Matthew 2
Wise men arrive in Jerusalem verse 1- 2
Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea
in the days of Herod the king
BEHOLD – there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem
Where is HE that is born King of the Jews?
FOR we have seen HIS star in the east
and are come to WORSHIP HIM
King Herod asked religious leaders for birthplace verse 3- 4
WHEN Herod the king had hear these things – he was troubled
and all Jerusalem with him
WHEN he had gathered
all the chief priests and scribes of the people together
he demanded of them where Christ should be born
Religious leaders quoted Old Testament verse 5- 6
And they said to him – In Bethlehem of Judah
for thus it is written by the prophet (Micah 5:2)
and you Bethlehem in the land of Judah
are not the least among the princes of Judah
FOR out of you shall come a Governor
that shall rule MY people Israel
King Herod wants wise men to report back to him verse 7- 8
THEN Herod – when he had privily called the wise men
inquired of them diligently what TIME the star appeared
AND he sent them to Bethlehem
and said
Go and search diligently for the young child
AND when you have found HIM – bring me word again
that I may come and WORSHIP HIM also
Wise men found Jesus in a house verse 9- 10
WHEN they had heard the king – they departed
and lo – the star – which they saw in the east
went before them
till it stood over where
the young child was
WHEN they saw the star – they rejoiced with exceeding great joy
Wise men give gifts verse 11
AND WHEN they were come into the house
they saw the young child with Mary HIS mother
AND fell down – and WORSHIPPED HIM
AND WHEN they had opened their treasures
they presented unto HIM gifts
gold – frankincense – myrrh
God warned wise men to return another way verse 12
AND being warned of God in a dream
that they should not return to Herod
they departed into their own country another way
Angel tells Joseph to take Jesus to Egypt verse 13
And when they were departed – BEHOLD
the angel of the LORD appeared to Joseph in a dream
Arise – and take the young child and HIS mother
and flee into Egypt
and be you there until I bring you word
FOR Herod will seek the young child to destroy him
Joseph obeys angel verse 14 – 15
WHEN he arose – he took the young child and his mother by night
and departed into Egypt AND was there until the death of Herod
that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the LORD
by the prophet saying (Hosea 11:1)
Out of Egypt have I called MY SON
Herod sent soldiers to kill children verse 16- 18
THEN Herod – when he saw that he was mocked of the wise men
was exceedingly wroth
AND sent forth – AND slew all the children that were in Bethlehem
and in all the coasts thereof – from two years old and under
according to the time which he had diligently
inquired of the wise men
THEN was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremiah the prophet
In Rama was there a voice heard – lamentations – weeping
great mourning
Rachel weeping for her children – and would not be comforted
BECAUSE they are not
After Herod’s death angel appears again to Joseph verse 19- 20
BUT when Herod was dead
BEHOLD an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream
to Joseph in Egypt – SAYING
Arise – and take the young child and HIS mother
and go into the land of Israel
for they are dead which sought
the young child’s life
Joseph moves to Nazareth verse 21- 23
AND he arose – and took the young child and HIS mother
and came into the land of Israel
BUT when he heard that Archelaus
did reign in Judah in the room of his father Herod
he was afraid to go thither
being warned of God in a dream
he turned aside into the parts of Galilee
AND he came and dwelt in a city called Nazareth
that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet
HE shall be called a Nazarene
: 2 Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? For we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him. (4352 “worship” [proskuneo] means prostate oneself before, kneel, fall at another’s feet, bow low, to salute, or to kiss.
DEVOTION: The wise men came from the east to prostrate themselves before this child. They had seen HIS star in the east and followed it to Jerusalem where they asked the present king where HE could be found.
The chief priests and scribes went to the Old Testament to find where the Messiah was to be born. They found the passage that stated that HE was to be born in Bethlehem. They knew the Old Testament well enough to find this verse but not well enough to realize that HE was coming as a suffering servant first.
Once the wise men found out where to go they left for Bethlehem to kneel before Jesus. They were genuine in their thoughts of saluting this new King that had come into the world. They knew HE was unique. That is the reason they traveled so far.
On arrival at the house where Mary and Joseph had their young son they fell down and saluted Jesus. They gave HIM gifts. They were told by an angel not to go back the same way they came.
Why? Because Herod told them that they were to report back to him so that he could salute Jesus. He was lying. He wanted to kill him and the LORD knew his purpose.
There are those who truly want to worship Jesus and others who are fakers. This is true of people who come to church on Sunday. Some of them are there just for social contact or other purposes. It is not to truly worship Jesus.
Too often church can be used as a place to pick up a date or find someone who needs help and the person wants to take advantage of that person. The focus is on self rather than on the LORD. It is hard to see the motives of the person sitting in church. The LORD can give wisdom to those who are genuine worshipers if they ask the LORD for wisdom from above regarding starting a relationship with them.
CHALLENGE: Even relationship in church need to be those who ask for wisdom from the LORD. The motive for attendance can be seen through the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
DAILY SPIRITUAL LUNCH: Transitional Believers
: 3 When Herod the king had heard these things, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him. (5015 “troubled” [tarasso] means agitate, disturbed, distress, to cause inward commotion, to disquiet, make restless, or to strike one’s spirit with fear and dread.)
DEVOTION: Jealousy can be a killer in people. Here we have the king of the area but didn’t want any competition. He wanted to know where Christ was born to kill HIM not worship HIM. He lied to the wise men.
We find that after the wise men never returned that he sent soldiers to kill all the children that were two years old and younger. He knew about how old the LORD was go be at the time and had any and all children in the area hoping to kill this future king.
He didn’t have all the facts. He didn’t know that Christ was coming the first time as a suffering servant. He didn’t have to worry about his throne. What he did was fulfill Old Testament references to the coming Messiah.
God’s Word is always TRUE. It is going to be fulfilled by people who don’t realize that they are helping others understand that God is working a plan HE set up before the foundation of the world. HE gave HIS prophets insight into the future, so that, when they wrote it down people could see that HE was in control. We need to understand that the Bible has given us enough information for us to know what happened in the past was part of God’s plan and what is going to happen in the future is part of God’s plan.
CHALLENGE: It is going to disturb those who are against the LORD but encourage those who are followers of the LORD. Do the times we are living in encourage you or discourage you?
: 11 And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
(3813 “young child” [paidion] means a half-grown boy or girl, an infant, or a little boy or a little girl.)
DEVOTION: This Greek word is used seven times in this chapter to refer to Jesus. The wise men met Jesus and his family in a house. The Bible says that Herod killed all the children two years old and younger. The wise men came much later than the birth of Jesus. We are not told how many wise men there were but that they gave three gifts. When we read the Scriptures, we need to make sure we understand what it is saying.
What is amazing is that the priests and scribes knew where to look for the birth of the coming Messiah. There was enough information for them to realize that the Messiah had come. What was their reaction: troubled. They were not excited. They were confused. They knew the Old Testament and that there was a coming Savior but they were troubled instead of joyful.
These were religious leaders who were more interested in keeping their status than in honoring the LORD. They were not looking forward to a Savior. They were not interested in going with the wise men to worship Jesus. They were just troubled.
We are to be students of the Word. The wise men were never at the manger with Jesus. It is interesting that the Bible tells us that Jesus was worshipped as a little boy. When we study the Word of God, we find that the angels refused worship because only God was to receive worship. The Bible is telling us early that not only was Christ virgin born but he was also worshipped by the wise men. It is our responsibility to worship the LORD. We don’t receive warnings in our dreams from the LORD regarding what to do next but the LORD directs us through HIS Holy Spirit. Are we listening to HIS directions?
Today we have many people who are troubled when they hear about their service to Jesus that comes along with their becoming a follower of HIM. They want the blessings but not the work. Once we become followers of Christ we have a responsibility to bring HIM gifts each day. Our worship is one of these gifts.
Are we worshiping the LORD daily? Does HE bring joy to our hearts each morning? Or does serving HIM trouble us?
CHALLENGE: Have a worship service in your home today. Sing praises. Read HIS word. Talk to HIM in prayer. Leave home with the joy of the LORD in your heart.
: 12 And being warned of God in a dream that they should not return to Herod, they departed into their own country another way. (5537 “warned” [chrematizo] means reveal divine message, be admonished of God, instruct, or to make known a divine revelation.)
DEVOTION: In this passage we find the LORD warning people in dreams. HE warned Joseph in a dream to marry Mary. HE warns the wise men here to not return to Herod to give him the location of Jesus. HE warned Joseph to take Jesus and Mary to Egypt to get away from Herod. Finally, an angel appeared in a dream to tell Joseph htat Herod was dead.
Once Joseph began to return to the Bethlehem he heard that Archelaus the son of Herod was reigning he went to Nazareth because he was afraid. He wasn’t warned of a angel in a dream to not go back to Bethlehem. He decided it was wiser to go to Nazareth where he originally came from before the census was taken. He knew people there.
Now with all these warning coming from angels in dreams we can assume that the LORD could use our dreams to warn us of coming problems in our life. When this doesn’t occur today what do we think?
Too often we hear of people who have dreams and visions today that say that the LORD spoke to them. Many times these are extra biblical revelations. Some people want us to believe that God is still speaking the Bible to people today. The Bible is closed, the only things that the Holy Spirit does today is give us more insight into what has already been revealed in the Bible. We don’t have to add to the Bible. It is not outdated. It is true today just as it was in the first century.
Sometimes after I have studied a passage of Scripture throughout the day the LORD will give me insight into the meaning of the passage during the night. We are to meditate on the Word of God.
CHALLENGE: Don’t look for more revelation to add to the Bible. Learn what it is saying to us today by meditating on it daily. Don’t wait for angels to come in your dreams for answers.
Chastity (Purity in living)
Fasting (Time alone with LORD without eating or drinking)
Sacrifice (Giving up something we want to serve the LORD)
Submission (Willing to listen to others and LORD)
Solitude (Going to a quiet place without anyone)
Fellowship (Gathering together around the Word of God)
Frugality (wise use of resources)
Journalizing (Writing down what you have learned from the LORD)
Study and Meditation (Thinking through your study in the Word)
Secrecy (Doing your good deeds without others knowing but God)
Celebration (Gathering around a special occasion to worship LORD)
Confession (Tell the LORD we are sorry for our sins on a daily basis)
Prayer (Conversation with God on a personal level)
Silence (Letting the LORD deal with some problems and needs)
Worship (Time to praise the LORD alone or in a group)
Purpose of wise men seeking Jesus verse 2
Chief priests and scribes verse 4
False worship of Herod verse 8
Rejoiced with exceeding great joy verse 10
Wise men worshipped Jesus verse 11
Scripture (66 inerrant books of the Bible)
Written by the prophet verse 5
Birth predicted ( Micah 5: 2) verse 6
Journey to Egypt predicted (Hosea 11:1) verse 15
Jeremiah predicted weeping (31:15) verse 18
Spoken by the prophets verse 23
God the Father (First person of the Godhead)
God verse 12, 22
Warned wise men in a dream
Warned Joseph in a dream
Lord verse 13, 15, 19
Spoken of the Lord by the prophet
(Hosea 11: 1)
Warned of God verse 22
God the Son (Second person of the Godhead –God/man, Messiah)
Jesus (Savior) verse 1, 5, 6
Born in Bethlehem
King of the Jews verse 2
Star- control of nature verse 2, 7, 9, 10
Christ (Messiah) verse 4
Governor verse 6
Young child verse 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 20, 21
Called of God verse 15
Nazarene verse 23
God the Holy Spirit (Third person of the Godhead – our comforter)
Trinity (Three persons of the Godhead who are co-equal = ONE God)
Angels (Created before the foundation of the world – Good and Evil)
Angel of the Lord verse 13
Appeared to Joseph in a dream
Told him to go to Egypt
Told that Herod would seek the
young child to destroy him
Angel of the Lord verse 19
Appears in a dream to Joseph
Told to take Mary and young child back
to Israel
Man (Created on the sixth twenty-four hour period of creation)
Days of Herod verse 1, 7, 12, 13, 15, 16 19, 22
Wise men verse 1, 7, 16
Egypt verse 13, 14, 16, 19
Archelaus verse 22
Sin (Missing the mark set by God on man and angels)
Troubled verse 3
False worship verse 8
Destroy Jesus verse 13
Mocked verse 16
Wroth verse 16
Slew children (two years old and under) verse 16, 18
Afraid verse 22
Salvation (Provided by Christ’s death on the cross for our sins)
Worship verse 2, 11
Prophet verse 5, 15
Gifts verse 11
Gold, frankincense and myrrh
Israel (Old Testament people of God)
Bethlehem verse 1, 5, 6, 7, 16
Jerusalem verse 1, 3
Judah verse 1, 5, 6
Chief priests and scribes verse 4
God’s people verse 6
Israel verse 6, 20, 21
House verse 11
Mary verse 11, 13, 20
Joseph verse 13, 19
Jeremiah the prophet verse 17, 18
Galilee verse 22
City of Nazareth verse 23
Church (New Testament people of God)
Last Things (Future Events)
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QUOTES regarding passage
If Herod were a true devotee of the Judaism of Scripture, he should have rejoiced greatly, but he does not. Instead, he views the new child as a mortal threat. “Disturbed” is too weak a translation of his reaction; “in turmoil” or even “terrified” (cf. Weymouth, “greatly agitated”) would be more accurate. “All Jerusalem” probably refers primarily to the religious leaders of Israel who dominated the city, many of whom were also personally installed by Herod.25 The rejection of Jesus by Jerusalem foreshadows his similar fate at the end of his life. (Blomberg, C. (1992). Matthew (Vol. 22, p. 63). Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers.)
3 In contrast with (de, a mild adversative; NIV, “when”) the Magi’s desire to worship the King of the Jews, Herod is deeply troubled. In this “all Jerusalem” joins him, not because most of the people would have been sorry to see Herod replaced or because they were reluctant to see the coming of King Messiah, but because they well knew that any question like the Magi’s would result in more cruelty from the ailing Herod, whose paranoia had led him to murder his favorite wife and two sons. (Carson, D. A. (1984). Matthew. In F. E. Gaebelein (Ed.), The Expositor’s Bible Commentary: Matthew, Mark, Luke (Vol. 8, p. 86). Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House.)
He was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him (ἐταραχθη και πασα Ἰεροσολυμα μετʼ αὐτου [etarachthē kai pāsa Ierosoluma met’ autou]). Those familiar with the story of Herod the Great in Josephus can well understand the meaning of these words. Herod in his rage over his family rivalries and jealousies put to death the two sons of Mariamne (Aristobulus and Alexander), Mariamne herself, and Antipater, another son and once his heir, besides the brother and mother of Mariamne (Aristobulus, Alexandra) and her grandfather John Hyrcanus. He had made will after will and was now in a fatal illness and fury over the question of the Magi. He showed his excitement and the whole city was upset because the people knew only too well what he could do when in a rage over the disturbance of his plans. “The foreigner and usurper feared a rival, and the tyrant feared the rival would be welcome” (Bruce). Herod was a hated Idumaean. (Robertson, A. T. (1933). Word Pictures in the New Testament (Mt 2:3). Nashville, TN: Broadman Press.)
2:3–8. It is no surprise that King Herod … was disturbed when the Magi came to Jerusalem looking for the One who had been “born King” (v. 2). Herod was not the rightful king from the line of David. In fact he was not even a descendant of Jacob, but was descended from Esau and thus was an Edomite. (He reigned over Palestine from 37 b.c. to 4 b.c. See the chart on the Herods at Luke 1:5.) This fact caused most of the Jews to hate him and never truly to accept him as king, even though he did much for the country. If someone had been rightfully born king, then Herod’s job was in jeopardy. He therefore called the Jewish scholars together and inquired where the Christ was to be born (Matt. 2:4). Interestingly Herod connected the One “born king of the Jews” (v. 2) with “the Christ,” the Messiah. Obviously Israel had a messianic hope and believed that the Messiah would be born.
The answer to Herod’s question was simple, because Micah the prophet had given the precise location centuries before: the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2). This answer from the people’s chief priests and teachers of the Law (scribes, kjv) was apparently carried back to the Magi by Herod himself. Then Herod asked them when they had first seen their star (Matt. 2:7). This became critical later in the account (v. 16); it showed that Herod was already contemplating a plan to get rid of this young King. He also instructed the Magi to return and tell him the location of this King so that he might come and worship Him. That was not, however, what he had in mind. (Barbieri, L. A., Jr. (1985). Matthew. In J. F. Walvoord & R. B. Zuck (Eds.), The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures (Vol. 2, pp. 21–22). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.)
2:2 star. This could not have been a supernova or a conjunction of planets, as some modern theories suggest, because of the way the star moved and settled over one place (cf. v. 9). It is more likely a supernatural reality similar to the Shekinah that guided the Israelites in the days of Moses (Ex 13:21). (MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (2006). The MacArthur study Bible: New American Standard Bible. (Mt 2:2). Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers.)
We must confess that we know little about these men. The word translated “wise men” (magi) refers to a group of scholars who studied the stars. Their title connects them with magic, but they were probably more like astrologers. However, their presence in the biblical record is not a divine endorsement of astrology.
God gave them a special sign, a miraculous star that announced the birth of the King. The star led them to Jerusalem where God’s prophets told them that the King would be born in Bethlehem. They went to Bethlehem, and there they worshiped the Christ Child.
We do not know how many magi there were. From the three gifts listed in Matthew 2:11, some people have assumed there were three kings from the Orient, though this is not certain. But when their caravan arrived in Jerusalem, there were enough of them to trouble the whole city.
Keep in mind that these men were Gentiles. From the very beginning, Jesus came to be “the Saviour of the world” (John 4:42). These men were also wealthy, and they were scholars—scientists in their own right. No scholarly person who follows the light God gives him can miss worshiping at the feet of Jesus. In Jesus Christ “are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (Col. 2:3). In Him dwells “all the fullness of the Godhead bodily” (Col. 2:9).
The magi were seeking the King, but Herod was afraid of the King and wanted to destroy Him. This was Herod the Great, called king by the Roman senate because of the influence of Mark Antony. Herod was a cruel and crafty man who permitted no one, not even his own family, to interfere with his rule or prevent the satisfying of his evil desires. A ruthless murderer, he had his own wife and her two brothers slain because he suspected them of treason. He was married at least nine times in order to fulfill his lusts and strengthen his political ties.
It is no surprise that Herod tried to kill Jesus, for Herod alone wanted to bear the title “King of the Jews.” But there was another reason. Herod was not a full-blooded Jew; he was actually an Idumaean, a descendant of Esau. This is a picture of the old struggle between Esau and Jacob that began even before the boys were born (Gen. 25:19–34). It is the spiritual versus the carnal, the godly versus the worldly. (Wiersbe, W. W. (1996). The Bible exposition commentary (Vol. 1, p. 14). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.)
Many non-scriptural ideas and legends have been linked with the visit of these Wise Men from the East. Contrary to the pictures we see generally, they are not called Kings, but Magi, that is, Wise Men, who devoted themselves to the study of ancient lore. Undoubtedly they were somewhat acquainted with certain prophecies, possibly those of Balaam (who was of the East) and of Daniel, whose book was written partly in the Hebrew and partly in the Chaldee languages. We need to remember also that the entire Old Testament had been translated into Greek some two centuries earlier, and this translation, known as the Septuagint (LXX), was available to scholars throughout the world and was studied, undoubtedly, by many Gentile students of sacred lore. We have no authority for saying there were only three Magi. This may have been deduced from the fact that three kinds of offerings are mentioned (2:11). It is probable that an attempt to see in their visit the fulfillment of Psalm 72:10 is responsible for the idea that they were Oriental kings. But Psalm 72 is yet to be fulfilled at Christ’s second coming. (Ironside, H. A. (1948). Expository notes on the Gospel of Matthew. (pp. 16–17). Neptune, NJ: Loizeaux Brothers.)
Ver. 3. When Herod the king had heard these things, &c.] That is, the report made by the wise men of the appearance of an unusual star, and of the birth of the king of the Jews, which they affirmed with all certainty, without any hesitation, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him. Herod was troubled, his mind was disturbed and made uneasy, fearing he should be deposed, and lose his kingdom, to which he knew he had no just right and claim, being a foreigner; and all Jerusalem, i. e. all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, who heard of this, were also troubled, and shewed a concern at it with him; either feignedly, as knowing his jealousy, suspicion and cruelty; or in reality, because of tumults, commotions and wars, they might fear would arise upon this, having lost the true notion of the Messiah, as a spiritual king, saviour and redeemer. And hereby was fulfilled, in part, the famous prophecy in Gen. 49:10 according to the sense of one of the Targumists on it, who paraphrases it after this manner; “Kings and governors shall not cease from the house of Judah, nor scribes, who teach the law, from his seed, until the time that the king Messiah, the least of his sons, comes, and because of him, יחימסון עממיא, the people shall melt;” that is, they shall be distressed and troubled, their hearts shall melt like wax within them; which was their present case, though perhaps the paraphrast may design the Gentiles. (Gill, J. (1809). An Exposition of the New Testament (Vol. 1, pp. 12–13). London: Mathews and Leigh.)
Herod’s Concern (2:3)
“Herod … was troubled,” we read, “and all Jerusalem with him.” The Jews had learned what they could expect when Herod was troubled, especially if the trouble was the kind the magi brought—news of a rival King. Blood would be shed before long. There would be another purge.
A typical afternoon’s entertainment for this man was to watch seven or eight hundred of his subjects being crucified on a public platform set up in the middle of the city. He would get drunk with his concubines while he and they enjoyed the gruesome sights. One of his favorite tricks was to enclose his enemies, unarmed, in a narrow place and then send his legionnaires roaring through the doors in full battle array while he urged them on. Every enemy in the place would be slaughtered. And history calls him Herod the Great!
The arrival of the wise men in Jerusalem (instead of Bethlehem) put them in a quandary of which they remained ignorant until it was almost too late. They had aroused a tiger. But with diabolical cunning, he did not roar; he purred.
(2) Herod’s Counselors (2:4–6)
Herod wasted no time. He summoned all the chief priests and scribes and posed a theological question. In effect he said, “You people say you are expecting a Messiah. Where would such a One be born?” The answer to that question would enable him to know where he should look for this unwanted King. He also questioned the magi as to when the mysterious star first appeared. Their response would enable him to judge how far back he would need to go in pursuing his inquiries. He would not feel safe as long as anyone was alive who was born between the time the star first appeared and the time the sages showed up in Jerusalem.
Herod’s counselors had no trouble telling him where to look for this King. According to Micah 5:2, He was to be born in Bethlehem. (Phillips, J. (2014). Exploring the Gospel of Matthew: An Expository Commentary (Mt 2:3–6). Kregel Publications; WORDsearch.)
A new BBC video resource produced for schools and geared toward British children ages 9-12 teaches that there are more than 100 gender identities and that people who are critical of transgender ideology “just don’t know any better yet.”
The nine-video “Big Talk” series shows children ages 9-12 asking adults about a range of topics, including puberty, sex, different-looking families and gender.
The English-based Christian Institute was among the first groups to report on the series.
Asked what the different gender identities are, a teacher in the “Identity” video says, “So we know we’ve got male and female, but there are over 100, if not more, gender identities now.”
She adds, “You’ve got some people who might call themselves genderqueer, who are just like ‘I don’t really want to be anything in particular, I’m just going to be me.’”
An accompanying teacher’s guide includes suggested questions to ask children. Among them:
“What’s the difference between sex and gender?”
“What are the different gender identities?”
“What do you think transgender means?”
“When do people feel like they want to change gender?”
“What does stereotypes mean?”
The teacher’s guide also suggests a “descriptive writing” project for students in which they will imagine what it would feel like to have a different gender from their family and friends.
In the “Respecting Myself and Others” video, an adult tells the children that those who are critical of transgender ideology “just don’t know any better yet.”
In another video, a teacher tells children that “people can go to prison if it’s shown they’re disrespecting or being hateful to people because of a difference that person perceives.”
The BBC says the videos “deal with sensitive subjects in an age-appropriate, open and honest way.” Teachers can use them to complement nationwide education requirements, the website says. (Michael Foust – Christian Headlines )
Acts 23
Because of attempts to kill Paul, he is taken to Caesarea to await trial.
INSIGHT Jesus says, “I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves” (Matthew 10:16). This certainly describes Paul. As he stands before the Jewish Council, Paul knows that his life is in peril. He also knows that the Council is divided between Pharisees, who believe in the resurrection of the dead, and the Sadducees, who do not. When Paul deliberately brings up that issue, the ensuing dissension is so great that the soldiers take him away, thwarting the immediate plot against him. (Quiet Walk)
He that hath seen me hath seen the Father. John 14:9
How did Christ act as a prophet on earth? He did so in all His teaching: His teaching concerning God the Father; His exposition of the law in the Sermon on the Mount; in all He told us of God’s love, of God’ gracious purpose, of His nature and His person. All this was a part of the exercise of His prophetic function, and supremely He told us about Himself. All this is vital, and I emphasize it because we sometimes forget that a part of our salvation consists in our receiving this knowledge that our Lord has given. This is why we must realize that this gospel applies to us. All He taught applies to us; the gospel is vital for Christian people and for Christian living. Christ is our Prophet.
And then He taught us by His life and example. “He that hath seen me hath seen the Father” (John 14:9). “Look at me,” He said in effect. “Have not my works shown you?” (See John 10:37-38.) “Hast thou not known me, Philip?” (John 14:9). “If you only look at Me, you will learn about God.
Then let me go on to show you how He has continued to exercise His prophetic function ever since His ascension, after He left earth and returned to heaven. He said that He would speak through the Holy Spirit. “I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come. He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall show it unto you” (John 16:12-14). The Holy Spirit would not speak of Himself or about Himself, but the Holy Spirit would be told what to say. Christ would send the Holy Spirit to instruct. As the Son did not speak of Himself but from the Father, so the Spirit speaks as our Lord instructs Him.
A Thought to Ponder: Christ exercised His prophetic function as He told us about Himself. (From God the Father, God the Son, pp. 294-295, by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones)
The Point of No Return
“Ephraim is joined to idols: let him alone.” (Hosea 4:17)
Our God is longsuffering and full of mercy, but there is a line that must not be crossed. It is dangerous to presume that God will always continue to forgive; He can become a “consuming fire” (Hebrews 12:29).
The leaders of Ephraim (a collective term for the 10 northern tribes of Israel) had passed this point of no return. They had become completely infatuated with the pantheistic polytheism of the nations, being “joined” to their symbolic models of natural forces and all the immoral practices that accompanied such nature worship. The word for “joined” means “fascinated by.” They had been brought so deeply under the occult powers behind these nature-god idols as to be irrevocably committed to them, so that it would be a waste of time and tears to try to reclaim them now.
The Scriptures contain many similar warnings. “My spirit shall not always strive with man” (Genesis 6:3). “Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind” (Matthew 15:14). “There is a sin unto death: I do not say that he shall pray for it” (1 John 5:16). “Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine” (Matthew 7:6). Pharaoh repeatedly “hardened his heart” against God, and finally God Himself hardened Pharaoh’s heart (e.g., Exodus 8:15; 10:27). “God gave them up” (Romans 1:24, 26, 28).
These should be sobering words to anyone who is becoming enchanted with evolutionism, or occultism, or any form of pantheistic humanism. As long as such a person has any qualm of conscience, or even any doubts about the pseudo-scientific philosophy to which he is becoming addicted, there is hope that he might yet turn to the true God of creation. To continue in his present course, however, is presumptuous and deadly. The time will come, perhaps sooner than he thinks, when God will say: “Let him alone.” (HMM, The Institute for Creation Research)
There is only one way to avoid the wrath of God, and that is to believe in the Son of God “who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification” (Rom. 4: 25) (p. 52)
This world is a doomed world. It is a sinful world, and the New Testament does not offer to make it better. In fact it tells us that it will get worse and worse. But it does offer us “new heaven and a new earth, wherein dwells righteousness (2 Peter 3: 13) (p. 55)
That is why he came from the highest courts of heaven to the cross of deepest woe. He did it so that you and I might escape the eternal damnation of hell. We are rescued, redeemed, ransomed, delivered, and reconciled, being made children of God and heirs of the glory of the world to come. (p. 57) (A Merciful and Faithful High Priest by Martyn Lloyd-Jones)
Daily Hope
Today’s Scripture Ecclesiastes 3:1-15
There is an old statement of “Familiarity breeds contempt”. While that may be true at times, it is not always the case! After being away on a trip or doing a new project, I find it comforting and relaxing to come back to the familiar and do the routine schedule.
Solomon, as he is reflecting about the vanity of life and the struggles that come from the realization of this truth, seems to return to the concrete facts of life. In the struggles of his thoughts, he returns to seven pairs of unchanging truths that contrast one another and show us that there is a specific time set aside for each event. These events cannot happen together but all occur under heaven (v.1).
Solomon’s thoughts seem to return to the foundational truths that are unchanging in life, the beginning and the end of events and relationships. As Solomon ponders these truths, he sees that to each God-given task in its time there is a point of beauty (vv.10-11). The reality of this, results in humanity seeing the works of God and ultimately acknowledging His presence.
While the uncertainty of what the day or week may bring is continually present, Solomon draws the reader to the gift that God gives to man which is His continual presence in our lives. We can eat, drink, and enjoy the labor of our hands because God has gifted these gifts to us!
As we begin the work week and all the unknowns that will occur, remember that these seven pairs of phrases are written to remind us that God is in control and the days are a blessing we have from Him (vv.13-15). Take comfort and courage in the plans He has for us!
With an Expectant hope, Pastor Miller
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