David begs God to hear his prayer verse 1- 3
Give ear to my PRAYER – O God
and hide not YOURSELF from my SUPPLICATION
Attend unto me – and hear me
I mourn in my complaint – and make a noise
BECAUSE of the voice of the enemy
BECAUSE of the oppression of the wicked
for they cast iniquity upon me
and in wrath they hate me
David is afraid and wants to escape verse 4- 7
My heart is sore pained within me – and the terrors of death are fallen upon me
fearfulness and trembling are come upon me
horror hath overwhelmed me
And I said
Oh that I had wings like a dove
FOR then would I fly away – and be at rest
Lo then would I wander far off – and remain in the wilderness SELAH
David desires to escape quickly verse 8
I would hasten my escape from the windy storm and tempest
David would like his enemies confused verse 9- 11
Destroy – O Lord – and divide their tongues
for I have seen violence and strife in the city
day and night they go about it upon the walls thereof
mischief also and sorrow are in the midst of it
wickedness is in the midst thereof
deceit and guile depart not from
her streets
David disturbed by a friend who became an enemy verse 12- 14
For it was not an enemy that reproached me
THEN I could have borne it
Neither was it he that hated me that did magnify himself against me
THEN I would have hid myself from him
BUT it was you – a man mine equal – my guide
and mine acquaintance
We took sweet counsel together
and walked unto the house of God in company
David wants quick judgment on his ex-friend verse 15
Let death seize upon them – and let them go down quick into hell
FOR wickedness is in their dwellings – and among them
David understands that the God will hear him verse 16- 19
AS FOR ME – I will call upon God – and the LORD shall save me
evening – and morning – and at noon
will I pray – and cry aloud
and HE shall hear my voice
HE has delivered my soul in peace from the battle that was against me
FOR there were many with me
God shall hear – and afflict them – even HE that abides of old
BECAUSE they have no changes
THEREFORE they fear not God
David calls his ex-friend a smooth talker verse 20- 21
He hath put forth his hands against such as be at peace with him
he hath broken his covenant
the words of his mouth were smoother than butter
BUT war was in his heart
his words were softer than oil
YET were they drawn swords
David gives advice to others regarding the LORD verse 22
Cast your burden upon the LORD – and HE shall sustain you
HE shall never suffer the righteous to be moved
David is committed to trusting the God verse 23
shall bring them down into the pit of destruction
bloody and deceitful men shall not live
out half their days
: 1 Give ear to my prayer, O God; and hide not YOURSELF from my supplication. (8605 “prayer” [taphillah] means the act of communicating with a deity, especially as a petition or in adoration or contrition or thanksgiving, intercession, deprecation, entreaty, or supplication.)
DEVOTION: God wants to hear from those who love HIM. HE wants us to know that HE cares for us and wants to help as long as we are dependent on HIM.
David wants to communicate with the LORD about something that is bothering him. He wants the LORD to give him an answer to his request. Sometimes he thought and we think that God is hiding from us.
That is not true. HE wants us to communicate and wait for an answer. We are not good at waiting for an answer from HIM. We think that HE should answer our prayers immediately and that is not always the case.
We are not ready for an immediate answer to our prayers because we are not in right relationship with HIM sometimes and HE is waiting for us to really understand that HE is there for us but HE is also wanting us to give HIM the glory for the answer.
We are wanting the LORD to give us what we ask HIM immediately and HE knows that if HE answers immediately we will not learn the lessons HE wants us to learn from what we are going through at present.
Everything that HE allows into our life is for our good. We need to make sure that we are in proper relationship to HIM because when we are not we ask for things that we don’t need or that would not be good for us at that moment.
HE is not going to spoil us like some parents do their children. HE know what is a genuine need and what is not. Children ask for things that would not help them at times. They are not ready to handle what they are asking for. If HE gives us things that we can’t properly handle then HE is not being a good provider.
HE will give us what we genuinely need but not all we want. HE might give us some of our wants in the future after we handle what we need properly.
CHALLENGE: All of us want gifts from God in abundance but HE knows what we can handle at the present moment. Trust HIM!
DAILY SPIRITUAL LUNCH: Transitional Believers
: 3 Because of the voice of the enemy, because of the oppression of the wicked: for they cast iniquity on me, and in wrath they hate me. (6125 “oppression” [’aqah] means pressure, the state of being kept down by unjust use of force or authority, cause hardship or distress to another, or threats.)
DEVOTION: Life is full of pressure from people and circumstances. There are people who like to give others a hard time. There are circumstances that happen in everyone’s lives that cause them to wonder where the LORD is at that moment.
We all have enemies that are human but we also have an enemy that is stronger than any human, which is, the devil. He liked to give those who are followers of the LORD a hard time.
The LORD allows this enemy to give us a hard time at times to make us stronger and more depend on HIM. If we think we can handle anything that comes our way on our own that we are not an individual that understands what is going on in this world.
Our enemy the devil sends circumstances and people our way to give us a hard time. He doesn’t want believers to succeed. He wants them to fail in their walk with the LORD. He is an enemy to believers.
No matter what we do as believers there are people who will hate us because we are a believer and want to cause us to fall into sin. They will do everything in their power to cause us to break our relationship with the LORD.
This is not completely posable but our enemy, the devil and his followers, will try. They will blame us for everything they can and hope that something they say or do will cause to doubt the LORD.
CHALLENGE: Those that don’t love the LORD want to see HIS servant fail. The pressure is on but the LORD is able to deliver as long as we wait on HIM.
: 17 Evening, morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud: and he shall hear my voice. (7878 “pray” [siyach] means to put forth, meditate, muse, commune, speak, ponder, or sing.)
DEVOTION: One commentary expresses David’s frustration over being stabbed in the back by a friend. Many of us have had someone we trusted hurt us. Some of us only have had a limited number of people we got close to in ministry and had one of them stab us in the back. It is no fun.
David is praying about this concern and trying to turn it over to the LORD to deal with. This is not an easy task because human nature wants to get even with those who have hurt us.
When David had trouble he turned to the LORD in prayer. He knew that the LORD had delivered him in the past. He knows that HE can deliver him now. David states that he would like to fly away from the problem and have rest. Flying away is not always a possibility. While stating the problem to the LORD he experienced many emotions.
David established a habit of meeting with the LORD three times a day. Daniel had the same practice. If we are to learn from the Old Testament, this is one habit we can surely use in our day and age. If we meet with the LORD three times a day and meditate on HIM and cry to HIM, it will show our TRUST in HIM.
In the New Testament we are told to “pray without ceasing. ”One of the great promises of the Bible is that the LORD hears the prayers of HIS saints. HE might not answer the way we would like. HE might not answer in the time frame that we would like but HE does answer. Praise HIS name.
Our responsibility is to TRUST the LORD in every circumstance. David did! God’s responsibility is to deal with our enemies. Sometimes the enemy is a familiar “friend.” That hurts the worst.
CHALLENGE: We need to have friend but we must not trust in them to keep us close to the LORD. We need to stay close to the LORD on our own. Our daily walk has to be established over and above any friendship.
:22 “Cast your burden on the LORD, and He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved.” The New King James Version (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1982). Sustain – 3557 כּוּל [kuwl /kool/] v. A primitive root; TWOT 962; GK 3920; 37 occurrences; AV translates as “contain” six times, “feed” six times, “sustain” four times, “abide” three times, “nourish” three times, “hold” twice, “receive” twice, “victual” twice, “bear” once, “comprehended” once, and translated miscellaneously seven times. 1 to seize, contain, measure. 1A (Qal) to measure, calculate. 1B (Pilpel) to sustain, maintain, contain. 1B1 to sustain, support, nourish. 1B2 to contain, hold in, restrain. 1B3 to support, endure. 1C (Polpal) to be supplied. 1D (Hilpil) to contain, hold, hold in, endure. 1D1 to contain. 1D2 to sustain, endure. James Strong, Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon (Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software, 2001).
DEVOTION: I can remember times when it has felt like the entire world was against me. The decisions that have been made are unpopular and people that you depended upon are suddenly in opposition. David was standing alone and everyone had forsaken him. Everyone but the Lord!
In times of leadership when decisions have to be made and you alone must determine an outcome, it is comforting to know that the Lord is present. You are not alone. It is a fact of leadership that you are called to stand alone at times. Moses stood on the mountain and faced the Lord (Ex. 19:20), Joshua stood and faced the Captain of the Lord’s army alone (Joshua 5:13-15). Jesus went into the desert to face the devil’s temptations (Matt. 4:1-11) and John was exiled when he received the vision of Revelation (Rev.1:9-10). In each case the Lord sustained and strengthened them to do what He was calling them to do. He will do the same for you. When you are alone you really are never alone with the Lord!
CHALLENGE: When all forsake you remember that the Lord never leaves nor forsakes those that are His! (Dr. Brian Miller – board member)
:22 “Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee: He shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.” (“Moved,” 5414 נָתַן [nathan] 1 to give, put, set. 1a (Qal). 1a1 to give, bestow, grant, permit, ascribe, employ, devote, consecrate, dedicate, pay wages, sell, exchange, lend, commit, entrust, give over, deliver up, yield produce, occasion, produce, requite to, report, mention, utter, stretch out, extend. 1a2 to put, set, put on, put upon, set, appoint, assign, designate. 1a3 to make, constitute. [Strong, J. (2001). Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon. Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software]).
DEVOTION: Here in the Philippines there is a lot of thought given to the question of buildings and structures moving, particularly because of concern over both earthquakes and typhoons. These forces of nature can be strong at times, and no one wants a building to collapse or fall when they come. The metaphor used by the psalmist here is of a pole which is bent or moved when pushed against by the extreme winds.
Just like the buildings here, God wants His people not to be moved or affected by the forces which assail them. It is a given that we will all go through some difficulties, and yet these are allowed by our gracious Heavenly Father to test us and strengthen us. In fact, it is God who assures us that we will not be moved if we rely upon Him.
The opposite is true for the unbeliever. Many refuse to believe in God because of some form of “disappointment” with God. Some difficulty has been a part of their lives, and they blame God for allowing it to come into their lives, rather than making their lives simple and easy. When they blame God (rather than man’s sinfulness), they fail to see that God is still allowing sin in this world in order that His grace would shine that much brighter (Romans 5:15).
God wants us to see that building on our own strength and expectations is like building a house on sand which will collapse over time, but that trusting in Him is like building one’s life on the rock (Matthew 7:24-27). His design is much better than our own.
CHALLENGE: Is your faith being challenged in some way right now? Is there some area of your life where you are struggling to trust in God because you are feeling pushed in a different direction? If so, make it your goal to be solid in your commitment to Him even when you feel like it the least! (Dr Marc Wooten – board member)
Chastity (Purity in living)
Fasting (Time alone with LORD without eating or drinking)
Sacrifice (Giving up something we want to serve the LORD)
Submission (Willing to listen to others and LORD)
Solitude (Going to a quiet place without anyone)
Fellowship (Gathering together around the Word of God)
Frugality (wise use of resources)
Journalizing (Writing down what you have learned from the LORD)
Study and Meditation (Thinking through your study in the Word)
Secrecy (Doing your good deeds without others knowing but God)
Celebration (Gathering around a special occasion to worship LORD)
Confession (Tell the LORD we are sorry for our sins on a daily basis)
Prayer (Conversation with God on a personal level)
Prayer verse 1
Supplication verse 1
Complaint verse 2
Noise verse 2
Wants to escape verse 6- 8
Wants LORD to destroy and divide
tongues of his enemies verse 9
David calling upon the LORD verse 16
Pray morning, noon and evening verse 17
Cry aloud verse 17
Silence (Letting the LORD deal with some problems and needs)
Worship (Time to praise the LORD alone or in a group)
House of God verse 14
Scripture (66 inerrant books of the Bible)
God the Father (First person of the Godhead)
God – Elohim (Creator, Sovereign) verse 1, 14, 16, 19, 23
Lord – Adonai (Master, Owner) verse 9
House of God verse 14
LORD – Jehovah (Covenant keeping, Personal) verse 16, 22
HE sustains believers verse 22
HE shall never suffer the righteous to be moved verse 22
God the Son (Second person of the Godhead –God/man, Messiah)
God the Holy Spirit (Third person of the Godhead – our comforter)
Trinity (Three persons of the Godhead who are co-equal = ONE God)
Angels (Created before the foundation of the world – Good and Evil)
Man (Created on the sixth twenty-four hour period of creation)
Enemy verse 3, 12
Wicked verse 3, 15, 21
in wrath they hate believers
wickedness is their dwelling
words of mouth smoother than butter
war in his heart
drawn swords
Sin (Missing the mark set by God on man and angels)
Wicked verse 3
Iniquity verse 3
Hate believers verse 3, 12
Terror of death verse 4
Fearfulness verse 5
Trembling verse 5
Violence verse 9
Strife verse 9
Mischief verse 10
Wickedness verse 11, 15
Deceit verse 11
Guile verse 11
Hate believer verse 12
No changes verse 19
No fear of God verse 19
Put forth hands against believers verse 20
Broken his covenant verse 20
Words of mouth are smoother than butter verse 21
Deceitful verse 23
Salvation (Provided by Christ’s death on the cross for our sins)
Prayer verse 1
Supplication verse 1
Wants God to hear verse 2
Mourn in my complaint verse 2
Rest verse 6
Walk into the house of God verse 14
Call verse 16, 17, 19
Save verse 16
Delivered verse 18
Peace verse 18
Give burden to LORD verse 22
Sustain verse 22
Righteous verse 22
Trust verse 23
Israel (Old Testament people of God)
David – author of Psalm verse 1- 23
Prayer to the LORD
Wants LORD to attend to his request
Heart is sore pained within me
Feeling fearful and trembling
Horror has overwhelmed him
Wants to fly away and have rest
Wants to get away from the
windy storm and tempest
It was a man his equal, guide,
acquaintance that was
giving him a hard time
It was individuals who were my equal,
my guide and an acquaintance
It was someone who took sweet counsel
Went to house of God together
Call upon the LORD
Knows the LORD will save him
Knows God will hear his prayer
Knows God will afflict his enemies
Will trust in LORD
Church (New Testament people of God)
Last Things (Future Events)
Terror of death verse 4
Death verse 15
Go down to hell verse 15
Pit is reserved for bloody and deceitful men verse 23
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QUOTES regarding passage
V. Reflection on the Lord (55:22–23b)
22 Out of the confidence that the Lord is enthroned (v. 19), the psalmist encourages the godly to reflect on his justice. In contrast to the treachery of man, the Lord will “sustain” the righteous so that they will not be overcome (cf. 37:23–24). The oracle of salvation encourages the godly to “cast” their “cares” (lit., “what he has given you”; cf. 1 Peter 5:7) on the Lord. For a similar expression see 37:5–7. Calvin, after struggling with this text, wrote:
It is not enough that we make application to God for the supply of our wants. Our desires and petitions must be offered up with a due reliance upon his providence, for how many are there who pray in a clamorous spirit, and who, by the inordinate anxiety and restlessness which they evince, seem resolved to dictate terms to the Almighty.… and there can be no question that the only means of checking an excessive impatience is an absolute submission to the Divine will, as to the blessings which should be bestowed. (3:344)
23a–b On the other hand, the justice of God requires vindication on the evildoers (v. 23a). After all, they have no respect for life and veracity (“bloodthirsty and deceitful men,” v. 23b; cf. v. 6; 37:35–36; 109:7–8). They shall die in the vigor of life (cf. v. 15; 26:9; 59:2; 139:19). Bellinger views this as an example of a prophetic dimension in the psalms (pp. 42–44).
VII. Hopeful Trust
23c In conclusion and in poetic balance with the opening strophe, the psalm concludes on a note of confidence in the Lord. The subject is emphatic (waʾanî, “But as for me”; cf. v. 16), expressive of the psalmist’s submission to the will of God regarding the present circumstances and the future of the ungodly. His trust is in Yahweh, the Redeemer-Divine Warrior (cf. 26:1; 37:5). (VanGemeren, W. A. (1991). Psalms. In F. E. Gaebelein (Ed.), The Expositor’s Bible Commentary: Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs (Vol. 5, p. 397). Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House.)
55:22–23. David’s confidence found expression in his words to the saints to entrust (cast) their burdens (cares) onto the Lord (cf. 1 Peter 5:7). God will never forsake the righteous (cf. Deut. 31:6; Heb. 13:5). But He will destroy (cf. Ps. 55:15) bloodthirsty and deceitful men who afflict the righteous. (Ross, A. P. (1985). Psalms. In J. F. Walvoord & R. B. Zuck (Eds.), The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures (Vol. 1, p. 835). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.)
22, 23 A counsel, a confidence, a truth and an example. In v 23, for but read ‘for’. The counsel to others to commit all to God in the confidence that he will sustain arises from what is true about the Lord in his opposition to the wicked. Thus the verses pinpoint what you should do, what the Lord does, for the righteous (those right with him, (22)); for the wicked (23); and what I do (23). 22 Cast, ‘Throw’, vigorous action. Cares, ‘allocation’, what is allotted to you. Sustain, the promise is not to remove the burden but to sustain the person. Fall, from the same verb as ‘cause to slip’ (3). However heavy the avalanche of trouble that slips down, the righteous will not be suffered to slip. 9 (Motyer, J. A. (1994). The Psalms. In D. A. Carson, R. T. France, J. A. Motyer, & G. J. Wenham (Eds.), New Bible commentary: 21st century edition (4th ed., p. 521). Leicester, England; Downers Grove, IL: Inter-Varsity Press.)
We Can Look up to God and Trust Him (vv. 16–19, 22–23)
While it’s normal for us to hope for a quick way of escape, and important for us to understand our feelings and circumstances, it’s far more important to look up to God and ask for His help. David could no longer lead an army into battle, but he was able to pray that God would defeat the rebel forces, and God answered his prayers. David used Jehovah, the covenant name of God, when he said, “The Lord will save me” (v. 16, nasb). The Jews did have stated hours of prayer (Dan. 6:10; Acts 3:1), but “evening, morning, and at noon” (v. 17) means that David was praying all day long! He no doubt also prayed at night (v. 10). David was certain that the Lord would hear him and rescue him because He was enthroned in heaven and in complete control. David’s throne was in danger, but God’s throne was secure (9:7–8; 29:10; 74:12).
During his difficult years of preparation, David had experienced many changes, and this taught him to trust the God who never changes (Mal. 3:6; James 1:17). Absalom and his friends had lived in luxury and ease and knew very little about the challenge of changing circumstances, so they had no faith in God or fear of God. A prosperous life is an easy life until you find yourself in the midst of the storm, and then you discover how ill-prepared you are; for what life does to us depends on what life finds in us.
The pronouns “you” and “your” in verse 22 are singular, but who is speaking and to whom? Did God speak to David through Nathan or another prophet and then David speak to the person reading the psalm? That’s probably the correct answer. This promise is repeated in 1 Peter 5:7. The word translated “burden” (“cares,” niv) means “that which he has given you,” reminding us that even the burdens of life come from the loving heart and hand of God (Ps. 33:11; Rom. 8:28). When David’s lot was a happy one, it came from the Lord (16:5–6), and when he experienced times of pain and sorrow, the Lord was still in control.
He closed the psalm by speaking to the Lord and affirming his faith (7:1; 10:1), confident that God would judge his enemies. Was he anticipating the suicide of Ahithophel (2 Sam. 17:23)?
We must remind ourselves that our Lord Jesus Christ also had a traitor who hanged himself (Matt. 27:1–10), that Jesus also crossed the Kidron Valley (2 Sam. 15:23; John 18:1), and that He wept on the Mount of Olives (2 Sam. 15:30; Luke 22:39–44; Heb. 5:7). Rejected by His own people, today He is enthroned in heaven and will one day return to Jerusalem to establish His kingdom (Zech. 14:4ff). (Wiersbe, W. W. (2004). Be worshipful (1st ed., pp. 196–197). Colorado Springs, CO: Cook Communications Ministries.)
Ver. 23. But thou, O God, shall bring them down, &c.] Ahithophel and his accomplices in the conspiracy against David, Judas and the wicked Jews concerned in Christ’s death; and did not believe in him. Into the pit of destruction, or corruption; either the grave, where bodies being put corrupt and putrefy; or hell, where the wicked are punished with everlasting destruction; see ver. 15. Bloody and deceitful men shall not live out half their days; such as Ahithophel and Absalom, Judas, and the murderers of our Lord: or, do not halve their days; do not come up to the half of the ordinary term of man’s life, which is threescore years and ten. The Jews sayl, that all the years of Doeg were but thirty-four, and of Ahithophel thirty-three; and probably Judas might be about the same age. Or the sense is, that, generally speaking, such sort of men die in the prime of their days, and do not live half the time that, according to the course of nature, they might live; and which they promise themselves they should, and their friends hoped and expected they would: but I will trust in thee; the Lord, that he would hear and save him, support him under his burden, supply him with his grace, and every thing needful, and not suffer him to be moved; and that he should live to fill up the measure of his days, do the will and work of God, and then be received to glory. (Gill, J. (1810). An Exposition of the Old Testament (Vol. 3, p. 755). London: Mathews and Leigh.)
(Remember the only author that I totally agree with is the HOLY SPIRIT in the inerrant WORD OF GOD called THE BIBLE! All other I try to gleam what I can to help me grow in the LORD!!)
The rich of this world are warned against an uncompassionate use of their wealth.
James does not condemn wealth; rather he condemns the uncompassionate use of wealth. It is not wrong to have money, but it is very wrong to have money and not use it to further the Gospel and the welfare of the needy of the world. Those in need are often utterly dependent on those with wealth. In support of James’ teaching, Paul writes in 1 Timothy 6:17-18: “Command those who are rich . . . that they be rich in good works.” Neither Paul nor James tells the rich to give up their riches; rather both encourage the rich to use their wealth compassionately and generously. (Quiet Walk)
Dec. 4
The Christmas story began in Eden very early in Creation. God had created the first marriage for a specific purpose: to fill the earth with His Image and Likeness and for them to enjoy His Creation. God created them in His Image and Likeness because God wants us to identify and have intimate fellowship with Him. Unfortunately for humanity, our first parents failed the only test of faithfulness and trust, violating the only limit God had imposed on them.
They disobeyed God, and that disobedience unleashed a whole series of offenses against our Creator. The consequences were disastrous. They dishonored God by doubting His Word and His Love. They gave rise to dissatisfaction, coveting beyond what God had already given them. They were not content to have been made in the image and likeness of God but wanted to be equal to God. They were not satisfied with the provision God made available to them but took what did not belong to them. They ignored God’s command and stole the forbidden fruit. The worst thing is that they believed, making God a liar and petty, for denying them the “thing” that would make them like Him.
They doubted God’s integrity and Love, casting doubt that His warning was to protect them from certain death. The mandate was a test of fidelity. If they disobeyed once, they would continue to do so. God wanted to avoid the pain of sin!
Their disobedience produced their uprooting from the Source of Life that is God, leaving them exposed to Satan’s dominion. The man had already experienced the goodness of God. Why would they want to experience evil? But that did not spoil God´s Plan to fill the earth with His glory.
God knew in advance that man was going to sin and be lost. He already had a Redemptive plan layed up before the foundation of the world. The Plan was to recover a population that WILLINGLY DECIDED TO BELIEVE, OBEY HIM and REFLECT HIS GLORY! (Sol Ibara – Mexico)
For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. 1 John 5:4
John means by this that the Christian is one who conquers the world, who masters it. He actually says a most extraordinary thing here, and for once I have to grant that the Revised Version is superior to the Authorized! The Authorized reads like this: “And this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.” But the Revised has, “This is the victory that has overcome”; it has already happened.
Now John is saying two things here that at first sight, as so often with John, appear to be contradictory. He says that the Christian is one who has overcome the world and also that the Christian is one who overcomes the world. Christian people, John tells us, are men and women who are in an entirely new position with regard to this matter. They are not like the non-Christian. Christians are in this new position because of their faith. They have come to see the real meaning of the world; they have come to see what it is, and they hate it. They know that the world has already been conquered by the Lord Jesus Christ, and they know that they themselves are in Christ; therefore, there is a sense in which the Christian has overcome the world. Christ has overcome it, and I am in Christ, and therefore I have overcome it.
And yet there is a sense in which I am still overcoming it. I am already victorious, but I still have to fight. The New Testament is fond of saying that. “But of him are ye in Christ Jesus,” says Paul, “who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption” (1 Corinthians 1:30-31). He is already that to us; so there is a sense in which I am already sanctified, already glorified. Read the eighth chapter of Romans, and you will find that Paul tells us that explicitly (verses 29-30); in Christ Jesus we are already complete, it has all happened. And yet I am also still being sanctified, and I am still on the way to glorification.
A Thought to Ponder
Christ has overcome the world, and I am in Christ, and therefore I have overcome it.
From Life in God, pp. 41-42, by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones).
The Christian’s Position
“According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world.” (Ephesians 1:4)
The search for identity and meaning can drive one to great successes or tragic failures. For the Christian, however, the question is answered throughout Ephesians.
We are chosen! We are selected as a favorite out of “many [who] are called” (Matthew 22:14) “out of the world” (John 15:19). What a privilege! We are God’s choice to bear His name, represent His cause, and share His glory throughout eternity.
In fact, we are “predestinated [previous boundaries set]…unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself” (Ephesians 1:5). And “if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ” (Romans 8:17).
Furthermore, we have been “accepted in the beloved” (Ephesians 1:6). That word, “accepted,” is a specialized form of the word most often translated “grace.” We have been “graced” by almighty God, who has set absolute boundaries around our lives and made us His children. We were purchased “through his blood” (v. 7) “that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar [that is, ‘precious’] people, zealous of good works” (Titus 2:14).
Moreover, we are forgiven (Ephesians 1:7)! Our sins are “covered” (Psalm 32:1); “cast” behind God’s back (Isaiah 38:17); removed “as far as the east is from the west” (Psalm 103:12); “remember[ed]…no more” (Jeremiah 31:34); and cleansed “from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9).
Hallelujah! Since we are God’s children, we should have no identity crisis. We are a chosen, predestined, accepted, redeemed, forgiven, and holy people. Finally, we are predestined “to be conformed to the image of his Son” (Romans 8:29).
(HMM III, The Institute for Creation Research)
The amount of loafing practiced by the average Christian in spiritual things would ruin a concert pianist if he allowed himself to do the same thing in the field of music. The idle puttering around that we see in church circles would end the career of a big league pitcher in one week. No scientist could solve his exacting problem if he took as little interest in it as the rank and file of Christians take in the art of being holy. The nation whose soldiers were as soft and undisciplined as the soldiers of the churches would be conquered by the first enemy that attacked it. Triumphs are not won by men in easy chairs. Success is costly. (A. W. Tozer, We Travel an Appointed Way, 26).
Because honesty and frankness are so essential to integrity and success, we have usually said something like the following as we have delegated a task: “I want you to feel that you can always be honest with me about the suggestions I may make to you concerning the work you are beginning – and you will not hurt my feelings by disagreeing with me or suggesting better ways of doing it. And the same time I equally want to feel that I can be honest with you if I think the task can be done in some better way, or if ever anyone voices a criticism to me about the manner in which you are going about your responsibility. I promise I will never agree or side with them, but I will support you. At the same time I will talk to you as soon as possible so that if there are any grounds for just criticism we may put it right together.” We must give firm support to those who undertake tasks at our instigation. We should be quick to commend progress and to encourage. If we do that, it will not be difficult to discuss problems or for the person concerned to accept our constructive comments. (p. 245, On Being A PASTOR by Derek J. Prime & Alistair Begg)
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