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Messiah [Christ] is King                                      verse 1- 2 

The LORD said to my Lord

Sit YOU at MY right hand – until I make YOUR enemies

YOUR footstool

The LORD shall send the rod of YOUR strength out of Zion

rule YOU in the midst of YOUR enemies 

Messiah [Christ] is Priest                                     verse 3- 4 

YOUR people shall be willing in the day of YOUR power

            in the beauties of holiness from the womb of the morning

      YOU have the dew of YOUR youth

The LORD has sworn – and will not repent

YOU are a priest for ever after the order of MELCHIZEDEK 

Messiah [Christ] is Judge                                    verse 5- 7 

The Lord at YOUR right hand shall strike through kings

in the day of HIS wrath

HE shall JUDGE among the heathen

            HE shall fill the places with the dead bodies

                        HE shall wound the heads over many countries

HE shall drink of the brook in the way

            THEREFORE, shall HE lift up the head      





: 1        “The Lord said to my Lord, ‘Sit at MY right hand, till I make YOUR enemies YOUR footstool.’  (New King James Version Lord – Strong’s Hebrew #3068 3068 יהוה, יְהוִה [Yâhovah /yeh·ho·vaw/] n pr dei. From 1961; TWOT 484a; GK 3378; 6519 occurrences; AV translates as “LORD” 6510 times, “GOD” four times, “JEHOVAH” four times, and “variant” once. 1 the proper name of the one true God. 1A unpronounced except with the vowel pointings of 0136. Additional Information: Jehovah = “the existing One”. LordStrong’s Hebrew #113 113 אָדֹון [ʾadown, or (shortened), ʾadon /aw·done/] n m. From an unused root (meaning to rule); TWOT 27b; GK 123; 335 occurrences; AV translates as “lord” 197 times, “master(s)” 105 times, “Lord” 31 times, “owner” once, and “sir” once. 1 firm, strong, lord, master. 1A lord, master. 1A1 reference to men. 1A1A superintendent of household, of affairs. 1A1B master. 1A1C king. 1A2 reference to God. 1A2A the Lord God. 1A2B Lord of the whole earth. 1B lords, kings. 1B1 reference to men. 1B1A proprietor of hill of Samaria. 1B1B master. 1B1C husband. 1B1D prophet. 1B1E governor. 1B1F prince. 1B1G king. 1B2 reference to God. 1B2A Lord of lords (probably = “thy husband, Yahweh”). 1C my lord, my master. 1C1 reference to men. 1C1A master. 1C1B husband. 1C1C prophet. 1C1D prince. 1C1E king. 1C1F father. 1C1G Moses. 1C1H priest. 1C1I theophanic angel. 1C1J captain. 1C1K general recognition of superiority. 1C2 reference to God. 1C2A my Lord, my Lord and my God. 1C2B Adonai (parallel with Yahweh).

DEVOTION:    The use of Scripture to interpret Scripture is very important for proper understanding of biblical passages.  Jesus’ use of this psalm in the Gospels (Matt. 22:44; Mark 12:36; Luke 20:42) enables us to know that this psalm was written by David, that it was inspired by the Holy Spirit, and that it refers to the Messiah. Psalm 110:1 is also quoted in Acts 2:34–35 and Hebrews 1:13. Looking carefully at these texts in the New Testament enable us to have confidence that David was prophesying of his king being Sovereign over all his enemies.

As David looked to his Lord to accomplish all and establish his kingdom so we can have confidence that the same Lord will rule and reign over this world. The question is: Is David’s Lord yours? Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and allowed Him to be ruler of your life? He is patient and longsuffering but the time of patience will end and He will rule with a rod at some time in the future. Submit and bow before Him now while the choice is still available.

CHALLENGE:   Paul tells us in Philippians 2:9-11 “Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on the earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of the Father.” Bow your knee today in worship to the Lord of Heaven and Earth! (Dr. Brian Miller –board member) 

DAILY SPIRITUAL LUNCH: Transitional Believers 

: 2        The LORD shall send the rod of your strength out of Zion: rule you in the midst of your enemies. (7287 “rule” [radah] means to exercise authority over, as of nations or other entities, even natural ones, have dominion, dominate, or trample)

DEVOTION: God gave Adam and Eve the command to have dominion over the garden of Eden. They had that dominion as long as they were obedient to the LORD.

Once disobedience took over in their life this world changed.

The children of Israel were supposed to have dominion over the Promised Land as long as they were obedient to the LORD. We know that they were disobedient.

Here is David writing a Psalm stating that the LORD had given them dominion over the nations around Israel if they were obedient to HIM. They were disobedient and lost the Promised Land because of their disobedience.

We are commanded to obey the LORD and HE will bless us with many blessings but too often we are disobedient too. We need to realize that the LORD wants us to be obedient, in order for, us to be blessed.

We are going to rule with Christ in the future but that is only reserved for those who are living a life that is pleasing to HIM. HE wants us to still be obedient. HE wants us to have victory over our enemies even today.

The key is obedience to HIM. It is a daily standard that HE has set for those who claim to follow HIM.

CHALLENGE: How is your obedience to HIS commands coming in our life? HE has given us the Holy Spirit to help us each day after we have made a genuine commitment to HIM. Keep your commitment to HIM!


: 3        YOUR people shall be willing in the day of YOUR power; in the beauties of holiness from the womb of the morning; YOU have the dew of YOUR youth. (6944 “holiness” [qodesh] means sanctuary, dedicated, consecrated, apartness, or sacredness.)

DEVOTION: This Psalm is giving a description of the conquest of the Messiah over the earth at HIS return in power at the end of this age. The people who are followers of HIM during this time period will be at HIS side when the battle begins. They will watch as HE judges the world for their rebellion against HIM.

This is not done in human anger but as a judgment because they have not honored HIS leadership over the LORD. HE will judge them according to their wishes. They want nothing to do with HIM now and they will continue to rebel against HIM until the day they are conquered by HIS army.

We need to realize that the LORD is going to return in HIS time and in HIS way according to the will of God. The plan had been made before the foundation or creation of the world in six days. HE knew who would be followers of HIM then and HE knows those who will be followers of HIM when HE returns to reign for a thousand years on this earth.

CHALLENGE: We have a coming KING and we need to be always prepared to meet HIM. What will HE find us doing when HE returns?


: 4        The LORD hath sworn, and will not repent, Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek. (5162 “repent” [nacham] means to be sorry, console oneself, regret, comfort, be moved to pity, or have compassion.)

DEVOTION:  There has always been communication between the Godhead. The Father and Son and Holy Spirit communicate with each other. Jesus Christ gives an example of this while HE was here on the earth when HE prayed. The Holy Spirit moved Jesus Christ into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. Christ told HIS disciples to ask the Father in HIS name for their desires. There would be communication between the Holy Spirit and the human race. HE would convict the world of sin, righteousness and judgment.

David showed that he understood that the Father would send the Son to reign in this world. The first statements in the first verse express this belief. The Father was talking to the Son.

David knew that the Messiah/Christ would reign in Zion or Jerusalem. The New Testament quotes this psalm in many places. All of the places are referring to Jesus Christ and HIS position on earth and in heaven.

The Messiah is going to be a prophet, priest and king. The Father does not regret saying to the Son that HE will be a priest after the order of Melchizedek. Melchizedek appeared in Scripture out of nowhere. He was a priest to Abraham coming from delivering Lot from an army. Abraham gave him a tithe of all the goods he took from the five kings.

Melchizedek is said to be without father or mother. He was a type of Christ. He was a priest before the Law was given to Moses. After the Law was given the priesthood was made up of the sons of Aaron in the Old Testament.

In the coming kingdom, the reigning priest will come after the order of Melchizedek. The LORD had a plan before the foundation of the world and HE is working HIS plan. HE has no regrets regarding the working out of HIS plan. Read Hebrews eleven to give you more background regarding the relationship between Christ and Melchizedek.. Those who are followers of the LORD are part of the plan of God. HE wants to use us as willing servants to serve HIM while we are here on this earth. We are going to reign with Christ for a thousand years. Praise HIS name!!! Once those who follow Christ, as their Savior, can be used of HIM.

CHALLENGE: The New Testament describes those who are followers of Christ as a nation of priests. We are a holy nation. The only way to understand our position is to study the Word of God. With this ability TEACH OTHERS.


: 6        HE shall judge among the heathen., HE shall fill the places with the dead bodies; HE shall wound the heads over many countries. (1471 “heathen” [gowy] means a nation of non-Israelite people besides Israel, Gentiles, pagan peoples, or a national group or groups that ae not Jewish, with the associative meaning of being uncultured, pagan and heathen)

DEVOTION: Just as there are degrees of blessing given to those who have accepted Christ as their personal Savior, there are degrees of punishment for those who have rejected the message of salvation.

The Judge is going to be Jesus Christ at the end times. HE is going to judge them according to their sin level. HE is going to make sure that those who have rejected HIM will know what they have done and why they are receiving the punishment they are receiving.

Today we have the responsibility to warn those who are outside of Christ that a judgment day is come. Some will not care one bit but others might listen and it is this group that can become believers and spend eternity in heave with us.

Many of us have friends and relatives we would like to see in heaven. The only time period that they have to make that decision is during their lifetime and the only ones who might share this truth with them might be us.

The nations that went against Israel were judged. The people in the nations were judged. Those who live in our nation are going to be judged.

CHALLENGE: Warning them of coming judgment is our responsibility. Are we doing what the LORD wants us to do to reach our world?


: 7        HE shall drink of the brook in the way: therefore, shall he lift up the head. (7311 “shall he lift up” [ruwm] means exalt, to be high above, to reach high, to bring aloft, to take and lift upward, or set up.)

DEVOTION:  David is writing about the victory in the future of Jesus Christ. When HE shall come as the Messiah. HE is going to defeat all enemies. HE is going to be the only one who will be lifted high while those who think they are going to be lifted high are brought low.

The future is a time of victory for those who are genuine worshipers of the LORD Jesus Christ. They will be rewarded while those who have rejected HIM will be judged with the devil and his angels to spend eternity in a place of torment.

We have to spread the word that there is an answer to the sin in our lives as there was an answer for the sin in the lives of the children of Israel.

We have to turn to the LORD in repentance and serve HIM to the best of our ability while we are here on this earth.

David was teaching this truth to the children of Israel and we need to do the same today in our world. The Savior of the world is Jesus alone. Obedience is the key.

CHALLENGE: Do we realize that one day we will see Christ exalted on the throne in heaven and HE will say to us “well done!” 




Chastity (Purity in living)

Fasting (Time alone with LORD without eating or drinking)

Sacrifice (Giving up something we want to serve the LORD)

Submission (Willing to listen to others and LORD)

Solitude (Going to a quiet place without anyone)


Fellowship (Gathering together around the Word of God)

Frugality (wise use of resources)

Journalizing (Writing down what you have learned from the LORD)

Study and Meditation (Thinking through your study in the Word)

Secrecy (Doing your good deeds without others knowing but God)


Celebration (Gathering around a special occasion to worship LORD)

Confession (Tell the LORD we are sorry for our sins on a daily basis)

Prayer (Conversation with God on a personal level)

Silence (Letting the LORD deal with some problems and needs)

Worship (Time to praise the LORD alone or in a group) 

          Priest after the order of Melchizedek                     verse 4



Scripture (66 inerrant books of the Bible)

God the Father (First person of the Godhead) 

LORD – Jehovah (Covenant keeping, Personal)   verse 1, 2, 4               

Lord – Adonai (Owner, Master)                                verse 1, 5

Sworn                                                                         verse 4

Will not repent                                                          verse 4

Wrath                                                                         verse 5 

God the Son (Second person of the Godhead –God/man, Messiah) 

Lord                                                                           verse 1

Sit on MY righthand                                                 verse 1

Rod of strength                                                          verse 2

Rule                                                                            verse 2

YOUR people                                                            verse 3

Day of HIS power                                                     verse 3

Holiness                                                                      verse 3

Womb of the morning                                              verse 3

Priest – order of Melchizedek FOREVER                  verse 4

Day of HIS wrath                                                      verse 5

Judge                                                                          verse 6

Wound the heads of many countries                       verse 6

HE shall drink of the brook in the way                  verse 7 

God the Holy Spirit (Third person of the Godhead – our comforter)

Trinity (Three persons of the Godhead who are co-equal = ONE God)    

Angels (Created before the foundation of the world – Good and Evil)

Man (Created on the sixth twenty-four hour period of creation) 

Enemies footstools                                                     verse 1, 2

Kings                                                                          verse 5

Heathen                                                                      verse 6

Many countries                                                          verse 6 

Sin (Missing the mark set by God on man and angels) 

Heathen                                                                      verse 6 

Salvation (Provided by Christ’s death on the cross for our sins) 

Strength                                                                     verse 2 

Israel (Old Testament people of God) 

Psalm of David                                                          verse 1- 7

Zion                                                                            verse 2

Day of YOUR power                                                verse 3 

Church (New Testament people of God)

Last Things (Future Events) 

      Dead bodies                                                               verse 6



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QUOTES regarding passage

qadosh (קָדוֹשׁ, 6918), “holy.” The Semitic languages have two separate original forms of the root. The one signifies “pure” and “devoted,” as in Akkadian qadistu and in Hebrew qadec, “holy.” The word describes something or someone. The other signifies “holiness” as a situation or as an abstract, as in Arabic al-qaddus “the most holy or most pure.” In Hebrew the verb qadash and the word qadesh combine both elements: the descriptive and the static. The traditional understanding of “separated” is only a derived meaning, and not the primary. 

Qadosh is prominent in the Pentateuch, poetic and prophetic writings, and rare in the historical books. The first of its 116 occurrences is in Exod. 19:16: “And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation. These are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel.” 

In the Old Testament qadosh has a strongly religious connotation. In one sense the word describes an object or place or day to be “holy” with the meaning of “devoted” or “dedicated” to a particular purpose: “And the priest shall take holy water in an earthen vessel …” (Num. 5:17). Particularly the sabbath day is “devoted” as a day of rest: “If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the Lord, honorable; and shalt honor him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words: Then shalt thou delight thyself in the Lord …” (Isa. 58:13-14). The prescription is based on Gen. 2:3 where the Lord “sanctified,” or “dedicated,” the sabbath. 

God has dedicated Israel as His people. They are “holy” by their relationship to the “holy” God. All of the people are in a sense “holy,” as members of the covenant community, irrespective of their faith and obedience: “And they gathered themselves together against Moses and against Aaron, and said unto them, Ye take too much upon you, seeing all the congregation are holy, every one of them, and the Lord is among them: wherefore then lift ye up yourselves above the congregation of the Lord?” (Num. 16:3). God’s intent was to use this “holy” nation as a “holy,” royal priesthood amongst the nations (Exod. 19:6). Based on the intimate nature of the relationship, God expected His people to live up to His “holy” expectations and, thus, to demonstrate that they were a “holy nation”: “And ye shall be holy unto me: for I the Lord am holy, and have severed you from other people, that ye should be mine” (Lev. 20:26). 

The priests were chosen to officiate at the Holy Place of the tabernacle/temple. Because of their function as intermediaries between God and Israel and because of their proximity to the temple, they were dedicated by God to the office of priest: “They shall be holy unto their God, and not profane the name of their God: for the offerings of the Lord made by fire, and the bread of their God, they do offer: therefore, they shall be holy. They shall not take a wife that is a whore, or profane; neither shall they take a woman put away from her husband: for he is holy unto his God. Thou shalt sanctify him therefore; for he offers the bread of thy God: he shall be holy unto thee: for I the Lord, which sanctify you, am holy” (Lev. 21:6-8). Aaron as the high priest was “the holy one of the Lord (Ps. 106:16, nasb). 

The Old Testament clearly and emphatically teaches that God is “holy.” He is “the Holy One of Israel” (Isa. 1:4), the “holy God” (Isa. 5:16), and “the Holy One” (Isa. 40:25). His name is “Holy”: “For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones” (Isa. 57:15). The negative statement, “There is none holy as the Lord: for there is none besides thee: neither is there any rock like our God” (1 Sam. 2:2), explains that He is most “holy” and that no one is as “holy” as He is. Also the angels in the heavenly entourage are “holy”: “And the valley of my mountains shall be stopped up, for the valley of the mountains shall touch the side of it; and you shall flee as you fled from the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of Judah. Then the Lord your God will come, and all the holy ones [kjv, “saints”] with him” (Zech. 14:5, rsv). The seraphim proclaimed to each other the holiness of God: “And one cried unto another, and said, “Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory” (Isa. 6:3). (Vine, W. E., Unger, M. F., & White, W., Jr. (1996). Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words (Vol. 1, pp. 113–114). Nashville, TN: T. Nelson.)


3. Almost every word of this verse is rendered differently in different translations, but the general picture emerges (except when the text is amended) of a host of volunteers rallying to their leader in a holy war. In the first line there is a touch of the Song of Deborah, when ‘the people offered themselves willingly’ (Judg. 5:2); but the expression is even bolder here: lit., ‘your people (will be) freewill offerings’, a way of speaking which anticipates the Pauline pictures of ‘a living sacrifice’ or of a life poured out ‘as a libation’ (Rom. 12:1; Phil. 2:17; cf. 2 Cor. 8:3, 5).

On the day you lead your host could also mean ‘on the day of your power’: it is the word used for ‘might’ or ‘force of arms’ in Zechariah 4:6, and it corresponds well to ‘the day of his wrath’ in verse 5.

Upon the holy mountains is the reading of several mss and of Symmachus and Jerome, but the standard Hebrew text has ‘in the beauties (or, splendours) of holiness’, supported by lxx, Vulg. On the meaning of this expression see on 29:2 (commenting on ‘holy array’).

Like dew your youth will come to you interprets youth collectively (cf. tev), and assumes that the letter k (= ‘like’) has been omitted after a word which ends in k (‘to you’), which is a common copying error. This gives the picture of a splendid army suddenly and silently mobilized. But the Hebrew makes sense as it stands, i.e. ‘You have the dew of your youth’ (cf. av, rv). I.e. this king ever keeps the first freshness of the dawn of life, unlike those whose love is ‘like a morning cloud, like the dew that goes early away’ (Hos. 6:4).

To sum up: this verse (as I see it) pictures the Messiah going forth in primal vigour, holiness and glory, at the head of a host which is as dedicated as those early Israelites who ‘jeoparded their lives to the death’ (Judg. 5:18). The Christian can identify such an army with the overcomers portrayed in Revelation 12:11, little as he may recognize himself and his fellows in either picture. (Kidner, D. (1975). Psalms 73–150: An Introduction and Commentary (Vol. 16, pp. 428–429). Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.)


3 The text of v. 3 is most difficult. Its economy of language and the nominal construction have given rise to different interpretations and textual traditions (see Notes). In spite of the textual problems, we may infer from the military language that the royal troops are numerous. The people come voluntarily on the day of battle, as in the days of Deborah (Judg 5:2, 9). They consecrate themselves, are fully prepared, and place themselves at the service of the king. They will be as abundant as “dew” (cf. 2 Sam 17:12) at dawn. They are youthful and hence valiant for battle. The king’s army is prepared, strong, and numerous. (VanGemeren, W. A. (1991). Psalms. In F. E. Gaebelein (Ed.), The Expositor’s Bible Commentary: Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs (Vol. 5, p. 698). Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House.)


110:3. Others will accompany the Messiah, willingly offering themselves to take part in His battle. But this will be no ordinary battle. This will be righteous judgment poured out on the wicked. Hence holiness is the required adornment. As the Israelites of old had to consecrate themselves to the Lord before going into battle, so at the consummation of the ages must believers be holy (cf. 2 Peter 3:10–11, 14).

The youthful warriors are compared to the dew (niv marg.) of the morning. This suggests several ideas, including their freshness, their sudden appearance, their glittering numbers, and even the time of their appearance: in the early morning (the womb of the dawn). Therefore Messiah’s servants will have made freewill offerings to Him, will be adorned in holiness, and will appear suddenly with youthful vigor. (Ross, A. P. (1985). Psalms. In J. F. Walvoord & R. B. Zuck (Eds.), The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures (Vol. 1, pp. 873–874). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.)


110:3 volunteer. The redeemed inhabitants of earth will willingly serve the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. the day of Your power. Refers to the power displayed during the millennial reign of Jesus Christ (cf. Zec 14:1–21; Rev 19:11–20:6). holy array … womb … dew. This seems to apply to the King and to represent Him as in the constant vigor of youth, a period distinguished by strength and activity, or it may refer to His holiness, eternality and deity. (MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (2006). The MacArthur study Bible: New American Standard Bible. (Ps 110:3). Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers.)



(Remember the only author that I totally agree with is the HOLY SPIRIT in the inerrant WORD OF GOD called THE BIBLE! All other I try to gleam what I can to help me grow in the LORD!!)


Daily Hope

Today’s Scripture
Genesis 35-37

New beginnings are very special times in our lives. Whether it is a new job, a new home, or a new child, they all can bring excitement and anticipation. It is a fact of life that a loss can lead to a new beginning.\Jacob is beginning a new phase of life as he obeys God and returns to his homeland. These chapters tell us of both joy and sorrow as birth and death is included in the storyline. The birth of Benjamin, the deaths of Rebekah’s maid, Deborah, Rachel, and Isaac all reveal the shifting of events and emotions that struck this family.

Jacob and Esau both had twelve sons, and all are mentioned as important leaders of their respective families. Esau’s family is highlighted here but is not prominently mentioned again. Esau and Jacob’s families and possessions have increased to the point of causing them to separate and settle in different regions. 

Jacob was not exempt from the reality of life situations. He experienced sickness, conflict, separation, and death. We also are not exempt from life’s joys and losses. When joys are experienced, may we rejoice and give thanks. Also, as afflictions strike, let us trust God for strength and wisdom. Like Job may we learn the secret of trust in loss, “…The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; Blessed be the name of the Lord” (Job 1:21).

With an Expectant Hope,    Pastor Miller



And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it. Colossians 2:15
The plan of salvation displays to us, in a way that nothing else does, the power of God. The power of God was manifested in the Incarnation when He prepared a body for His Son and worked the miracle of the virgin birth—and what marvelous power! But not only that. I rather prefer to think of it like this: It is as we look at God in Christ and all that He did in Him and through this plan of salvation that we see His complete power to master everything that is opposed to Himself, everything that is opposed to the best interests of man, and everything that is opposed to the best interests of this world.
For the fact is that the whole problem has arisen in this way. One of the brightest of the angelic beings that were created by God rebelled against God and raised himself up against Him. That is the origin of Satan. He is a power, a person, an angel of great might. He is as great as this: He deluded a man and conquered him, thereby making himself the god of this world and “the prince of the power of the air” (Ephesians 2:2). The power of the devil is something that we seriously underestimate. He believed he had overturned all the work of salvation when the Son of God went to the cross.
But, says Paul in Colossians 2, it is there Satan made his greatest blunder, for by the cross God “spoiled principalities and powers,[and] he made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it” (verse 15). Christ met Satan face to face in single combat and routed him; at the cross He fulfilled the promise given to man at the beginning, when Adam was told that the seed of the woman would bruise the serpent’s head. This was the plan of salvation.
A Thought to Ponder: The plan of salvation displays to us the power of God.

               (Walking with God Daily Devotional by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones)


The devil, things and people being what they are, it is necessary for God to use the hammer, the file and the furnace in His holy work of preparing a saint for true sainthood. It is doubtful whether God can bless a man greatly until He has hurt him deeply. (p. 157, A.W. Tozer, The Root of the Righteous)


“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9)
The Bible book in which this glorious promise is given was written entirely to the saint of God, not to the unbelieving sinner.

  • Confession is what saints do when they sin.
  • Repentance is what sinners do before they become saints.
  • Confession is agreement (identity) with the sin against God.
  • Repentance is reversal (changed mind) to trust (from me to God).

Psalm 51 is a classic prayer of confession. King David poured out his heart of sorrow for the terrible affair with Bathsheba and yearned for God to “wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin” (v. 2). David acknowledged that “against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight” (v. 4). He confessed his sin, and asked God, “Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation” (v. 12).
Three of the gospels record the declaration of Jesus that “I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance” (Mark 2:17). Repentance is not an apology for specific sins, it is a heart-mind-soul turning from self-righteous sufficiency to God’s holiness. It is the lost that repent, not the saved: “Joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance” (Luke 15:7).
One day, however, “every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” (Philippians 2:11). Far better to repent in sorrow today than confess in terror at the Judgment.
(HMM III, The Institute for Creation Research)


A Fresh Start

If anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! 2 Corinthians 5:17

Chinese New Year celebrations are observed by Chinese families everywhere. These festivities are tied to the lunar calendar, usually falling somewhere in late January to mid-February. These times for family reunions come with many traditions—some of great significance. Buying and donning new clothes, giving our homes a good cleaning, and paying off outstanding debts remind us we’re putting the past behind and starting the year with a clean slate.

These traditions also remind me of our new life in Christ. No matter who we used to be or what we’ve done, we can put it all behind us. We can stop beating ourselves up over our past and let go of the guilt, knowing we’re completely forgiven because of Jesus’ death on the cross. And we can start afresh, knowing we can rely on the Holy Spirit to daily transform us to be more like Jesus.

That’s why Paul reminds believers “the old has gone, the new is here!” (2 Corinthians 5:17). We too can say this because of the simple but powerful truth: God has reconciled us to Himself through Christ and no longer counts our sins against us (v. 19).

Others around us may not be willing to forget our past wrongdoing, but we can take heart that in God’s eyes we’re no longer condemned (Romans 8:1). As Paul points out, “If God is for us, who can be against us?” (v. 31). Let’s enjoy the fresh start He’s given us through Jesus.  By Leslie Koh  (Daily Bread)


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