Prayer request policy: If you want the prayer request to be private or just between me and you, please say so in the email. I will pray for those requests. If you don’t mind others praying for the request, then just send the request with no restrictions and I will put it in the devotional for other to pray. We don’t include last names in any of our prayer requests. Thank you.
Please pray for the persons whose last name begins with the letter “T” on your prayer list, which includes your address book, church directory and email list.
Sabrena Monroe writes: (This is my cousin): My son Casey is progressing each day, time should heal all his wounds we are still praying for no permanent damage. In a split second life can change forever, my family is so very thankful to God that he answered our prayers and Casey is still with us. Please join us in praying for his physical, emotional and financial support on this long road to recovery. Love you, my son
Your Prayer Request Here!
Faith and Bible based ministry that encourages the faithfulness of the local church and their leaders to the LORD.
Please invite friends to visit our website: or visit our Facebook page at Small Church Ministries with a Bible logo. If they would like to receive the devotions via email – please have them send their address to me with “devotional” in the message box. Also, if you don’t receive the devotions because you have visited our website or some other source please sign up. The devotions normally go out each covering a chapter of the Bible each day. In three and a half years the entire Bible is covered. Thank you.
Old age has come at a terrible time, just as I was starting to know it all, I’m now forgetting everything I knew..
CR Sharpe writes:
’ve been thinking lately about my life and the journey that God has brought me on. I don’t say much about being a pastor’s wife. At first, I didn’t know really what to think about it. A pastor’s wife once told me to just be myself, but I didn’t really know who I was then, and sometimes I’m still figuring that out even now. Ministry has been a great privilege and calling. In spite of all the ups and downs over the years, I wouldn’t trade a thing. The struggles can be great as you deal with trying to live in a fish bowl. You have a lot of critics, and try to shield your kids from those critics as best as you can without unleashing the momma bear inside. You also want to help your husband and be that helpmate that God has asked you to be. It’s amazing as I look back to even my childhood how God started preparing me for ministry. He gave me a heart of hospitality: To be hospitable to strangers and the desire to welcome people into my home.
Even though God chooses you for ministry, he doesn’t shield you from the pain and trials that inevitably come. But he gives you the strength to get through it as He walks with you. He gives you so many blessings, many of which you are unaware of until later. Over 20 years ago, my husband Richard had a vision for a ministry that he felt called to start, Small Church Ministries. He wanted to meet the needs of pastors of small churches who often are all alone and forgotten and need support. Through circumstances I can’t mention, God brought a great trial into our life. We like to refer to it as “The Divine Appointment.” If we could plan our lives we would never think to go down the path that God took us down, but looking back He is always a good God and is in every circumstance, even in great trials like our “divine appointment.” It was through this tough time that God did several things. He used this time to bring us to a place where we could take care of my ailing mother. She later had a heart attack and we were able to live with her and take care of her for 14 years until she passed away. It was also through this divine appointment that God allowed for my husband to begin the ministry that he felt called to years before, Small Church Ministries.
It wasn’t long after my mother passed away that Rich was diagnosed with an incurable form of blood cancer. Sometimes I wonder what God is doing even now as I take care of my husband and pray that God allows his cancer to say in remission. And the trials and stresses over the years have taken a toll on me medically and emotionally. I ask that you would be praying for me, as this year has been the hardest of all. But even though I struggle, I am thankful for a God who is faithful. I’m thankful for Jesus. That he paid the price for my sins so that I wouldn’t have to. I’m thankful that he rose from the dead as we celebrate today – Easter. Life has not been easy, but the only way that I have gotten through it, is because I know the Lord and he has carried me through each step.
I am thankful for God’s many blessings. I’m thankful for my 4 beautiful children on this earth, and 1 beautiful child in heaven. I am so thankful for the spouses of my children and my 13 grandchildren. I love every second I get to spend time with my kids and being able to help them when they need me. Here’s the latest pictures I have of all of them. I hope you all have a blessed Easter as you remember the victory we have because Jesus rose from the dead.
The message of the cross is foolish to those who are headed for destruction! But we who are being saved know it is the very power of God. — 1 Corinthians 1:18