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Omnipotence of our God                                     verse 1- 3 

Not to us – O LORD – not to us – BUT to YOUR name give glory

            for YOUR mercy – and for YOUR truth’s sake

Wherefore should the heathen say

            Where is now their God?

BUT our God is in the heavens

            HE has done whatsoever HE has pleased 

Impotence of false gods                                       verse 4- 8 

Their idols are silver and gold – the work of men’s hands

they have mouths – but they speak not

      eyes have they – but they see not

they have ears – but they hear not

      noses have they – but the smell not

they have hands – but they handle not

      feet have they – but they walk not

                  neither speak they through their throat

They that make them are like to them

so is every one that trusts in them 

Protection of the LORD                                      verse 9- 11 

O Israel – trust you in the LORD

HE is their help and their shield

O house of Aaron – trust in the LORD

HE is their help and their shield

You that fear the LORD – trust in the LORD

HE is their help and their shield 

LORD gives blessings to those who fear HIM     verse 12- 13 

The LORD has been mindful of us – HE will bless us

HE will bless the house of Israel

      HE will bless the house of Aaron

                  HE will bless them that fear the LORD

both small and great    

Our Creator is to be praised                                verse 14- 18 

The LORD shall increase you more and more – you and your children

you are blessed of the LORD which made heaven and earth

the heaven – even the heavens – are the LORD’S

                                    BUT the earth has

HE given to the children of men

The dead praise not the LORD

            neither any that go down into silence

BUT we will bless the LORD from this time forth and

            forevermore     Praise the LORD                              



: 3        But our God is in the heavens: HE has done whatsoever HE has pleased(2654 “pleased” [chaphets] means to take pleasure in/delights in, want strongly, be inclined, wish to, to be willing or implying a voluntary choice.)

DEVOTION: There is a contrast between false gods and the one true God of the Bible. False gods can do nothing. They have no power. They are fake. They are worthless. Many nations have worshiped gods of their own making for centuries. The one fake god that is behind all the others is Satan. He wanted to be like God but he was cast out of heaven because of his rebellion, so, he wants every human he can persuade to worship him instead of the one TRUE God of the Universe that is found in the Bible.

So here we find that the one true God can do whatever HE delights in. HE only delights in things that are not sin. HE delights in helping those who are genuine followers of HIM. HE delights in answering our prayers. HE delights in blessings us just like HE blessed the children of Israel. If we dwell in the truth of the teachings of the Word of God HE can bless us on a regular basis.

CHALLENGE: Is the LORD pleased or delighted with the way we are responding to HIS Word regularly? What are we doing to please HIM today? 

DAILY SPIRITUAL LUNCH: Transitional Believers 

: 8        They that make them are like unto them; so is every one that trusts in them. (982 “trusts” [batach] means to have confidence, to be bold, to be secure, or hope in.)

DEVOTION:  There is a distinct placed between the God of the Bible and false gods. In the Old Testament and even today we find people who will bow down to things that are made by human hands. These idols might look like humans or animals or other things but they are lifeless. They have no breath in them. They can do nothing for those who bow down to them. They are asking something dead to give them life.

Those that worship them are in darkness and ignorance. One author say that they are guilt of self- stupefaction.

The world that the psalmist wanted was full of security. They wanted to feel good about their world. They had a choice to make. They could either worship the God of the Bible or a god of their own making.

Too often they chose to put their confidence in something made with hands. Today our idols can be money or possessions or position. Some people worship their sports heroes. Some worship movie stars. The worst would be a believer worshiping their pastor or someone on the media. Some even worship the Bible rather than the God of the Bible.

Our enemy, the devil, is trying to deceive us daily into worshiping something he puts in our lives. The list goes on throughout our life of things that are put before us to worship.

The LORD is the one who blesses HIS followers. This psalm informs us of HIS blessing. This psalm tells of all HIS possessions: heaven and earth and all that is in them. HE has the whole world in HIS hands.

Who should we have confidence in??? Is it something or someone other than God? Keep looking up!!! The heathen may still say “Where is now their God?  BUT we know where HE is. HE is right there by our side working HIS plan for our lives. HE is on the throne of heaven.

CHALLENGE:  Watch out for the traps of the enemy. What God is placing in front of you today? Resist the devil and he will flee from you.


: 9        “You who fear the LORD, trust in the LORD; He is their help and their

shield.” The New King James Version (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1982), Ps 115:11. (Trust – 982 בָּטוּחַ, בָּטַח, בָּטַח [batach /baw·takh/] v. A primitive root; TWOT 233; GK 1052 and 1053 and 1054; 120 occurrences; AV translates as “trust” 103 times, “confidence” four times, “secure” four times, “confident” twice, “bold” once, “careless” once, “hope” once, “hoped” once, “ones” once, “sure” once, and “women” once. 1 to trust. 1A (Qal). 1A1 to trust, trust in. 1A2 to have confidence, be confident. 1A3 to be bold. 1A4 to be secure. 1B (Hiphil). 1B1 to cause to trust, make secure. 2 (TWOT) to feel safe, be careless. James Strong, Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon (Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software, 2001).

DEVOTION:   What do you trust in?  The psalmist as he spoke of the Lord’s works calls for the people to trust in the Lord! To remember the works that He has done and to recognize the futility of worship and trust in idols. An idol is anything that takes the place of God as preeminent in your life. The Israelites were in the midst of dealing with idols and idol worship in their nation just as we deal with our own idolatry today. What may appear as a passion or desire needs to be examined to ensure that it in reality is not an idol! People, finances, occupations, television and many other things compete for our time and energy. Is the Lord first or are we trusting in something or someone else?

CHALLENGE:   Commit yourself anew to the Lord today! Trust in Him to help you through each circumstance you are involved with. He is able! (Dr. Brian Miller – board member)


            : 11      You that fear the LORD, trust in the LORD, HE is their help and their

shield. (4043 “shield” [magen] means buckler, armed, a small defensive frame used to block blows of other forms of attack, refuge, ornament, or protection.)

DEVOTION:  God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit or the Trinity is involved in the lives of those who trust in them. HE is the one who will protect us from any danger. HE is he one who will get us through anything HE allows in our lives. HE is the one and only true God who cares about HIS own followers.

We as HIS followers need not fear what HE allows in our lives because it is all for our good. HE knows what is best for us. HE knows what will keep HIM close to HIM. HE knows that our world is evil and that HE needs to teach us HIS ways and help us follow HIS ways.

Too often we start our day without getting HIS input and HE chastens us to learn to obey and trust HIM. We don’t like HIS chastening but they are for our good too. We learn from our bad choices. We learn that HE is there to help us make the right choices.

Our choice each day is to fear the LORD and trust in HIM and HE will help us with whatever comes our way each day.

CHALLENGE: Are you trusting the LORD today to help you through what HE allows in your life today? Please remember that HE loves us and wants the best for us.


13        HE will bless them that fear the LORD, both small and great. (1288 “bless” [barak] means to praise, to invoke [or enact] divine favor, often implying a positive disposition or kind actions toward the recipient, praised, or to meet another with a positive verbal exchange.)

DEVOTION: What is the “fear” of the LORD? When we are in relationship with God we need to reverence HIM. We need to realize the power that HE makes available to those who are HIS children because of Christ did on the cross.

We know that the Old Testament saints looked forward to the coming of Christ and we in the New Testament era look back at what HE did on the cross regarding our sins and our eternal life.

Once we understand the difference between Old Testament Saints and New Testament Saints, we can understand how the LORD was working in both Testaments. HE was using the Old Testament to teach us about HIM and HIS attitude toward sin. HE hated sin. HE didn’t want the Old Testament saints to live in sin and gave them a the sacrificial system to help them realize that HE hated sin and it needed to be forgiven and blood was the only sacrifice HE would accept.

They brought their animals to the priests to show that they understood that something had to be done about their daily sin. These sacrifices looked forward to Christ who was the ultimate sacrifice for sin.

Now we have to confess our sin to HIM and follow Jesus and HE will bless us with spiritual blessings each day. We have to fear the LORD by trying to make sure that we obey HIM to the best of our ability with HIS help.

It takes prayer, studying the Bible and dedication to obey the LORD. When we are willing to do this, HE can give us divine favor in our life.

Once we have kept our relationship with the LORD good, HE can bless us with the spiritual blessings HE promises throughout the Bible.

CHALLENGE: Are you experiencing the blessings of the LORD in your life? Are you being obedient to HIM in every area of your life with HIS help? HE wants genuine servants to reach our world for HIM.




Chastity (Purity in living)

Fasting (Time alone with LORD without eating or drinking)

Sacrifice (Giving up something we want to serve the LORD)

Submission (Willing to listen to others and LORD)

Solitude (Going to a quiet place without anyone)


Fellowship (Gathering together around the Word of God)

Frugality (wise use of resources)

Journalizing (Writing down what you have learned from the LORD)

Study and Meditation (Thinking through your study in the Word)

Secrecy (Doing your good deeds without others knowing but God)


Celebration (Gathering around a special occasion to worship LORD)

Confession (Tell the LORD we are sorry for our sins on a daily basis)

Prayer (Conversation with God on a personal level)

Silence (Letting the LORD deal with some problems and needs)

Worship (Time to praise the LORD alone or in a group) 

Give glory to the name of the LORD                      verse 1

Thank HIM for HIS mercy                                      verse 1

Thank HIM for HIS truth                                        verse 1

Praise                                                                         verse 18 



Scripture (66 inerrant books of the Bible)

God the Father (First person of the Godhead) 

LORD – Jehovah (Covenant keeping, Personal)   verse 1, 9- 18

Give glory to HIS name                                            verse 1

Mercy                                                                         verse 1

Truth                                                                          verse 1

                        God – Elohim (Creator, Sovereign)                        verse 2, 3

God is in the heavens                                                verse 3

                        God does whatever HE pleases                                verse 3

                        HE is help and shield to Israel                                 verse 9

                        LORD is help and shield to those who trust HIM verse 11

                        Mindful of believers                                                  verse 12

                        LORD blesses those that fear HIM                         verse 13

LORD blesses those small and great                       verse 13

                        LORD increases Israel                                             verse 14

                        LORD blesses children of those who trust HIM    verse 14

                        Creator of heaven and earth                                    verse 15

                        Heaven and earth belong to the LORD                  verse 16

                        Given heaven and earth to children of men           verse 16 

God the Son (Second person of the Godhead –God/man, Messiah)

God the Holy Spirit (Third person of the Godhead – our comforter)

Trinity (Three persons of the Godhead who are co-equal = ONE God)    

Angels (Created before the foundation of the world – Good and Evil)

Man (Created on the sixth twenty-four hour period of creation) 

Heathen                                                                      verse 2

Children of men                                                        verse 16

Sin (Missing the mark set by God on man and angels) 

Heathen                                                                      verse 2

            Ask: Where is now your God?

Idols                                                                            verse 4- 8

            Made of silver and gold

            Works of man’s hands

            Mouth but can’t speak

            Eyes but can’t see

            Ears but can’t hear

            Noses but can’t smell

            Hands but can’t handle

            Feet but can’t walk

            Can’t speak through their throat

They that make idols are like them                         verse 8

Trust in idols                                                             verse 8 

Salvation (Provided by Christ’s death on the cross for our sins)


Thank God for HIS mercy                                       verse 1

Truth                                                                          verse 1

Trust in the LORD                                                   verse 9, 11

Help                                                                            verse 9, 10, 11

Shield                                                                          verse 9, 10, 11

Fear of the LORD                                                     verse 11, 13

Blesses those who fear the LORD                           verse 12, 13, 15, 18

Increase                                                                      verse 14

Believers will bless the LORD                                 verse 18

Praise  the LORD                                                      verse 18 

Israel (Old Testament people of God) 

Israel                                                                           verse 9

House of Aaron – LORD blesses                             verse 10, 12

            Trust in the LORD

            HE is help and shield to them

House of Israel – LORD blesses                               verse 12, 15

Israel increases                                                          verse 14        


Church (New Testament people of God)

Last Things (Future Events) 

      Dead praise not the LORD                                      verse 17

      Those that go down in silence don’t praise

                  the LORD                                                      verse 17



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QUOTES regarding passage

For those who ask life from things which are lifeless, do they not endeavour to the utmost of their power to extinguish all the light of reason? In a word, were they possessed of a particle of common sense, they would not attribute the properties of deity to the works of their own hands, to which they could impart no sensation or motion.. And surely this consideration alone should suffice to remove the plea of ignorance, their making false gods for themselves in opposition to the plain dictates of natural reason. As the legitimate effect of this, they are wilfully blind, envelop themselves in darkness, and become stupid; and this renders them altogether inexcusable, so that they cannot pretend that their error is the result of pious zeal. And I have no doubt that it was the prophet’s intention to remove every cause and colour of ignorance, inasmuch as mankind spontaneously become stupid.” (John Calvin regarding verse 8)


8. They who make them shall be like unto them. Many are of opinion that this is an imprecation, and hence translate the future tense in the optative mood, may they become like unto them. But it will be equally appropriate to regard it as the language of ridicule, as if the prophet should affirm that the idolaters are equally stupid with the stocks and stones themselves. And he deservedly severely reprehends men naturally endued with understanding, because they divest themselves of reason and judgment, and even of common sense. For those who ask life from things which are lifeless, do they not endeavour to the utmost of their power to extinguish all the light of reason? In a word, were they possessed of a particle of common sense, they would not attribute the properties of deity to the works of their own hands, to which they could impart no sensation or motion. And surely this consideration alone should suffice to remove the plea of ignorance, their making false gods for themselves in opposition to the plain dictates of natural reason. As the legitimate effect of this, they are wilfully blind, envelop themselves in darkness, and become stupid; and this renders them altogether inexcusable, so that they cannot pretend that their error is the result of pious zeal. And I have no doubt that it was the prophet’s intention to remove every cause and colour of ignorance, inasmuch as mankind spontaneously become stupid.

Whosoever trusteth in them. The reason why God holds images so much in abhorrence appears very plainly from this, that he cannot endure that the worship due to himself should be taken from him and given to them. That the world should acknowledge him to be the sole author of salvation, and should ask for and expect from him alone all that is needed, is an honour, which peculiarly belongs to him. And, therefore, as often as confidence is reposed in any other than in himself, he is deprived of the worship which is due to him, and his majesty is, as it were, annihilated. The prophet inveighs against this profanity, even as in many passages the indignation of God is compared to jealousy, when he beholds idols and false gods receiving the homage of which he has been deprived, (Exod. 34:14; Deut. 5:9.) If a man carve an image of marble, wood, or brass, or if he cast one of gold or silver, this of itself would not be so detestable a thing; but when men attempt to attach God to their inventions, and to make him, as it were, descend from heaven, then a pure fiction is substituted in his place. It is very true that God’s glory is instantly counterfeited when it is invested with a corruptible form; (“To whom hast thou likened me?” he exclaims by Isaiah, 40:25, and 46:5, and the Scripture abounds with such texts;) nevertheless, he is doubly injured when his truth, and grace, and power, are imagined to be concentrated in idols. To make idols, and then to confide in them, are things which are almost inseparable. Else whence is it that the world so strongly desires gods of stone, or of wood, or of clay, or of any earthly material, were it not that they believe that God is far from them, until they hold him fixed to them by some bond? Averse to seek God in a spiritual manner, they therefore pull him down from his throne, and place him under inanimate things. Thus, it comes to pass, that they address their supplications to images, because they imagine that in them God’s ears, and also his eyes and hands, are near to them. I have observed that these two vices can hardly be severed, namely, that those who, in forging idols, change the truth of God into a lie, must also ascribe something of divinity to them. When the prophet says that unbelievers put their trust in idols, his design, as I formerly noticed, was to condemn this as the chief and most detestable piece of profanity. (Calvin, J., & Anderson, J. (2010). Commentary on the Book of Psalms (Ps 115:8). Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.)


3–7. The retort wins back the initiative. The pagan’s pride in what he can see, and his contempt for what he cannot (which are modern attitudes as well as ancient), are flung back at him. A God too great to tie down to any image or even to earth itself, who is not the prisoner of circumstances but their master, is a God to glory in. And he is our God, not in the petty sense in which the heathen have their idols—all their own work!—but in the personal bond of ‘steadfast love and … faithfulness’ (cf. verse 1). (Kidner, D. (1975). Psalms 73–150: An Introduction and Commentary (Vol. 16, pp. 439–440). Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.)


3 The confident faith of God’s people finds expression in the credo “Our God is in heaven; he does whatever pleases him.” They affirm that he is still their God (“our God”), that he rules sovereignly (“is in heaven”; cf. v. 16), and that he is free in his acts of love and judgment (“whatever pleases him”; see appendix to Ps 5: Yahweh Is King). In this regard he is totally other than the idols. He is powerful and free to act at any time; but he is also free to delay, as Calvin explains, “Because he knows that delay and procrastination are profitable to us; it being his will to wink at and tolerate for a while what assuredly, were it his pleasure, he could instantly rectify” (4:346). (VanGemeren, W. A. (1991). Psalms. In F. E. Gaebelein (Ed.), The Expositor’s Bible Commentary: Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs (Vol. 5, p. 720). Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House)


3 The third reason of hope to be heard is, because God is omnipotent, and supreme governor of all things, and his authority is, as his power, absolute to do what he pleaseth: and this reason strengthens also the former reason. Whence learn, 1. The more the wicked oppose God and true religion, the more should his servants assert his glory and truth, as the church doth here, saying, but our God is in heaven. 2. The consideration of God’s absolute power and authority, exalteth God above all idols, stoppeth all murmuration against his dispensations towards his people and their enemies; closeth all disputation against his revealed will, and looseth all objections arising from difficulties and impediments, which might hinder hope to be helped out of misery, as here we see: our God is in heaven, he doeth whatsoever he pleaseth. (Dickson, D. (1834). A Brief Explication of the Psalms (Vol. 2, p. 316). Glasgow; Edinburgh; London: John Dow; Waugh and Innes; R. Ogle; James Darling; Richard Baynes.)


chapets (חָפֵץ, 2654), “to take pleasure in, take care of, desire, delight in, have delight in.” This verb, which occurs 72 times in biblical Hebrew has cognates in Arabic, Phoenician, Syriac, and Arabic. Chapets means “to delight in” in 2 Sam. 15:26: “But if he thus say, I have no delight in thee; behold, here am I, let him do to me as seemeth good unto him.”  (Vine, W. E., Unger, M. F., & White, W., Jr. (1996). Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words (Vol. 1, p. 179). Nashville, TN: T. Nelson.)



(Remember the only author that I totally agree with is the HOLY SPIRIT in the inerrant WORD OF GOD called THE BIBLE! All other I try to gleam what I can to help me grow in the LORD!!)


Trust is to capitalism what alcohol is to wedding receptions,” suggests Jerry Useem in an article in The Atlantic last November, “a social lubricant… ‘If trust is sufficiently low,’” he continues, quoting economists Paul Zak and Stephen Knack, “‘economic growth is unachievable.’”

Public trust, specifically of the federal government, began to erode in the 1960s. The series of unfortunate events in the decades that followed—wars, Watergate, economic struggles, impeachments, ever-deepening political divisions—only contributed to what has become a steady decline of public confidence in the federal government. The only notable exception came with the brief spike in national unity in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks. During the last two years, like so many other social conditions that pre-existed the COVID pandemic, the numbers hit an all-time low.

Our national distrust is not only aimed at Washington DC. According to a 2019 Pew Study, almost two-thirds of Americans believe trust in each other is falling. The inherent connection between interpersonal trust and social stability, has an impact on the economy, among other things. In their report, titled Trust and Growth, Paul Zak and Stephen Knack describe that “low trust environments reduce the rate of investment and thus the economy’s growth rate … very low trust societies can be caught in a poverty trap.”

On the other hand, when social trust improves, so does interpersonal trust..This can actually lead to economic growth. Americans’ trust in each other, however, dropped from 45% in 1973 to just 30% in 2014. Useem thinks that had trust among Americans been stronger during that time frame, more like New Zealand for example, “(our annual GDP per capita would) be $16,000 higher.”

In addition to our pocketbooks, the loss of trust is affecting work. According to one study,42% of employees think that their employers do not understand their pandemic experiences.

Conversely, employers are showing a decline in trusting their employees. Since the pandemic started, the employee monitoring software industry has grown by 50%. According to one study, 74% of remote workers are concerned their employer is monitoring when and how much they work. As one Forbes article that predates the pandemic put it, a lack of trust in the workplace “demotivates employees and is costing businesses dearly.”

Trust is a significant ingredient of what can be called “social capital.” Just as an individual needs financial, relational, and labor resources to start and grow a business, so a society needs financial, relational, and labor resources in order to grow and flourish. It only makes sense that a collective loss of trust, particularly at the scale we are now experiencing, would be felt in economic terms. As opposed to more short-term factors like monthly job creation or a particularly volatile stock price, social trust points to more consequential concerns about longer-term stability and sustainability.  (Break Point)


Exodus 11

The final plague on Egypt is a Passover sacrifice.


God’s dealings with Pharaoh reveal His longsuffering attitude toward such rebellion. The plagues start out fairly minor, thus giving Pharaoh a chance to change his mind before utter calamity strikes. With each successive act of rebellion, the subsequent plague intensifies. Beginning with the unpleasant but fairly harmless plague of frogs, the process ends with the death of the firstborn of every household in Egypt. At any point, had Pharaoh repented, the plagues would have been stopped.

Analyze your own life. If you’ve entered into conflict with God, abandon the fight before it escalates.  (Quiet Walk)


Daily Hope

Today’s Scripture
Genesis 43-45

Some of the most significant times of our life are with family. Memories are created at holidays, birthdays, and special family events. Sprinkled in our lives are also heart wrenching moments of heartbreak and loss. It is at these times we recognize the importance of family.

Joseph had spent years in difficult living conditions because of the savage actions of his brothers. Being ripped from the family and sold into human slavery was but one of the cruel acts done to Joseph. Between slavery and imprisonment, Joseph had opportunities to consider what his options would be when he met his brothers again.

Instead, we see a man that diligently served and continually sought to bring honor and esteem to those over him. He rose above his circumstances each time he was confronted with a setback and proved his character and integrity. Joseph did not allow the situation to control him but instead, he overcame the obstacles before him.

Now that he was in command and his brothers knelt before him, possibly the temptation was present to confront his brothers of their sins. Joseph was astute and tested his brothers to see if there had been a change in their behavior and attitude. The tests Joseph gave his brothers provided the opportunity to see their response when one brother was treated differently than others. Finally, when Judah attempted to take the penalty for Benjamin, Joseph revealed himself.

What will our attitude and decisions revolve around when we are faced with difficulties and unjust actions? We will be tempted to blame others and attempt to have a scapegoat instead of trusting the Lord. Situations will be enhanced as we allow the Lord to control our thoughts and actions. Psalm 50:15 states, “Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me”. The Lord is attentive even when it appears He is silent!

With an Expectant Hope, Pastor Miller – board member of Small Church Ministries.


Exodus 14
The Lord parts the Red Sea for the children of Israel.


When we are obedient to God, nothing can touch us that does not come from God Himself. The armies of Egypt, symbolic of the armies of Satan, are no match for a God jealous to care for His beloved people. Resting in God’s full protection in spiritual warfare, we may put on His full armor and stand firm, knowing that we will triumph in Him.   (Quiet Walk)



…wait for the promise of the Father….  Acts 1:4

The final manifestation of the glory of the Son was that which was given on the Day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit was sent down upon the infant church gathered together at Jerusalem. That is the final proof of the fact that Jesus of Nazareth is the only begotten Son of God. The Scripture talks about “the promise of the Father.” The Father had promised the children of Israel in the old dispensation that He would send His Spirit. He keeps on saying that He is going to make a new covenant with them, that the day is coming when He will take out their stony heart, give them a heart of flesh, and pour out His Spirit upon them. That is the thing to which they were looking forward, and in a sense the work of the Messiah, the Deliverer, the Savior, was to send this promise of the Father. And this is the very thing that happened on the Day of Pentecost when the Lord Jesus Christ sent the Holy Spirit.
Now in one place the Scripture tells us that the Lord Jesus Christ sent the Holy Spirit, and in another place it tells us that God the Father sent the Spirit after listening to the prayer of His Son. But it is the same thing, since the Spirit proceeds from the Father and from the Son. What I particularly want to emphasize is that “these words” of John 17:1 refer to the words that are recorded in chapters14, 15, and 16 of John’s Gospel, which all have to do with this promise of the coming of the Holy Spirit. Our Lord began to speak about this in chapter 14. He found that the disciples were crestfallen because He said that He was going to leave them. So, He told them that He would give them another Comforter (14:16-17). Then He proceeded to teach them about the coming of the Holy Spirit.
A Thought to Ponder
The final manifestation of the glory of the Son was given on the Day of Pentecost.

From Saved in Eternity, pp. 84-85, by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones)


There is no beauty that we should desire him.  Isaiah 53:2
Think about the glory of our Lord that we are told about when He was on earth: “There is no beauty that we should desire him…a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief” (Isaiah 53:2-3). People would look at Him and say, “Who is this fellow?” “Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary?” (Mark 6:3). He had laid aside the glory; He had not laid aside anything of His essential being or person or His essential deity. But neither had He held on to it. He had not clutched at the manifestation of His glory. He had laid that aside as one would a cloak and had come in the likeness of man.
Indeed, I must go further than this, because this is the wonder of it all. He decided that His glory should be veiled by flesh. Think of it like this: The glory is there still shining in all its power, but a veil of flesh has come over it so that mankind cannot see it.
Take an Old Testament illustration. In the wilderness Moses went onto the Mount and spoke with God, and when he came down his face was shining. The people saw the glory, and it was so bright that he had to put a veil over his face; the glory was still there, but it was hidden from them. Something like that happened to our Lord.
Yes, but He not only came as man, nor is it only true to say that His glory was veiled by flesh. It is not true to say simply that the eternal Son of God was made flesh. We are told that he was made “in the likeness of sinful flesh” (Romans 8:3). Indeed, He not only came into this world as a man—He took on Him “the form of a servant” (Philippians 2:7). It would have been a wonderful and astounding thing if this eternal King and Prince of glory had come on earth and lived in a palace as a human king with all the pomp and glory of an earthly kingship. But that is not what He did at all! He was born as a babe in very poor circumstances.
A Thought to Ponder: He had laid aside the glory.
               (From Saved in Eternity, pp. 72-73, by Dr. Martyn Lloyd Jones)


 Whenever you are uncertain about someone’s teaching, find out what they teach about Jesus. If the truth about God’s Son has been twisted, their belief system will be flawed. To test the truthfulness of a particular teaching, ask them these questions:

  1. Do you believe that Jesus is the Son of God, the second member of the Trinity?
  2. Do you believe that He came in the flesh, incarnate as Jesus of Nazareth?
  3. Do you agree that He died for our sins and was resurrected from the dead?
  4. Do you believe that His death provided atonement for our sins and that the only way of salvation is by grace through faith in Him?

If the answer to any of these questions is “No,” be cautious. Do not believe everything someone says.  (Quiet Time by Walk through the Bible)


After the Ascension, the apostles meet in an upper room to choose a replacement for Judas.

God is moving. For thousands of years, He has worked in the world through the nation of Israel and the Law of Moses. Now He will work through the church and the gospel of Christ. God instructs the apostles to wait in Jerusalem until they receive power from on high. Then when they are baptized with the power of the Holy Spirit, they are to be the Lord’s witnesses in their city, the surrounding country, and the entire world. (Quiet Walk)



But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. Galatians 1:8
Christianity, as has often been pointed out, is Christ Himself. He is not only central, He is absolutely vital, and therefore we have to see that we are concerned primarily and always with Him. What reveals at once that so many people who call themselves Christian are not Christian is that Christ as a person is not at all essential to them. 
I am referring here to people who think that a Christian is just a good man or woman. Obviously, you can be a “good” man without even mentioning the Lord Jesus Christ; but in Christianity He is vital, and if the truth concerning Him is not the truth, the whole position vanishes. Now that is something that one cannot overemphasize.The Christian faith is entirely concerned about Him “who He is, and what He has done, and what He has made available and possible for us. And therefore, you see the vital importance of our being quite clear in our minds and absolutely right about all of these things. 
So I make no apology for putting it as dogmatically and as bluntly as that. To me, those who apologize for saying such a thing are very doubtful Christians, if indeed they are Christians at all. There is an intolerance about the Christian faith, expressed like this by the apostle Paul: “But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed” (Galatians 1:8). And we must say the same thing. The truth is clear, it is well defined, it is perfectly definite; and we must be certain, therefore, with regard to what we believe about Christ. It is not enough to say, “I believe in Christ.”
A Thought to Ponder: Christianity, as has often been pointed out, is Christ Himself.
(From God the Father, God the Son, p. 246, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones)


You’re Making This Worse

He who separates himself seeks his own desire, he quarrels against all sound wisdom. PROVERBS 18:1

I had spent a busy day wrapping up last-minute details, preparing to leave for a conference the next morning. I came home that evening, however, to a wife who had experienced a hard day herself—a very hard day with the kids. She needed to talk. But I was still busy.

I remember picking up the phone to make one last important call, when Barbara said, “Please don’t get on the phone right now. If you do, I’m going upstairs.”

I couldn’t help it. I really needed to make that call. So I did. And that was the first of my mistakes. The moment I hung up, my mom called. We chatted for about 20 minutes. Then, feeling a little guilty, I began cleaning the kitchen, snapping on the television to keep me company. But by the time I finished, I was halfway interested in a show.

When Barbara finally came down to demand I make some time for her, there I was—sitting in front of the TV. Busted.

I’m sure it would come as no surprise to tell you that the temperature dropped to about 40 below zero in our home that night. Barbara got so mad that when our disagreement headed to the bedroom, she whacked me hard on the head with a pillow. I remember turning my face to the wall as I tried to go to sleep, consumed with anger and how to get even. (Don’t tell me you’ve never done that.) It was bad.

I think I’ll leave it there for today and finish the story tomorrow. But till then, I want you to see how one mistake in judgment led to another. Every attempt to avoid confrontation did nothing but make the final confrontation worse. When you realize you’re acting up, now is the time to stop it and make things right. Do not keep adding fuel to the fire. (Moments with You Couples Devotional by Dr. Dennis and Barbara Rainey)


I know I’m going to get through it. I’m just tired of GOING through it. I know God is going to bring me through it. But, I’m just tired.                               (Dora Emmick – shared)


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