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Prayer request policy: If you want the prayer request to be private or just between me and you, please say so in the email. I will pray for those requests. If you don’t mind others praying for the request, then just send the request with no restrictions and I will put it in the devotional for other to pray. We don’t include last names in any of our prayer requests. Thank you.

Please pray for the persons whose last name begins with the letter “P” on your prayer list, which includes your address book, church directory and email list.


Ron Jones writes:   Please pray for Carone. She popped her knee getting up to our high seats at the Spokane arena. The game was practically sold out so we got seats pretty high unfortunately. They weren’t to the top, and I didn’t realize that Corone was still fearful of even at those levels. We are now at the emergency room trying to figure out what’s the next step for her knee.


Please continue to pray for Kimberly Bjork   thank you




Your Prayer Request Here!

May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'When I am alone, God is my comforter. When I am weak, God is is my strength. When I am nothing, God is my everything. If God has been good to you,'


No photo description available.

May be an image of text that says 'PRAYER God, I am amazed that You delight in me! Thank You for seeing me not for my imperfections, but as Your child who delights in You. Help me to never lose focus on You, Your guidance, and Your love. I want You to to be the most important part of In Jesus' name, my life. Amen.'

May be a black-and-white image of text that says 'How we treat others is the ultimate test of our love for Christ.'

May be an image of text that says 'February 15 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Isaiah 40:31-KJV 40:31-'

May be an image of map

May be an image of text that says 'Before you speak: THINK Is it True? Is it Helpful? Is Isit it Inspiring? Is is Necessary? Is it Kind?'







Faith and Bible based ministry that encourages the faithfulness of the local church and their leaders to the LORD.


Please invite friends to visit our website: or visit our Facebook page at Small Church Ministries with a Bible logo. If they would like to receive the devotions via email – please have them send their address to me with “devotional” in the message box. Also, if you don’t receive the devotions because you have visited our website or some other source please sign up. The devotions normally go out each covering a chapter of the Bible each day. In three and a half years the entire Bible is covered. Thank you.

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