life. It is just a fact because each of us is different.
Job knows what the present thought of his friends are because they have been telling them their thoughts regarding his present situation. However, he knows they are wrong because no one knows him better than himself. That is how he is judging their comment of “help.”
He thinks they are wrong in what they are saying and he is going to show them why he thinks they are wrong but the problem is that they are not listening. This happens all the time.
Are you a good listener? We should be listening to the Holy Spirit to us each day in the Word of God. HE will help us to understand through not only this book of Job but through all the teaching of the Bible. HE wants us to be a good follower of the LORD and HE knows this will only happen if we are good listeners to HIM and the teachings of the Bible.
If we are good listeners than we need to be daily in the Word of God to hear what the LORD is saying to us on a given day. What is HE teaching you today from your study of the Bible? It is hard to listen if the Bible is closed.
CHALLENGE: We can’t change some peoples opinion regarding what is happening in our lives but we can still try to help them understand that they have a wrong opinion with the help of the LORD! Pray for those who tend to be judgmental!
: 34 How then comfort me in vain, seeing in your answers there remains falsehood? (4604 “falsehood” [ma’al] means trespass, fraud, perfidy, unfaithful act, transgression or treacherous act.)
DEVOTION: Have you ever met a person with a one track mind? His/her way is always right. They know what is going on in everyone’s life and have an answer for every problem. Job’s “friends” came with the attitude that Job was a sinner and couldn’t get off that track of thinking. The only thing they wanted to hear from Job was confession of sin. If they didn’t receive it, they thought there was no hope for Job.
Job starts the chapter with a comment that is so true of false comforters. He tells them that after they have listened to his defense, they can “mock on.” Job has throughout these chapters told his “friends” that they were on the wrong trail but they didn’t give up.
He informs them that the wicked seem to have it easy. They seem to have everything going their way. Their children seem to have it easy. He wonders why God doesn’t seem to judge them quickly. He knows that God is acting in a manner that brings HIM glory. He might not understand but he is willing to accept the way God deals with the wicked.
In the end he states to his “friends” that their comfort is worthless. He tells them that their answers are all discouraging. Their actions are transgressions against the way God works in people’s lives. They believe the “health and wealth” gospel. It is a false gospel. It is a false belief. They are leading others away from proper beliefs regarding the working of the LORD.
Those of us who have gone through hard times understand that some people can be a comfort and others seem to just irritate us more. These three “friends” irritated Job more with his circumstances than they comforted him.
Our responsibility throughout the book of Job is to be a genuine comforter to those who are trying to live for the LORD but are going through difficult circumstances. We are to do what we can to help bring a resolution in their circumstances.
Every time we meet such a circumstance we can pray and ask the LORD for wisdom and guidance on what our part is to be. Is the church in the business of comforting the afflicted? Do we have the resources to help someone going through a difficult time? Are we acting the way the LORD would have the church act? Or are we being unfaithful in the way we act toward those needing our help?
Don’t mock those who are going through difficult times. Don’t come into situations with preconceived ideas about what is happening.
CHALLENGE: Come into every situation with a prayerful attitude and an encouraging spirit. Be a genuine friend!!!!
Chastity (Purity in living)
Fasting (Time alone with LORD without eating or drinking)
Sacrifice (Giving up something we want to serve the LORD)
Submission (Willing to listen to others and LORD)
Solitude (Going to a quiet place without anyone)
Fellowship (Gathering together around the Word of God)
Frugality (wise use of resources)
Journalizing (Writing down what you have learned from the LORD)
Study and Meditation (Thinking through your study in the Word)
Secrecy (Doing your good deeds without others knowing but God)
Celebration (Gathering around a special occasion to worship LORD)
Confession (Tell the LORD we are sorry for our sins on a daily basis)
Prayer (Conversation with God on a personal level)
Wicked don’t think prayer importantverse 15
Silence (Letting the LORD deal with some problems and needs)
Worship (Time to praise the LORD alone or in a group)
Scripture (66 inerrant books of the Bible)
God the Father (First person of the Godhead)
God – Elohim (Creator, Sovereign)verses 9, 14, 17, 19, 22
Rod of Godverse 9
Almightyverses 15, 20
God distributes sorrow in HIS angerverse 17
Wrath of the Almightyverse 20
Judges those that are highverse 22
God the Son (Second person of the Godhead – God/man, Messiah)
God the Holy Spirit (Third person of the Godhead – our comforter)
Trinity (Three persons of the Godhead who are co-equal = ONE God)
Angels (Created before the foundation of the world – Good and Evil)
Man (Created on the sixth twenty-four hour period of creation)
Job speaksverses 1-32
Answers his friend
Spirit troubled
Counsel of wicked is far from me
Shall any teach God knowledge?
Knows thoughts and devices of “friends”
Wickedverses 7-32
Become old
Mighty in power
Offspring live
House is safe from fear
Their cattle give birth
Children dance
Spend days in wealth til they die
Tell God to “Depart from us”
“We desire not the knowledge of your ways.”
Ask: What is the Almighty, that we should serve him?
What profit should we have, if we pray to HIM?
AS stubble before the wind
AS chaff that the storm carries away
Drink wrath of the Almighty
Reserved to the day of destruction
Brought forth to the to the day of wrath
Friendsverse 27
Thoughts they imagine against Job wrongfully
Sin (Missing the mark set by God on man and angels)
Mockverse 3
Complaintverse 4
Afraidverse 6
Wickedverses 7, 16, 17, 28, 30
Not desiring ways of Godverse 14
Counsel of the wickedverse 16
Iniquityverse 19
Bitternessverse 25
Evil devicesverse 27
Falsehoodverse 34
Salvation (Provided by Christ’s death on the cross for our sins)
Consolationsverse 2
Prayverse 15
Comfortverse 34
Israel (Old Testament people of God)
Church (New Testament people of God)
Last Things (Future Events)
Graveverses 13, 32
Deathverses 23-26
Day of destructionverse 30
Day of Wrathverse 30
Tombverse 32
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QUOTES regarding passage
21:14 Those Job had been describing were not simply wicked but also godless in the true sense of that word. They did not care what God thinks and preferred him to absent himself from their lives and consciences. Though they seem to have believed in his existence, they were practical atheists. “Know” is broader than simple cognition but involves obedience, honor, and practice of the “ways” of God. Eliphaz would use the first half of this verse in 22:17. (Alden, R. L. (1993). Job (Vol. 11, p. 223). Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers.)
14, 15. The wicked enjoy all this while practicing the most presumptuous profanity. They will have none of God. In their experience, prayer is a waste of time. (Andersen, F. I. (1976). Job: An Introduction and Commentary (Vol. 14, p. 215). Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.)
7–15 The counselors had elaborated on the horrible fate of the wicked (15:20–35; 18:5–21) against Job’s claim that the wicked often prosper. Those who wish to know nothing of God’s ways, who even consider prayer a useless exercise (vv.14–15), flourish in all aspects of their lives. Far from dying prematurely, as Zophar said in 20:11, they live long and increase in strength (v.7). Bildad’s claim that the wicked have no offspring or descendants to remember them (18:19–21) was flatly denied by Job (v.8). Job painted a word picture in vv.7–13 illustrating the domestic pleasantness and prosperity often enjoyed by godless people who dare to defy the Almighty (v.15). (Smick, E. B. (1988). Job. In F. E. Gaebelein (Ed.), The Expositor’s Bible Commentary: 1 & 2 Kings, 1 & 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Job (Vol. 4, p. 949). Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House.)
Ver. 14.—Therefore they say unto God, Depart from us. It is this impunity which leads the wicked to renounce God altogether. They think that they get on very well without God, and consequently have no need to serve him. Job puts their thoughts into words (vers. 14, 15), and thus very graphically represents their tone of feeling. For we desire not the knowledge of thy ways. The wicked feel no interest in God; they do not trouble themselves about him; his ways are “far above out of their sight,” and they do not care to know them. (Spence-Jones, H. D. M. (Ed.). (1909). Job (p. 355). London; New York: Funk & Wagnalls Company.)
21:7–16. How could the contenders’ viewpoint, especially Zophar’s, be right about the brevity of the wicked’s enjoyment of life (15:29, 32–34; 18:5; 20:5, 8, 22) when Job knew that the wicked live on into ripe old age (cf. 20:10), their children with them, their houses secure (cf. 20:28), seemingly with no judgment from God? (cf. 20:23, 28–29) The livestock of many sinners prospers, the wicked enjoy music, and even die easily. Besides, they cynically flaunt God, even wondering what they would … gain by praying to Him. This is strongly redolent of Satan’s accusation that Job was seeking personal gain by worshiping God (1:9–11), but of course Job knew nothing of Satan’s affront. Job, however, knew that their prosperity did not come, ultimately, from their own hands; it was provided by God, whom they scorned! Therefore Job was not about to walk in the way of the wicked (cf. comments on 22:16–18).
Justice then is not always meted out in this life. Often the godless prosper and the godly perish. “Stern judgment in the life to come is the only possible corrective for this apparent triumph of wickedness. Postmortem retribution is clearly taught in both Testaments—compare Psalm 9:17; Isaiah 5:14–15; 30:33; Ezekiel 32:22–25; Matthew 7:13; 2 Thessalonians 1:8–9—although more clearly in later times than in the age of Job” (Gleason L. Archer, Jr., The Book of Job: God’s Answer to the Problem of Underserved Suffering, p. 77). (Zuck, R. B. (1985). Job. In J. F. Walvoord & R. B. Zuck (Eds.), The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures (Vol. 1, p. 744). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.)
But first, listen to Job’s appeal to his friends that they try to understand how he feels. “If you really want to console me, just keep quiet and listen” (v. 2, paraphrase). The Greek philosopher Zeno said, “The reason why we have two ears and only one mouth is that we may listen the more and talk the less.” The friends thought their words would encourage Job, but he said that their silence would encourage him even more (13:3). (Wiersbe, W. W. (1996). Be Patient (p. 81). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books)
Before considering Job’s second point, we must face the disturbing fact that too many professed Christians actually admire and envy the lifestyle of the rich and famous. In one of his books, Dr. Kenneth Chafin tells about a pastor and deacon who were visiting prospects and stopped at a beautiful suburban home. The lawn looked like it was manicured, and two expensive cars sat in the driveway. Furthermore, the pastor and deacon could see the man of the house comfortably seated in his spacious living room, watching television. Everything about the place reeked of affluence. The deacon turned to his pastor and asked, “What kind of good news do we have for this fellow?”
In over forty years of ministry, I have performed many weddings and watched many young Christian couples get started in their homes. What a joy it has been to see homes where couples set the right priorities and resist the temptation to “follow the crowd” and live for material possessions. Unfortunately, some have lost their spiritual vision and succeeded in this world—without acknowledging the Lord. Alas, they have their reward. (Wiersbe, W. W. (1996). Be Patient (pp. 82–83). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.)
(Remember the only author that I totally agree with is the HOLY SPIRIT in the inerrant WORD OF GOD called THE BIBLE! All other I try to gleam what I can to help me grow in the LORD!!)
“We are come to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel.”
—Hebrews 12:24
Reader, have you come to the blood of sprinkling? The question is not whether you have come to a knowledge of doctrine, or an observance of ceremonies, or to a certain form of experience, but have you come to the blood of Jesus? The blood of Jesus is the life of all vital godliness. If you have truly come to Jesus, we know how you came—the Holy Spirit sweetly brought you there. You came to the blood of sprinkling with no merits of your own. Guilty, lost, and helpless, you came to take that blood, and that blood alone, as your everlasting hope. You came to the cross of Christ, with a trembling and an aching heart; and oh! what a precious sound it was to you to hear the voice of the blood of Jesus! The dropping of his blood is as the music of heaven to the penitent sons of earth. We are full of sin, but the Saviour bids us lift our eyes to him, and as we gaze upon his streaming wounds, each drop of blood, as it falls, cries, “It is finished; I have made an end of sin; I have brought in everlasting righteousness.” Oh! sweet language of the precious blood of Jesus! If you have come to that blood once, you will come to it constantly. Your life will be “Looking unto Jesus.” Your whole conduct will be epitomized in this—“To whom coming.” Not to whom I have come, but to whom I am always coming. If thou hast ever come to the blood of sprinkling, thou wilt feel thy need of coming to it every day. He who does not desire to wash in it every day, has never washed in it at all. The believer ever feels it to be his joy and privilege that there is still a fountain opened. Past experiences are doubtful food for Christians; a present coming to Christ alone can give us joy and comfort. This morning let us sprinkle our door-post fresh with blood, and then feast upon the Lamb, assured that the destroying angel must pass us by. (Spurgeon, C. H. (1896). Morning and evening: Daily readings. London: Passmore & Alabaster.)
Neck or nothing
Now when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he girt his fisher’s coat unto him …, and did cast himself into the sea. John 21:7.
Have you ever had a crisis in which you deliberately and emphatically and recklessly abandoned everything? It is a crisis of will. You may come up to it many times externally, but it amounts to nothing. The real deep crisis of abandonment is reached internally, not externally. The giving up of external things may be an indication of being in total bondage.
Have you deliberately committed your will to Jesus Christ? It is a transaction of will, not of emotion; the emotion is simply the gilt-edge of the transaction. If you allow emotion first, you will never make the transaction. Do not ask God what the transaction is to be, but make it in regard to the thing you do see, either in the shallow or the profound place.
If you have heard Jesus Christ’s voice on the billows, let your convictions go to the winds, let your consistency go to the winds, but maintain your relationship to Him. (Chambers, O. (1986). My utmost for his highest: Selections for the year. Grand Rapids, MI: Oswald Chambers Publications; Marshall Pickering.)
Never be a prisoner of your past, it was just a lesson not a life sentence.
Daily Hope
Today’s Scripture
Acts 27:13-44
Wind currents can be tricky and difficult to read and gauge. Not being a pilot or a sailor, all I can do is look at the weather forecast or go outside and feel the air movement. Not very scientific, but most of the time, it is all that is necessary for my needs. For instance, yesterday I knew it was a gusty day as I tried to keep my notes from flying off while speaking outside.
Paul and the people that were on the ship with him had to identify the wind and the currents of the Mediterranean Sea as they attempted to navigate the ship to Rome. The passengers trusted the sailors and crew members who had spent their lives daily studying the signs and weather patterns of their region.
As those sailors observed a favorable wind and weather pattern, they set off on their journey to get to a harbor that was better suited for winter weather. Though unseen, another weather front was close behind the favorable one which would threaten all their lives. This ferocious storm struck with such suddenness and power they soon were hopelessly in its grip! Tempest-tossed and completely at the mercy of the storm, they did everything in their power to survive. They tossed nonessential items overboard, they worked night and day to keep the ship afloat, and finally realized they could do no more. All hope was lost!
That was when God appeared on the scene, restored hope, and gave courage to a completely defeated group of sailors, soldiers, and passengers. Paul stood and proclaimed that an angel had spoken to him and assured him that he must stand before Caesar and that the lives of all with him would be saved. His message did not change the storm as it continued to rage but, for Paul, he had an assurance that soon became apparent to those around him.
Apparently, Paul’s calmness, his ability to influence and give direction to those around him gave him a platform to influence his captors and the captain of the ship. His encouragement and rational instructions to take nourishment and trust in Christ led them to follow his directions.
Storms in life bring to the surface an individuals’ ability to lead and assist people. It does not matter the position you are in when the unexpected occurs, what becomes evident is the action and attitude you bring to the crisis. Paul, the prisoner, soon became the temporary leader in order to bring all to the safety of the island on which they were to be marooned. His trust in the Lord allowed him to speak and act confidently despite the circumstances that threatened everyone’s lives. His belief in God’s word, “…for I believe God that it will be just as it was told me” (v. 25), led him to act decisively.
Trust God’s word in the midst of difficulties this week. He is the same today as He was yesterday and His promises to us never grow old or go out of date. He is the Master of the storm!
With an Expectant Hope, by Pastor Miller (VP of SCM)
Acts 23
Because of attempts to kill Paul, he is taken to Caesarea to await trial.
INSIGHT Jesus says, “I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves” (Matthew 10:16). This certainly describes Paul. As he stands before the Jewish Council, Paul knows that his life is in peril. He also knows that the Council is divided between Pharisees, who believe in the resurrection of the dead, and the Sadducees, who do not. When Paul deliberately brings up that issue, the ensuing dissension is so great that the soldiers take him away, thwarting the immediate plot against him. (Quiet Walk)
He that hath seen me hath seen the Father. John 14:9
How did Christ act as a prophet on earth? He did so in all His teaching: His teaching concerning God the Father; His exposition of the law in the Sermon on the Mount; in all He told us of God’s love, of God’ gracious purpose, of His nature and His person. All this was a part of the exercise of His prophetic function, and supremely He told us about Himself. All this is vital, and I emphasize it because we sometimes forget that a part of our salvation consists in our receiving this knowledge that our Lord has given. This is why we must realize that this gospel applies to us. All He taught applies to us; the gospel is vital for Christian people and for Christian living. Christ is our Prophet.
And then He taught us by His life and example. “He that hath seen me hath seen the Father” (John 14:9). “Look at me,” He said in effect. “Have not my works shown you?” (See John 10:37-38.) “Hast thou not known me, Philip?” (John 14:9). “If you only look at Me, you will learn about God.”
Then let me go on to show you how He has continued to exercise His prophetic function ever since His ascension, after He left earth and returned to heaven. He said that He would speak through the Holy Spirit. “I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come. He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall show it unto you” (John 16:12-14). The Holy Spirit would not speak of Himself or about Himself, but the Holy Spirit would be told what to say. Christ would send the Holy Spirit to instruct. As the Son did not speak of Himself but from the Father, so the Spirit speaks as our Lord instructs Him.
A Thought to Ponder: Christ exercised His prophetic function as He told us about Himself.
(From God the Father, God the Son, pp. 294-295, by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones)
The Gate of Praise
“But thou shalt call thy walls Salvation, and thy gates Praise.” (Isaiah 60:18)
Walled cities were standard measures in the time of the Old Testament to protect the inhabitants from attack by enemy forces. In this Scripture in Isaiah, the city wall represents the protective salvation of God available to those who put their trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Concerning city walls, there were two types of openings in them. One was a breach in the wall that allowed enemy forces to come in and wreak havoc on the city. In this respect, the apostle Paul warned us in Ephesians 4:27, “Neither give place to the devil,” and in 2 Corinthians 2:11, “Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.” The other type of opening was a controlled gate that could be opened or closed at the will of the ruler of the city. Isaiah likens these gates as “Praise.”
It’s interesting that in regard to the New Jerusalem in Revelation 21:21, we are told, “And the twelve gates were twelve pearls.” As most people know, pearls are formed by irritation in which a foreign particle becomes lodged inside the shell of an oyster, and over time a beautiful pearl is formed by the secretion of minerals accumulating around the particle. Indeed, Acts 14:22 says, “That we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God.”
Giving praise to God in the difficult trials and irritating circumstances of a sin-cursed world is one thing you can’t do in heaven but is highly needful for the sojourning believer in this present life. Hebrews 13:15 says, “By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.” And David says, “Our feet shall stand within thy gates, O Jerusalem…to give thanks unto the name of the LORD” (Psalm 122:2, 4). (By JPT, The Institute for Creation Research)
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