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Zechariah 12

Message from the Creator of the Universe                    verse 1 

The burden of the word of the LORD for Israel – says the LORD

which stretches forth the heavens

and lays the foundation of the earth

and forms the spirit of man within him 

Jerusalem an immovable rock in future                       verse 2- 3 


I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling

to all the people round about

when they shall be in the siege

both against Judah and against Jerusalem

IN THAT DAY will I make

Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people

                        all that burden themselves

with it shall be cut in pieces

                        though all the people of the earth

be gathered together against it 

Jerusalem receives strength from the LORD               verse 4- 5 

IN THAT DAY -says the LORD

I will smite every horse with astonishment

and his rider with madness

and I will open MINE eyes upon the house of Judah

                                    and will smite every horse of the people

with blindness

            AND the governors of Judah

shall say in their heart

            The inhabitants of Jerusalem shall be my strength

in the LORD of hosts their God 

Jerusalem will be secure                                                verse 6 

IN THAT DAY will I make the governors of Judah like

an heath of fire among the wood

and like a torch of fire in a sheaf

And they shall devour all the people round about

on the right hand and on the left

                        and Jerusalem shall be inhabited again

in her own place – even in Jerusalem 

Jerusalem shall defeat all nations                                 verse 7- 9 

The LORD also shall save the tents of Judah first

that the glory of the house of David

and the glory of the inhabitants of Jerusalem

do not magnify themselves against Judah

IN THAT DAY shall the LORD defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem

and he that is feeble among them at that day shall be as David

                        and the house of David shall be as God

as the angel of the LORD before them

And it shall come to pass IN THAT DAY

that I will seek to destroy all the nations

that come against Jerusalem 

Mourning over actions at first coming of Jesus            verse 10 

I will pour upon the house of David

and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem

the spirit of grace and of supplications

and they shall look upon ME


and they shall mourn for HIM

as one mourns for HIS ONLY SON

and shall be in bitterness for HIM

            as one that is in bitterness

for his FIRSTBORN 

End times mourning                                                     verse 11- 14 

IN THAT DAY shall there be a great mourning in Jerusalem

            as the mourning of Hadadrimmon in the valley of Megiddo

And the land shall mourn – every family apart

            the family of the house of David apart – and their wives apart

                        the family of the house of Nathan apart

and their wives apart

            the family of the house of Levi apart – and their wives apart

                        the family of Shimei apart – and their wives apart

All the families that remain – every family apart – and their wives apart     



                                        DAILY SPIRITUAL BREAKFAST: Young Believers 

: 1        The burden of the word of the LORD for Israel, says the LORD, which stretches forth the heavens, and lays the foundation of the earth, and forms the spirit of man within him. (3335 “forms” [yatsar] means to create, fashion, frame, plan, shape, or mold.)

DEVOTION:  The Bible doesn’t teach evolution. Nowhere will you find God taking longer than six twenty-four days to create the world. HE rested on the seventh day. The book of Genesis says “evening and morning” regularly for the time period. Yes, another passage of the Bible states that one day is as a thousand years to the LORD but that is only stating that HE doesn’t live in time at all. We are the ones who live in time. It is hard for us to comprehend a God who is eternal. HE has no beginning or end. We have both.

HE formed our spirit or our God consciousness. We are made up of three parts: body, soul and spirit.

Our physical body will die one day if the LORD doesn’t return first to call all those who believe up to heaven to join HIM before the Tribulation period of seven years.

Our soul is our personality. It is what makes us different from other people. No two people are fully alike. Each of us is given a gift when we become a follower of the LORD. We are to use our gift in the local church for the glory of the LORD. We are all to be witnesses of what the LORD has done for us to others.

Our spirit is alive once we become a believer. Those who reject Jesus Christ are dead in trespasses and sins so their spirit is not alive to what God has to say. They are walking dead men and women who are just going through life without the LORD. The Holy Spirit teaches through our spirit what it means to live for the LORD and give HIM glory with our life.

CHALLENGE: God created everything perfect. We are fearfully and wonderfully made by a God who loves us. HE gives each human a choice to follow HIM or not. What is your choice? 

DAILY SPIRITUAL LUNCH: Transitional Believers 

: 3        And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it. (4614 “burdensome” [ma‘amacah] means heavy stone, load, burden, hard to lift, lifting heavy weights, or immovable.)

DEVOTION:  Weightlifting was one of the means used in wrestling to get our bodies in shape to wrestle each week. We would run the halls with twenty pound sandbags under each arm. The High School I attended was perfect for this type of running. We had to run in the bleachers as well at times. The coach wanted us in the best shape ever even if we were not the number one wrestler in our weight class. No one messed with the wrestling team. If one member was being harassed by someone in the school the other members of the team would meet the person and straighten him out. That was just the way it was.

Now we find that the whole world is going to be against the people of Israel in the end times. All nations are going to come against Israel but the LORD is going to cause them to be an immoveable stone that will hurt anyone going against them.

Remember with the LORD one is a majority. No one can defeat the LORD when HE is protecting HIS people from an enemy. HE is with us today to help us through any difficulty that comes into our life.

However, we are not promised that we will win every battle that we face because we are a believer. Many believers throughout the ages have lost human battles but the spiritual battle is won in Christ every time. Our eternal home is sure once we confess Jesus Christ as Savior.

During the time period in question in this verse we I believe will be watching from heaven. We will be taken out before the Tribulation begins and those who are sealed of the Jewish race will be witnesses with the two witnesses in Jerusalem to the world. Many will become Tribulation saints during this time period from every tribe and nation.

So there are Old Testament saints, New Testament saints and Tribulation saints taught in the Word of God and we have to study to see what happens to each.

CHALLENGE: Remember that one with the LORD is always immovable. Victory is promised. Victory is eternal.


: 9        And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem. (8045 “destroy” [shamad] means destruction, overthrown, exterminate, to be made unusable, or damage irreparably.)

DEVOTION:  Jerusalem is in the news today. It is the capital of the Jewish nation. Many nations don’t recognize Jerusalem as the capital or even Israel as a nation. They were given that status in 1946 by the United Nations. There has been fighting over Jerusalem since by the Moslem nations that want to destroy Israel completely.

This is not something new. The LORD has allowed Israel to lose its status in the world because of their rejection of HIM and HIS Son. They have been set aside for a time period which is called the Church Age.

During the Church Age or the Age of Grace as some call it individuals will become followers of Christ from every nation while the nation of Israel as a whole doesn’t recognize Jesus as their Messiah.

This will change in the future. They will realize who Jesus really was and turn to become followers of HIM. God has not rejected Israel completely but for a time period. That time period will end when the LORD raptures the church and seals the 144,000 Jewish witnesses during the last week of the seventy weeks of Daniel or the time of Jacob’s trouble.

The LORD will defend Jerusalem and all their enemies will be defeated. It will be great to be able to watch this happen from heaven. The final victory is always the LORD’S.

CHALLENGE: The LORD has not changes HIS attitude toward the Jewish nation. HE is going to set up a future Kingdom in Jerusalem. What is your attitude toward Jerusalem? 


: 10      And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn. (1856 “pierced” [daqar] means thrust through, run through, or stricken through.)

DEVOTION:  This chapter has the key words “IN THAT DAY” found throughout. This is a reference to a future day in the history of Israel. The day has not come yet.

The first part of the chapter deals with the battle of Armageddon. The enemies of Israel are going to be defeated. All the nations will come to battle against Israel but they will be an immoveable rock because of the help of the LORD.

IN THAT DAY they will realize what they did to the Messiah when HE came the first time. The Holy Spirit will influence the children of Judah, when HE gives them, the spirit of grace and supplications.

The Holy Spirit will bring to their memory the first coming of the Messiah. This verse is so plain in its explanation of the first coming of Christ the Messiah.

They ran HIM through with nails in HIS hands and feet. There was a spear in HIS side. HE was the only begotten of the Father. HE was the firstborn son. In the future the children of Israel will have to recognize HIM as the Messiah.

Once they recognize HIM, they will mourn over what they did to HIM at HIS first coming. They will realize that they will need to confess their sin and repent as David had to do when Nathan confronted him with his sin.

There will be many mourning at the second coming of Christ because they have not made the right choice while they were alive. They will be judged for their refusal to become a follower of Christ.

We have a choice today. Have we recognized the LORD Jesus Christ as our Savior? HE was the one who died on the cross for the sins of the world. On the third day HE rose from the death. The grave is empty. HE is the only Savior that has risen from the dead.

Have we confessed our breaking of HIS Ten Commandments in our lives? Are we willing to receive HIM into our lives and chose to follow HIM? This needs to be done NOW. We can remember the cross. HE did it for us. Praise HIS name!!

We are not to be just a fan of Jesus but a follower. If you don’t know the difference send an email and we can correspond about the difference.

The future for Israel is one of blessing throughout the Millennium. However, they will go through a time of mourning over the actions of the past. That day is coming!!!!

CHALLENGE: Truth about the first coming of Jesus Christ as the Messiah is found throughout the Bible. We all need to Study to show ourselves approved.




Chastity (Purity in living)

Fasting (Time alone with LORD without eating or drinking)

Sacrifice (Giving up something we want to serve the LORD)

Submission (Willing to listen to others and LORD)

Solitude (Going to a quiet place without anyone)


Fellowship (Gathering together around the Word of God)

Frugality (wise use of resources)

Journalizing (Writing down what you have learned from the LORD)

Study and Meditation (Thinking through your study in the Word)

Secrecy (Doing your good deeds without others knowing but God)


Celebration (Gathering around a special occasion to worship LORD)

Confession (Tell the LORD we are sorry for our sins on a daily basis)

Prayer (Conversation with God on a personal level) 

                    Spirit of supplication                                                verse 10 

Silence (Letting the LORD deal with some problems and needs)

Worship (Time to praise the LORD alone or in a group)



Scripture (66 inerrant books of the Bible) 

Word of the LORD                                                  verse 1 

God the Father (First person of the Godhead) 

LORD – Jehovah (Covenant keeping, Personal)    verse 1, 4, 5, 7, 8

HE stretches forth the heavens

and lays the foundation of the earth          verse 1

Creator: forms the spirit of man within him         verse 1

I will smite every horse with astonishment

            and his rider with madness                        verse 4

I will open MINE eyes on the house of Judah

            and will smite every horse of the people

            with blindness                                             verse 4

LORD of host their God                                          verse 5

I will make the governors of Judah like

            an hearth of fire among the wood

            and like a torch of fire in a sheaf;

            and they shall devour all the people

            round about, on the right hand and

            on the left and Jerusalem shall

            be inhabited again in her own

            place                                                            verse 6

LORD will defend the inhabitants of

            Jerusalem                                                    verse 8

I will seek to destroy all the nations that

            come against Jerusalem                             verse 9

I will pour upon the house of David  and

            the inhabitants of Jerusalem the

            spirit of grace and supplications                verse 10 

God the Son (Second person of the Godhead –God/man, Messiah) 

                       Angel of the LORD                                                 verse 8

Look upon ME whom they have pierced               verse 10 

God the Holy Spirit (Third person of the Godhead – our comforter) 

Gives spirit of grace and spirit of supplications    verse 10 

Trinity (Three persons of the Godhead who are co-equal = ONE God) 

God – Elohim (Creator, Sovereign, Plural name)   verse 5, 8           

Angels (Created before the foundation of the world – Good and Evil) 

                               Angel                                                              verse 8 

Man (Created on the sixth twenty-four hour period of creation) 

Human spirit                                                           verse 1

People of the earth gather against Jerusalem       verse 3

All the nations                                                        verse 9

Hadadrimmon                                                         verse 11

Valley of Megiddon                                                 verse 11 

Sin (Missing the mark set by God on man and angels)

Salvation (Provided by Christ’s death on the cross for our sins) 

Save                                                                         verse 7

Defend                                                                    verse 8

                        Spirit of Grace                                                       verse 10

                        Spirit of Supplication                                            verse 10

                        Look unto Jesus                                                    verse 10 

Israel (Old Testament people of God) 

Israel                                                                        verse 1

Jerusalem                                                                verse 2, 3, 5- 11

Judah                                                                       verse 2, 4- 7

Governors of Judah                                                verse 5

Glory of the house of David                                   verse 7, 8, 10, 12

Feeble of Jerusalem will be like David                   verse 8

David                                                                       verse 8

Great mourning in Jerusalem                                 verse 11

House of David                                                       verse 12

House of Nathan                                                     verse 12

House of Levi                                                           verse 13

Family of Shimei                                                      verse 13 

Church (New Testament people of God)

Last Things (Future Events) 

In that day                                                               verse 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11 



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QUOTES regarding passage

10 Now there is movement from physical deliverance, just described, to spiritual deliverance (cf. the pattern of Deut 30:1–10). In anthropomorphic language the Lord promises an effusion of his Spirit on his covenant people. The imagery is doubtless that of water as an emblem of the Holy Spirit. The recipients are the royal leaders and people of Jerusalem, representative of the inhabitants of the whole land. The content of the effusion is “a spirit of grace and supplication,” i.e., “the Spirit which conveys grace and calls forth supplications” (Perowne, pp. 1.32–33). While it is possible to construe “spirit” in the sense of “disposition,” it seems preferable to follow the NIV margin (and Perowne above) and see here a reference to the Spirit of God. This would be more in keeping with what appear to be parallel passages (Isa 32:15; 44:3; 59:20–21; Jer 31:31, 33; Ezek 36:26–27; 39:29; Joel 2:28–29). Because of the convicting work of God’s Spirit, Israel will turn to the Messiah with mourning.

The most common meaning of the Hebrew preposition translated “on” is “to” (NIV mg.), and there is no good contextual reason to depart from it here. The emphasis, then, is not on looking “on” (or “at”) the Messiah literally but on looking “to” the Messiah in faith (cf. Num 21:9; Isa 45:22; John 3:14–15). According to some premillennialists, this will take place at the second coming of the Messiah (Christ) to the earth. According to others, it will happen just prior to his second advent. The object of the people’s look of faith is identified as “the one they have pierced” (cf. Isa 53:5; John 19:34). John 19:37, which quotes this part of the verse, is but a stage in the progressive fulfillment of the whole. The final, complete fulfillment is yet future for Israel (Rom 11:25–27). Evidently the prospect of a “pierced” Messiah was such a stumbling block to the Jews that, according to C.C. Torrey (“The Messiah Son of Ephraim,” JBL 66 [1947]: 273), the Babylonian Talmud (Sukkah 52a) presents two Messiahs; the one here in v.10 is identified as the Messiah son of Joseph. The similes at the end of the verse accentuate the people’s mourning (see Jer 6:26 on mourning “for an only child” and Exod 11:5–6 on mourning “for a firstborn son”). (For the Jewish interpretations of the verse, see Baron, pp. 438–44, and Cashdan, pp. 321–22. (Barker, K. L. (1986). Zechariah. In F. E. Gaebelein (Ed.), The Expositor’s Bible Commentary: Daniel and the Minor Prophets (Vol. 7, pp. 683–684). Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House.)


The outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

12:10a. Both leaders (the house of David) and commoners (the inhabitants of Jerusalem)—thus excluding no Israelites (cf. 13:1)—will be the objects of the outpouring of the divine spirit of grace and supplication. This is most probably a reference to the Holy Spirit (see niv marg.), so called because He will minister graciously to Israel in her sinful condition and will lead her to supplication and repentance.

(2) The mourning of the nation Israel (12:10b–14).

12:10b. Thus Israelites will receive divine enablement to look on Me, the One they have pierced. The Lord refers to the nation’s action of piercing Him, a term usually indicating “piercing to death.” The piercing evidently refers to the rejection of Christ (as God Incarnate) and crucifying Him, though the word does not specifically refer to the Crucifixion. The “looking” could be either physical vision (sight) or spiritual vision (faith). Probably it refers here to both, for this will occur at the Second Advent of Christ when Israel will recognize her Messiah and turn to Him. The change to the third person (mourn for Him, rather than “mourn for Me”) is common in prophetic literature. The mourning for sin that is prompted by the outpoured Spirit is illustrated by a private act of mourning (v. 10) and a public act of mourning (v. 11). The loss of an only child or of a firstborn son was aggravated by the felt curse associated with childlessness and the lack of an heir to continue the family name and property. (Lindsey, F. D. (1985). Zechariah. In J. F. Walvoord & R. B. Zuck (Eds.), The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures (Vol. 1, p. 1567). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.)


The people will repent (12:10–14). Repentance isn’t something we work up ourselves; it’s a gift from God as we hear His Word and recognize His grace (Acts 5:31; 11:18; 2 Tim. 2:25). God will pour out the Spirit upon Israel (Joel 2:28–29), and the people will realize their sins and call out to God for forgiveness. They will also see their Messiah whom the nation pierced (Ps. 22:16; Isa. 53:5; John 19:34, 37) and will put their faith in Him. Forgiveness comes to any believing sinner only through faith in the sacrifice of Christ on the cross.

The nation will go into mourning, the way parents would mourn over the loss of their only son, the way the nation mourned near Megiddo when their beloved King Josiah was slain in battle (2 Chron. 35:20–27). Zechariah mentions that all the families (clans) of Israel will mourn, the men and women separately, and this will include royalty (David’s clan), the prophets (Nathan’s clan; see 2 Sam. 7), and the priests (Levi’s and Shimei’s clans; Num. 3:17–18, 21). “All the families that remain” covers the rest of the nation. It will be a time of deep and sincere national repentance such as has not been seen before. (Wiersbe, W. W. (1997). Be heroic (pp. 146–147). Colorado Springs, CO: ChariotVictor Pub.)


12:10 I will pour. God, in His own perfect time and by His own power, will sovereignly act to save Israel. This was prophesied by other prophets (cf. Eze 39:29; Joel 2:28–32), and by the Apostle Paul (cf. Ro 11:25–27). Spirit of grace and of supplication. The Holy Spirit is so identified because He brings saving grace and because that grace produces sorrow that will result in repentant prayer to God for forgiveness (cf. Mt 5:4; Heb 10:29). look on Me whom they have pierced. Israel’s repentance will come because they look to Jesus, the One whom they rejected and crucified (cf. Is 53:5; Jn 19:37), in faith at the Second Advent (Ro 11:25–27). When God says they pierced “Me,” He is certainly affirming the incarnation of deitywas God. See note on Jn 10:30. (MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (2006). The MacArthur study Bible: New American Standard Bible. (Zec 12:10). Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers.)


Ver. 10. And I will pour out upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, &c.] The Jews that belong to the family of Christ, and to the heavenly Jerusalem, the church of the first-born, whose names are written in heaven: the Spirit of grace and of supplications; by which is meant the Holy Spirit of God, who is called the Spirit of grace; not merely because he is good and gracious, and loving to his people, and is of grace given unto them; but because he is the author of all grace in them; of gracious convictions, and spiritual illuminations; of quickening, regenerating, converting, and sanctifying grace; and of all particular graces, as faith, hope, love, fear, repentance, humility, joy, peace, meekness, patience, long-suffering, self-denial, &c.; as well as because he is the revealer, applier, and witnesser of all the blessings of grace unto them: and he is called the Spirit of supplications; because he endites the prayers of his people, shews them their wants, and stirs them up to pray; enlarges their hearts, supplies them with arguments, and puts words into their mouths; gives faith, fervency, and freedom, and encourages to come to God as their Father, and makes intercession for them, according to the will of God: pouring it upon them denotes the abundance and freeness of his grace; see Isa. 44:3: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced; by nailing him to the tree at his crucifixion; and especially by piercing his side with a spear; which, though not personally done by them, yet by their ancestors, at least through their instigation and request; and besides, as he was pierced and wounded for their sins, so by them: and now, being enlightened and convicted by the spirit of God, they shall look to him by faith for the pardon of their sins, through his blood; for the justification of their persons by his righteousness; and for eternal life and salvation through him. We Christians can have no doubt upon us that this passage belongs to Christ, when it is observed, upon one of the soldiers piercing the side of Jesus with a spear, it is said, these things were done that the Scripture should be fulfilled; they shall look on him whom they have pierced; and it seems also to be referred to in Rev. 1:7. yea, the Jews themselves, some of them, acknowledge it is to be understood of the Messiah. In the Talmud, mention being made of the mourning after spoken of, it is asked, what this mourning was made for? and it is replied, R. Dusa and the Rabbins are divided about it: one says, for Messiah ben Joseph, who shall be slain; and another says, for the evil imagination, that shall be slain; it must be granted to him that says, for Messiah the son of Joseph that shall be slain; as it is written, and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and mourn, &c. for, for the other, why should they mourn? hence Jarchi and Kimchi on the place say, our Rabbins interpret this of Messiah the son of Joseph, who shall be slain; and the note of Aben Ezra is, all the nations shall look unto me, to see what I will do to those who have pierced Messiah the son of Joseph. Grotius observes, that Hadarsan on Gen. 28. understands it of Messiah the son of David. The Jews observing some prophecies speaking of the Messiah in a state of humiliation, and others of him in an exalted state, have coined this notion of two Messiahs, which are easily reconciled without it. The Messiah here prophesied of appears to be both God and man; a divine Person called Jehovah, who is all along speaking in the context, and in the text itself; for none else could pour out the spirit of grace and supplication; and yet he must be man, to be pierced; and the same is spoken of, that would do the one, and suffer the other; and therefore must be the Θεανθρωπος, or God-man in one person. As to what a Jewish writer objects, that this was spoken of one that was pierced in war, as appears from the context; and that if the same person that is pierced is to be looked to, then it would have been said, and mourn for me, and be in bitterness for me; it may be replied, that this prophecy does not speak of the piercing this person at the time when the above wars shall be; but of the Jews mourning for him at the time of their conversion, who had been pierced by them, that is, by their ancestors, hundreds of years ago; which now they will with contrition remember, they having assented to it, and commended it as a right action; and as for the change from the first person to the third, this is not at all unusual in Scripture: and they shall mourn for him as one mourneth for his only son; or, for this; that is, piercing him; for sin committed against him; because of their rejection of him, their hardness of heart, and unbelief with respect to him; and on account of their many sins, which were the occasion of his being pierced; which mourning will arise from, and be increased by, a spiritual sight of him, a sense of his love to them, and a view of benefits by him. Evangelical repentance springs from faith, and is accompanied with it; and this godly sorrow is like that which is expressed for an only son; see Amos 8:10; Luke 7:12 and indeed Christ is the only-begotten of the Father, as well as the first-born among many brethren, as follows: and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his first-born; sin is a bitter thing, and makes work for bitter repentance. (Gill, J. (1810). An Exposition of the Old Testament (Vol. 6, pp. 739–740). London: Mathews and Leigh.)



Old Testament WORDS for Today by Warren W. Wiersbe 

When we open our hearts and open the Bible, God opens his mouth; and if he doesn’t speak to us, we had better quickly find out why. Is there sin in our life? Are we in too big of a hurry in our reading?  (p. 90)

When the holy Bible is rightly understood and applied, it produces a holy people (2 Cor. 3: 18). God rules his universe by commandment and not by committee or consensus. We never negotiate the will of God; we accept it and obey it. (p. 91)


Taking GOD Seriously by D. Stuart Briscoe 

Suffice it to say that Zechariah, along with hos colleagues, had such a sense of God’s interest and involvement in human affairs that he could not only attribute contemporary events to divine activity but was also convinced that, ultimately, human affairs would find their consummation in the cosmic triumph of the Eternal One. (p. 173)



True spiritual power does not reside in the ancient cross but rather in the victory of the mighty, resurrected Lord of glory who could pronounce after spoiling death: “All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth!” (Matt. 28:18) (p. 411)

I believe He would exercise His unlimited power if His church would truly believe tht He could and would do it! (p. 416)

So, the moral obligation of the resurrection of Christ is the missionary obligation, the responsibility and the privilege of carrying the message and telling the story, of praying and interceding, and of being involved personally and financially in the cause of this great commission. (p. 418)

We can just sum it all up by noting that Jesus Christ asks us only to surrender to His Lordship and obey His commands. He will supply the power if we will believe His promise and demonstrate the reality of His resurrection. (p. 419)

Do you see it, my friend? Resurrection is not a day of celebration – it is an obligation understood and accepted!! (p.420)



…they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn.
Zechariah 12:10
Prophecy tells us that Christ is to be “a light to lighten the Gentiles” (Luke 2:32), a most astounding thing to have said to the Jews. But it was said many times in the prophecy of Isaiah, in 42:6 and 60:3 and in other places. We are also told in Isaiah 53 that His death is to be vicarious. We are told that He will enter into the city of Jerusalem riding on a donkey (Zechariah 9:9), and you remember how that was fulfilled. We are told that He is to be sold for thirty pieces of silver, and that with His price a potter’s field will be purchased (Zechariah 11:12-13). We are told that lots would be cast for His garments (Psalm 22:18). We are told that He will be given vinegar to drink in His sorrow (Psalm 69:21). We are even told that He would utter certain words on the cross: “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” (Psalm 22:1). Psalm 22:16 says that His hands and feet will be pierced, and Zechariah 12:10 adds, “…they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they s hall mourn.” And we are told in Isaiah 53:9 that He will make His grave with the wicked and with the rich in His death, and we know that He was buried in the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea.
The Bible also exhorts us to consider Him because He is the only one by whom we can be reconciled to God and by whom we can know God. We read in Hebrews 12:24 that He is “the mediator of the new covenant.” He said Himself, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (John 14:6). Anyone who says a thing like that must be looked at and considered. If we value our salvation and want to know God, we must listen to such a person.
A Thought to Ponder: We are told in Isaiah 53 that Christ’s death is to be vicarious. (From 
God the Father, God the Son, pp. 250-251, by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones)


Acts 9
On his way to Damascus, Saul has a divine revelation of Jesus and is converted.

From God’s perspective, the relationship between Christ and the church is a very close and dear one. Jesus is the Son of God; the church is His bride. To harm the church is to harm Christ. Though Paul never laid a hand on Him, Jesus spoke from heaven, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?” (v. 4). Just as Paul did, we must strive to gain God’s perspective on who we are. We are His bride, His chosen one, the delight of His life. When we see ourselves as He sees us, we can be more successful at living as we should. (Quiet Walk)


Speaking Evil of Dignities
“But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness, and despise government. Presumptuous are they, selfwilled, they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities.” (2 Peter 2:10)
In context here, Peter is speaking of the false teachers who would later come into the Christian community, leading many to “follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of” (2 Peter 2:2). Among other characteristics, these teachers would “despise government” and “speak evil of dignities.”
Again in context, it seems clear that the “government” Peter has in mind primarily is the divine government that had been established by God for the universe (the “principalities and powers in heavenly places”—Ephesians 3:10) and the “dignities” refer to the angels—even those that have rebelled and now follow Satan. Jude notes in a similar passage that even the archangel Michael spoke respectfully to Satan, the premier fallen angel (Jude 1:8-9).
Therefore, it is carnally arrogant and dangerous for men to insult or to ridicule such powerful beings. They are for God to judge and deal with, in His own time and way.
And the same must be true of human “dignities” and “government.” We must remember that “the powers that be are ordained of God” (Romans 13:1) and that “the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will,” and sometimes He even “setteth up over it the basest of men” (Daniel 4:17).
Even if we live in a republic, therefore, and can participate in the selection of our leaders, our main responsibility is to “be subject to principalities and powers, to obey magistrates, to be ready to every good work, To speak evil of no man, to be no brawlers, but gentle, shewing all meekness unto all men” (Titus 3:1-2).

(HMM, The Institute for Creation Research)


The three reasons for listening to the gospel are also the three themes of the epistle to the Hebrews. So these four verses are in and of itself a kind of summary of the entire epistle.

What are those reasons? The first reason for listening to the gospel is the source of the gospel, or the authority of the gospel – the authority with which the message comes to us because of the source of the message. His second reason is the dangerous and alarming condition and position of all men and women who do not believe the gospel and who do not heed it. And his third and last reason is the nature or character of the gospel. (p. 13,


The gospel of Jesus Christ gives happiness, it delivers us from worry, it administers comfort, it gives guidance, it teaches that the body can be healed miraculously, it puts us into touch with the Infinite, it helps us to know God, and it enables us to live a godly, moral, ethical life. (p. 17

(A Merciful And Faithful High Priest by Martyn Lloyd-Jones)



Today’s Scripture

Numbers 26-27 

Every decade the United States takes a census of all the people in America.  The first Federal Population Census was taken in 1790 and has been taken every ten years since. The census is used for many purposes other than to count how many people are living in the country. 

A census had been taken earlier in Numbers One. Israel was now commanded by the Lord to take a second census. This was to determine how many people were available to go to war that were over the age of twenty.  

This new census would also allow Moses and the leadership to know how to allocate the land each tribe had been promised.  The distribution of land was determined by the size of the tribes. The boundaries were expanded or reduced according to the numbers that were reported to Moses. 

In a culture and period that was dominated by male leadership and ownership, it is surprising to have a section devoted to women who appealed for their own rights and ultimately granted an inheritance.  The daughters of Zelophehad presented their case before Moses, Eleazar the priest, and the leaders of the congregation to ask for their father’s inheritance.  Moses takes it before the Lord and they receive their proper rights. 

It is refreshing to see the Lord was responsive to needs regardless of gender even when it was contrary to cultural or normal traditions.  God is a God of order and concerned for the less fortunate and underprivileged. This new precedent was established, allowing future cases to be settled. The Lord gave clear directions for transfer of inheritances and further secured the welfare of family inheritances from that time forward. 

Having both foresight and tenacity to come before leadership over unknown issues takes courage.  Living a life of faith requires both of these traits as we face issues and unknown trials ahead.  Like Joshua and these women, let us “…Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9). 

In Expectant Hope,  Pastor Miller  


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