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Description of defeated people of Israel                        verse 1- 4 

O God – the heathen are come into YOUR inheritance

YOUR holy temple have they defiled

They have laid Jerusalem on heaps – the dead bodies of YOUR servants

have they given to be meat to the fowls of the heaven

      the flesh of YOUR saints to the beasts of the earth

Their blood have they shed like water round about Jerusalem

and there was none to bury them

We have become a reproach to our neighbors

a scorn and derision to them that are round about us 

Prayer for compassion on Israel                                   verse 5- 8 

How long LORD? – Will YOU be angry forever?

Shall YOUR jealousy burn like fire?                                               

Pour out YOUR wrath upon the heathen that have not known YOU

and upon the kingdoms that have not called upon YOUR name

      for they have devoured Jacob

                  and laid waste his dwelling place

O remember not against us former iniquities

let YOUR tender mercies speedily prevent us

for we are brought very low


Prayer for forgiveness                                                   verse 9- 11


Help us – O God of our salvation – for the glory of YOUR name

and deliver us – and purge away our sins – for YOUR names’ sake

Wherefore should the heathen say

Where is their God?

Let HIM be known among the heathen in our sight by

the revenging of the blood of YOUR servants which is shed

Let the sighing of the prisoner come before YOU

according to the greatness of YOUR power preserve YOU those

that are appointed to die 


Request for LORD to deal with enemies                       verse 12


And render to our neighbors sevenfold into their bosom their reproach

wherewith they have reproached YOU – O Lord


Answered prayer will result in thanksgiving                verse 13


So we YOUR people and SHEEP of YOUR pasture will give

YOU thanks for ever

we will show forth YOUR praise to all generations







: 1        O God, the heathen are come into YOUR inheritance, YOUR holy temple have they defiled; they have laid Jerusalem on heaps. (2930 “defiled” [tame’] means unclean, pollute, uncleanness, to become ceremonially unclean, desecrate, impure, make unclean or to profane)

DEVOTION:  The children of Israel were to come to the Temple at different times during the year. They were always to come with sacrifices to the LORD. They were their to worship the LORD.

At times there were those who came that were not clean in the eyes of the LORD and HE would cause the priests that were ministering to die because of their uncleanness. So the genuine worshipers of the LORD didn’t want to come into the Temple unless they were confessed up and had brought a sacrifice for their sins.

Well when heathen nation came to conquer the land they would go into the Temple to rob it of all it’s wealth and take anything of value. These people who were not Jews were called heathens. They were not worshipers of the LORD, in fact, they were worshippers of false gods. They would take what they could from the Temple of the LORD.

However, there were times when the children of Israel would come to the Temple but not confess their sins. They would be there and still be worshiping other gods at the same time. That was not pleasing to the LORD.

Too often it was the children of Israel that stopped worshiping the LORD properly and then other nations would take them over because they were worshiping the gods of those nations instead of the LORD.

We don’t, at least here in America, have too many temples to false gods but we do worship the false gods of money, fame and other things that take the place of the God of the Bible.

Sometimes we worship our churches more than we worship the God of the Bible. Sometimes we worship sing services rather than times in the word of God in our churches where the song service lasts for an hour and the message time lasts for about fifteen minutes.

Yes, we can worship the LORD in song but the most important time is the time in the Word of God where believers are trained to go out and share what they learn with others that don’t know the LORD.

The church has lost its mission ministry to the neighborhood around the church. There is very little door to door visitation going on in Bible believing churches. We are commanded to reach our world with the gospel and if we are not sharing it with our neighbors we are not reaching our world.

CHALLENGE: Are we defiling the church by not reaching our neighborhood and friends with the message of salvation? Are we sharing the true message of the Bible with others? The only one who can answer this question is YOU!



DAILY SPIRITUAL LUNCH: Transitional Believers


: 5        How long, LORD? Will YOU be angry forever? Shall YOUR jealousy burn like fire? (7068 “jealousy” [qin’ah] means zeal, an appropriate desire for what a person has a right to, ardour, envy, ardent love, passion, of men for the house of God, or ardent zeal towards anyone)

DEVOTION:  God wants us to be genuine worshipers of HIM alone. HE showed HIS anger toward the children of Israel because they continued to worship false gods while still trying to worship HIM at the same time.

God is not willing to share our love with other false gods. HE wants us to be exclusive worshipers of HIM alone. However, it seems that those who are supposed to be only worshipers of HIM see other things and think that they can add worship to them as well.

Today in America we have many sports teams. Many people who are believers say that they are worshiping only the LORD but if you enter their homes you see a lot of things that show they “like” their favorite sports time a lot. They spend a lot of money to attend their events. They buy many souvenirs and display they well.

There are others who seem to spend more time with the television rather than in the Word of God. If we compared the time in the Word of God with the time watching television there would be no comparison.

God wants our attention. There are people on the other side who do nothing but watch church services or the channels that show people worshiping the LORD. This too can be too much. There has to be a balance in the lives of believers.

We need to make sure that we receive training to share the message of Salvation but also be friends that carry on good conversations about other subjects. Balance is hard to come by in our world.

God is not the priority that HE should be in our lives, at least, in some peoples lives. Hitting a balance is hard but needs to be done.

We need to have a zeal for the LORD more than a zeal for anything else in our world. We know when we hit that balance. Pray for wisdom in this area.

CHALLENGE:  The children of Israel were paying more attention to their own pleasures rather than spending time with the LORD.




: 8         “Oh do not remember former inquiries against us! Let your tender mercies come speedily to meet us, for we have been brought very low.” New King James Version. (Speedily- מַ֭הֵר mǎʹ·hēr – Do not remember against us our former iniquities; let your compassion come speedily to meet us, for we are brought very low.  to hasten; hastily; to fetch quickly; to act rashly, hastily.

DEVOTION:  God’s people were in the place of being disciplined and chastised by the Lord! It is difficult when you feel the displeasure that comes when parents have to correct or make you aware of some area of wrong in your life. The Israelites were at that place and as the psalmist is now helping them to return to fellowship with the Lord. At times in our lives we need a friend or mentor who can come along side and encourage us to remember how the Lord cares and has mercy upon us inspire of our failures!

Perhaps tonight you are one that is wondering if God can have mercy upon you! Take heart as you read this psalm! God can and does have mercy and is willing to administer it quickly if you will call upon Him!

CHALLENGE:  Take courage in the truth that while God is a disciplinarian, He also is quick to open his arms and receive you back to Himself!   (Dr. Brian Miller – board member)




: 11      “Let the sighing of the prisoner come before Y0U; according to the greatness of YOUR power preserve YOU those that are appointed to die.”

(“Sighing,” 603 אֲנָקָה [ʾanaqah] Four occurrences; AV translates as “sighing” twice, “crying out” once, and “groaning” once. 1 crying, groaning, lamentation [Strong, J. (2001). Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon. Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software]).

DEVOTION: In this imprecatory psalm of Asaph, a prayer is uttered based on the destruction of Jerusalem.  In it he asks God to remember the sighing (or groaning) of the prisoner.  Evidently, he is thinking of those children of Israel who have been taken as prisoners of war and who are groaning over their captivity.

What is interesting about this psalm is the fact that God pays attention to the prisoner (Psalm 102:21).  In our day and age, there still are prisoners for their faith.  In many restricted or closed access countries, Christians are discriminated against, and believing in Jesus Christ as one’s savior can carry a heavy cost.  Asaph would also pray that God would hear the sighs and groans of these prisoners.

In fact, Paul tells us that we are to not be ashamed of those who are in prison because of their faith (2 Timothy 1:8).  The author of Hebrews reminds us to remember the prisoner as if in prison with them (Hebrews 12:3).  In other words, we are to continue to ask God to hear the sighs and groans of those who have been imprisoned for the sake of the Gospel.

We should not forget those who are in prison for their faith.  We can pray that they would remain faithful to the truth.  And let’s not forget that maybe someday God may allow us to go through the same experience if we hold true to our faith.  So we will want others to undergird us in prayer.

CHALLENGE:  What do you know about the persecuted church?  Today is the day you can find out something about it.  One very good website is the Voice of the Martyrs website (  Pray for your brothers and sisters in prison for following Jesus Christ. (Dr. Marc Wooten – board member)



: 13      So we YOUR people and sheep of YOUR pasture will give YOU thanks for ever: we will show forth YOUR praise to all generations. (1755 “generations” [dowr] means a revolution of time, an age, or posterity.)

DEVOTION:  When I was in my second church a teen called me and asked if I would help her get the sheep out of the road. I was brought up in the city and I knew nothing of care of sheep. Well they didn’t want to get out of the road. I tried lifting them but for a small animal they weighted a lot. We finally got them out of the road but that was my first learning experience with sheep. They are hard to move when they don’t want to. That is true of the animal and sad to say with a human.

Asaph is bringing before the LORD his request. He wants the LORD to react to the conditions of HIS people and HIS temple. There are dead bodies in the streets. There is no one to bury them. The birds of the air are eating their flesh. It is sad to see the saints of the true God in such a state. The neighbors are putting the servants of God down.

He would like to know “how long” this is going to take place. He desires the LORD to turn from HIS wrath to forgive HIS people of their sins and deal with these neighbors. He requests that the LORD show tender mercies toward HIS people.

He wants the LORD to manifest HIS power before the world and deal with the heathen. Then HIS people can give thanks for his protection. Then HIS people can praise HIM to those being raised up to serve HIM. They will witness to the future descendants.

When we show people victories in the LORD, they take notice. When we show people that those outside of Christ have no hope when they meet the LORD, people take notice.

Are we sharing the victories the LORD has given us? Have we witnessed to people all the blessings we have received from following the LORD? Are we looking at all the bad things that are happening to those who are following the LORD? Let us share the blessings.

Remember that when we attend church, we are there to worship the LORD through thanksgiving and praise. What is our worship going to look like this week? Do we want our children to follow our example of worship? Remember children are watching their parents and their grandparents to set a proper example. Church attendance is required of the LORD. It honors HIM. It is a step of obedience.

Some people think that they are just as good as those attending church. That is right but they are comparing themselves to the wrong people. They are to compare themselves to the LORD alone and then they will realize that they fall far short. Not attending church is showing our family that they can live without obeying the LORD. That is teaching them to SIN.

CHALLENGE: Show your children and grandchildren a proper example of worship and thankfulness. Let them see you singing praises to the LORD. Let they see you enjoying times of worship without having roast preacher/church member for dinner on Sunday.





Chastity (Purity in living)

Fasting (Time alone with LORD without eating or drinking)

Sacrifice (Giving up something we want to serve the LORD)

Submission (Willing to listen to others and LORD)

Solitude (Going to a quiet place without anyone)


Fellowship (Gathering together around the Word of God)

Frugality (wise use of resources)

Journalizing (Writing down what you have learned from the LORD)

Study and Meditation (Thinking through your study in the Word)

Secrecy (Doing your good deeds without others knowing but God)


Celebration (Gathering around a special occasion to worship LORD)

Confession (Tell the LORD we are sorry for our sins on a daily basis)

Prayer (Conversation with God on a personal level)


Cry for help                                                               verse 9


Silence (Letting the LORD deal with some problems and needs)

Worship (Time to praise the LORD alone or in a group)


Holy Temple                                                              verse 1

Thank God                                                                verse 13

Praise God                                                                 verse 13





Scripture (66 inerrant books of the Bible)

God the Father (First person of the Godhead)

                   God – Elohim (Creator, Sovereign)                        verse 1, 9, 10

LORD – Jehovah (Covenant keeping, Personal)   verse 5

Anger of the LORD                                                  verse 5

Jealousy of the LORD                                              verse 5

Wrath of the LORD                                                 verse 6

Tender mercies of the LORD                                  verse 8

Glory of YOUR name                                               verse 9

Revenging of the blood of YOUR servants             verse 10

Greatness of YOUR power                                      verse 11

Preserve                                                                   verse 11

Lord – Adonai (Master, Owner)                              verse 12 

God the Son (Second person of the Godhead –God/man, Messiah)

God the Holy Spirit (Third person of the Godhead – our comforter)

Trinity (Three persons of the Godhead who are co-equal = ONE God)    

Angels (Created before the foundation of the world – Good and Evil)

Man (Created on the sixth twenty-four hour period of creation 

Heathen                                                                      verse 1, 6, 10

Neighbors                                                                   verse 4, 12

            Reproached Lord

Kingdoms                                                                   verse 6

Prisoner                                                                      verse 11 

Sin (Missing the mark set by God on man and angels) 

Heathen                                                                      verse 1, 6, 10

Defiled the Temple                                                    verse 1

Killing God’s people                                                 verse 2, 3

Reproach                                                                   verse 4, 12

Scorn                                                                          verse 4

Derision                                                                      verse 4

Not calling on God’s name                                       verse 6

Devour saints                                                             verse 7

Iniquities                                                                    verse 8

Sins                                                                             verse 9 

Salvation (Provided by Christ’s death on the cross for our sins) 

Inheritance                                                                 verse 1

Servants                                                                     verse 2, 10

Saints                                                                          verse 2

Call on the name                                                       verse 6

Tender mercy                                                            verse 8

Help                                                                            verse 9

Salvation                                                                    verse 9

Deliver                                                                        verse 9

Purge                                                                          verse 9

Preserve                                                                     verse 11

Sheep                                                                          verse 13

Thanks                                                                       verse 13

Praise                                                                          verse 13

Witness                                                                       verse 13 

Israel (Old Testament people of God) 

Holy Temple                                                              verse 1

Jerusalem                                                                   verse 1, 3, 8, 9

in heaps

dead bodies

saints food for beasts and birds

reproach to our neighbors  

brought very low      

Cry for help                          

Jacob  devoured by foreign nations                          verse 7

People brought very low                                          verse 8

Prisoner                                                                      verse 11

People of God                                                            verse 13

Sheep of God’s pasture                                             verse 13 

Church (New Testament people of God)

Last Things (Future Events) 

      Dead bodies                                                               verse 2

      None to bury them                                                    verse 3

      Appointed to die                                                        verse 11                                             


QUOTES regarding passage

With Psalm 74, this cry comes down to us, it seems, from eyewitnesses of the fall of Jerusalem to Nebuchadnezzar. Probably these were the survivors left in its neighbourhood, rather than deportees like the singers of Psalm 137.

The gloom is almost unrelieved, but never reaches despair: it is in fact largely the product of bewilderment that God’s ‘great power’ (11) should be withheld so long from his undoubted people. In other words it is a cry of faith in perplexity, not of fundamental doubt. (Kidner, D. (1975). Psalms 73–150: An Introduction and Commentary (Vol. 16, p. 316). Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.)


79:10–12. Seeking to motivate the Lord to answer his plea for deliverance, the psalmist desired that He would keep the Israelite prisoners alive and end the nations’ mockery of God’s people (Where is their God? cf. 42:3, 10; 115:2) by turning on them seven times (i.e., thoroughly; cf. 12:6) and ending the nations’ reproach against God’s supposed inability to help His own. (Ross, A. P. (1985). Psalms. In J. F. Walvoord & R. B. Zuck (Eds.), The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures (Vol. 1, p. 852). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.)


How could any person witness what Babylon did to the Jews and not cry out to God for retribution? (See 55 for a discussion of the imprecatory prayers in the Psalms.) God had chosen Babylon to chasten Judah for her sins, but the Babylonians had rejoiced at the privilege and had gone too far in their cruelty (Jer. 50:11–16; 51:24). Asaph’s burden was that Babylon had reproached the Lord and not just punished His people, and he asked God to pay them back in like measure (see Isa. 65:6; Jer. 32:18; Luke 6:38). God’s covenant with Israel often uses the phrase “seven times” (Lev. 26:18, 21, 24, 28; Deut. 28:7, 25). The prophet Jeremiah promised that God would judge Babylon for her sins (Jer. 50–51), and if Asaph knew of these prophecies, then he was simply praying for God to accomplish His will on earth.

The people of Judah were but sheep (vv. 74:1; 77:20; 78:72; 95:7; 100:3), but they had been ruthlessly slaughtered by their enemies, and God’s name had been slandered. God had called His people to praise Him and to bear witness to the heathen nations (Isa. 43:21), and this is what Asaph promised to do if God would only deliver the people. There were sons of Asaph who left Babylon for Judah when the captivity ended, so Asaph’s promise to the Lord was fulfilled (Ezra 2:41; 3:10; Neh. 7:44; 11:17, 22; 12:35–36). (Wiersbe, W. W. (2004). Be worshipful (1st ed., pp. 260–261). Colorado Springs, CO: Cook Communications Ministries)


79:11, 12 Groaning may also be translated crying. Your power refers to the powerful, outstretched arm of God that had delivered Israel from Egypt (Ex. 6:6). Reproach refers to an insult or taunt (74:10, 18, 22). (Radmacher, E. D., Allen, R. B., & House, H. W. (1997). The Nelson Study Bible: New King James Version (Ps 79:11–12). Nashville: T. Nelson Publishers.)


79:12 sevenfold into their bosom. A petition that God would restore His reputation by bringing a destruction of the enemies much worse than what had happened to Israel. (MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (2006). The MacArthur study Bible: New American Standard Bible. (Ps 79:12). Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers.)


Ver. 12. And render unto our neighbours seven-fold into their bosom, &c.] Not seven-fold for one, as the Targum paraphrases it, or a seven-fold punishment for one sin; but that he would recompence their sins, or punish for them, and take vengeance on them, largely, abundantly, though not beyond measure, or exceeding the rules of justice; see Gen. 4:15; Luke 6:38 the reproach with which they have reproached thee, O Lord; by denying his being, or calling in question his perfections of power, truth, and goodness, to help his people; speaking ill of his providence, despising his word and ordinances, and even reproaching his people in reproaching him, Psal. 89:50, 51 and this is what a righteous recompense is desired for; see Lam. 3:64. (Gill, J. (1810). An Exposition of the Old Testament (Vol. 4, p. 41). London: Mathews and Leigh)


12. “And render unto our neighbours sevenfold into their bosom their reproach, wherewith they have reproached thee, O Lord.” They denied thine existence, mocked thy power, insulted thy worship, and destroyed thy house; up, therefore, O Lord, and make them feel to the full that thou art not to be mocked with impunity. Pour into their laps good store of shame because they dared insult the God of Israel. Recompense them fully, till they have received the perfect number of punishments. It will be so. The wish of the text will become matter of fact. The Lord will avenge his own elect though he bear long with them. (Spurgeon, C. H. (n.d.). The treasury of David: Psalms 56-87 (Vol. 3, p. 379). London; Edinburgh; New York: Marshall Brothers.)



(Remember the only author that I totally agree with is the HOLY SPIRIT in the inerrant WORD OF GOD called THE BIBLE! All other I try to gleam what I can to help me grow in the LORD!!)


**The following is a review of one of the top stories of 2021**

Francis Schaeffer described how ideas escape the ivory towers of universities and think tanks eventually to shape how ordinary people think, speak, and view their world. In 2020, one idea that made that journey in record time was Critical Race Theory. Not that long ago, conversations involving Critical Race Theory (CRT) were largely relegated to academic papers, classroom discussions, and scholarly journal articles. Today, dialogues about CRT can be found across social media, in corporate boardrooms, and even in the Church.

As a theory, CRT descends from European and North American philosophical traditions, particularly Marxism and Postmodernism. Like these worldviews of its intellectual ancestry, CRT sees the world in terms of power dynamics. In this way of thinking, social evils such as poverty, crime, or oppression result not from universal human frailties but from Euro-Americans intent on securing and increasing their economic and social power. Based on this metanarrative, equality and justice demand privileging the stories of those kept out of power. CRT sees members of the oppressed group as morally right, and members of the oppressor group as morally wrong.

CRT, like any worldview framework, should be evaluated. That, however, is easier said than done, even in the Church. Advocates often point to common ground between Critical Race Theory and the Christian worldview (for example, the commitment to justice and human dignity), and label any critiques of CRT as convenient ways to avoid confronting injustice and racism (which may not be true, but often is).

Many Christian critics, myself included, are specifically concerned with how CRT conflicts with a Christian worldview, particularly in areas of identity and morality. Not everyone agrees.

Recently on Twitter, a defender of CRT boldly tweeted, “Whoever told you CRT is a worldview was either lying to you or didn’t know what they were talking about.” Of course, assuming malice or greed is a way of dodging the question rather than making an argument.

Another Twitterer offered a different response, “If CRT is bad because it’s a ‘secular worldview’ and we must only derive our worldviews ‘biblically’ then I better not see a TRACE of Aristotle or Plato in your worldview either, brother.” This one is a slightly more clever way of missing the point or, specifically misunderstanding what it means for a worldview to be “biblical.” To have a Christian worldview is to hold views that are consistent with the Bible, not to only have views that are in the Bible. The problem with Critical Race Theory is not that it isn’t found in the Bible; it’s that it offers a very different explanation of humanity, sin, and redemption than the Bible does.

         (Break Point)


Revelation 21
When the old heaven and earth are transformed, we will fellowship intimately with God

In the new heaven and new earth, the distance between God and man will be removed. In the Old Testament, the glory of God was displayed as a brilliant light, but men were not able to look on it. In the New Testament, men were able to approach Jesus; but His glory was not seen, being veiled by His human form. In the new heaven and new earth, the glory of God will not be veiled, and we shall be able to behold it. The distance will be removed, and we will fellowship with God forevermore          (Quiet Walk)



Create in me a clean heart, O God.  Psalm 51:10
Nothing, it seems to me, is quite so strange as the way in which man by nature always objects to the doctrine of regeneration. There is nothing also, I sometimes think, that so demonstrates the depth of sin in the human heart as this objection to the doctrine of the rebirth or being born again. Read the New Testament Scriptures, and you will find that men objected to it in those days. When our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ spoke about it, He was always persecuted. People disliked Him for mentioning it. When He began to expose the depth of iniquity in the human heart and to talk about a rebirth, they invariably misunderstood Him. They disliked it then, and it has always been the same ever since.
When John Wesley was truly converted, he went back to his university at Oxford and preached a sermon on this very subject; and he was hated for it. Those respectable religious people in Oxford disliked this doctrine, and they made it impossible for him to continue preaching there. The natural man, the unregenerate human heart, objected to this great and wondrous biblical doctrine of rebirth and regeneration. And it is equally true today. People sit and listen to an address or sermon on what is called the fatherhood of God or the brotherhood of man and they never object to it. When they are exhorted to live a better life, they never express any objection at all. They say that it is perfectly right, and even though they are reprimanded for not living better lives, they say that it is perfectly true and quite fair and that they could do better. But if a preacher stands before the natural man and says, “You must be born again—you must have a new life from God,” they ask, “What is this strange doctrine?”
A Thought to Ponder
There is nothing that so demonstrates the depth of sin in the human heart as objection to the doctrine of the rebirth.
           (From Out of the Depths, pp. 71-72) by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones).


Our Job as Ambassadors
“Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to God.” (2 Corinthians 5:20)
Christ has made each of us His ambassadors here on Earth. He is no longer here in the flesh, and so now He expects us to faithfully and effectively represent Him. As His ambassadors or representatives, He has given us two basic tasks to perform.
First of all, we are to spread the good news of salvation in such a way that unbelievers will be drawn to the light and out of their darkness. “To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me” (Acts 26:18). To do this, an ambassador must live a life of conformity to His life and teachings. “As he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation” (1 Peter 1:15), adequately representing Him.
Secondly, we are to saturate ourselves totally with the knowledge of His will and His Word so that we will be enabled to encourage other Christians, strengthening them for their duties as ambassadors as well. “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15), applying our attention to His directives. “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works” (2 Timothy 3:16-17).
It has rightly been said that the only two things that will last for eternity are people and the Word of God. These things must occupy our attention if we are to be effective “ambassadors for Christ.” (JDM, The Institute for Creation Research)



Genesis 49:10 – The scepter of Judah will not be removed, nor will the lawgiver be removed from among his feet, until Shiloh comes; And to Him, the peoples will congregate.

Having concluded His Redemptive Plan, the King of the tribe of Judah, the perpetual descendant promised to King David, will come back to reign and rule over his people. This kingdom will be nothing like any earthly kingdom, however powerful and majestic it may have been. All earthly realms eventually lose their power and majesty. He will be the true and only King whose reign will never end. And will reign with equity and JUSTICE, AND BEFORE HIM EVERY KNEE WILL BOW TO WORSHIP HIM!

When we see everything happening in all the different governments around us, we get discouraged and think there is no more hope. There is hope while we still breathe.. Those who love God and believe His promises know that we will experience a different world one day. That there is hope because just as we now remember His Birth; And that’s why we celebrate Christmas, the Lord Jesus will come again. No longer as a tender baby, but as King and Lord of Lords. That is why we must surround our lives to Him.

Jesus came to give us peace and abundant life, but to experience it, we must belong to His Flock. Let’s ask ourselves… Do I belong to His Flock? Or how can I belong to His Flock? Better yet, let us beg Him, in His Mercy to bring us into His Flock!


Ten things I want my kids and grandkids to know:

1. Happiness is a lot of work. You can’t be lazy or entitled to achieve it.

2. You will make mistakes and they will only define you if you give it that kind of power. If the lesson is learned, the mistake is worth it. It’s your choice whether or not it wins. You are not a prisoner to your past and you are allowed to grow.

3. The world owes you nothing. It does not care who you are, where you come from or what you think you deserve. Everything you achieve will have to come from your own dedication to what you love. It will not be handed to you easily.

4. People do not get to tell you who you are. Make peace with your own soul and give no one the power to tell you that you’re something you’re not. Know who you are and be okay when others do not understand you.

5. Work hard. Never go into anything with half your heart. Respect is earned by how you did the job and not the title by your name.

6. Show up for your people. No matter what has happened, show up. That’s what people will remember about you in the end of all of this.

7. Choose grace for others and for yourself. No one gets it right. You won’t either. Bitterness is the anchor to the soul but grace sets you free.

8. Have fun. Be adventurous. None of us are getting out of this alive so make the time you have count with the people who actually matter.

9. Laugh in the good times and the bad. Your sense of humor and your ability to take a punch will set a strong foundation of stability.

10. Love God. He’s the most consistent thing you’ll ever have.

                   (Joanne Wassell Johnson)


Franklin Graham writes: Ghislaine Maxwell has been convicted of federal sex trafficking charges, and I know many people are relieved. She and Jeffrey Epstein trafficked girls and young women for sex. This is just sick. And the people who visited Epstein’s island and mansions for sex are just as sick. Unfortunately, some of those involved were politicians in high places and wealthy corporate leaders. We may never know the extent of all that took place or the names involved since Jeffrey Epstein was found dead in his New York jail cell. But one thing is for sure—God knows. The Bible says, “The eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good” (Proverbs 15:3). Let’s all be reminded that one day all of us have to stand before Almighty God and give an account for our lives. That includes our thoughts, our words, and every action we have taken. Everything will be revealed; there will be no hiding or covering up. But there is an advocate available, and He is the Lord Jesus Christ who bore our sins to the Cross. Ask Him to forgive your sins and put your faith and trust in Him. Turn to Him today before it’s too late.


Remember the Day of Rest
“Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates.” (Exodus 20:8-10)
The Hebrew word for “remember” actually means to “mark” or “set aside.” The Israelites didn’t need to be told to “remember” the sabbath, because all nations had been keeping time in weeks ever since creation (Genesis 2:1-3). (Note the references to the sabbath in the sending of God’s manna, prior to the giving of this commandment [Exodus 16:23-29].) But they did need to be reminded to mark it as a holy or rest day, as God had done in that first week.
The Hebrew word for “sabbath” does not mean “Saturday” any more than it means “Sunday.” It means, simply, “rest” or “intermission.” The institution of the sabbath (that is, one day out of every seven days to be “set aside” as a day of rest, worship, and remembrance of the Creator) was “made for man” and his good (Mark 2:27). It was even of benefit to the animals used by man (note the mention of “cattle” in the commandment). It had been a pattern observed since the completion of God’s six days of creation and making all things at the very beginning of world history (note Genesis 2:1-3Exodus 20:11).
It is still appropriate today, as well. “There remaineth therefore a rest [that is, ‘a sabbath-keeping’] to the people of God” (Hebrews 4:9). All men have a deep need to remember their Creator and His completed work of creation at least once each week, as well as His completed work of salvation—especially in these days when both of these finished works are so widely denied or ignored. (HMM, The Institute for Creation Research)


Psalms 37

The righteous will receive eternal life, while the wicked ultimately will be destroyed.
Serving the Lord does not always pay temporal dividends. The righteous still experience misfortune, financial reversals, physical illnesses, natural disasters, and persecution. At the same time, the unrighteous often prosper, enjoying wealth, fame, honor, and health. David realizes God’s justice wins in the end. So do not be discouraged in doing right, even when the unrighteous prosper. Do not be tempted to copy them. “Depart from evil and do good” (v. 27). “Wait on the Lord, and keep His way” (v. 34). “Mark the blameless man” (v. 37). “The salvation of the righteous is from the Lord” (v. 39). (Quiet Walk)


On BEING A PASTOR by Derek J. Prime & Alistair Begg

A wife’s most important contribution to her husband’s usefulness is her ability to be his best critic. Our wives may be relied upon to be honest with us as no one else, whether we want to know how our teaching came across or the rightness of an immediate response to a crisis or a decision that must be made. It may not always be easy to accept what our wives say because of its honesty, but it is the one judgment we can entirely trust because of the love behind it. (p. 262)


The key safeguard of ur marriages is ensuring we have time to pray and relax together. (p. 263)

Our day off needs to be fixed in such a way that everyone in the church knows when it is. (p. 264


When such a suggestion is given, we obviously want it to be clear that we are always available in emergencies, and that people are not to hesitate to get in touch with us when such arise, whatever day of the week it is. (p. 264)


When our day off is broken into by a funeral or an emergency, we should try to take time off in lieu. (p. 265)


It is important that we are constantly assessing what is profitable and necessary and what is just a routine left over form another era. (p. 267)



Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight: that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest, and be clear when thou judgest.  Psalm 51:4
In the next step a man finds that he has absolutely no excuse or plea. David is telling God, “I haven’t a single excuse. I have no plea. There is nothing to be said for me. There is no reason for what I have done. The whole thing was the result of utter willfulness. I am altogether wrong. I have nothing to plead in mitigation.”
I want to emphasize this. I say that this is an absolutely essential part of repentance and of conviction of sin. I therefore plead with you to examine yourselves and examine your actions. Can you justify all you have done? Can you really put up a plea of mitigation? Let me take up the position of Nathan the prophet. What if I stood in this pulpit and described your love to you in a parable about somebody else? Would you see it? We must examine ourselves in this respect. Let me put it bluntly by putting it to you like this. As long as you are in the position of trying to justify yourself, you have not repented. As long as you are clinging to any attempt at self-justification and self-righteousness, I say you have not repented. Surely the man who is repentant is the man who, like David, says, “There is not a single excuse. I see it clearly. I have no justification. The things that I see in my life—I hate them. I had no business doing them. I did them willfully; I knew it was w rong. I admit it! I frankly confess it—‘that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest, and be clear when thou judgest.’”
Do you feel that God is rather hard on you when He condemns you? Do you feel that God would be dealing unfairly with you if you ever found yourself in hell? If you do, you have not repented. I would emphasize that the test of repentance is this—that a man having looked at himself, and at his own heart and life, says to himself, “I deserve nothing but hell, and if God sends me there, I haven’t a single complaint to make. I desire nothing better!” That is an essential part of repentance, and without repentance there is no salvation.
A Thought to Ponder
As long as you are clinging to any attempt at self-justification and self-righteousness, you have not repented.
      (From Out of the Depths, pp. 30-31, by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones)


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