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Congregational praise important                        verse 1 

Praise you the LORD – I will praise the LORD with my whole heart

in the assembly of the upright – and in the congregation 

Provisional works of the LORD                          verse 2- 6 

The works of the LORD are great

            sought out of all them that have pleasure therein

HIS work is honorable and glorious

and HIS righteousness endures for ever

HE has made his wonderful works to be remembered

            the LORD is gracious and full of compassion

HE has given meat to them that fear HIM

HE will ever be mindful of HIS covenant                            

HE has shown HIS people the power of HIS works

            that HE may give them the heritage of the heathen 

Unchanging works of the LORD                         verse 7- 9 

The works of HIS hands are verity and judgment

            all HIS commandments are sure

                        they stand fast forever and ever

                                    and are done in truth and uprightness

HE sent redemption unto HIS people

            HE has commanded HIS covenant for ever

                        holy and reverend is HIS name 

Fear of the LORD = beginning of wisdom           verse 10 

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom

            a good understanding have all they that do HIS commandments

                        HIS praise endures forever 



: 1        “Praise the LORD! I will praise the LORD with my whole heart, In the assembly of the upright and in the congregation.” The New King James Version (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1982). Praise: 1984 הָלַל, הָלַל, הָלַל, הַלְלוּיָהּ [halal /haw·lal/] v. A primitive root; TWOT 499, 500; GK 2145 and 2146 and 2147 and 2149; 165 occurrences; AV translates as “praise” 117 times, “glory” 14 times, “boast” 10 times, “mad” eight times, “shine” three times, “foolish” three times, “fools” twice, “commended” twice, “rage” twice, “celebrate” once, “give” once, “marriage” once, and “renowned” once. 1 to shine. 1A (Qal) to shine (fig. of God’s favour). 1B (Hiphil) to flash forth light. 2 to praise, boast, be boastful. 2A (Qal). 2A1 to be boastful. 2A2 boastful ones, boasters (participle). 2B (Piel). 2B1 to praise. 2B2 to boast, make a boast. 2C (Pual). 2C1 to be praised, be made praiseworthy, be commended, be worthy of praise. 2D (Hithpael) to boast, glory, make one’s boast. 2E (Poel) to make a fool of, make into a fool. 2F (Hithpoel) to act madly, act like a madman. James Strong, Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon (Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software, 2001).

DEVOTION:  How do you praise the Lord? So many times we come before the Lord and we are distracted by different things! Emotions, circumstances and people can so often cause us to lose the intenseness of praise that the psalmist is describing. David was unafraid to act like a fool when he worshipped in front of the ark as it was carried into the city. Everything he had was devoted to his worship of the Lord (2 Samuel 6). It did not matter whether he was misunderstood or not, he was going to worship!

Following this statement of worship is the reality of God’s work (v. 2, 3, 4, 6, 7) being manifested and exclaimed. As we worship may we recognize the works of God in our life and magnify His name as we reverence and worship His name.

CHALLENGE:  Take a moment and consider the works of God in your life and then begin to worship Him. (Dr. Brian Miller – board member) 

DAILY SPIRITUAL LUNCH: Transitional Believers 

3          HIS work is honorable and glorious: and HIS righteousness endures forever. (1926 “honorable” [hadar] means the quality of a person or thing which inspires awe or reverence in the beholder, adorning, majesty, splendor, or noble.)

DEVOTION:  Everything the LORD does inspires awe in those who are genuine followers of HIM. Those who are not followers think that things just happen and that HE is not a great God.

We live in a world that doesn’t give credit to God when it is something no one else could have done. HE has protected HIS people throughout the ages. HE shows HIS love and judgment even to those who are HIS followers. HE judges HIS own people when they are disobedient and rewards them when they are obedient.

Too often we are not praising HIM enough for the things that HE is doing for us as HIS children. We sometime just think that it just happened and we were blessed. That is not the right thing to think.

We should be praising the LORD for all the things that HE does for us in the way of blessings. We should be understand that HE is righteous and when we are disobedient HE is going to spank us to teach us that we need to be obedient but when the spanking is down we need to praise HIM because it is the way that HE shows HIS love for us.

Our children are disobedient and we need to discipline them but once the discipline is down we normally would give them a hug and tell them that we love them.

Is this the way we should understand God’s disciple of us? HE always does what is best for HIS children.

CHALLENGE: Remember to thank the LORD for HIS blessing but also for his discipline because we understand that HE is doing it in love like a good parent. 


:6         HE has showed HIS people the power of HIS works, that HE may give them the heritage of the heathen. (1471 “heathen” [gowy] means Gentiles, non-Hebrew people, pagan, or a nation of non-Isaelite people under a single government.)

DEVOTION:  Are you a genuine believer? Have you seen God work in other people who are believers? Has HE worked in your life?

God likes to show HIS people HIS work in their life. We have to look at what HE has done for us throughout the years that we have been a believer.

There have been times when we think that HE is not working but then we discover that HE was working all the time.

Too often HE doesn’t respond the way we think HE should to a given situation but in the end we realize that HE did what was best for us.

Sometimes we don’t feel blessed like some of the people around us that we know are not believers. It seems that they have the most fun, have the most money and better friends than we have.

This is wrong thinking but it is the way that some believers think when things are not going as well as we think they should. Our thinking needs to be corrected.
HE is always dealing with us as HIS children. HE knows what we need when we need it BETTER than we could ever know.

We have to remember that HE has the ultimate power and HE uses it to bless those HE loves. Keep these thoughts even when you are going through hard times. HE always has a reason for what is happening in our life.

CHALLENGE: Trust in LORD with all your heart and lean not to your own understand. In all your ways acknowledge HIM! HE IS directing our path.


: 7        The works of his hands are verity and judgment; all his commands are sure. (571 “verity” [‘emeth] means firmness, faithfulness, truth, sureness, reliability, lasting, dependable or continuance.)

DEVOTION:  I don’t like to get my hands dirty. I never liked working on cars because of the grease and oil that get all over your hands. I like clean hands.

However, work is necessary to get things done. The LORD created the world in six twenty-four hour periods. HE rested on the seventh day. HE wants us to have a day of rest from our work. HE wants us to take time to worship HIM.

The word “work” appears five times in this acrostic psalm. There are twenty-two letters in the Hebrew alphabet. All of the letters are present in this psalm. It is a psalm to be sung in praise of the work the LORD has done for HIS people.

HIS work is stated as being honorable, glorious, great, wonderful, gracious, full of compassion, promise keeping, and one that gives HIS people an heritage. Can we describe our work in the same way?

God is working in our lives on a regular basis. Sometimes we see what HE is doing and sometimes we are not thinking straight to see what HE is doing. The psalmist is complimenting the LORD on HIS works.  That means HE shows HIS works to us.

Are we seeing the LORD work in our lives and in our world? The product of the LORD is always true and proper. HE is dependable. HIS works last for all eternity. HE deals only with truth. HIS creation was perfect and will be again.

When HE was done with producing a true and proper creation, HE also nourished HIS people. HE wants us to know who HE is and have a reverent fear of HIM.

HE is producing a good work in us. We are a work in progress. We will become a pure bride for HIS son.  HE wants HIS people to seek HIS pleasure.

Do we enjoy learning more about HIM? Do we enjoy HIS presence in our lives? Are we praising the LORD like the psalmist????? Have we begun to have wisdom? These questions need to be thought through on a regular basis.

CHALLENGE: Make sure you understand what it means to “fear the LORD” properly. This is the starting point in any relationship with HIM.


: 10      The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do HIS commandments: HIS praise endures forever. (7225 “beginning”[re’shiyth] means first fruit, choice part, what comes first, chief, first in time, best, or starting point.)

DEVOTION: The starting point in our walk with the LORD has to be our reverence of God. If we try to serve the LORD without giving HIM first place in our life and thinking we are starting at the wrong point.

We have to realize that the LORD has given us HIS Word in the Bible. Once we understand this truth we can learn to apply what we learn from the Bible to our everyday life. It doesn’t come easy. We have an enemy that wants to confuse us while we are trying to serve the LORD.

How can we get rid of the confusion? It is through our prayer life. If we spend time with the LORD in prayer while or after or before our reading of the Bible the Holy Spirit can work on our heart and give us understanding that we would not normally have if we try to do it without prayer. The Bible says that the way to receive wisdom is to ASK the LORD for it. This has to happen daily for our walk to be according to the LORD. If we try to skip a day the enemy uses that day to get us further from the LORD. A daily diet in the Word of God and with the Holy Spirit in prayer will give us the necessary power to defeat our enemies both human and spiritual.

CHALLENGE: Are you and I giving enough time to the Word of God and Prayer to show the LORD that we know that our reverence for HIM comes first in our life? Only you and I know the answer to that question!! Well, the LORD also knows and will bless accordingly.




Chastity (Purity in living)

              Assembly of the upright                                           verse 1

              Uprightness                                                                verse 8

           Fasting (Time alone with LORD without eating or drinking)

Sacrifice (Giving up something we want to serve the LORD)

Submission (Willing to listen to others and LORD)

Solitude (Going to a quiet place without anyone)


Fellowship (Gathering together around the Word of God)

Frugality (wise use of resources)

Journalizing (Writing down what you have learned from the LORD)

Study and Meditation (Thinking through your study in the Word)

Secrecy (Doing your good deeds without others knowing but God)


Celebration (Gathering around a special occasion to worship LORD)

Confession (Tell the LORD we are sorry for our sins on a daily basis)

Prayer (Conversation with God on a personal level)

Silence (Letting the LORD deal with some problems and needs)

Worship (Time to praise the LORD alone or in a group) 

Praise                                                                   verse 1, 10

            Endures forever

Assembly of the upright                                     verse 1

Congregation                                                      verse 1 



Scripture (66 inerrant books of the Bible) 

Covenant                                                             verse 5, 9

Commandment                                                    verse 7, 8, 10


            Stand fast forever and ever

            Done in truth and uprightness 

God the Father (First person of the Godhead) 

LORD – Jehovah (Covenant keeping, Personal)   verse 1, 2, 4, 10

                        Works of the LORD                                             verse 2-7, 9


                                    Sought out by all them that have

                                                pleasure in them






                                    Commandments are sure

                                                Stand fast forever and ever


                        Righteousness of LORD                                      verse 3

                        Wonderful works                                                verse 4

                        Gracious                                                              verse 4

                        Full of compassion                                              verse 4

                        Mindful of HIS covenant                                    verse 5

                        Powerful works                                                   verse 6

                        Gives heritage of the heathen to HIS people    verse 6

                        Truth                                                                    verse 8

                        Uprightness                                                         verse 8

                        HOLY is HIS name                                               verse 9

                        REVEREND is HIS name                                      verse 9

                        Fear of the LORD                                                 verse 10

                        HIS praise endures forever                                 verse 10 

God the Son (Second person of the Godhead –God/man, Messiah)

God the Holy Spirit (Third person of the Godhead – our comforter)

Trinity (Three persons of the Godhead who are co-equal = ONE God)    

Angels (Created before the foundation of the world – Good and Evil)

Man (Created on the sixth twenty-four hour period of creation)

Sin (Missing the mark set by God on man and angels) 

Heathen                                                                 verse 6 

Salvation (Provided by Christ’s death on the cross for our sins) 

Praise  with whole heart                                       verse 1

Upright                                                                  verse 1

Seek out the works of the LORD                          verse 2

Pleasure                                                                 verse 2

Honorable                                                             verse 3

Remember the works of the LORD                      verse 4

Meat                                                                      verse 5

Fear of the LORD                                                  verse 5, 10

            beginning of wisdom

Covenant                                                               verse 5, 9

Heritage                                                                verse 6

                     Redemption                                                           verse 9

                      Wisdom                                                                verse 10

                      Understanding                                                     verse 10

                      Do HIS commandments                                      verse 10                    

            Israel (Old Testament people of God)

HIS people Israel                                                  verse 1- 10

Assembly of the upright                                      verse 1

Congregation                                                       verse 1

Commandments stand fast forever                    verse 8

HIS people                                                           verse 9 

Church (New Testament people of God)

Last Things (Future Events)



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QUOTES regarding passage

Psalms 111 and 112, along with 115–117, are “hallelujah” psalms that either begin or end with “Praise the Lord!” If we cannot rejoice in our circumstances, we can always rejoice in the Lord (Phil. 4:4). This opening verse is actually a vow; the writer is determined to praise God no matter what happens. Sometimes we simply need to get ourselves by the nape of the neck and decide to do what is right no matter how we feel! But he does not stay at home and worship in private, as important as that is; he goes to the sanctuary and joins in with others, for we encourage one another as we praise God together. The “company [assembly, council] of the upright” is a smaller group of the psalmist’s friends who, like him, are a part of the larger “congregation.” All of us have people in church who are very special to us, and as long as we do not form an exclusive clique, there is nothing wrong with worshiping God with your close friends. The “growth group” movement in the church today has proven very helpful, especially in larger congregations. But the important thing is that we are wholehearted in our worship, giving God our very best. (Wiersbe, W. W. (2004). Be exultant (1st ed., pp. 77–78). Colorado Springs, CO: Cook Communications Ministries.)


10. This verse picks up the theme of reverence from the end of verse 9, where the word terrible is part of the Hebrew verb ‘to fear’. This famous saying is virtually the motto of the Wisdom writings, where its truth appears in various forms: cf. Job 28:28; Proverbs 1:7; 9:10; Ecclesiastes 12:13. At each place the context gives it a particular nuance: here it relates especially to God in his character as Creator, Redeemer and Provider, for whom reverence will be mingled with delight (2), gratitude (4, 9) and trust (5). So men of God have the key to what life is about—that ‘from him, to him and through him are all things’—and have the benefit of perfect precepts for its handling.

Note finally the last word: for ever. In one or other of its Hebrew synonyms, or in both together (8), it almost dominates the psalm, as is fitting in a song about God. It also reflects the two aspects of his work already noticed: that it is made to last (e.g. 8, 9) and that, being his, it is in his constant care (5). (Kidner, D. (1975). Psalms 73–150: An Introduction and Commentary (Vol. 16, p. 433). Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.)


10 The psalmist now evokes a response. The revelation of the Lord’s character and his fidelity to the covenant as demonstrated in his acts of redemption and his precepts bring out the royal character of God’s rule over his people. He calls for a response of wisdom in which God’s people will express “fear” for him, submitting themselves to his rule and following his precepts. The fear of the Lord is “the beginning of wisdom.” Even as God began and completed his work of creation (Gen 2:1), man must begin life with the fear of the Lord and complete it by doing his precepts. The wise man has “good understanding” (cf. Prov 3:5–6) (see appendix to Ps 1: The Ways of Wisdom and Folly).

Another response is that of praise. The godly have been exhorted to “praise the Lord.” Since he is the Great King, as revealed in his character, rule, works, and words, his subjects who fear his name must respond in perpetual praise. God’s covenant is forever (vv. 5b, 9), and his praise from the members of the covenant community must be forever (cf. Rev 5:13b; 7:12).

The last colon forms an inclusion with v. 1a: “Praise the Lord.… To him belongs eternal praise” (v. 10c). Dahood takes the last line as a prayer: “May his praise endure forever!” (Psalms 3:125). The psalmist has concluded in hymnic form the ground for godly wisdom and praise. He takes up the theme of wisdom in the next psalm. (VanGemeren, W. A. (1991). Psalms. In F. E. Gaebelein (Ed.), The Expositor’s Bible Commentary: Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs (Vol. 5, pp. 705–706). Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House.)


111:10. The psalmist concluded that the fear of the Lord (cf. 112:1) is the beginning of wisdom (cf. Prov. 1:7). People who follow Him and His standards have good understanding. Worship and obedience will then be accompanied by praise that belongs to Him. (Ross, A. P. (1985). Psalms. In J. F. Walvoord & R. B. Zuck (Eds.), The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures (Vol. 1, p. 874). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.)


1:7 The fear of the Lord. The overarching theme of this book and particularly the first 9 chapters is introduced—reverence for God (see v. 29; 2:5; 3:7; 8:13; 9:10; 14:26, 27; cf. also Job 28:28; Ps 34:11; Ac 9:31). See Introduction: Historical and Theological Themes. This reverential awe and admiring, submissive fear is foundational for all spiritual knowledge and wisdom (cf. 2:4–6; 9:10; 15:33; Job 28:28; Ps 111:10; Ecc 12:13). While the unbeliever may make statements about life and truth, he does not have true or ultimate knowledge until he is in a redemptive relationship of reverential awe with God. Note the progression here: 1) teaching about God; 2) learning about God; 3) fearing God; 4) knowing God; and 5) imitating God’s wisdom. The fear of the Lord is a state of mind in which one’s own attitudes, will, feelings, deeds, and goals are exchanged for God’s (cf. Ps 42:1). (MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (2006). The MacArthur study Bible: New American Standard Bible. (Pr 1:7). Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers.)


111:10 The fear of the Lord describes an obedient response of wonder and awe before the Most High God. (Radmacher, E. D., Allen, R. B., & House, H. W. (1997). The Nelson Study Bible: New King James Version (Ps 111:10). Nashville: T. Nelson Publishers.)



(Remember the only author that I totally agree with is the HOLY SPIRIT in the inerrant WORD OF GOD called THE BIBLE! All other I try to gleam what I can to help me grow in the LORD!!)


Make It as Sure as You Can
Pilate said unto them, Ye have a watch: go your way, make it as sure as ye can. So they went, and made the sepulchre sure, sealing the stone, and setting a watch.” (Matthew 27:65-66)
Pilate had endured many strange experiences leading up to the crucifixion of Christ. Both he and some close to him (v. 19) had wanted to release Him, finding no fault in Him (v. 23). But, for political expediency, willing to pacify the Jewish leaders and quell a potential riot, Pilate had agreed to the execution. But once Christ was dead and in the grave, Pilate’s troubles did not end.
Perhaps we are justified in reading a tone of sarcasm and impatience in Pilate’s words “make it as sure as you can.” What is there to fear from a dead man? Guard the tomb if you want. But just perhaps Pilate was hounded by unexplained doubts; maybe a guard could prevent the bizarre fears from becoming reality.
From our perspective, however, we can see divine irony in these words. Satan had seemingly won a great victory on the cross, for the Heir had been slain. Thus, the one act that he had to prevent was that of the actual resurrection, for all of Christ’s message depended on His victory over death.
Note the limitation in the words “as sure as you can.” How tightly sealed and well-guarded must a tomb be to contain the Creator of all things? If His purpose was to die and rise from the dead, would man’s or Satan’s efforts be able to thwart it? “As sure as you can” was surely not sure enough!
Today we know that the tomb’s sealed entrance was breached, not so much to allow Him out but to allow us to see inside. Satan’s henchmen still deny the resurrection, but their efforts are just as futile as those who tried to keep Him inside. The fact remains, He left the tomb, triumphantly offering eternal life to all who believe! (JDM, The Institute for Creation Research)


Beyond impending judgment there is joy. Zephaniah 3


Blue blood flows through Zephaniah’s veins. He is the great-great-grandson of Hezekiah, the thirteenth king of Judah and one of the most righteous of all kings. The flame for revival and religious reform burns as hot in Zephaniah’s heart as it did in his forefathers’. Zephaniah’s book has been called one of the “hottest” books in the Old Testament. He portrays “the final crash of the universe.” The impending Day of the Lord is his all-encompassing message. Twenty-three times in this short book he refers specifically to the day that signifies the final judgment of God on the earth. Following the time of terrible judgment is the time of restoration and peace. Beyond judgment there is joy.



And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. Genesis 3:15

What does God tell us in Genesis 3:15? Well, first of all that He was going to put enmity between the serpent and the woman and her seed. Hitherto there had been no enmity between them; but the serpent had beguiled Eve, so they were very friendly together, and the woman was now under the dominion of the devil. Had God not done something, that would have been the end of the story. But God came in and said, “Now I am going to break that friendship;you were meant for friendship with Me, not with the devil. So I am going to put enmity between you and the devil, and between the devil and you.” This was the first announcement of salvation. Man cannot be saved while he is a friend of the devil and an enemy of God. He must be a friend of God; therefore he must become an enemy of the devil.

The second thing, therefore, that is implied is that God was going to give man power and grace to fight the devil. Man had already been defeated by him and was his slave. Man must have help and strength, and God promised him that. God promised to be on man’s side in this fight against the enemy. He applied the promise also to the “seed”–“between thy seed and her seed.” That is most important. It was not a temporary promise given there in Eden; it was to continue until it had achieved its ultimate purpose.

You notice also that God said that the quarrel was to go on not only between the woman and her seed and the devil, but also between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent. So humanity can be divided into the seed of God and of Christ and the seed of the devil, and there is a fight between them–all announced in Genesis 3:15. A Thought to Ponder: Man cannot be saved while he is a friend of the devil. (From 
God the Father, God the Son pp. 228-229, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones)


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