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Proverbs 2

Son search diligently for God’s wisdom                       verse 1- 4 

My son – IF you will receive my words

and hide my commandments with you

      so that you incline thine ear unto wisdom

                  and apply your ear to understanding

Yea – IF you cry after knowledge

and lift up your voice for understanding

IF you seek her as silver – and search for her as for hid treasures 

Conclusion of diligent search is hidden treasure           verse 5- 9 

THEN shall you understand the FEAR of the LORD

and find the knowledge of God

FOR the LORD gives wisdom

out of HIS mouth comes knowledge and understanding

                        HE lays up sound wisdom for the righteous

                                    HE is a buckler to them that walk uprightly

                                                HE keeps the paths of judgment

                                                            and preserves the way of HIS saints

THEN shall you understand  – righteousness – judgment – equity 

every good path 

One treasure is wise choice                                           verse 10- 11        

 When wisdom entered into your heart

and knowledge is pleasant unto your soul

                        discretion shall preserve the

understanding shall keep you 

Second treasure is righteous companions                     verse 12- 15 

To deliver you from the way of the evil man

from the man that speak forward thing

who leave the paths of uprightness

to walk in the ways of darkness

who rejoice to do evil

and delight in the forwardness of the wicked

whose ways are crooked

and they forward their paths 

Third treasure is protection from immoral women      verse 16- 19 

To deliver thee from the strange woman

            even from the stranger which flatters with her words

which forsakes the guide of her youth

and forgets the covenant of her God

For her house inclines unto death – and her paths unto the dead

none that go unto her return again

neither take they hold of the paths of life 

Fourth treasure will be righteous citizenship                verse 20- 22 

That you may walk in the way of good men

and keep the paths of the righteous

                        for the upright shall dwell in the land

and the perfect shall remain in it

                        but the wicked shall be cut off from the earth

                                    and the transgressors shall be rooted out of it 





: 3        Yea, if you criest after knowledge, and liftest up your voice for understanding     (7121 “criest” [qara] means call, utter a loud sound, invoke, summons, or pleading)

DEVOTION: Solomon wants his children to go to the LORD with a strong desire to find out how to live a life that is pleasing to the LORD.

He would earnestly desire his son to receive his fatherly advice. He would like his son to obey all the commands he gives him. He wants his son to incline his ear to hear wisdom. Once he has heard wisdom, he would like him to apply it to his daily life.

How is his son going to receive this wisdom? He has to search for it will all his heart. He has to call on God with a strong desire to learn from HIM. His son had to realize that all true wisdom comes for the LORD. The strong desire must come from the son or there will be no wisdom given and learned.

Remember that the fear of the LORD is the beginning point. If the son doesn’t’ have this fact learned he will not progress in true wisdom. He will settle for earthly wisdom which will not help him lead a life of righteousness in the eyes of the LORD.

Today we find that very few fathers have time to train their sons properly in the ways of the LORD. They leave it to the wife or the Sunday school teacher or the church. This is not a Biblical way to handle it. Yes, men are busy with their jobs but that is still no excuse in the eyes of the LORD.

Solomon was running a nation and still took time to train his children. Was he a good example? At the beginning of his reign, he was but toward the end it seemed that he was guided by his wives from strange lands with strange gods.

We need to realize that God gave us this book to help us with the raising of our children. Are we going to be perfect examples? NO!!! There was only one man who was without sin and that was Jesus Christ. We are going to fail but we can try to live a somewhat consistent life in front of our children and admit when we do things wrong.

Our children have to summons God for help. That is the only way they can lead their children to be true followers of the LORD. Have you summons the LORD to help you train your children?

Ask the LORD to help you train your children properly. If they are grown you can still help them understand God’s wisdom. Ask them to forgive you for failing in the past. If you have trained them Biblically then you could even help with the training of your grandchildren. They need a couple of generations of believers to realize that the God of the Bible is real.

CHALLENGE: Face the reality that parents give instructions for a lifetime. Start now and finish well.


DAILY SPIRITUAL LUNCH: Transitional Believers 

: 5        “Then you will understand the fear of the LORD, and find the knowledge of God.” The New King James                             Version (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1982). (Find – 4672 מָצָא [matsaʾ /maw·tsaw/] v. A primitive root;                                TWOT 1231; GK 5162; 456 occurrences; AV translates as “find” 359 times, “present” 20 times, “find out”                           20 times, “come” eight times, “meet” five times, “befall” five times, “get” four times, “suffice” three                                   times, “deliver” twice, “hit” twice, “left” twice, “hold” twice, and translated miscellaneously 24 times. 1 to                          find, attain to. 1A (Qal). 1A1 to find. 1A1A to find, secure, acquire, get (thing sought). 1A1B to find                                 (what is lost). 1A1C to meet, encounter. 1A1D to find (a condition). 1A1E to learn, devise. 1A2 to find                                out. 1A2A to find out. 1A2B to detect. 1A2C to guess. 1A3 to come upon, light upon. 1A3A to happen                            upon, meet, fall in with. 1A3B to hit. 1A3C to befall. 1B (Niphal). 1B1 to be found. 1B1A to be                                            encountered, be lighted upon, be discovered. 1B1B to appear, be recognised. 1B1C to be discovered,                              be detected. 1B1D to be gained, be secured. 1B2 to be, be found. 1B2A to be found in. 1B2B to be in                              the possession of. 1B2C to be found in (a place), happen to be. 1B2D to be left (after war). 1B2E to be                              present. 1B2F to prove to be. 1B2G to be found sufficient, be enough. 1C (Hiphil). 1C1 to cause to find,                            attain. 1C2 to cause to light upon, come upon, come. 1C3 to cause to encounter. 1C4 to present                                      (offering). James Strong, Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon (Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software, 2001).

DEVOTION: The three “ifs” in verses 1, 3–4 are followed by then, which introduces the result. The father and king wanted his son to recognize and submit to the teachings that would result in reverence and wisdom. Instruction, discernment and an unquenchable hunger for wisdom will bring you to a better understanding of who God is and His plans for you. Deuteronomy 29:29 states, “The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but those things which are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law.” As He has revealed truths to the writers and scholars through the ages it is our responsibility to learn and to know as much as we can so that we may know Him better. Be attentive to the words of the learned, grow in your understand of God and His ways!

CHALLENGE: It is never too late to learn and become better educated about the Scripture and your Heavenly Father! Enroll in a class or attend a seminar of a topic that interests you!  (Dr. Brian Miller – board member)


: 11      Discretion shall preserve thee, understanding shall keep thee (4209 “discretion” [m@zimmah] means                        purpose, device, plot, thoughts, plan, witty inventions or ability to make proper decisions.

DEVOTION:  Solomon makes a distinction between those who walk the way of the LORD and those who walk another way. Those who walk according to LORD do so in the fear of the LORD. Those who walk in an evil way are following the devil and his angels.

The wisdom that is given out by God causes a person to plan properly by thinking through his plans with wisdom from above. He realizes that each day brings its own evil and we have to pray for help for each decision we make. He doesn’t do things without first consulting the word of God. He doesn’t start his day without prayer.

Wisdom is crying out for followers. When we apply the knowledge we receive from the Word of God it causes us to be wise. It gives us discernment regarding people and things. Once we have applied wisdom to our daily life we can see the LORD working in our daily decisions. When our decisions are right we will avoid walking in the path of the wicked.

We will be able to distinguish between right and wrong. We will be able to help others follow the LORD properly. This is a daily walk with wisdom. Too often we start on this path but then think we can handle it on our own and then we fall. We need to keep in close relationship with the LORD.

This chapter gives us some benefits to following wisdom. First benefit is wise choices in our daily life. The second is we will help our children make good friends. The third is we will help our children not to fall into the pitfall of pornography and immoral living. The fourth is that our children can be good citizens in any nation.

CHALLENGE:  Seek the LORD for discernment to help make wise decisions. Help others with Godly wisdom especially your children and grandchildren.


            : 12      To deliver YOU from the way of the evil man, from the man that speaks forward things. (8419 “forward”                       [tahpukah] means perverse things, the characteristic of deliberately deviating from what is good,                                 foolishness, deceit, fraud, or confusing things.)

DEVOTION: We need to watch the company we keep. There are people or groups of people that we should not be hanging around if we want to only listen to those who are going to speak the truth in love.

There are many people that we know or work with that use language that is not pleasing to God. They are saying everything that would not please the LORD. They want to lead us away from what is good and into what the world considers OK.

God wants our speak to be one that is pleasing to HIM alone. If it is not pleasing to HIM and we claim to know Christ as our Savior than we should not be saying what they are saying and we should not allow our minds to continue to hear what they are saying because what goes into our minds usually comes out at some time.

God wants us to keep company with those who speak the truth in love and that use language that is pleasing to HIM.

Too often we can grow up with language that our parents used who were not believers and we think that we can continue to use as we grow up. That Is not always true. We have to make sure that what we say is pleasing to the LORD alone.

If we find ourselves saying things we should not be saying, we need to confess them as sins and ask the LORD to help us change our language to please HIM alone and not worry about what others might think of us.

CHALLENGE: Our world is not looking to please the LORD with their words or actions but we need to be concerned with what we say and do because we are believers.




Chastity (Purity in living)

Fasting (Time alone with LORD without eating or drinking)

Sacrifice (Giving up something we want to serve the LORD)

Submission (Willing to listen to others and LORD)

Solitude (Going to a quiet place without anyone)


Fellowship (Gathering together around the Word of God)

Frugality (wise use of resources)

Journalizing (Writing down what you have learned from the LORD)

Study and Meditation (Thinking through your study in the Word)

Secrecy (Doing your good deeds without others knowing but God)


Celebration (Gathering around a special occasion to worship LORD)

Confession (Tell the LORD we are sorry for our sins on a daily basis)

Prayer (Conversation with God on a personal level) 

Cry after wisdom                                                      verse 3

Lift up voice                                                               verse 3 

Silence (Letting the LORD deal with some problems and needs)

Worship (Time to praise the LORD alone or in a group) 



Scripture (66 inerrant books of the Bible)

God the Father (First person of the Godhead) 

  LORD – Jehovah (Covenant keeping, Personal)   verse 5, 6

            Gives wisdom Out of HIS mouth

                         comes knowledge and understanding

                                    Lays up sound wisdom for the righteous           

                        God – Elohim (Creator, Sovereign)                        verse 5, 17

                        Keeps the paths of judgment                                   verse 8

                        Preserves the way of HIS saints                               verse 8 

God the Son (Second person of the Godhead –God/man, Messiah)

God the Holy Spirit (Third person of the Godhead – our comforter)

Trinity (Three persons of the Godhead who are co-equal = ONE God)    

Angels (Created before the foundation of the world – Good and Evil)

Man (Created on the sixth twenty-four hour period of creation) 

Son (father training his son)                                    verse 1 

Sin (Missing the mark set by God on man and angels) 

Evil men                                                                     verse 12

                        Speaks forward things                                              verse 12

                        Leave path of uprightness                                        verse 13

                        Walk in the way of darkness                                    verse 13

                        Rejoice to do evil                                                       verse 14

                        Delight in the forwardness of the wicked               verse 14, 15

                        Ways are crooked                                                     verse 15, 19

                        Immoral woman                                                        verse 16

                        Flattery                                                                       verse 16

                        Forsakes the guide of her youth                              verse 17

                        Forgets the covenant of her God                             verse 17

                        Wicked cut from the earth                                       verse 22

                        Transgressor  shall be rooted out                            verse 22 

Salvation (Provided by Christ’s death on the cross for our sins) 

Godly wisdom                                                            verse 2, 6, 7, 10

Understanding                                                           verse 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, 11

   Seek wisdom                                                            verse 4

                         Fear of the LORD                                                     verse 5

                        Knowledge of God                                                    verse 5, 6, 10

                        Sound wisdom for Righteous                                   verse 7

                        Walk uprightly                                                          verse 7

Righteous                                                                   verse 7, 20

Saints                                                                          verse 8

Understand righteousness                                        verse 9

Understand judgment                                               verse 9

Understand equity                                                    verse 9

Understand a good path                                           verse 9

Discretion                                                                   verse 11

Kept from way of evil men                                       verse 12

Path of uprightness                                                   verse 13

Deliver you from the strange woman                     verse 16

Covenant of God                                                       verse 17

Path of life                                                                  verse 19

Walk in the way of good men                                  verse 20

Upright                                                                       verse 21

Perfect                                                                        verse 21 

Israel (Old Testament people of God) 

      Solomon training his son                                          verse 1

                  Receive my words

                  Hide my commandments with you

                  Incline your ears to wisdom

                  Apply your heart to understanding

                  Seek wisdom and understanding

                  Understand the fear of the LORD

                  Find the knowledge of God

                  Sound wisdom for the righteous

                  Understand righteousness

                  Understand judgment

                  Understand equity

                  Understand every GOOD path

                  Wisdom enters heart

                  Knowledge is pleasant to soul

                  Discretion shall preserve

                  Understanding shall keep you

                  Deliver you from the way of evil men

                  Walk in the way of good men

                  Keep the paths of the righteous

                  Upright dwell in the land

                  Perfect shall remain in it

Church (New Testament people of God)

Last Things (Future Events) 

      House of strange woman is inclined to death         verse 18

      None that goes to strange woman returns again    verse 19

      Don’t take hold of the paths of life                          verse 19



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QUOTES regarding passage

The young man faces two major temptations. The first is the temptation to violence and crime and to the feelings of power and easy money that way offers, and the second is to easy and apparently uncomplicated sexual pleasures offered by the prostitute. Both ways, however, have complications the young man cannot see, complications that will drag him to his death.

This whole text hinges on an enormous “if” clause (vv. 1–4). The “if” represents a decision that every young man must make. He can either go in the way of Wisdom and find life, true love, and most importantly God, or he can turn his back on her and find only bitterness, isolation, and death. One cannot opt out of making this decision or choose a little of one and a little of the other. If the church, however, fails to present this stark decision to young people, many will go in the wrong way and never even know they had a choice.….

Verses 9–11 describe the moral discernment by which the wise both escape immoral behavior and gain competence. In v. 9 Wisdom gives a strong sense of personal ethics to her followers; they will know “what is right and just and fair.” These terms describe both integrity and an even-handed way of dealing with other people. Verses 10–11 assert that Wisdom gives both pleasure and surefootedness in life. The more wisdom one learns, the more one desires and enjoys it. The protection wisdom gives, moreover, is that it keeps its follower from making decisions that will later bring only regret (v. 11). (Garrett, D. A. (1993). Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of songs (Vol. 14, pp. 75–76). Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers.)


It is no careless reading of the Scriptures that is here indicated. The soul is exhorted to “receive” these sayings. This is something more than a cursory examination of them. The sayings of God must be received into the heart. And there they are to be “laid up,” or “hidden.” The ear must be inclined to wisdom; the heart applied to understanding; while the mouth cries after knowledge, and the voice is lifted up for that which will give spiritual intelligence. The whole being is thus devoted to the search for the truth. As men dig deep for silver and make diligent effort to locate hidden treasure, so the earnest seeker must dig into the word of God, and be not content with surface findings. When thus esteeming the words of His mouth as more than one’s necessary food, the result is certain: “Then shalt thou understand the fear of the Lord, and find the knowledge of God.”

It is to be feared that even among those who hold and value much precious truth, diligent Bible study is on the wane. It is well to remember that reading books about the Bible is a very different thing to searching the Word for oneself. Notes and expositions may be helpful. If the writer did not so believe, he would not now be putting pen to paper. But if these works of uninspired men be permitted to take the place of the sure Word of the living God, the result can only be baneful in the extreme. The result of such one-sided study will be that men will draw their thoughts from one another, in place of from the great reservoir of truth itself. This will result in a dry intellectuality which is the very opposite of a fresh, vigorous spirituality. 

Wisdom and knowledge entering into the heart and becoming pleasant to the soul, give that discretion which preserves from evil; and the understanding, or discernment that keeps from false ways. Two enemies are seen besetting the feet of the young man. Here it is the evil man; in the next few verses, the strange woman. The evil man is the man who walks in the pride of his heart and in independence of God. This, to the young, seems very attractive, appealing to the natural mind. But to follow the evil man is to “leave the paths of righteousness” and to “walk in the ways of darkness.” The truth of God possessing the reins will deliver from this, keeping the recipient of it from the self-willed ways of the evil one and pointing out his crooked and perverse paths. But this is not the only enemy seeking to beguile the simple. The word of God is also given..

 (Ironside, H. A. (1908). Notes on the Book of Proverbs (pp. 28–30). Neptune, NJ: Loizeaux Bros.)


2.   the moral benefits of wisdom (2:7–10)

2:7–10. Wisdom gives positive, health-inducing moral benefits. It keeps one from evil and contributes to holiness. Wisdom is a matter of the heart, and of moral conduct, not just of intellectual attainment. This is made clear by the words upright and blameless (cf. v. 21), the just, and faithful ones (from ḥeseḏ, those who are loyal to God). Elsewhere in Proverbs the word for victory is translated “sound judgment” (3:21; 8:14; 18:1). In 2:7 it means success, the result of sound judgment. Like a shield (cf. Ps. 3:3) God protects those who by His wisdom are morally upright, those who are His (cf. Prov. 1:33). Moral living enables a person to be equitable with others, to do what is right and just and fair (cf. 1:3). “Fair” translates the same word rendered “upright” in 2:7. One’s conduct is suggested by the synonyms walk … course … way, and path (vv. 7–9; cf. vv. 12–13, 15, 18–20).

A person who strives for wisdom (vv. 1–4) will find that it will enter his heart (v. 10). Obtaining wisdom requires diligence on man’s part in pursuing God’s will; yet wisdom is a gift from God (cf. v. 6). Having such knowledge from God gives inner joy or pleasure. (Buzzell, S. S. (1985). Proverbs. In J. F. Walvoord & R. B. Zuck (Eds.), The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures (Vol. 1, p. 910). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.)



(Remember the only author that I totally agree with is the HOLY SPIRIT in the inerrant WORD OF GOD called THE BIBLE! All other I try to gleam what I can to help me grow in the LORD!!)


Without the Shedding of Blood
“And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission.” (Hebrews 9:22)
It is strange that so many people object to the biblical doctrine of salvation through the shed blood of Christ. Even some evangelicals will argue that the blood is merely a chemical mixture, and that it was the death of Christ that was the price of our redemption.
Chemistry aside, the Bible does indeed stress that “we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins” (Colossians 1:14), that He has “made peace through the blood of his cross” (Colossians 1:20), and that we are “now justified by his blood” (Romans 5:9). We receive His great work of propitiation—that is His sacrificial death for our sins—“through faith in his blood” (Romans 3:25).
Why this emphasis on the shedding of His blood, which seems offensive to so many people? Could He not have been put to death in other ways—drowning, stoning, asphyxiation, etc.—ways not involving the ugliness of bloodshed?
One can speculate with many “what if?” questions, but we must go by the Word of God. It remains true, theologically as well as biologically, that “the life of the flesh is in the blood” (Leviticus 17:11, also Genesis 9:4). The basic rationale of sacrifice—the death of an innocent substitute to provide life for the guilty—has centered from the beginning (when God provided coats of skin for the nakedness of Adam and Eve) on the spilled blood of sacrificial animals to atone for (that is “to cover”) the sins of the one bringing the offering, until finally “the Lamb of God” could be offered by God as “one sacrifice for sins for ever” (Hebrews 10:12). When the blood gushed from His pierced side, His spotless life was poured out at the foot of the cross, and the price of our redemption was fully paid. (HMM, The Institute for Creation Research)


Luke 23

Pilate sentences Jesus to be crucified on the hill called Golgotha, “The Skull.”


Without conflict, there are no heroes. The hero and coward look alike until the battle begins. Then and only then, in the face of the challenge, is each one’s true character manifested.

In Jesus’ time, you do not expect heroes of the Christian faith to emerge from the ranks of the Pharisees. But Joseph of Arimathea defies the expectations.

This godly man risks wealth, reputation, and perhaps personal safety, when he asks for and receives the permission to take down Jesus’ body from the cross and lay it in his own tomb.  (Quiet Walk)


                   Daily Hope

                                       Today’s Scripture
                                      Deuteronomy 1-2

As we begin a new book, the opening chapter often introduces us to the theme and subject to be discussed. It reveals main characters or a geographical setting from which the book was written. Exciting events or historical facts are presented so the reader can understand the author’s viewpoint. Such “hooks” are used to encourage a reader to continue to look at the material.

Moses is the author of Deuteronomy, and he introduces his readers to the location and the distance they are from Mount Sinai, which is stated to be eleven days even though they were now in the 40th year of travel (1:2-3). This reminder is a clear reference to Israel’s lack of faith and rebellion that had marked their journey to this point. 

Moses reviews Israel’s disobedience at Kadesh Barnea (1:19), and the many years of wandering in the desert. This roaming was done for the 2nd generation of people from Israel to learn how trust and obedience to the Lord and His laws benefitted them. This truth was applicable not only to this generation but for future generations as well.

The teachings and admonitions of this book were to be studied and each king of Israel was to personally write out a manuscript so that he would not be ignorant of God’s laws (17:14-20). King David appears to have accomplished this with his ability to quote and meditate upon scripture and repent quickly when he did wrong. Solomon, even as wise as he was, appears not to have followed this instruction and fell into sin and idolatry with many foreign wives (1 Kings 10-11).

Deuteronomy may be a book of the law used by God to instruct the people of Israel before entering the land, but it can be useful for believers today. Moses instructs parents on raising their children and he reviews how God was merciful and longsuffering toward unruly and sinful people. Finally, Moses calls for obedience and faithfulness by God’s people as they enter unfamiliar and challenging events in their journey of faith. 

Similar truths are clearly taught in New Testament passages as the writers seek to instill the principles of scripture to encourage believers to live, labor, and serve God’s Son, Jesus Christ. Peter sums it up, “And so we have a prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts” (2 Peter 1:19). Read and study this book and allow it to instruct you as it has taught and directed many believers in the past!

                  With an Expectant Hope, Pastor Miller



By grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God.
Ephesians 2:8
If you want to know God, if you want to know the everlasting and eternal God, this is the way, the only way: Look at the cross. Gaze on, meditate on, survey the wondrous cross. And then you will see something of Christ.
The first thing you will see is the grace of God. Grace is a great word in the Bible, the grace of God. It is most simply defined in these words—it is favor shown to people who do not deserve any favor at all. And the message of the Gospel is that any one of us is saved and put right for eternity solely and entirely by the grace of God, not by ourselves. “By grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God” (Ephesians 2:8). My friend, is it not about time we all admitted it? Do what you like, you will never save yourself. You will never save yourself from the world, the flesh, or the devil; you will never save yourself from your own misery. Still less will you save yourself from the law of God and judgment and hell. You cannot do it. Men have tried it throughout the centuries. They have all admitted failure.
Not the labors of my hands
Can fulfill thy law’s demands;
Could my zeal no respite know,
Could my tears forever flow,
All for sin could not atone;
Thou must save, and thou alone.

Augustus M. Toplady
A Thought to Ponder
Do what you like, you will never save yourself.
             (From The Cross, pp. 74-75, by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones)


Man’s Grief and God’s Compassion
“For the LORD will not cast off for ever: But though he cause grief yet will he have compassion according to the multitude of his mercies. For he doth not afflict willingly nor grieve the children of men.” (Lamentations 3:31-33)
The five chapters of the unique book of Lamentations, written by Jeremiah in his grief over the destruction of Jerusalem, are all written as acrostics, with each verse of each chapter beginning with successive letters of the 22-letter Hebrew alphabet. That is, verse 1 of each chapter begins with the letter aleph, verse 2 with beth, etc. (like A, B, etc. in English). The middle chapter is written in acrostic triplets (the first three verses beginning with aleph, and so on). Thus, chapter 3 contains 66 verses instead of 22.
The three verses of our text are right at the midpoint of this middle chapter, comprising the final triplet of the first half of the book, and thus uniquely constituting its central theme. As such, it could well also be the heart cry of every saint in any age experiencing God’s chastening hand.
Although Jeremiah himself had not sinned, his nation had grievously sinned, and thus all Israel had finally come under the rod. Nevertheless, the prophet could assure his people that God still loved them and would renew His compassion even in the midst of their grief. God does not willingly send affliction, for He is “not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9).
When we suffer, or our nation suffers (as it surely will if it continues its present rebellion against God), it is well to remember His promise. “He will not always chide: neither will he keep his anger for ever” (Psalm 103:9). It is true that “no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby” (Hebrews 12:11). (HMM, The Institute for Creation Research)


Colossians 2

Christ is our Savior and example; the center of life for Christians.

People can no more save themselves than they can fly to the moon. Both are utterly impossible. And because of our spiritual condition and the spiritual laws of God, we stand a greater assurance of making our spiritual condition worse instead of better by trying to save ourselves. Paul says that we were dead. We had decrees written against us that we were powerless to remove. God made us alive together with Christ and removed the decrees against us by nailing them to the cross (vv. 13-14). We must gain salvation by grace through faith in Christ or not have it at all. (Quiet Walk)



Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence toward God.
1 John 3:21
This matter of “confidence” is absolutely vital to true prevailing prayer. Let me remind you how the Scripture puts it. Have you noticed that the word boldness is used in connection with prayer in the Scriptures? You often find it in the epistle to the Hebrews: “Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need” (4:16); or again, “Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus” (Hebrews 10:19); or, “let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith” (Hebrews 10:22). Or consider what Paul says in Ephesians 3: “in whom we have boldness and access with confidence by faith” (verse 12). That is the way to pray; if our petitions are to be of any value, we must have boldness and assurance and confidence in our access.
How is this to be obtained? Well, it seems to me that we are here dealing with the answer, and it is a question of sonship. The consciousness of our sonship and the assurance of our sonship is to be determined by our love of the brethren. It works like this: If I am truly loving the brethren, then I remember that I am a child of God. Therefore, when I am before God in prayer I argue like this: “I must think of God now not as my Judge but as my Father.” John goes on to remind us of that in 1 John chapter 4. I do not come to God, therefore, in a spirit of fear, because “fear hath torment” (1 John 4:18). So, assured of my sonship, I know that God delights in me, that God indeed is much more ready to bless me than I am to ask to be blessed.
A Thought to Ponder: I must think of God now not as my Judge but as my Father.

(From Children of God, pp. 128-129, by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones)


Soccer-Mom Syndrome by Barbara Rainey

O LORD, You have searched me and known me. . . . [You] are intimately acquainted with all my ways. PSALM 139:1-3

Over the years, Dennis and I have attended hundreds of events involving our children. Baseball games. Volleyball matches. Cheerleading events. Gymnastics competitions. Evangelistic outreaches. Music recitals. Sometimes they all seemed like a blur! But there is one trap we worked hard to avoid: the Soccer-Mom Syndrome—the belief that attending your children’s activities automatically means you’re involved in their lives.

In reality, involvement means much more. It means crawling inside the head and heart of each of your kids. Finding out what he or she is thinking and feeling. Diving into the often, turbulent waves caused by uncertain emotions.

This can be scary and uncomfortable at times. That’s why so many parents run from real heart-and-soul involvement with their children and withdraw to much safer territory.

The sobering truth is that you can be in the same house or the same gym with your children but be clueless about what’s really going on in their lives.

Yet connecting can be something as simple as walking into each child’s bedroom, sitting down and asking a few questions. It can be a quick outing for a milkshake or a hamburger. It can be stepping out on the porch together on a Sunday afternoon, just to check his or her plans for the week or ask if he or she needs to talk, to let your child know you’re there to listen.

When you pursue this kind of heart-to-heart relationship with your children, you’re actually following God’s example. Wouldn’t it be wonderful (someday) if your kids could say of you, “My parents have ‘searched me and known me.’ They know not just ‘when I sit down and when I rise up,’ but they also ‘understand my thought’ and are ‘intimately acquainted’ with who I am and what I’m like”? That’s the definition of an involved parent. Not just watching how well they turn a somersault.


Ask yourselves this question: “Are we just going and doing, or are we living and listening?”


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