Leviticus 18
LORD commands Israelites to follow only HIMverses 1-5
And the LORD spoke to Moses
Speak to the children of Israel and say to them
I am the LORD your God
After the doings of the land of Egypt – wherein you dwelt
shall you NOT DO
And after the doings of the land of Canaan whither I bring you
shall you NOT DO
neither shall you WALK in their ordinances
You shall DO MY judgments – and keep MINE ordinances
to WALK therein
I am the LORD your God
You shall therefore KEEP MY statutes – and my judgments
which if a man DO – he shall LIVE in them
I am the LORD
LORD commands regarding sexual purityverses 6-20
None of you shall approach to any that is near of kin to him
to uncover their nakedness – I am the LORD
The nakedness of your father – or the nakedness of your mother
shall you not uncover – she is your mother
you shall not uncover her nakedness
The nakedness of your father’s wife shall you not uncover
it is your father’s nakedness
The nakedness of your sister
the daughter of your father or daughter of your mother
whether she be born at home – or born abroad
even their nakedness you shall not uncover
The nakedness of your son’s daughter – or your daughter’s daughter
even their nakedness you shall not uncover
for theirs is your own nakedness
The nakedness of your father’s wife’s daughter
begotten of your father – she is your sister
you shall not uncover her nakedness
You shall not uncover the nakedness of your mother’s sister
for she is your mother’s near kinsman
You shall not uncover the nakedness of your father’s brother
you shall not approach to his wife – she is thine aunt
You shall not uncover the nakedness of your daughter-in-law
she is your son’s wife – you shall not uncover her nakedness
You shall not uncover the nakedness of your brother’s wife
it is your brother’s nakedness
You shall not uncover the nakedness of a woman and her daughter
neither shall you take her son’s daughter
or her daughter’s daughter to uncover her nakedness
for they are near kinswomen – it is wickedness
Neither shall you take a wife to her sister – to vex her
to uncover her nakedness – besides the other in her life time
Also you shall not approach to a woman to uncover her nakedness
as long as she is put apart for her uncleanness
Moreover you shall not lie carnally with your neighbor’s wife
to defile yourself with her
Children offered to idolsverse 21
And you shall not let any of your seed pass through the fire of Molech
neither shall you profane the name of your God – I am the LORD
Homosexual relationsverse 22
You shall not lie with mankind – as with womankind
Relations with animalsverse 23
Neither shall you lie with any beast to defile yourself therewith
neither shall any woman stand before a best to lie down thereto
Nations judged because of these sinsverses 24-27
Defile not you yourselves in any of these things
for in all these the nations are defiled which I cast out
before you and the land is defiled
THEREFORE I do visit the iniquity thereof on it
and the land itself VOMITS out her inhabitants
You shall therefore keep MY statutes and MY judgments
and shall NOT commit any of these ABOMINATIONS
Neither any of your own nation – nor any stranger that sojourns among you
(FOR all these ABOMINATIONS have the men of the land done
which were before you – and the land is DEFILED)
That the land spew not you out also – when you DEFILE it
as it spewed out the nations that were before you
FOR whosoever shall commit any of these ABOMINATIONS
even the souls that commit them shall be CUT OFF from
among their people
THEREFORE shall you keep MINE ordinance
that you commit NOT any one of these ABOMINABLE customs
which were committed before you
and that you DEFILE not yourselves therein
I am the LORD your God
: 5 You shall therefore keep MY statutes and MY judgments: which if a man do, he shall live in them: I am the LORD. (4941 “judgments” [mishpat] means decision, dispute, case, claim, law, an accepted or habitual practice of long standing, or plan)
DEVOTION: How many of us want to live a life that is pleasing to the LORD? HE gives the children of Israel commands to obey. If they obey HIS commands they will find life through them.
God is making a promise to the children of Israel. HE is giving them statutes, judgments and ordinances to obey. HE has HIS standard for those who will be blessed by HIM.
In this chapter HE deals with sexual issues between human beings and animals. HE makes HIS demands plain. HE doesn’t leave anything to our imagination. There is no doubt concerning what HE expects of those who are obedient to HIM.
That means that if we read the Bible and don’t understand something we can read further and understand it.
Moses and Aaron were to give the people the instructions of the LORD. Once they heard them they were to obey them without any excuse.
Do we know what the LORD expects of us today? The same rules apply today because people are the same today. We are to train those we love concerning proper relations with others.
Those who disobey are worshiping a false god. The god of this age or of this world is not to be worshiped by followers of Jesus Christ. Satan is real. He wants us to disobey the LORD and puts everything in our way when we try to obey the LORD.
CHALLENGE: Our victory comes through trust in CHRIST which causes us to want to obey the commandments of the LORD.
DAILY SPIRITUAL LUNCH: Transitional Believers
: 22 You shall not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. (7901 “lie” [shakab] means sleep, rest, the act of sexual procreation between a man and a woman, or climb into someone’s bed)
DEVOTION: Today we find many people trying to rewrite the Bible or claim that the Bible is not plain on some issues. Some will say that this issue is only found in the Old Testament and only refers to certain occasions. Others will say that these restrictions were only necessary at the beginning of the church but not necessary now. Excuses abound regarding this issue but the Bible is plain.
This whole chapter is dealing with sexual issues concerning wrong relationships with other people and even with animals. So improper relationships with the same sex is not stated in a hypothetical way or a way that can’t be understood. God will judge those who do any of these sins.
No believer can practice these sins on a regular basis without the LORD chastening them. If there is no chastening than the individuals involved is not a genuine believer.
Do believers sin? YES!! Do they live in sin? NO!!! If they live in sin without chastening then either the Bible is wrong or they are wrong.
CHALLENGE: The Bible is never wrong. God’s standards have to be followed to be blessed.
: 27 (For all these abominations have the men of the land done, which were before you, and the land is defiled.) (8441 “abominations” [towʿebah] means 1 a disgusting thing, abomination, abominable. 1a in ritual sense (of unclean food, idols, mixed marriages). 1b in ethical sense (of wickedness etc.). [Strong, J. (1995). Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon. Woodside Bible Fellowship])
DEVOTION: An abomination is defined by Merriam Webster’s Dictionary as “something regarded with disgust or hatred.” We have lost our ability as a people to be ashamed or disgusted at certain activities because we have adopted the attitude of tolerance toward sin that our culture promotes. This is especially true when it comes to the issue of sex and sexual relations. The sexual revolution that started in the 1960s said that any form of sexual activity was okay as long as it was done with “love.”
Now we are told that we must tolerate homosexuals and homosexual behavior. However, it does not matter what our opinion of this is, because God has already called it an abomination in His sight. The breakup of the family and the absence of fathers in the home is the main reason that boys growing up today do not have a wholesome view of the family and sex. God’s intention was never for a man to have sex with another man (or a woman with a woman), but for the procreation and development of the family. Many a boy is growing up today with a “father wound” from lack of involvement with his dad.
Paul clearly teaches that homosexual behavior is a result of rejecting God as the Creator and sustainer of the universe. He says that when people turn their backs on God, God turns them over to indecent behaviors including homosexuality (Romans 1:26-27). That teaches us that the core problem in this behavior is rejection of God, and that the solution is to share with people who God is and what He demands of us. We should love people who are living in sin, and share the salvation that comes through Jesus Christ with them. There have been many homosexuals (as well as other sinners) who have repented of their sins and come to serve the living God, and that should be our prayer for all those who call themselves LGBT.
CHALLENGE: We need to recover our perspective on homosexuality and see it as God sees it. (MW)
: 28 That the land spue not you out also, when you defile it, as it spued out the nations that were before you. (6892 “spue out” [qy] means spit out, vomit, disgorge, or be sick)
DEVOTION: Usually we would use this word in regard of someone who would be sick. Most of us have observed someone who has eaten or drank too much and they get sick and spit it up. It is not a pretty sight.
Here we find a piece of land not liking those who are living on it and they want to get rid of the people because of their actions. This is motivated by the LORD. The LORD created the world to honor HIM. HE created a garden for Adam and Eve to live in where they were caretakers of the Garden of Eden. They were to work in the Garden to keep it beautiful.
However, because of sin they were taken out of the Garden and as part of the curse of sin there would be hard labor involved in raising any kind of crop for food. This was part of the curse of Adam.
God is now talking to the children of Israel as they were moving from the land of Egypt into the Promised Land. The Promised Land was not ready for the children of Israel until the iniquity of the people of the land was full. God knew when it would be full. God knew that the land would not continue to put up with the sins of the Amorites.
So once the sin was full God moved the children of Israel as a nation into the Promised Land. HE however warned the children of Israel that the land would reject them if they disobeyed HIS commands. We find that later in their history the land rejected them.
Today we live in our world. Some of us live in the nation of America. It might get to the point where our sin would cause this land to want to spit us out for another nation that would honor the LORD.
We need to honor the LORD by our actions before this land wants us out. There are many natural activities going on around us that are not normal. There are people who claim that there is “global warming” going on when in reality it is a normal cycle of activity for our world. When the LORD judges a country they will know that judgment is coming. There could be warning signs now.
CHALLENGE: God wants us to be aware that HE is in control of how long a nation stays in the land with HIS blessing. Can the LORD bless a nation that is not obeying HIS commands?
: 30 Therefore shall you keep mine ordinance, that you commit not any one of these abominable customs, which were committed before you, and that you defile not yourselves therein: I am the LORD your God. (2708 “customs” [chuqqah] means statute, ordinance, limit, enactment, manners, rites or something prescribed)
DEVOTION: The LORD gives commands in this chapter and reminds them continually that HE is the LORD their God. After each set of commands, HE states “I am the LORD.” HE is giving HIS name as the authority for obedience to these commands. HE doesn’t have to use any other name.
As part of the warning HE states that the reason HE is giving the children of Israel the land of Canaan is because the inhabitants of the land are practicing these abominations or sins. HE stays that the land itself is vomiting them out. HE also warns that if they practice these things the land will spew or vomit them up.
There are sins that affect a nation. The LORD warned the children of Israel that HE wanted them to walk in HIS ordinances not the ordinances of those who were in Canaan before them. The people who were in the land before them were guilty of all kinds of sexual perversion. They were so guilty that the land spewed them out. They were so guilty that the land vomited them out. There was judgment from the LORD for their actions. If any of the children of Israel practiced their actions, they were to be killed or excommunicated.
If these practices become prevalent in our land, then the judgment of God would come and spew us out of the land. As we read the newspaper and watch television, we see that some of these practices are becoming so prevalent that no one sees them as sin anymore.
Do we find that there are many in our country that is practicing some of these things? Is God going to have to spew them out of our country because of their actions? We need to walk in the way of the LORD. Many Christians are struggling with some of these practices. Some of them have never been given clear instructions from the Word of God regarding these issues but the pulpits of our nation don’t talk of such things. If it is in the Bible it should be taught.
Our children need Biblical sex education, not what those outside of Christ want to teach them. If Christian parents are not teaching their children, then they will learn someplace else.
I grew up in a church that these matters were not mentioned. My parents never taught me these instructions. My generation didn’t have any Biblical education in this field. Now we have so much going on in our schools and on television that the Biblical principles MUST be taught.
CHALLENGE: Every CHRISTIAN parent should cover this subject with the children IN A BIBLICAL MANNER. God is still interested in moral purity today!
Chastity (Purity in living)
Fasting (Time alone with LORD without eating or drinking)
Sacrifice (Giving up something we want to serve the LORD)
Submission (Willing to listen to others and LORD)
Solitude (Going to a quiet place without anyone)
Fellowship (Gathering together around the Word of God)
Frugality (wise use of resources)
Journalizing (Writing down what you have learned from the LORD)
Study and Meditation (Thinking through your study in the Word)
Secrecy (Doing your good deeds without others knowing but God)
Celebration (Gathering around a special occasion to worship LORD)
Confession (Tell the LORD we are sorry for our sins on a daily basis)
Prayer (Conversation with God on a personal level)
Silence (Letting the LORD deal with some problems and needs)
Worship (Time to praise the LORD alone or in a group)
Scripture (66 inerrant books of the Bible)
Judgmentsverses 4, 5, 26
Ordinancesverses 4, 30
Statutesverses 5, 26
God the Father (First person of the Godhead)
LORD (Jehovah)verses 1, 2, 4-6, 21
God (Elohim)verses 2, 4, 21, 30
I am the LORD your Godverses 2, 4, 30
I am the LORDverses 5, 6, 21
God the Son (Second person of the Godhead – God/man, Messiah)
God the Holy Spirit (Third person of the Godhead – our comforter)
Trinity (Three persons of the Godhead who are co-equal = ONE God)
Angels(Created before the foundation of the world – Good and Evil)
Man (Created on the sixth twenty-four hour period of creation)
Land of Egyptverse 2
Land of Canaanverse 2
Nations are defiledverses 24, 28
Land is defiledverse 25
Stranger verse 26
Sin (Missing the mark set by God on man and angels)
Walk in ordinances of Egypt or Canaanverse 3
Pagan ordinancesverses 3, 27
Uncover nakednessverses 4-19
Near of kin
Father’s wife
Son’s daughter
Father’s sister
Mother’s sister
Father’s brother’s wife
Brother’s wife
Woman in her uncleanness
Neighbor’s wife
Wickednessverse 17
Sexual activity during menstruationverse 19
Lie carnally with neighbor’s wifeverse 20
Children to false god: Molechverse 21
Profane name of Godverse 21
Homosexuality verse 22
Abominationverses 22, 26, 27, 29
Sex with beastsverse 23
Confusionverse 23
Defileverses 24, 25, 27, 28, 30
Iniquityverse 25
Abominable customsverse 30
Salvation (Provided by Christ’s death on the cross for our sins)
Keep LORD’S judgmentsverses 4, 5, 26
Keep LORD’S ordinancesverses 4, 30
Walkverse 4
Keep LORD’S statutesverses 5, 26
Live in obedienceverse 5
Israel (Old Testament people of God)
Mosesverse 1
Children of Israelverse 2
Church (New Testament people of God)
Last Things (Future Events)
Cut offverse 29
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QUOTES regarding passage
18:24–30. This section functions like the curse section of a covenant treaty. Because of the things just described (esp. vv. 19–23), God had programmed the extermination of the Canaanites. Disobedient Israelites would suffer the same punishment as their predecessors. The graphic personification, the land vomited out its inhabitants (vv. 25, 28) shows how detestable (vv. 26, 29–30) these practices are in God’s sight. The chapter closed as it opened: I am the Lord your God. (Lindsey, F. D. (1985). Leviticus. In J. F. Walvoord & R. B. Zuck (Eds.), The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures (Vol. 1, p. 201). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books)
Consequences (vv. 24–30). The picture here isn’t a pretty one. Sexual perversions are like disease germs; they make a society and a nation sick. Then the land itself becomes sick and must vomit out its filthy people the way a human body vomits out poison. How tragic that people made in God’s image should end up as vomit! Please note that these were Gentile nations that were judged—peoples with whom God had not made any covenants, but He still held them accountable for their filthy deeds against nature (Rom. 1:18ff).
If God so dealt with Gentile nations, to whom He’d never given His law, how much more will He hold accountable those who claim to know Him and possess His Word? There are dire consequences to sexual sins, and the judgment is greatest where the light has been the brightest. Alas, the nation of Israel disobeyed God, defiled their land, and were vomited out into captivity. Today, there are both secular and religious organizations that openly espouse an immoral lifestyle contrary to God’s Word; in God’s eyes, they’re making society sick. (Wiersbe W. W. (1996). Be Holy (p. 83). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.)
Sexual Relationships (18:1–30). Strict standards of holiness also had to be observed in the area of sexual relationships. Contrary to the practices of the pagan world, the people of the Lord had to marry among their own society but not incestuously. Thus, a man could not marry his mother, stepmother, sister or half-sister, granddaughter, stepsister, blood aunt, uncle’s wife, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, stepdaughter, or step-granddaughter. Likewise, adultery, child sacrifice, homosexuality, and bestiality were strictly prohibited. (Merrill, E. H. (1998). The Pentateuch. In D. S. Dockery (Ed.), Holman concise Bible commentary (p. 44). Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman Publishers.)
24–30. The land designed and consecrated for His people by Jehovah (25:23) is here impersonated, and represented as vomiting forth its present inhabitants, in consequence of their indulgence in the abominations that have been mentioned. The iniquity of the Canaanites was now full. See Gen. 15:16; cp. Isaiah 24:1–6. The Israelites in this place, and throughout the chapter, are exhorted to a pure and holy life, on the ground that Jehovah, the Holy One, is their God and that they are His people. Cp. 19:2. It is upon this high sanction that they are peremptorily forbidden to defile themselves with the pollutions of the heathen. The only punishment here pronounced upon individual transgressors is, that they shall “bear their iniquity” and be “cut off from among their people.” We must understand this latter phrase as expressing an ipso facto excommunication or outlawry, the divine Law pronouncing on the offender an immediate forfeiture of the privileges which belonged to him as one of the people in Covenant with Jehovah. See Ex. 31:14 note. The course which the Law here takes seems to be first to appeal to the conscience of the individual man on the ground of his relation to Jehovah, and then (ch. 20) to enact such penalties as the order of the state required, and as represented the collective conscience of the nation put into operation. (Barnes, A. (1879). Notes on the Old Testament: Exodus to Ruth. (F. C. Cook & J. M. Fuller, Eds.) (p. 155). London: John Murray.)
Ver. 25. And the land is defiled, &c.] The inhabitants of it, with the immoralities and idolatries before, mentioned: therefore I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it; or punish the inhabitants that are on it for their sins: and the land itself vomiteth out her inhabitants; as a stomach loaded with corrupt and bad food it has taken in, nauseates it, and cannot bear and retain it, but casts it up, and never receives it again; so the land of Canaan is represented as loathing its inhabitants, and as having an aversion to them, and indignation against them, and as not being able to bear them, but entirely willing to be rid of them, and throw them out of their places in it, never to be admitted more, being as nauseous and as useless as the cast of a man’s stomach; see Rev. 3:16. (Gill, J. (1810). An Exposition of the Old Testament (Vol. 1, p. 641). London: Mathews and Leigh.)
The chapter closes with reiterated charges against indulgence in any of these abominations. Israel is told (vv. 25, 28) that it was because the Canaanites practiced these enormities that God was about to scourge them out of their land;—a judicial reason which, one would think, should have some weight with those whose sympathies are so drawn out with commiseration for the Canaanites, that they find it impossible to believe that it can be true, as we are told in the Pentateuch, that God ordered their extermination. Rather, in the light of the facts, would we raise the opposite question: whether, if God indeed be a holy and righteous Governor among the nations, He could do anything else either in justice toward the Canaanites, or in mercy toward those whom their horrible example would certainly in like manner corrupt, than, in one way or another, effect the extermination of such a people?
Israel is then solemnly warned (ver. 28) that if they, notwithstanding, shall practise these crimes, God will not spare them any more than He spared the Canaanites. No covenant of His with them shall hinder the land from spueing them out in like manner. And though the nation, as a whole, give not itself to these things, each individual is warned (ver. 29), “Whosoever shall commit any of these abominations, even the souls that do them shall be cut off from among their people;” that is, shall be outlawed and shut out from all participation in covenant mercies. And therewith, this part of the law of holiness closes, with those pregnant words, repeated now in this chapter for the fifth time: “I am the Lord (Heb. Jehovah) your God!” (Kellogg, S. H. (1903). The Book of Leviticus. In W. Robertson Nicoll (Ed.), The Expositor’s Bible: Genesis to Ruth (Vol. 1, p. 335). Hartford, CT: S.S. Scranton Co.)
(Remember the only author that I totally agree with is the HOLY SPIRIT in the inerrant WORD OF GOD called THE BIBLE! All other I try to gleam what I can to help me grow in the LORD!!)
THE POST-CHURCH CHRISTIAN by J. Paul Nyquist and Carson Nyquist Carson:
Just because the past was good, doesn’t not mean the future is doomed. And clearly the “Christian” culture of our parents and grandparents was flawed. (p. 34)
Our generation still holds many of the values of our parents. Pro-life remains an important issue in our minds. Yet our generation has taken the conversation deeper as we look at the connected issues. This has led to a greater emphasis on the church’s involvement in adoption, caring for the elderly, and serving in pregnancy centers – all issues related to the sanctity of life.
Our tone is also significant. We understand the value of nonabrasive dialogue. (p. 36)
We need to relearn how to relate to those living the homosexual lifestyle. Pietistic compulsion to share our convictions does not lead to relationship or reconciliation. It is only out of the overflow of relationship that we can lovingly share our heart. Yet, few Christians have ever said, “That’s my friend,” before they say, “That’s sin.” (p. 39)
Instead of making God’s truth and reputation our responsibility; let us live honestly and openly about our faith. (p. 42)
Romans 12
The Christian life is a life of total dedication and service to others.
To better understand the implications of the first two verses of chapter 12, it is helpful to read them backwards. We all want to be a living demonstration of the fact that the will of God is “good and acceptable and perfect.” In order to do that, we must have our minds transformed and renewed. In order to have our minds transformed and renewed, we must make our bodies “a living sacrifice” to God. We all want the will of God in our lives. We can experience it if we present ourselves as a living sacrifice to Him.
(Quiet Walk)
If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth: But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.
1 John 1:6-7
In order to make this fellowship active, we have certain things to do, and God must do certain things to us. “If we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another”–that is what we do. “And the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin”–that is what He does. “If we confess our sins” (verse 9)–that again is our part, then “he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” So it is quite inevitable in the matter of fellowship like this that though in a logical sense we persist in dividing up the aspect of fellowship into the two sides–Godward and manward, they are constantly intermingled, because it is a sharing together, it is an interaction of the one upon the other.
In other words, fellowship is never mechanical but always something organic and vital. Of course, if we would understand it truly, for the sake of clarity of thought we are allowed to analyze it in the way we are doing, but we must remember that organic nature. To use an illustration, what we are doing is what the musicians do when they analyze a piece of music such as a sonata or a symphony. It is right to say that it is composed of various parts, and you can make an analysis of it; but if you are truly to appreciate it, you must always remember it is a whole, and you must take it as such. You cannot stop at an analysis, nor can you leave it at those various bits and portions; they are there, but they are parts of the whole.
A Thought to Ponder: Fellowship is never mechanical, but always something organic and vital. (From Fellowship with God, p. 124, by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones)
The Discerner
“For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” (Hebrews 4:12)
The Word of God (both the written Word and the living Word, Jesus Christ) is “living and energizing” and is the double-edged sword of the Spirit, piercing into the deepest recesses of body, soul, and spirit, where it “discerns” even the very thoughts and intents of our hearts.
This discernment, however, is more than just understanding or insight. The Greek word for “discerner” is kritikos and is used only this one time in the Bible. Our word “critic” is derived from it, and this is an important dimension of its meaning. Its discernment is a critical, judging discernment—one that convicts and corrects, as well as one that understands.
It is paradoxical that people today presume to become critics of the Bible when it should really be the other way around. There are textual critics who sort through the various ancient manuscripts of the Bible, trying to arrive at the original text; there are the “higher critics” who critique vocabularies and concepts, trying to show that the traditional authors did not actually write the books attributed to them; and then there are many other purely destructive critics who criticize the Bible’s miracles, morals, and everything else, hoping thereby to justify their rebellion against the Word.
But the Bible still stands! It stands in judgment on our lives and our subconscious motives. It will have the final word when “the books [are] opened…and the dead [are] judged out of those things which were written in the books” (Revelation 20:12). It is far better to heed the constructive criticism of the Word now than to hear its condemnation later. (HMM. The Institute for Creation Research)
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