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Mark 12

Parable of tenant farmers                                                            verse 1- 9

 And HE began to speak to them by parables

            A certain man planted a vineyard

and set a hedge about it

                        and digged a place for the winevat

and built a tower

and let it out to husbandmen

and went into a far country

And at the season he sent to the husbandmen a servant

that he might receive

from the husbandmen

of the fruit of the vineyard

And they caught him – and beat him

and sent him away empty

and again he sent to them another servant

and at him they cast stones

and wounded him in the head

and sent him away shamefully handled

And again he sent another – and him they killed

and many others beating some – and killing some

Having yet therefore one son – his well-beloved

he sent him also last unto them – saying

                                    They will reverence my son

BUT those husbandmen – said among themselves

This is the heir – come – let us kill him

                                    and the inheritance shall be ours

And they took him – and killed him

                        and cast him out of the vineyard

WHAT shall therefore the lord of the vineyard do?

he will come and destroy the husbandmen

                                    and will give the vineyard unto others 

Jesus quotes Scripture                                                                 verse 10- 11

 And have ye not read this Scripture

The stone which the builders rejected is

become the head of the corner

            This was the Lord’s doing

and it is marvelous in our eyes?

 Religious leaders wanted to arrest Jesus                                   verse 12

 AND they sought to lay hold on HIM

BUT feared the people

FOR they knew that HE had spoken the parable against them

            and they left HIM – and went their way

 Pharisees tried trap Jesus concerning

                        paying taxes                                                        verse 13- 17

 And they send to HIM certain of the Pharisees

and of the Herodians

                        to catch HIM in HIS words

And when they were come – they said unto HIM

            Master – we know that YOU are true – and care for no man

                        FOR YOU regard not the person of men

                                    BUT teach the way of God in truth

            Is it lawful to give tribute to Caesar or not?

                        Shall we give or shall we not give?

BUT HE – knowing their hypocrisy said to them

            Why tempt you ME? bring ME a penny – that I may see it

and they brought it

And HE said unto them

            Whose is this image and superscription?

And they said unto HIM – Caesar’s

            and Jesus answering said unto them

                        Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s

                                    and to God the things that are God’s

And they marveled at HIM

 Jesus questioned regarding resurrection                                  verse 18- 23

 Then come to HIM the Sadducees

which say there is no resurrection

and they asked HIM – saying

Master – Moses wrote unto us – If a man’s brother die

and leave his wife behind him – and leave no children

that his brother should take his wife

                                    and raise up seed unto his brother

Now there were seven brethren – and the first took a wife

and dying left no seed

And the second took her – and died – neither left he any seed

            and the third likewise

And the seven had her – and left no seed

            last of all the woman died also

In the resurrection therefore – when they shall rise

            Whose wife shall she be of them?

                        FOR the seven had her to wife

 Jesus answers their question                                                     verse 24- 27

 AND Jesus answering said unto them

            Do you not therefore err

BECAUSE you know not the Scriptures

                                    neither the power of God?

            FOR when they shall rise from the dead

they neither marry

nor are given in marriage

                        BUT are as the angels which are in heaven

            AND as touching the dead – that they rise

                        have you not read in the book of Moses

                                    how in the bush God spoke unto him


            I am the God of Abraham – and the God of Issac

and the God of Jacob?

            HE is not the God of the dead but the God of the living

                        you therefore do greatly err

 Jesus questioned regarding commandments                           verse 28

 And one of the scribes came

and having heard them reasoning together

                        and perceiving that HE had answered them well

asked HIM

                        Which is the first commandment of all?

 Jesus answers his question                                                        verse 29- 31

 And Jesus answered him – The first of all the commandments is

            Hear – O Israel – The Lord our God is one Lord

                        and you shall love the Lord your God with all your

heart – soul – mind – strength

this is the first commandment

            AND the second is like – namely this

                        You shall love your neighbor as yourself

            There is none other commandment greater than these

 Questioner understood Jesus answer                                       verse 32- 33

 And the scribe said unto HIM

Well – Master – YOU have said the truth

FOR there is one God

and there is none other but HE

            AND to love HIM with all the heart

understanding – soul – strength

            AND to love his neighbor as himself

                        is more than all whole burnt offerings

and sacrifices

 Jesus tells man he is not far from kingdom of God                 verse 34

 And when Jesus saw that he answered discreetly

HE said to him

                        You are not far from the kingdom of God

And no man after that durst ask HIM any question


Jesus teaches on the relationship of Messiah to David            verse 35- 37

 And Jesus answered and said – while HE taught in the temple

            How say the scribes that Christ is the son of David?

                        FOR David himself said by the Holy Ghost

                                    The Lord said to my Lord

                                                Sit thou on my right hand

                                                            till I make thine enemies

YOUR footstool

David therefore himself called HIMLord

            and whence is he then his son?

And the common people heard him gladly

 Jesus evaluates religious leaders                                              verse 38- 40

 And HE said unto them in HIS doctrine

            Beware of the scribes

which love to go in long clothing

                        and love salutations in the market places

                        and the chief seats in the synagogues

                                    and the uppermost rooms at feasts

                                                which devour widow’s houses

                        and for a pretense make long prayers

                                    these receive the greater damnation

 Jesus observes temple giving                                                   verse 41- 42

 And Jesus sat over against the treasury

and beheld how the people cast money into the treasury

and many that were rich cast in much

                                    and there came a certain poor widow

                                                and she threw in two mites

which make a farthing

 Jesus comment on widow’s giving                                           verse 43- 44

 And HE called unto HIM HIS disciples – and said to them

            Verily I say to you – That this poor widow has cast more in

                        then all they which have cast into the treasury

            FOR all they did cast in of their abundance

                        BUT she of her want did cast in all that she had

                                    even all her living       



                : 11      This was the Lord’s doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes? (2298 “marvelous” [thaumastos] means                  wonderful, worthy of pious admiration, excellent, causing amazement joined with terror, surprising,               extraordinary, or remarkable.)

DEVOTION:  God can take something that no one wants and make it an important part of the building. The religious leaders didn’t want Jesus around they thought they were doing the LORD’S work well without HIM.

Jesus had just told a parable informing those who understood that the current religious leaders were not honoring God but trying to build their own kingdom without God. They were using religion to build their kingdom. They were using words that were found in the Bible but they were using them for their own glory. Along comes Jesus who is the Messiah and they want to kill HIM.

That was God’s plan for the Messiah to die and come back to life. .HE was going to be the foundation of a new building called the church. HE was going to set a new standard for those who were HIS followers.

The new Temple was going to be in the hearts of the followers of Jesus. They were the temple of God. They were the church that would bring glory to God alone.

The church is supposed to bring glory to God. Each Sunday, when they gather there should be everyone honoring the LORD with their presence and loving one another at the same time. This was marvelous in the eyes of the LORD because HE will be honored.

The Pharisees were leading in the wrong direction. Some churches are leading in the wrong direction but in spite of all that HE is still on the throne.

CHALLENGE:  The foundation has been laid and those who are faithful to the LORD will build on that foundation until HE returns in HIS glory. 

DAILY SPIRITUAL LUNCH: Transitional Believers                              

: 13      And they send unto him certain of the Pharisees and of the Herodians, to catch him in his words. (64 “catch” [agreuo] means to hunt, trap in verbal exchange, catch off guard, to ensnare, unguarded statement or catch unawares)

DEVOTION:  Have you ever played a trick on someone? Have you ever had someone play a trick on you? Have you ever had someone who wanted to hurt you by playing a trick?

Jesus had a lot of people who wanted to hurt HIM anyway they could. The ones who really wanted to hurt HIM were the religious leaders. They knew that what HE was teaching was truth but also that what HE was teaching was against what they were teaching the people.

The religious leaders were hurting because the people were following HIM rather than them. HE was teaching practical theology that caused the people to understand what real worship of God was all about.

They thought that if they could trap HIM in a verbal exchange that would cause HIM to lose HIS creditability they would win. The problem was that they didn’t want to admit that HE was the Messiah. They just looked at HIM as someone who was stealing their followers.

Now we have questions about how much we should be involved in government and how much we should be involved with the work of the LORD. Also, what the relationship should be between the two. Are we to be good citizens and good Christians?

The answer to that question is YES!! We are to give to the government what they deserve. We are to pay our taxes. We are to obey their laws when they don’t interfere with the law of God.

People are trying to trip us with our words all the time now. They are claiming that Christians are intolerant of those who have an opposite view than their view. We don’t have an opposite view we are to have a Godly view of life. The Bible teaches us the standard God has set down for mankind. If we go against that standard we are sinning. If they go against God’s standard they are sinning. They don’t want to be called sinners.

The Bible makes a distinction between those who are sinning and those who are living in sin. The world doesn’t make that distinction. We are sinners until the day we die. We shouldn’t be living in sin.

CHALLENGE: Watch your words to those outside of Christ. They are looking for reasons to hate us. We have to be like Jesus and confront them with the wisdom we receive from above.   


: 34      And when Jesus saw that he answered discreetly, he said unto him, Thou art not far from the kingdom of God. And no man after that durst ask him any question. (3562 “discreetly” [nounechos] means wisely, prudently, wisely, intelligently, with understanding, thoughtfully, or sensibly)

DEVOTION:  When these three groups of religious leaders questioned Jesus, this was the only man Jesus complimented. The Pharisees asked a question to trick him. The Sadducees asked a question to trick him. The scribes asked a question to trick him. Today we find many religious people out there that want to trick genuine Christians into giving the wrong answer to their questions, so that, they can put down our form of Christianity. There is the liberal form. There is the open theism form. There is the legalistic form. There is the license form.

We are the form that believes the Bible is the inerrant Word of God. We are the form that believe there is only one way to heaven and that is through Jesus Christ alone. We are the form that should be led by the Holy Spirit in all our answers. Jesus is our example.

When he was questioned, he always gave the right answer. This man who asked Jesus about the first commandment had an understanding of the Word of God. The first commandment is that we are to LOVE the LORD with all our heart – soul – mind- strength. The second commandment was to “LOVE thy neighbor as thyself.”

The scribe told Jesus that he had answered with the TRUTH.  He knew that these two commandments obeyed was better than animal sacrifices.

 Jesus told him that he was “not far” from the kingdom of God. Why? It is because this man answered wisely. He was not like the others who questioned HIM to find fault with HIM. However, he was not in. He was only close. There are many people we know that are close to the kingdom of God but not in. They will not get to heaven by being close. They have to be in. We don’t know if this person ever got in but he was close. We should be praying for those on our salvation list that they will not only be close but IN. Is that our prayer?

CHALLENGE: Have a list of three or four individuals that you have contact with on a regular basis. This list is for these individual’s salvation. Once you have prayed for a while – witness to them. Follow the LORD’S leading. Pray that by the end of the year one or all would be followers of Christ.


: 43      And HE called to HIM HIS disciples, and said to them, Verily I say to you. That this poor widow has cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury. (4434 “ poor” [ptochos] means a person with few or no possessions (but not yet reduced to begging), beggarly, destitute of wealth, lowly, needy, pauper, or afflicted.)

DEVOTION:  Jesus is watching the people give to the temple. HE watches people with a lot of money give to the temple to be seen of men. HE was watching as a widow woman gave all that she had to the LORD.

HE used this as a teaching moment with his disciples. HE wanted them to learn the proper attitude toward giving to the LORD. The ones with a lot of money gave a little to impress people. The disciples were even impressed.

The widow gave a small amount but it was all that she had to live on. She was dependent on the LORD for her next meal. The others were not dependent on the LORD for their next meal they were dependent on themselves.

The difference between our offering to the LORD shows who we are dependent on for our future. If our future depends on us then we are headed in the wrong direction. If our future depends on the LORD and we realize then the LORD will bless us.

So manner how much you earn in a week you should be giving to the LORD on a regular basis not to show off to people but to show the LORD that you are dependent on HIM for your future.

CHALLENGE:  Once in a while we could give 90% to the LORD and keep the 10% to live on. Some have tried this in the past and the LORD has blessed them.




Chastity (Purity in living)

Fasting (Time alone with LORD without eating or drinking)

Sacrifice (Giving up something we want to serve the LORD)

Submission (Willing to listen to others and LORD)

Solitude (Going to a quiet place without anyone)


Fellowship (Gathering together around the Word of God)

Frugality (wise use of resources)

Journalizing (Writing down what you have learned from the LORD)

Study and Meditation (Thinking through your study in the Word)

Secrecy (Doing your good deeds without others knowing but God)


Celebration (Gathering around a special occasion to worship LORD)

Confession (Tell the LORD we are sorry for our sins on a daily basis)

Prayer (Conversation with God on a personal level)

                    Long prayer – wrong                                                                    verse 40 

Silence (Letting the LORD deal with some problems and needs)

Worship (Time to praise the LORD alone or in a group)

                   Burnt offerings                                                                           verse 33

Sacrifices                                                                                     verse 33

Temple                                                                                        verse 35

Synagogues                                                                                verse 39

Treasury                                                                                      verse 41



Scripture (66 inerrant books of the Bible) 

                        Scripture                                                                                   verse 10, 24

                        Moses                                                                                       verse 19, 26

                        Abraham                                                                                   verse 26

                        Isaac                                                                                          verse 26

                        Jacob                                                                                         verse 26

                        Commandments                                                                       verse 28-  31 

God the Father (First person of the Godhead)

                        Lord                                                                                           verse 11, 29, 30, 36

                        God                                                                                           verse 14, 17, 24, 26, 27, 29, 30, 32, 34

                        Way of God                                                                              verse 14

                        Power of God                                                                           verse 24

                        God of the living                                                                      verse 27

                        Lord our God is one Lord                                                        verse 29

                        Lord your God                                                                         verse 30

                        Kingdom of God                                                                      verse 34

                        LORD                                                                                        verse 35 

God the Son (Second person of the Godhead –God/man, Messiah)  

Speak in parables                                                                       verse 1

Parable of owner of vineyard                                                    verse 1- 12

Well beloved son                                                                       verse 6

Master                                                                                       verse 14, 32

Jesus is true                                                                              verse 14

Jesus                                                                                         verse 17, 24, 29, 34, 35, 41

                        Taught in the Temple                                                             verse 35

Christ                                                                                        verse 35

Son of David                                                                             verse 35

Lord                                                                                          verse 36, 37

Seat at right hand                                                                    verse 36


God the Holy Spirit (Third person of the Godhead – our comforter)

                         Holy Ghost                                                                            verse 36 

Trinity (Three persons of the Godhead who are co-equal = ONE God) 

One God                                                                                   verse 32           

Angels (Created before the foundation of the world – Good and Evil) 

Angels                                                                                      verse 25 

Man (Created on the sixth twenty-four hour period of creation) 

Pay taxes                                                                                  verse 14

Caesar                                                                                      verse 14- 17

Neighbor                                                                                  verse 31

Enemies                                                                                    verse 36 

Sin (Missing the mark set by God on man and angels) 

Shamefully treat                                                                      verse 4

Kill                                                                                            verse 5, 8

Catch people in their words                                                    verse 13

Hypocrisy                                                                                 verse 15

Tempt                                                                                       verse 15

Err                                                                                            verse 24. 27

False belief: no resurrection                                                    verse 18

Love long clothing                                                                  verse 38

Love salutations                                                                       verse 38

Love chief seats in synagogues                                               verse 39

Love uppermost rooms at feasts                                            verse 39

Devour widows’ houses                                                          verse 40

Pretense make long prayers                                                   verse 40 

Salvation (Provided by Christ’s death on the cross for our sins)

                   Teach                                                                                       verse 14

Way of God                                                                             verse 14

Regard not the person of men                                               verse 14

Truth                                                                                        verse 14, 32

Power of God                                                                          verse 24

Love: heart, soul and mind, strength                                     verse 30, 31, 33

Love neighbor                                                                         verse 31, 33

Answer discreetly                                                                    verse 33

Hear Jesus gladly                                                                    verse 37

Doctrine                                                                                  verse 38

Give all                                                                                    verse 44 

Israel (Old Testament people of God) 

Pharisees                                                                                 verse 13

Herodians                                                                               verse 13

Sadducees                                                                               verse 18

Moses                                                                                      verse 19

Abraham                                                                                 verse 26

Isaac                                                                                        verse 26

Jacob                                                                                       verse 26

Scribes                                                                                     verse 28, 32, 35, 38

Israel                                                                                        verse 29

David                                                                                       verse 35- 37

Common people                                                                     verse 37

Widow’s giving                                                                       verse 42- 44 

Church (New Testament people of God) 

Disciples given lesson on giving                                           verse 41- 44 

Last Things (Future Events) 

Resurrection                                                                           verse 18, 23

Greater damnation                                                                verse 40 



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QUOTES regarding passage

Here Jesus condemns “their love of religious uniform (`ecclesiastical millinery’) and public deference (`the raised hats of the laity’); a failing not yet wholly extinct in the clerical class” (Hunter, p. 120). Teachers of the law wore long white linen robes that were fringed and reached almost to the ground. They also were shown special respect by the majority of the people, being addressed by the honorific titles “Rabbi,” “Father,” and “Master.” In the synagogue they occupied the bench in front of the ark that contained the sacred scrolls of the Law and the Prophets (v. 39). There the teachers could be seen by all the worshipers in the synagogue. They were often invited to banquets because of their prestige and were given special places of honor. What Jesus condemns is their seeking such honor for themselves instead of for God whom they professed to serve. (Wessel, W. W. (1984). Mark. In F. E. Gaebelein (Ed.), The Expositor’s Bible Commentary: Matthew, Mark, Luke (Vol. 8, p. 739). Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House.)


12:38–39. Jesus kept warning people to Watch out (cf. 8:15) for those (implied in the Gr. construction) Law teachers who sought praise from men and abused their privileges. Many but not all Law teachers acted this way (cf. 12:28–34).

They liked to (a) go around in flowing robes, long white linen garments with fringes worn by priests, Law teachers, and Levites; (b) be greeted in the marketplaces with formal titles—Rabbi (teacher), master, father (cf. Matt. 23:7; Luke 20:46)—by the common people who respected them highly; (c) have the most important synagogue seats, those reserved for dignitaries, situated in front of the chest containing the sacred scrolls of Scripture and facing the whole congregation; and (d) have the places of honor at banquets, special evening meals at which they were seated next to the host and received preferential treatment.

12:40. Since first-century Law teachers got no pay for their services (Mishnah Aboth 1. 13; Bekhoroth 4. 6) they depended on the hospitality extended to them by many devout Jews. Unfortunately there were abuses. The charge, they devour widows’ houses, was a vivid figure of speech for exploiting the generosity of people of limited means, especially widows. They unethically appropriated people’s property. In addition, they made lengthy prayers in order to impress people with their piety and gain their confidence.

Jesus condemned their ostentatious conduct, greed, and hypocrisy. Instead of pointing people’s attention to God they claimed it for themselves under the pretense of piety. Teachers such as these will be punished most severely (lit., “will receive greater condemnation”; James 3:1) at God’s final judgment. (Grassmick, J. D. (1985). Mark. In J. F. Walvoord & R. B. Zuck (Eds.), The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures (Vol. 2, p. 165). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.)


Priority of Love (12:18–44)

The Sadducees illustrate that one can know something of Scripture (the law of brother-in-law marriage, Deut. 25:5–6) and still miss its central message of God’s redemptive love. Resurrection relationships are transformed relationships. Indeed Jesus’ disciples already experience transformed relationships as God’s children (3:34–35; 10:29–30; 13:12–13). God is the God of the living not because humans are by nature immortal but because God in His love does not abandon us to death.

Not all Jewish leaders opposed Jesus. One authority in Jewish law asked Jesus which commandment takes priority. When Jesus replied that love of God and neighbor were the priorities of the law, the leader concurred that these obligations were more important than all the sacrificial system (see 11:15–17). Jesus answered that this scribe was near allowing God to rule in his life; all he lacked was to follow Jesus as a disciple (10:21).

In Mark 12:35–37 Jesus took the offensive in asking the religious leaders a question (see 8:27). The riddle of David’s son who is David’s Lord expresses the mystery of the incarnate Lord, “who as to his human nature was a descendant of David, … and who through the Spirit of holiness was declared with power to be the Son of God by his resurrection” (Rom. 1:3–4).

Jesus warned the scribes who used religion to get ahead and to take advantage of others. A widow evidenced characteristics of true discipleship. She showed devotion to God first, freedom from materialism (10:21), and total trust in the good God who would care for her (10:18). (Church, C. L. (1998). Mark. In D. S. Dockery (Ed.), Holman concise Bible commentary (pp. 440–441). Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman Publishers.)


The narcissistic and ostentatious religious leaders took advantage of widows, the most vulnerable members of ancient Middle Eastern society. Jesus condemned this lack of love for people in need, which led right into another contrast between the religious leaders and a widow. The widow was extolled and some of Jesus’ most fundamental values were promoted. Sacrificial giving is something that deeply delights God in general, as it does in the case of this widow. He does not look at the size of the gift but at the dimensions of the sacrifice behind it (cf. 1 Sam 16:7; God looks on the heart of the giver). Some have greater resources than others, and some who give next to nothing, give all. The widow is contrasted with the rich and even more so with the religious leaders whose example was altogether to be avoided, for they did not give. Rather, they took advantage of others and sought praise to their own glory. Jesus warned that they would “be more severely punished” (12:40). Their misleading behavior made them more culpable before God. (Turner, D., & Bock, D. L. (2005). Cornerstone biblical commentary, Vol 11: Matthew and Mark (pp. 514–515). Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House Publishers.)


“Beware of the scribes.” They loved to be conspicuous and to be lauded and admired for their apparent piety. Their very garb marked them out as a special class presumably worthy of recognition such as others did not merit. They appeared in long clothing, and were pleased when they were the objects of the adulation of the common people. They loved the chief seats in the synagogues, and the best places at the feasts. Who can fail to see in all this, the pretentiousness of clericalism and the assumption that these scribes were worthy of particular recognition because of their office, whatever their lives might be?

For they were grasping and covetous, devouring widows’ houses—that is, lending money on mortgage to needy widows and confiscating their property when their poor victims were unable to meet promptly their obligations. Yet all was done legally, so as to put them above the charge of fraud, and they covered their extortionate behavior by making long prayers in public places, thus maintaining an appearance of great piety.

But a reckoning day is coming when all the secret things of the heart will be brought to light, and hypocrites such as these will receive just retribution.

Significantly enough, following this denunciation of those who obtained riches but not by right, Jesus took occasion to commend the generosity of a poor widow, who may have been one of those despoiled as He had intimated. (Ironside, H. A. (1948). Expository notes on the Gospel of Mark. (pp. 189–190). Neptune, NJ: Loizeaux Brothers.)


b. A Word of Warning (12:38–40)

And he said unto them in his doctrine, Beware of the scribes, which love to go in long clothing, and love salutations in the marketplaces, And the chief seats in the synagogues, and the uppermost rooms at feasts: (12:38–39)

Whether the thoughtful scribe with whom the Lord had just spoken was such a man we are not told. In any case, the Lord was not going to make it easy for him to get into the kingdom of God. He would have to set aside all of his pride in place and race. The scribes, as a class, had a wholly false sense of values, and they were eaten up with pride. Their spirit was completely out of harmony with the Lord’s spirit of meekness and lowliness (Matt. 11:29). The Lord warns the people who were listening to all of this about the mistaken notion that such things as the best seats in the synagogue and stylish, expensive robes had anything to do with godliness. On the contrary, all too often, they were a cloak for something else.

Which devour widows houses, and for a pretence make long prayers: these shall receive greater damnation. (12:40)

One of the duties of the scribes was to make out wills and other deeds. It often happened that, not content with the usual fees for their services, the scribes would play upon the fears, superstitions, and religious susceptibilities of those recently widowed. They would persuade them to deed over their property to the temple as a means of grace. They, themselves, received a substantial proportion of the proceeds. They would cover up this fraudulent activity with hypocritical prayers. Terrible will be the judgment of all such leaders. (Phillips, J. (2009). Exploring the Gospel of Mark: An Expository Commentary (Mk 12:38–40). Kregel Publications; WORDsearch Corp.)


Ver. 38. And he said unto them in his doctrine, &c.] As he was preaching, not to the Scribes and Pharisees, but to the multitude, and to his disciples particularly; and to them in the audience of the people, as appears from Matt. 23:1 and Luke 20:45. Beware of the Scribes; for though he had just spoken favourably of one of them, this was but a single man, and a singular instance; the body of that set of men, were very bad in their principles and practices, and therefore to be avoided, and that for the reasons following: which love to go in long clothing; the Persic version renders it, who affect to walk in coats and garments conspicuous, and in long robes; such as were very particular, and different from others, and out of the common way of apparel; and so were observable and taken notice of by others: very likely it may have reference to the uncommon length of their fringes on the borders of their outward garment, which they enlarged beyond others; see the note on Matt. 23:5. and love salutations in the market-places; or streets, as the Syriac and Arabic versions render it, in any public places, where there was a resort of men, and they were taken notice of, with respect, in a public manner. The Syriac and Persic supply the word love, as we do from Matt. 23:6, 7 see the note there.

Ver. 39. And the chief seats in the synagogues, &c.] Where the rulers of the synagogue, and the elders of the people sat; see the note on Matt. 23:6. And the uppermost rooms at feasts; or the first and chief places where they sat, or rather lay along at public entertainments; see the note as before.

Ver. 40. Which devour widows’ houses, &c.] see the note on Matt. 23:14. (Gill, J. (1809). An Exposition of the New Testament (Vol. 1, p. 473). London: Mathews and Leigh)



 Godly Derision and Wrath
“He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the LORD shall have them in derision. Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure.” (Psalm 2:4-5)
What does an individual gain by opposing God and His plan? Can human opposition succeed against the Almighty One who created the universe? Obviously, no rebellion has a chance to succeed. God’s sovereign control will certainly overpower man’s feeble attempts to wrest command from Him. He will simply laugh in derision.
However difficult it is for us to imagine God laughing in this manner, we can surely understand His derision at the futility of created beings confronting their Creator and His right to rule over their lives. The name used for God is Lord, meaning Master. As Creator He has the authority to set the rules for His creation and the power to exact the penalty for breaking the rules.
Note that His response exceeds mere derision. It extends to “wrath.” At the appointed time, the sovereign Judge will address all those who have rebelled against and opposed Him.
Man has no right to question God’s authority or goodness in exercising it. Indeed, “the Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9). He even sacrificed His only begotten Son to pay the just penalty for sin. What more could He do?
With our sin penalty fully paid, our sin is forgiven, and we gratefully acknowledge His kingship over our lives. Once submitted to Him, we face everlasting fellowship with Him. With sin banished, believers need never fear His derision or wrath.

(JDM, The Institute for Creation Research)



He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.
1 John 3:8
We see that our Lord did not come into the world only to teach. He did do that, and He gave incomparable teaching. We must realize what he came primarily to do. “For this purpose the Son of God was manifested,” not that He might teach us, not that He might give us a glorious example to follow, not that He might give us some transcendent idea that would illuminate our minds and thrill us. Not at all! He came, He was manifested, He appeared that He might “destroy the works of the devil.”
We see that sin is unrighteous, that it is a transgression of the law, and that sin means we are violating God’s holy will for us and God’s holy purpose with respect to us. But this is the other part: “To continue in a life of sin and evil,” says John in essence, “is just to identify yourself at once with the devil and his ways and with everything that belongs to him.” And it is this that is emphasized in this verse.
Our Lord came into this world to wage a great fight; He entered into a mighty battle. The way in which He was victorious in this fight is celebrated especially on Easter Day. This is the day that reminds us of the fact of Christ’s victory. It is not a day that reminds us of certain principles in life. You often hear people thank God for this whole “principle of resurrection,” how the flowers begin to appear, and how the trees and life come into being in the Spring. Now, that has nothing to do with this blessed message of the resurrection. We are concerned about a fact, not a principle of nature; and the fact is that in the resurrection our Lord ultimately established His conquest over the devil.
A Thought to Ponder: Our Lord came into this world to wage a great fight.

                      (From Children of God, pp. 60-61, By Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones)



Ephesians 5
We are to walk in love just as Christ did.

The wrath of God is coming on the sons of disobedience (the unsaved). Therefore, we are not to partake of their deeds. For we were formerly darkness, but now we are light in the Lord. If this is so, do you as a Christian need to alter any of your present habits? What about your television viewing habits? If it is disgraceful even to speak of the things that are done by the children of darkness, how much more disgraceful is it to sit in our living rooms and watch it? What about movies, books, magazines, or conversations with friends? Do your habits reflect the light of God? (Quiet Walk)


The Christian evangelist has a message doubly relevant to the modern scene: he knows that justice is due to all because a just God created mankind in His holy image, and he knows that all men need justification because the Holy Creator sees us as rebellious sinners. (p. 116)


In the providence of God the liberal and neo-orthodox revisions of Biblical Christianity are now sunk in a sea of ant-intellectualism, and modern theology wallows in the mires of confusion. (p. 118)

          (Evangelicals At The Brink of Crisis by Carl F. H. Henry)



Today’s Scripture

Numbers 33-34 

“Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”  George Santayana is known for saying many catchy phrases to express his skepticism and view of life and society. History does have similarities and cycles that appear to repeat themselves but always with a slight twist! 

Israel is on the cusp of entering the land of promise which the Lord had stated they would inhabit. They had been to the entrance of the land once before and because of unbelief and rebellion they were turned away and made to wander in the wilderness! Moses recounts the history of the journey and key points that occurred while travelling to the land God had promised Israel.  A trip that should have taken two weeks continued for 40 years! 

History does not repeat itself in this instance.  Instead, the Lord gave Moses’ instructions for conquering the land (33:50-56).  They would occupy the land but a stern warning was given to Israel if they failed to drive out the inhabitants. If Israel allowed the former occupants to remain in the land, these people would become pricks in Israel’s eyes and thorns in her side (33:55). 

Further instruction was given in regard to boundaries and how they were to be established in the land once it was conquered.  While the locations of the boundaries are not always easily identified, a general outline can be established from the Mediterranean Sea eastward to the Sea of Galilee and down the Jordan River to the Dead Sea. Reuben, Gad and half the tribe of Manasseh had acquired the land east of the Jordan River. Joshua and Eleazar were to be the leaders that divided the land between the tribes and designated what each tribe received. Each tribe was to appoint a leader to represent them in this process of appropriation. 

Mark Twain stated, “History doesn’t repeat itself, but it does rhyme.” Like the nation of Israel, we can often sin, repent, and follow afresh the Lord’s teaching.  The problem arises when we learn enough to not commit the same infraction but do one that is similar.  May we learn to flee the appearance of sin and not walk close to the line of temptation (1 Timothy 6:11).

 In Expectant Hope,    Pastor Miller  


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