Prayer request policy: If you want the prayer request to be private or just between me and you, please say so in the email. I will pray for those requests. If you don’t mind others praying for the request, then just send the request with no restrictions and I will put it in the devotional for other to pray. We don’t include last names in any of our prayer requests. Thank you.
Tom Stiles writes: Pease pray for my missionary daughter. She injured her back last week and was admitted to the hospital due to terrific pain. Tests showed 3 herniated disks which will require surgery. She is still in a lot of pain.
Samantha Kasper writes: Today was a rough one. My mom has been in and oit of the hospital since Christmas and on a sharp decline woth rapid weightloss and can now barely talk. She has also started having frequent jerky movements in her arms. She was taken by ambulance to the ER this afternoon after becoming non responsive and having difficulty breathing. They think she has internal bleeding but not sure from where. She was given 3 units of blood and is in and out of responsiveness. She was moved to the ICU and I will know more tomorrow when I go back to the hospital.
Please pray for the persons whose last name begins with the letter “B” on your prayer list, which includes your address book, church directory and email list.
Prayer Chain@ Elim EFC: I‘m posting this on behalf of (and with permission from) Willie House.
Faith and Bible based ministry that encourages the faithfulness of the local church and their leaders to the LORD.
Please invite friends to visit our website: or visit our Facebook page at Small Church Ministries with a Bible logo. If they would like to receive the devotions via email – please have them send their address to me with “devotional” in the message box. Also, if you don’t receive the devotions because you have visited our website or some other source please sign up. The devotions normally go out each covering a chapter of the Bible each day. In three and a half years the entire Bible is covered. Thank you.