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John 7

Children of Mary didn’t believe                                                                             verse 1- 5

 After these things Jesus walked in Galilee – for HE would not walk in Jewry

BECAUSE the Jews sought to kill HIM

Now the Jews’ feast of tabernacles was at hand

HIS brethren therefore said unto HIM

Depart hence – and go into Judea

            that YOUR disciples also may see the works that YOU do

FOR there is no man that does any thing in secret

and he himself seeks to be known openly

IF YOU do these things – show YOURSELF to the world

FOR neither did HIS brethren believe in HIM

World hates Jesus                                                                                                   verse 6- 9

 THEN Jesus said unto them – MY time is not yet come

BUT your time is always ready

the world cannot hate you – BUT ME it hates

            BECAUSE I testify of it – that the works thereof are evil

Go ye up unto this feast – I go not up yet unto this feast

FOR MY time is not yet full come

WHEN HE had said these words unto them – HE abode still in Galilee

 Confusion regarding Jesus                                                                                    verse 10- 13

 BUT when HIS brethren were gone up – then went HE also up unto the feast

not openly – BUT as it were in secret

THEN the Jews sought HIM at the feast and said

Where is HE?

And there was much murmuring among the people concerning HIM

FOR some said – HE is a good man

Others said – Nay

            BUT HE deceives the people

HOWBEIT no man spake openly of HIM for fear of the Jews

 Jesus goes to Temple to teach                                                                              verse 14- 15

 Now about the midst of the feast Jesus went up into the temple – and TAUGHT

and the Jews marveled – saying – How know this man letters  

having never learned?

 Message of Jesus                                                                                                   verse 16- 24

 Jesus answered them – and said

MY doctrine is not MINE

BUT HIS that sent ME

IF any man will do HIS will – he shall know of the doctrine

whether it be of God

OR whether I speak of MYSELF

He that speaks of himself seeks his own glory

BUT he that seeks his glory that sent him

            the same is true

and no unrighteousness is in him

Did not Moses give you the law

and yet none of you keeps the law?

Why go you about to kill ME?

The people answered and said – YOU hast a devil

Who goes about to kill YOU?

Jesus answered and said unto them

I have done one work – and ye all marvel

Moses therefore gave unto you circumcision

(not because it is of Moses but of the fathers)

and ye on the Sabbath day circumcise a man

IF a man on the Sabbath day receive circumcision

that the law of Moses should not be broken

Are ye angry at ME

BECAUSE I have made a man every

whit whole on the Sabbath day?

            Judge not according to the appearance

BUT judge righteous judgment

 Question regarding birth of Jesus                                                                        verse 25- 27

 Then said some of them of Jerusalem

Is not this HE – WHOM they seek to kill?

But lo – HE speaks boldly – and they say nothing unto HIM

            Do the rulers know indeed that this is the very Christ?

Howbeit we know this man whence HE is – BUT when Christ comes

            no man knows whence HE is

 Leaders don’t know Father                                                                                   verse 28- 30

 Then cried Jesus in the temple as HE taught – saying

            Ye both know ME – and ye know whence I am

                        and I am not come of MYSELF

                                    BUT HE that sent ME is true

WHOM you know not

            BUT I know HIM

for I am from HIM and HE hath sent ME

  Then they sought to take HIM

BUT no man laid hands on HIM

                        BECAUSE HIS hour was not yet come

 Many believed on Jesus                                                                                        verse 31

 AND many of the people believed on HIM and said

            When Christ comes

will HE do more miracles than these

which this man hath done?

 Jesus returning to the Father                                                                               verse 32- 36

 The Pharisees heard that the people murmured

such things concerning HIM

                        and the Pharisees and the chief priests

sent officers to take HIM

   THEN said Jesus unto them

            Yet a little while am I with you

and then I go unto HIM that sent ME

            You shall seek ME – and shall not find ME

and where I am

                                    thither ye cannot come

   THEN said the Jews among themselves

            Whither will HE go – that we shall not find HIM?

                        Will HE go unto the dispersed among the Gentiles

and teach the Gentiles?

            What manner of saying is this that HE said

                        Ye shall seek ME – and shall not find ME

and where I am

thither ye cannot come?

 Living water promised                                                                                         verse 37- 39

 In that last day – that great day of the feast

Jesus stood and cried


            IF any man thirst

let him come unto ME – and drink

            He that believes on ME as the Scripture

hath said

                        Out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water

(But this spake HE of the Spirit

which they that believe on HIM should receive

FOR the Holy Ghost was not yet given

            BECAUSE that Jesus was not yet glorified)

 Question regarding birthplace of Jesus                                                              verse 40- 44

 Many of the people therefore – when they heard this saying


            Of a truth this is the Prophet

Others said

            This is the Christ

But some said

            Shall Christ come out of Galilee?

Hath not the Scripture said

                        That Christ comes of the seed of David

and out of the town of Bethlehem

where David was?

SO there was a division among the people because of HIM

and some of them would have taken HIM

                        BUT no man laid hands on HIM

 Pharisees upset Jesus wasn’t arrested                                                                verse 45- 53

 Then came the officers to the chief priests and Pharisees

and they said unto them

                        Why have ye not brought HIM?

The officers answered

            Never man spake like this man

THEN answered them the Pharisees – Are ye also deceived?

            Have any of the rulers or of the Pharisees believed on HIM?

                        But this people who know not the law are cursed

Nicodemus said unto them

(he that came to Jesus by night being one of them)

Does our law judge any man

before it hear him – and know what he does?

They answered and said unto him

            Art you also of Galilee? Search – and look

                        FOR out of Galilee arises no prophet

And every man went unto his own house  




: 5        For neither did his brethren believe in him. (4100 “believe” [pisteuo] means commit to, to put in trust with, to think to be true, have Christian faith, entrust, have confidence, or rely on)

DEVOTION:  Mary had more children after the birth of Jesus. There were at least four brothers and two or more sisters (Matthew 13: 55). So HE came from a family of at least seven children. All of the men worked in the carpentry shop with Joseph.

Jesus worked there until HE was thirty years old and then started HIS public ministry. HIS brothers didn’t think HE was someone special. They were not part of the ones who followed HIM.

In fact, they came to take HIM home on a few occasions because they didn’t think HE was in HIS right mind. Mary came with the half- brothers to bring HIM home.

They invited HIM to go to the Feast of Tabernacles. They wanted to HIM to go so that HE could be arrested. They went ahead of HIM to the feast to see what would happen. They wanted HIM arrested.

HIS own family wanted HIM arrested. They didn’t want to become followers of HIM. They did become followers after HIS resurrection. Two of them wrote two of the books of the New Testament: Jude and James.

Sometimes our family thinks we are crazy for following Jesus. They don’t’ want to listen to us. They make fun of us. We are not invited to join them even for times of family gatherings because they don’t want to hear about Jesus.

Jesus made a statement that we need to apply to our life. HE told those who were following on a few occasions that they were HIS family. When HIS family came to see HIM, HE made a statement regarding family. HE stated that the followers were HIS family and not the other way around.

CHALLENGE: Even if our family doesn’t follow the LORD, we should be faithful to HIM. God could be gracious and we could see our families come to HIM. It might not happen in our lifetime. 

DAILY SPIRITUAL LUNCH: Transitional Believers 

: 15      And the Jews marveled saying, How knows this man letters, having never learned? (1121 “letters” [gramma] means any writing, a document or record, an epistle, the sacred writings of the Old Testament, or Scripture.)

DEVOTION:  Here we find that the Pharisees regarded themselves as a special class of people. They were the ones who were educated in the Old Testament sacred writings. They went to school to learn what they said and what they meant. They were better than most people. At the end of the chapter they tell the guards that the common people don’t know the Old Testament well enough to know what they are doing. They say they are cursed. Only those who are properly educated can know what is going on as far as they are concerned.

Here comes Jesus with HIS teachings regarding the Old Testament. The people are listening to HIM. The Pharisees don’t like it. They thought HE was just an ignorant carpenter. HE was not educated in their school. HE was not a priest. HE was just a nobody who happened to be a good teacher in their eyes. HE was uneducated!!!

We have to watch our thinking sometimes. We sometimes think that only the ministers or theologians or the scholars understand the Bible. That is a lie!!! The best teacher of the Word of God is the Holy Spirit. Each Christian has the Holy Spirit indwelling him at the point of salvation. Each Christian can learn from the Holy Spirit through the reading of the Word of God and prayer. We learn through listening to the messages at church also, but the Holy Spirit helps us discern if what is said in church is the truth of the Word of God or something that is made up by the speaker.

Many sermons preached in liberal churches are made up by the speaker. The speaker makes up some sermons in “evangelical” churches as to what the Bible might teach. Some scholars reinterpret the Bible to be politically correct.

The people were listening to Jesus. The Pharisees were amazed at the teaching of Jesus. HE knew his stuff. We need to listen to those who know their stuff. The Holy Spirit will give us discernment to know the difference.

CHALLENGE: We need to be like the Bereans who checked out Paul’s message to see if it was true. Check out who you are listening to and what they are saying. Can what they say be found in the Scripture? Don’t base your beliefs on feeling or what the world tells you to believe.  


: 38      He that believes on ME, as the scripture has said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. (2836 “belly” [koilia) means entire cavity, gullet, womb, stomach, the inner aspect of a person as a place of thoughts and feelings and conscience, or the innermost part of a man, the soul, heart as the seat of thought, feeling, choice)

DEVOTION:  In Isaiah 12:2, 2 we read “Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the LORD JEHOVAH is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation. Therefore with joy shall you draw water out of the wells of salvation.” Also in Isaiah 44: 3 we read “For I will pour water on him that is thirsty, and floods upon the dry ground: I will pour my spirit upon they seed, and my blessing on your offspring.”

Once someone becomes a genuine believer his/her life is changed forever. There is a new heart given. There is a new life started. We have the availability of living water.

All of this is available through the ministry of the Holy Spirit. We can have fresh water every day until the day we die. We understand what this all means by our study of the Scriptures.

At the time of this occasion the Holy Spirit had not yet been given to the disciples. HE would come when the LORD ascended into heaven. On the day of Pentecost the disciples in the upper room were filled with the Holy Spirit.

Since that time each of us have the possibility of being filled with the Holy Spirit not only at the point of salvation but also regularly as we confess our sins. Our goal each day should be to be in tune with the work of the Holy Spirit in our life.

CHALLENGE:  This should flow in our lives. What is flowing out of your heart today????


            : 44      And some of them would have taken him; but no man laid his hands on HIM. (4084 “taken” [piazo]                              means catch, apprehend, lay hands on, in order to imprison him, seize, or take into custody)

DEVOTION: One of the outcomes of the ministry of Jesus was that it confused people. Some were going to be followers and others were not. Some looked at what they thought were the facts while others just believed.

Jesus caused this to happen in Jerusalem when HE came to the feast of Tabernacles. HE taught in the Temple. What HE taught confused the people who were listening to HIM. They thought HE was born in Galilee instead of Bethlehem. The reason for this misinformation was that HE lived in Capernaum. Remember that Joseph moved around because of the warning of God.

The religious leaders wanted to arrest HIM but even the soldiers were amazed at HIS teachings. The arrest didn’t happen until later.

Our testimony is important. We have to present the LORD every chance we get to be a good representative of HIM. There are times in our life when we are not good representatives but we still can never give up.

CHALLENGE:  Our family and our friends need to hear the message as often as the LORD gives us those opportunities. We are not to force the issue but to present it in love. 




Chastity (Purity in living)

Fasting (Time alone with LORD without eating or drinking)

Sacrifice (Giving up something we want to serve the LORD)

Submission (Willing to listen to others and LORD)

Solitude (Going to a quiet place without anyone)


Fellowship (Gathering together around the Word of God)

Frugality (wise use of resources)

Journalizing (Writing down what you have learned from the LORD)

Study and Meditation (Thinking through your study in the Word)

Secrecy (Doing your good deeds without others knowing but God)


Celebration (Gathering around a special occasion to worship LORD)

Confession (Tell the LORD we are sorry for our sins on a daily basis)

Prayer (Conversation with God on a personal level)

Silence (Letting the LORD deal with some problems and needs)

Worship (Time to praise the LORD alone or in a group) 

Feast of Tabernacles                                                                               verse 2, 8, 10, 11, 14, 37

Temple                                                                                                    verse 14, 28

Sabbath                                                                                                  verse 22, 23



Scripture (66 inerrant books of the Bible)

                         Moses                                                                                                              verse 1, 22, 23

                        Law                                                                                                      verse 19, 23, 49

                        Law of Moses                                                                                      verse 23

                        Scripture                                                                                              verse 38, 42

                        Prophet                                                                                                verse 40 

God the Father (First person of the Godhead) 

Father sent Jesus                                                                                   verse 16, 28, 29, 33

Will of God                                                                                            verse 17 

God the Son (Second person of the Godhead –God/man, Messiah)

                       Jesus                                                                                                     verse 1, 6, 14, 16, 21, 28, 33, 37, 39,                                                                                                                                                42, 50

                       Works                                                                                                   verse 3

                       MY time                                                                                               verse 8

                       Taught                                                                                                  verse 14, 28

                       Jews thought HE was uneducated                                                      verse 15

                       Taught doctrine                                                                                   verse 16

                       People marvel at HIS works                                                                verse 21

                       Speaks boldly                                                                                      verse 26

                       Christ                                                                                                   verse 26, 27, 31, 41, 42

                       Knows Father                                                                                      verse 29

                       HIS hour                                                                                              verse 30

                       Miracles                                                                                              verse 31

                       Glorified                                                                                              verse 39

                       The Prophet                                                                                        verse 40

                       Seed of David                                                                                     verse 42

                       Bethlehem                                                                                          verse 42 

God the Holy Spirit (Third person of the Godhead – our comforter)

                       Spirit                                                                                                   verse 39

Holy Ghost                                                                                          verse 39 

Trinity (Three persons of the Godhead who are co-equal = ONE God)    

                     God                                                                                                      verse 17 

Angels (Created before the foundation of the world – Good and Evil)

                       Devil                                                                                                   verse 20 

Man (Created on the sixth twenty-four hour period of creation)

                    World                                                                                                verse 4, 7

Gentiles                                                                                               verse 35 

Sin (Missing the mark set by God on man and angels) 

Kill                                                                                                       verse 1, 19, 20, 25

Jesus’ brothers didn’t believe                                                            verse 5, 10

Hate                                                                                                    verse 7

Works evil                                                                                           verse 7

Evil                                                                                                      verse 7

Murmuring                                                                                        verse 12, 32

Deceive                                                                                              verse 12, 47

Fear                                                                                                    verse 13

Unrighteousness                                                                               verse 18

Judge by appearance                                                                        verse 24

Not knowing God                                                                              verse 28

Division                                                                                              verse 43

Not believing                                                                                     verse 48

Cursed                                                                                                verse 49 

Salvation (Provided by Christ’s death on the cross for our sins) 

Believe                                                                                               verse 5, 31, 38, 39, 48

Taught                                                                                               verse 14, 28

Doctrine                                                                                             verse 16, 17

Doing God’s will                                                                                verse 17

Judge righteous judgment                                                               verse 24

Speak boldly                                                                                      verse 26

True                                                                                                    verse 28

Seek Jesus                                                                                          verse 34

Rivers of living water                                                                        verse 38

Receive Holy Spirit                                                                           verse 39 

Israel (Old Testament people of God) 

Galilee                                                                                               verse 1, 9, 41, 52

Jewry                                                                                                 verse 1

Jews                                                                                                   verse 1, 2, 13, 15, 35

Feast of Tabernacles                                                                         verse 2

Judaea                                                                                               verse 3

Moses                                                                                               verse 19, 22

Circumcision                                                                                     verse 22, 23

Jerusalem                                                                                          verse 25

Rulers                                                                                                verse 26, 48

Pharisees                                                                                           verse 32, 45, 47, 48

Chief priests                                                                                      verse 32, 45

Officers                                                                                             verse 32, 45, 46

Seed of David                                                                                   verse 42

Bethlehem                                                                                        verse 42

Nicodemus                                                                                       verse 50, 51

                                    came  to Jesus by night

Church (New Testament people of God) 

Disciples                                                                                           verse 3 

Last Things (Future Events)



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QUOTES regarding passage

3–5 Because the gathering in Jerusalem brought together pilgrims from every section of Palestine, Jesus’ brothers saw an excellent opportunity for him to acquire some publicity. Their advice to him was to join the crowds in Jerusalem so that he might enhance his reputation and gain more followers. Their suggestion may have been more sarcastic than serious, since they did not believe in him (v. 5). To “believe in him” may carry with it a recognition of his purpose and sympathy with it, which his brothers did not have. Consequently, their counsel may have been for him to abandon the idealism of teaching multitudes in obscurity and of risking death. If he possessed the powers his miracles seemed to imply, he should display them to the best advantage and capitalize on them. (Tenney, M. C. (1981). John. In F. E. Gaebelein (Ed.), The Expositor’s Bible Commentary: John and Acts (Vol. 9, p. 82). Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House.)


7:4–5. It did not seem rational to Jesus’ brothers for Him not to show off His glory. If He really was what He claimed to be, they reasoned, He should publicly demonstrate it. They advised Him to display Himself in a powerful, brilliant way: Show Yourself to the world. But God’s way was a public display on a cross of humiliation. John explained that even His own brothers did not believe in Him. This sad note sounds again (cf. 1:10–11; 12:37). Proximity to Jesus, either in a family or as a disciple, does not guarantee faith. (Blum, E. A. (1985). John. In J. F. Walvoord & R. B. Zuck (Eds.), The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures (Vol. 2, p. 299). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.)


Mary bore other children, with Joseph as their natural father (Matt. 13:55–56; Mark 6:1–6); so Jesus Him all those years and not realized the uniqueness of His person. Certainly they knew would have been their half brother. It seems incredible that His brothers could have lived with about His miracles (see John 7:3–4) since everybody else did. Having been in the closest contact with Him, they had the best opportunity to watch Him and test Him; yet they were still unbelievers.

Here were men going up to a religious feast, yet rejecting their own Messiah! How easy it is to follow tradition and miss eternal truth. The publicans and sinners were rejoicing at His message, but His own half brothers were making fun of Him. (Wiersbe, W. W. (1996). The Bible exposition commentary (Vol. 1, pp. 314–315). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.)


7:1–5. The Feast of Tabernacles began on the fifteenth day of the seventh month, five days after Yom Kippur. It was one of the three main feasts of the Jews, symbolizing the protection of Israel in the wilderness (Lev. 23; Deut. 16). In this lengthy introduction of thirteen verses, we learn about the significance of the feast, the attitude of Jesus’ brothers, and the reaction of the crowds. Public opposition was now in full swing and Jesus’ life was constantly in danger.

John wasted no time in establishing the Lord’s motive for staying in Galilee; the Jews in Judea wanted to kill him. Indeed, threats on the Lord’s life dominate this chapter (vv. 1, 13, 19, 25, 30, 32, 44). Presumably the events of chapter 7 took place six months after chapter 6, since John referred to the Passover in 6:4 and now mentioned the Jewish Feast of Tabernacles. The record of chapter 7 begins before the feast and takes us to the last and greatest day. Borchert reminds us, “Tabernacles was a time of camping for Israel. Particularly in Jerusalem, visitors set up booths all over the city in remembrance of the years when Israel wandered in the wilderness. The festival originally lasted for seven days … but later an eighth summary day or Solemn assembly was added that brought together the reflections of Israel’s history and hopes for Israel’s future” (Borchert, p. 278).

Jesus’ brothers (presumably half brothers all younger than he), still skeptical and perhaps even bitter about his popularity and notoriety, goaded him into making a public display of what he claimed to be. They were certainly right to argue, No one who wants to become a public figure acts in secret. But their motivation rested in their unbelief, as John indicated in verse 5. They described the pattern of secular politicians—a pattern Jesus urged his own disciples not to follow. Many disciples left Jesus at the end of chapter 6, and the scene reminds us of Joseph’s jealous brothers tormented by his dreams of grandeur. The Feast of Tabernacles in Jerusalem was a media event, a photo op for any prophet seeking stardom.

Let us not rush too quickly over the word brothers. Westcott identifies these people as the sons of Joseph by a former marriage. The Roman Catholic view protects the perpetual virginity of Mary by referring to them as “cousins.” Some interpreters do not even discuss this subject, assuming readers will choose the traditional evangelical view. Godet states it very succinctly: “We take the expression ‘Jesus’ brethren,’ in the strict sense” (Godet, II, p. 54). (Gangel, K. O. (2000). John (Vol. 4, pp. 142–143). Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman Publishers.)


7:5 As with the crowds in Jerusalem and Galilee, even His own brothers did not believe in Jesus at first. They did not become His followers until after the resurrection (Ac 1:14; 1Co 15:7). (MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (2006). The MacArthur study Bible: New American Standard Bible. (Jn 7:5). Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers.)


Ver. 5. For neither did his brethren believe in him.] At first they might take to him, and embrace him as the Messiah, and expect he would set up a temporal kingdom; in which they might hope, on account of their relation to him, according to the flesh to enjoy great honours and privileges; but finding that he was not inclined to any thing of that nature, and talked in a quite different way, they grew sick of him, and rejected him, as the Messiah; so, little regard is to be had, or confidence placed, in carnal descent from, or alliance to the best of men; as to Abraham, or any other true believer, if they have not the same grace, or the same faith as such have; and which comes not by blood, or natural generation, but by the free favour of God; for it matters not, if men have known Christ, or have been allied to him after the flesh, unless they are new creatures in him; they may be the one, and not the other; even the carnal brethren of Christ, and yet not believers in him; and ’tis only such who are so in a spiritual sense, that are regarded by him, Matt. 12:49, 50. (Gill, J. (1809). An Exposition of the New Testament (Vol. 1, p. 828). London: Mathews and Leigh.)


His brethren therefore said unto him, Depart hence, and go into Judea, that thy disciples also may see the works that thou doest” (John 7:3). These “brethren” were the brothers of Christ according to the flesh: that is, they were sons of Mary too. That they were completely blind to His Divine glory is evident from the fact they here told Him what to do. Blind to His glory, they were therefore devoid of all spiritual discernment, and hence their reasoning was according to the carnal mind. But what did they mean by “Go into Judea, that thy disciples also may see the works that thou doest”? The answer is to be found in the “also” and the “therefore” at the beginning of the verse—“His brethren therefore said unto him,” etc. The “therefore,” of course, looks back to something previous. What this is, we find in the closing verses of John 6. In the first part of that chapter we have recorded a wonderful “work” performed by the Lord. But in verse 66 we are told, “From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him.” Now, said these brethren according to the flesh, do not waste any further efforts or time here, but go to Judea. They were evidently piqued at the reception which Christ had met with in Galilee. His work there seemed to amount to very little, why not, then, try Jerusalem, the headquarters of Judaism! Moreover, now was an opportune time: the Feast of tabernacles was at hand, and Jerusalem would be full. (Pink, A. W. (1923–1945). Exposition of the Gospel of John (p. 373). Swengel, PA: Bible Truth Depot.)



 Old Testament WORDS for Today by Warren W. Wiersbe

Malachi 2: 17

IN Malachi’s day, after the Jews had left Babylon, returned to their land, and rebuilt the temple, the people were sure God would do some great miracle to impress the Gentiles, but the miracle never came. The people argued with the Lord and worse yet, the priests were bored with their ministries in the new temple (Mal. 1: 12-13). The whole fabric of their religious lfie was weak and they desperately needed revival. God was weary of listening to their insincere prayers and hymns. Do we have this problem today? (p. 198)


Wonderful Words of Life
“Thy testimonies are wonderful: therefore doth my soul keep them.” (Psalm 119:129)

Modern liberals may ridicule Bible-believing Christians as bibliolaters, but the fact is that it is not possible to place the Bible on too high a pedestal. “Thy testimonies are wonderful,” the psalmist says, for “his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor” (Isaiah 9:6), whose testimonies they are.
Consider just how wonderful are the Scriptures. They were written in the heart of God even before the creation. “For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven” (Psalm 119:89). Then, “at sundry times and in divers manners,” this eternal Word of God was conveyed to men, as God “spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets” (Hebrews 1:1). Finally, it was complete, and the last of the prophets concluded it with an all-embracing warning: “If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life” (Revelation 22:18-19). Critics who tamper with the words of the Bible are on dangerous ground, the psalmist said: “Thy word is true from the beginning: and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever” (Psalm 119:160). Jesus said: “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away” (Matthew 24:35).
Eternal in the past; inviolable in the present; forever in the future! All we shall ever need for our guidance is to be found in God’s wonderful testimonies: “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable. . . . That the man of God may be perfect” (2 Timothy 3:16-17).
It is not possible to have too high a view of Scripture, “for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name” (Psalm 138:2). (HMM, The Institute for Creation Research)


Hebrews 9
The old covenant of law is a picture of the new covenant of grace in Christ.

Without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sin (v. 22). We are not told why that is true, only that it is. “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23), and “the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23). Wherever there is sin, someone must die. We can pay the penalty for our own sin, which is our own eternal, spiritual death, or the death which Christ suffered can be placed on our account. His death can count for ours, and we do not have to die spiritually. Faith is the vehicle by which this transaction takes place. Whoever believes in Jesus will not perish but will have eternal life. (John 3:16    (Quiet Walk)


Daily Hope

Today’s Scripture

Psalm 142 

Alone and troubled are two realities that many people have encountered this past year.  With hospitals, assisted living homes and even many personal homes being locked down and not allowing friends and family to enter, a sense of loneliness and trouble has been prevalent for many people.  For all those involved, the isolation and sense of abandonment has been extremely difficult. 

David was in a personal and overwhelming crisis and experienced a combination of abandonment and isolation of his own.  In 1 Samuel 22, David was hiding in a cave as Saul pursued him.   Alone and in despair, David makes this psalm his prayer for relief and companionship.  The reality that friends, loved ones and associates were all removed, and no one was available to assist him, sent David seeking the Lord.  In verses 1 and 5, he exclaimed the cry of urgency for the Lord to hear his supplication.  David requested that the Lord hear his complaints and deliver him from his enemies.  He recognized that his sole source of deliverance was the Lord. 

The prayer David lifts before the Lord is one that many can make in their time of despair, quarantine and sickness.  For the believer, the reality that the Lord is aware of our needs and is a refuge for us enables us to press on and anticipate that there is a time in which isolation will conclude.  

David closes this psalm with a confident statement demonstrating his trust despite the reality of very difficult surroundings.   The righteous shall surround me, For You shall deal bountifully with me” (v. 7). This trust in the Lord that David displayed encourages us to walk in continued faith in all circumstances. 

With an Expectant hope,      Pastor Miller


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