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Psalm 119: 97- 104 MEM

Scriptures: Meditation all the day                       verse 97

O how love I YOUR law

it is my MEDITATION all the day

Scriptures: Makes one wise                                  verse 98– 100

YOU through YOUR commandments have made me wiser

than mine enemies – for they are ever with me

I have more understanding than all my teachers

            for YOUR testimonies are my MEDITATION

I understand more than the ancients

because I keep YOUR precepts

Scriptures: Provides a right path to follow           verse 101- 104

I have refrained my feet from every evil way

            that I might keep YOUR word

I have not departed from YOUR judgments

            for YOU have taught me

How sweet are YOUR words to my taste

            yea – sweeter than honey to my mouth

                        through YOUR precepts I get understanding

                                    THEREFORE, I hate every false way           



: 97      O how love I YOUR law! It is my meditation all the day. (7881 “meditation” [siychah] means thoughtful contemplation, wisdom discourse, contemplation of religious matters, concern, reflection, devotion, or study)

DEVOTION:  One of the first decisions after becoming a follower of Jesus Christ is that we need to start really studying hard the Bible which the LORD has given to us for our edification and growth in our knowledge of HIM.

Here we find that the author of this Psalm says that he loves the laws of God because it is the way to know the LORD better, so that, he can serve the LORD better. It is not enough to just say that you are a follower of the LORD but you have to make it your business to get to know the LORD and that can be done through the study of HIS Word.

In the Old Testament the written laws of God were given to the priests to teach the people what was necessary to please the LORD.

This teaching would go on at the gate of the city or worship services or on special occasions when the children of Israel would get together to worship the LORD. There would be those who would travel and teach the commandments and other instructions of the LORD to the people.

Sometimes the people would listen and others they would not be interested in what the LORD expected because they had gotten involved with the worship of other gods. This would bring judgment on the people.

Today we should be studying the Bible which we have in whole with an Old Testament and a New Testament to give us direction for each day of our life. If we study and apply the truth of the Bible then we will please the LORD. If we just go to church on Sunday and listen to the preacher and then leave the building and do as we please, we are not loving the instructions of the Bible that we should be doing even today.

CHALLENGE: These devotionals that we send out each day are just a start to understanding the teachings of the Bible. We want you to have a tool that you can use to help you apply the Bible to your daily life.

DAILY SPIRITUAL LUNCH: Transitional Believers

: 98      YOU through YOUR commandments have make me wiser that mine enemies: for they are ever with me. (2449 “wiser” [chakam] means to cause to be marked by the exercise of good judgment, to act wisely, to teach, to be or become wise, deal shrewdly, or be skillful)

DEVOTION: To understand the Word of God takes work. It is not something that can be done in a little time. It takes a lifetime to understand and apply the Bible to the life of a genuine believer.

If a person really takes the time to understand the teachings of the Bible they can act wiser than those who don’t understand the Bible with regard to what the LORD expects of them.

Those who are not believers in Jesus Christ don’t care what the Bible teaches except to use it against those who believe the truth of the Word of God.

So there are challenges on a regular basis by those who don’t think that God is necessary in their life and they sometimes want to argue that God in the life of anyone is not real. It is hard to reach some people but those who are enemies to the teaching of the Word of God will always give hard times to those who genuinely believe the Bible.

The fight is on. Satan wants everyone to walk away from the teachings of the Bible. He doesn’t want anyone to be a follower of Christ and he will use anyone and anything to cause believers to have a hard time in this world.

So we find that here that those who are genuine believers have the ability to understand these facts which makes them able to counter any teaching that is not Biblical. It is a battle that every believer has to fight and the more the believer understands the teachings of the whole Bible the better his defense is regarding his personal beliefs and actions.

The enemy is real and we have to have the best armor to defeat the enemy and that only comes from the study and application of the Bible in our lives.

CHALLENGE: We will never have a perfect understanding of the Word of God but we can have one that helps us each day to live a life that is pleasing to the LORD.


: 99      I have more understanding than all my teachers: for thy testimonies are my meditation. (7919 “understanding” [sakal] means have insight, be skilled, to be circumspect, intelligent, consider, expert, instruct, prosper, have good success, implying this state is the result of proper teaching or wisdom)

DEVOTION:  This is the thirteenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet used in this acrostic poem. Remember each section begins with the letter stated at the top of the section.

This section encourages meditation on the Word of God. Meditation is more than just reading the Word. It is chewing the Word over and over in our brains. It is gaining a full insight into a verse, passage or book of the Bible. There is a difference between knowledge and understanding.

To know facts is knowledge. To know how to apply facts is wisdom or understanding. The psalmist knew how to apply what he had learned to everyday life better than his teachers.

There are many teachers who know the facts about Christianity but have no wisdom of how to apply the facts to daily life. We have scholars who study the Bible but don’t have the Holy Spirit in their life to help them success in applying the truths of the Word of God to their life. It is empty knowledge with no life change.

The Psalmist stated that he had better insights than his enemies, teachers, and the ancients. These insights helped him to hate every false way. If we are not meditating on the Word, we will have problems with our walk with the LORD.

It is so important to be in the Word daily. Many who consider themselves faithful Christians have a hard time studying the Word daily. It is a daily struggle. It is a struggle we have to win. Our enemy, the devil, doesn’t want us to really comprehend what the Word of God is teaching, so he distracts us with other people, places and things.

CHALLENGE: Please pray for those who are followers of Christ to win this daily struggle. There is more to growth in the LORD than just a verse or a passage a day.


:101     “I have restrained my feet from every evil way, that I may keep YOUR

            word.” The New King James Version (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1982).

Restrained – 3607 כָּלָא, כָּלָא, כָּלָה [kalaʾ /kaw·law/] v. A primitive root; TWOT 980; GK 3973 and 3974 and 3984; 18 occurrences; AV translates as “shut up” four times, “stayed” three times, “refrained” twice, “restrained” twice, “withhold” twice, “keep back” once, “finish” once, “forbid” once, “kept” once, and “retain” once. 1 to restrict, restrain, withhold, shut up, keep back, refrain, forbid. 1A (Qal). 1A1 to shut up. 1A2 to restrain. 1A3 to withhold. 1B (Niphal) to be restrained. 1C (Piel) to finish. James Strong, Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon (Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software, 2001).

Devotion:  There is a saying that I have learned from somewhere that goes, “The Word of God will keep you from sin or sin will keep you from the Word of God!” The psalmist knew that principle even before the saying was popular. He knew that in order for him to be godly there was a need for discipline in his life. There are two paths and it always comes to a choice as to which one we will select. By knowing God’s word and meditating upon it the choice is easier to see and to do. The enemy tries to seduce you by making a path look more enticing but don’t be fooled. In Pilgrim’s Progress, Christian tried to take an easy path but that led to the castle of Doubt instead of staying on the path of understanding. Don’t be fooled because the path looks easier but stay on the course the Lord has chosen for you.

Challenge: Remain focused on the path that the Lord has revealed for you to travel! His word is a lamp unto your feet. (Ps.119:105) (Dr. Brian Miller – board member)


: 103    How sweet are YOUR words unto my taste! Yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth. (2441 “taste” [hik] means palate, roof of mouth, seat of speech, organ of taste and discrimination of taste.

DEVOTION: I like any kind of food. My wife likes American & Italian food. She doesn’t like curry food. She is not someone who will usually try something different. I will try.

Here we find the psalmist comparing the Word of God to food in his mouth. He partakes of the Word of God and it is to him sweeter than honey. This means that it is sweet.

In Ezekiel 3: 1- 3 the prophet Ezekiel was commanded of the LORD to eat the roll [book] and it was “in his mouth as honey for sweetness. These were the words of the LORD during the time period of the captivity of Israel. Ezekiel was present the message of God to the people of God for their understanding of their present circumstances.

In Revelation 10: 9 the apostle John was to take a book from the angel and eat it. It was going to be bitter in his stomach but sweet as honey in his mouth. He had a message from the LORD that was concerned with a time of judgment as well. It was the time period between the rapture of the church and the second coming of Christ. It was a dark period before the establishment of the Thousand Year reign of Christ.

Our message can sometimes be harsh but it is to be presented in a sweet spirit to those who are willing to listen. The Psalmist found the Word of God sweet. We should always find the Word of God sweet, in that, HE loves us and gives us instruction. HE doesn’t leave us out in the cold. HE wants us to know that HE has a plan and HE is working HIS plan.

We are to spread the GOOD NEWS of the gospel but also with it a warning to those who reject the LORD that they will face judgment for eternity.

CHALLENGE: Understand the two aspects of the message of the LORD to the world. It is one of joy and judgment. It is joy to those who are follower of Christ. It is also judgment to those who refuse to follow HIM.




Chastity (Purity in living)

Fasting (Time alone with LORD without eating or drinking)

Sacrifice (Giving up something we want to serve the LORD)

Submission (Willing to listen to others and LORD)

Taught of the LORD                                                verse 102

Solitude (Going to a quiet place without anyone)


Fellowship (Gathering together around the Word of God)

Frugality (wise use of resources)

Journalizing (Writing down what you have learned from the LORD)

Study and Meditation (Thinking through your study in the Word)

Meditation all the day                                              verse 97

Meditation on the Word                                           verse 99

Secrecy (Doing your good deeds without others knowing but God)


Celebration (Gathering around a special occasion to worship LORD)

Confession (Tell the LORD we are sorry for our sins on a daily basis)

Prayer (Conversation with God on a personal level)

Silence (Letting the LORD deal with some problems and needs)

Worship (Time to praise the LORD alone or in a group)



Scripture (66 inerrant books of the Bible)

Law                                                                            verse 97

Commandments                                                        verse 98

Testimonies                                                                verse 99

Precepts                                                                      verse 100, 104

Word                                                                          verse 101, 103

Judgments                                                                  verse 102

God the Father (First person of the Godhead)

Teacher                                                                      verse 102

God the Son (Second person of the Godhead –God/man, Messiah)

God the Holy Spirit (Third person of the Godhead – our comforter)

Trinity (Three persons of the Godhead who are co-equal = ONE God)    

Angels (Created before the foundation of the world – Good and Evil)

Man (Created on the sixth twenty-four hour period of creation)

Enemies                                                                      verse 98

Ancients                                                                     verse 100

Sin (Missing the mark set by God on man and angels)

Enemy of believer                                                      verse 98

Evil way                                                                     verse 101

  False way                                                                   verse 104

Salvation (Provided by Christ’s death on the cross for our sins)

Love of the Word of God                                         verse 97

Meditation                                                                  verse 97, 99

Wisdom                                                                      verse 98

Understanding                                                           verse 99, 100, 104

Obey the Word of God                                             verse 100, 101

Refrain from every evil way                                    verse 101

Keep the Word                                                          verse 101

Not departed from judgments                                 verse 102

Taught by the LORD                                               verse 102

Word of God sweet to taste                                      verse 103

Hate false way                                                           verse 104

Israel (Old Testament people of God)

Teachers of the Law                                                 verse 99

Ancients                                                                     verse 100

Church (New Testament people of God)

Last Things (Future Events)



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QUOTES regarding passage

The love of God’s law (v. 97; cf. vv. 47, 113, 163) comes out of love for God, the Teacher (v. 102). A rejection of God’s instruction implies a rejection of the Lord. “Meditation” (vv. 97, 99) is a form of devotion to the Lord himself, and hence its practice is regularly cultivated (“all day long,” v. 97; cf. vv. 15, 23, 27, 48, 148). He delights in his understanding of God’s law as he reflects on his devotion in relation to the “enemies,” “teachers,” and “elders” (vv. 98–100). The comparison is not a prideful assertion of superiority but a form of exultation in the Lord himself, whose wisdom is more direct and superior (cf. v. 102; Jer 9:23–24). The word of God together with divine illumination is superior to any human interpretation. However, in setting forth the excellence of divine illumination, the psalmist would not have been so arrogant as to shun instruction from the teachers and elders!

Because of his love for God, the psalmist devotes himself to the practice of the law, rejecting the way of the wicked (vv. 100–102; cf. 1:1–2). The path of the righteous is wholly opposite to the path of the wicked (cf. 1:6; Prov 4:14, 18). Therefore, he was obedient (vv. 100–101) and did not “depart” (v. 102; cf. Deut 9:16; 17:11, 20; 28:14) from God’s laws.

The “words” of promise (ʾimrāh, v. 103) are not separate from the keeping of the laws. The promises, likened to “honey” (cf. 19:10; Job 23:12; John 4:32, 34), are sweet only when God’s instruction is received and leads to understanding as well as an obedient life style (vv. 102, 104; cf. vv. 29, 128). (VanGemeren, W. A. (1991). Psalms. In F. E. Gaebelein (Ed.), The Expositor’s Bible Commentary: Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs (Vol. 5, p. 753). Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House.)


Now contrast with the emptiness of the world the fulness of “the commandment of God.” Our whole duty to our God, our neighbor, and ourselves, is here laid open before us—commanding without abatement, and forbidding without allowance—making no excuse for ignorance—frailty—or forgetfulness—reaching not only to every species of crime, but to everything tending to it. This is “perfection,” of which we never “see an end.” Every fresh view opens—not the extent—but the immensity of the field; and compels us at length to shut up our inquiries with the adoring acknowledgment—Thy commandment is exceeding broad. Its various parts form one seamless piece; so that no particle can be separated without injury to the whole. As all the curtains of the tabernacle, connected by taches and loops, made but one covering for the ark, and the loosening or disjunction of the smallest point disannulled the fitness of the whole; so it belongs to the perfection of the commandment, that “whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.” The spirituality of its requirements equally illustrates its Divine “perfection.” An angry look is murder; an unchaste desire is adultery;3 the “stumbling-block of iniquity”—“covetousness”5 in the heart is idolatry; the thought as well as the act—the first conception of sin, as well as the after commission—brings in the verdict—Guilty—Death. (Bridges, C. (1861). Exposition of Psalm 119: As Illustrative of the Character and Exercises of Christian Experience (Seventeenth Edition., pp. 152–153). New York: Robert Carter & Brothers.)


97–104. Reader! let us listen to these sweet words, as the words of Jesus. Let us beg of God the Holy Ghost to give us grace to feel and know our interest in what he here saith, from our interest in him. And let us look up to God our Father, while we hear Jesus thus expressing, in our nature, his love to the law of the Father, his regard to all his commandments, and his uniform, undeviating rectitude in all he came to perform, and plead in his name and righteousness for every covenant blessing which becomes the right of his redeemed, by virtue of divine promises in the salvation by Jesus. Yes! thou blessed Lamb of God! thy Father’s law was the whole of thy delight by day, and the heavenly bodies, in their travelling circuit, witnessed thy meditation by night. All that were before thee were servants only, ministering to thy word: Prophets and Patriarchs knew nothing compared to thy knowledge, the wonderful Counsellor of thy people. Give me to taste of thy grace and love, thou divine almighty Teacher, and may the meditation of my heart be so sweetly engaged on thee, that my lips may drop as the honeycomb, and the name of Jesus be the first and last in my mouth all the day. (Hawker, R. (2013). Poor Man’s Old Testament Commentary: Job–Psalms (Vol. 4, p. 565). Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software.)


99. “I have more understanding than all my teachers.” That which the Lord had taught him had been useful in the camp, and now he finds it equally valuable in the schools. Our teachers are not always to be trusted; in fact, we may not follow any of them implicitly, for God holds us to account for our personal judgments. It behoves us then to follow closely the chart of the Word of God, that we may be able to save the vessel when even the pilot errs. If our teachers should be in all things sound and safe, they will be right glad for us to excel them, and they will ever be ready to own that the teaching of the Lord is better than any teaching which they can give us. Disciples of Christ who sit at his feet are often better skilled in divine things than doctors of divinity. “For thy testimonies are my meditation.” This is the best mode of acquiring understanding. We may hear the wisest teachers and remain fools, but if we meditate upon the sacred word, we must become wise. There is more wisdom in the testimonies of the Lord than in all the teachings of men if they were all gathered into one vast library. The one book outweighs all the rest.

David does not hesitate to speak the truth in this place concerning himself, for he is quite innocent of self-consciousness. In speaking of his understanding, he means to extol the law and the Lord, and not himself. There is not a grain of boasting in these bold expressions, but only a sincere childlike desire to set forth the excellence of the Lord’s word. He who knows the truths taught in the Bible will be guilty of no egotism if he believes himself to be possessed of more important truth than all the agnostic professors buried and unburied. (Spurgeon, C. H. (2009). The treasury of David: Psalms 111-119 (Vol. 5, p. 331). Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software.)



(Remember the only author that I totally agree with is the HOLY SPIRIT in the inerrant WORD OF GOD called THE BIBLE! All other I try to gleam what I can to help me grow in the LORD!!)


Deuteronomy 29

The covenant with the children of Israel is renewed in Moab.


After laying out the options before the Israelites at Mount Ebal and Mount Gerazim, God now says, “Choose.”

But by His grace, He makes clear the consequences of these choices. How terrible are the curses-and how wonderful are the blessings.

Seeing the alternative so clearly before us, what could possibly account for our choosing the curses? The only conceivable answer is that we don’t believe God. We don’t really believe that the blessings will be that good-or that the curses will be that bad.

The Old Testament was written for our instruction. We must learn to take God at His Word. Period. (Quiet Walk)



For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe. 1 Corinthians 1:21
We are meant to use all our God-given natural faculties. That is why when God wants a great teacher of the Christian Gospel, he chooses a man like the apostle Paul. Yes, but Paul was no more a Christian than the most ignorant person in the church at Corinth. It is the principle that matters. We must not merely consider this in terms of understanding and ability; it is something much more wonderful and glorious than that. And that is why Paul was able to say in 1 Corinthians 1:21, “For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.”
God, he says, takes the ignorant, and by means of them He confounds the wise, and He takes the weak and confounds the mighty—because of this new principle that He introduces.
What, then, is the effect of the introduction of this principle? This life eternal about which we are speaking is something that affects the entire person. But it is especially interesting to observe the way in which it affects a man’s understanding and apprehension of spiritual things. And the way to look at that is to contrast the natural, unregenerate man, who is not a Christian, with the man who is a Christian. According to Scripture, the natural man is spiritually dead. May I be so bold as to put it like this: If there is anybody to whom these things about which I am speaking are really utterly meaningless, then, as I understand Scripture, it means that such a person is spiritually dead and has not received eternal life because, as Paul puts it, “The natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him” (1 Corinthians2:14). They are meaningless to him.
A Thought to Ponder: God takes the ignorant, and by means of them He confounds the wise—because of this new principle that He introduces.
            (From Saved in Eternity, pp. 153-154, by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones)


Philips Brooks, the famed New England pastor of the nineteenth century, says, “Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers. Pray for powers equal to your tasks. Then the doing of your work shall be no miracle, but you shall be the miracle.” (p. 12, magazine, volume 42, Issue 4)


Paul exercises his right as a Roman citizen to take his case before Caesar.


One of the secrets of peace is believing the promises of God. There are many things that we think we believe, but our anxiety level reveals that we do not. The Lord promises to meet all our needs, but our labor and worry reveal that we are not so sure. Paul receives a word from God that he will not perish. In relating this to the sailors, Paul says: “Therefore take heart, men, for I believe God that it will be just as it was told me” (v. 25). If we believe, we can be at peace; if we do not believe, we will fret. Review the promises of Scripture when you are troubled. What among them are you not believing? If you are trying to believe but still struggle, you may pray the prayer of the father regarding his son who had an evil spirit: “Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24). (Quiet Walk)



And these things write we unto you, that your joy may be full. 1 John 1:4
The first thing that is essential before we can ever have and hold this joy is the absolute centrality of the Lord Jesus Christ. John starts with Him in 1 John 1:1-3: “That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life; (For the life was manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness, and show unto you that eternal life, which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us;) That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ. And these things write we unto you, that your joy may be full.” 
You will never know any joy until you know Christ. He is the source of joy; He is the fount of all blessings; everything comes through Him. So before John begins to discuss anything else, he talks about Him. 
Here we come to the great watershed that divides Christian preaching and teaching from every other teaching; it is based solely on the Lord Jesus Christ. The Christian church has nothing to say to the world until it believes on Him. Indeed, the Church’ message to the world is one of condemnation until it believes on Christ. Christ is central, He is essential, He is the beginning and the end, and John has nothing to say to these people by way of encouragement unless they are absolutely clear about Him. It is through Him that we have access to God; and it is through Him that we have fellowship with God.
A Thought to Ponder: You will never know any joy until you know Christ. (From Fellowship with God, pp. 32-33, by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones)


Identifying Antichrists
“Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.” (1 John 2:18)

Evangelicals expect “the” Antichrist to be revealed in the future, yet there are more warnings about “many” antichrists who are currently and actively plotting evil. John lists two specific identifying factors that enable us to spot these “anti” Christs.
“Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son” (1 John 2:22).
“And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist . . . and even now already is it in the world” (1 John 4:3).
This much is clear. Anyone who refuses to accept the incarnated Christ as the Son of God is anti-Christ. Perhaps we need to see this term in its simplicity. Those who are “anti” Christ (oppose, reject, against, opposite to, before, instead of, in place of) are antichrists!
Peter warns that false prophets and false teachers are also “anti” Christ—and that they may well come from among the Lord’s visible Kingdom.
“But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction” (2 Peter 2:1).
Thus, we are told that Satan’s “ministers also [are] transformed as the ministers of righteousness” (2 Corinthians 11:15). No wonder we should have caution. This is the last time (days), and we need to be alert! (HMM III, The Institute for Creation Research)


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