Hebrews 11
Faith starts with a Creator Godverses 1-3
Now FAITH is the substance of things hoped for
the evidence of things not seen
FOR by it the elders obtained a good report
though FAITH we understand that the worlds were framed
by the word of God – so that things which are seen were
not made of things which do appear
Faith in the book of Genesisverses 4-22
By FAITH Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain
by which he obtained witness that he was righteous
God testifying of his gifts
and by it he being dead yet speaks
By FAITH Enoch was translated that he should not see death
and was not found – BECAUSE God had translated him
for before his translation he had this testimony
that he PLEASED God
BUT without FAITH it is impossible to PLEASE HIM
for he that comes to God must believe that HE is
and that HE is a rewarder of them
that diligently seek HIM
By FAITH Noah – being warned of God of things not seen as yet
moved with fear – prepared an ark to the saving of his house
by which he condemned the world
and became heir of the righteousness
which is by FAITH
By FAITH Abraham – when he was called to go out into
a place which he should after receive for an inheritance
and he went out – not knowing whither he went
By FAITH he sojourned in the land of promise – as in a strange country
dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob
the heirs with him of the same promise
for he looked for a city which has foundations
whose builder and maker is God
Through FAITH also Sarah herself received strength to conceive seed
and was delivered of a child when she was past age
because she judged HIM faithful WHO had promised
THEREFORE sprang there even of one – and him as good as dead
so many as the stars of the sky in multitude
and as the sand which is by the seashore innumerable
These all died in FAITH – not having received the promises
but having seen them afar off – and were persuaded of them
and embraced them – and confessed that they were
strangers and pilgrims on the earth
For they that say such things declare plainly that they seek a country
and truly – if they had been mindful of that country from whence
they came out
they might have had opportunity to have returned
But now they desire a BETTER country – that is – heavenly
wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God
for HE has prepared for them a city
By FAITH Abraham – when he was tried – offered up Isaac
and he that had received the promises offered up
his only begotten son – of whom it was said
That in Isaac shall your seed be called
accounting that God was able to raise him up
even from the dead from whence also he
received him in a figure
By FAITH Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau concerning things to come
By FAITH Jacob – when he was dying – blessed both sons of Joseph
and worshiped – leaning on the top of his staff
By FAITH Joseph – when he died
made mention of the departing of the children of Israel
and gave commandment concerning his bones
Faith in the books Exodus through Deuteronomyverses 23-29
By FAITH Moses – when he was born
was hid three months of his parents
because they saw he was a proper child
and they were not afraid of the king’s commandment
By FAITH Moses – when he was come to years
refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter
choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God
than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season
esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than
the treasures in Egypt – for he had respect unto the
recompense of the reward
By FAITH he forsook Egypt – not fearing the wrath of the king
for he endured – as seeing HIM WHO is invisible
Though FAITH he kept the Passover – and sprinkling of blood
lest HE that destroyed the firstborn should touch him
By FAITH they passed through the Red sea as by dry land
which the Egyptians assaying to do were drowned
Faith in the books of Joshua through Chroniclesverses 30-34
By FAITH the walls of Jericho fell down
after they were compassed about seven days
By FAITH the harlot Rahab perished not with them that believed not
when she had received the spies with peace
And what shall I more say? for the time would fail me to tell of
Gideon – Barak – Samson – Jephthah – David
Samuel – prophets who through FAITH
subdued kingdoms – wrought righteousness
obtained promises – stopped the mouths of lions
quenched the violence of fire
escaped the edge of the sword
out of weakness were made strong
waxed valiant in fight
turned to flight the armies of the aliens
General examples of faithverses 35-40
Women received their dead raised to life again
and others were tortured – not accepting deliverance
that they might obtain a BETTER resurrection
and others had trial of cruel mockings and scourging – yea
moreover of bonds and imprisonment
they were stoned – sawn asunder – tempted
slain with the sword
they wandered about in sheepskins – goatskins
being destitute – afflicted – tormented
(of whom the world was not worthy)
they wandered in deserts – mountains – dens
and caves of the earth
AND these all – having obtained a good report through FAITH
received not the promise
God having provided some BETTER things for us
that they without us should not
be made PERFECT
: 1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (5287 “substance” [hupostasis] means a setting under, confidence, firmness, foundation, to stand under, assurance, essence or firm trust)
DEVOTION: In the world we live in it is hard to trust people. We are told not to trust strangers. We are told not to look people in the eyes. We are told that no one can be trusted. We are told to only have confidence in our own abilities. Everyone is only looking out for himself or herself alone.
Our world is one without hope. We can’t put our confidence in a company to work in for the rest of our lives. We can’t put our confidence in a new car. We can’t put our confidence in an insurance policy.
The Bible tells us to put confidence in a God we cannot see. The Bible tells us that God loves us. We have to have faith or trust in the truthfulness of the Bible. The Bible tells us that there were people who lived before us who put their trust in the LORD and HE helped them.
We are told that we have to step out in FAITH and put our confidence in God alone. Many of the examples found in this chapter speak of great faith. Some had to die for their FAITH. Some gave up the pleasures of sin for a season to spend eternity with the LORD. Many miracles happened in their lives because they trusted in HIM. Also, some were killed for their beliefs in a better resurrection in the future. They believed that there was a city build by God.
We are not seeing it now. If we look at our present circumstance in this world it seems dark. The world around us is challenging the Christian faith. The world around us is killing those who believe in Christ. In many countries, they are asking Christians to deny their faith or die. Things are not getting better and better here.
What do we hope for? Do we only hope for a time of plenty here on this earth? Do we just want our families to not be visited by sickness, joblessness, or poverty? What do we really want? God tells us that we should be seeking a city that HE has built in heaven. Is that our true desire?
CHALLENGE: Focus on the promises of Scripture. Remember that we are just strangers and pilgrims here on this earth. Our city is in heaven.
DAILY SPIRITUAL LUNCH: Transitional Believers
: 3 Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear. (3539 “understand” [noeo] means perceive, consider well, to think upon, heed, ponder, imagine, reflect on with insight, discern, or to comprehend)
DEVOTION: We have to know that before we became a believer we were taught many things that don’t agree with the Word of God. The world doesn’t love the LORD. The world system doesn’t include the LORD in many of its teachings.
The first teaching where they disagree is in creation of the world. The Bible teaches that God created our world and everything in it in six literal days. HE observed HIS creation each day and said that it was good. One the sixth day HE created man and woman and said that it was very good.
Now we have in our schools and some of our churches the teaching that our world just came into being by accident and that we started out as one celled animals and then grew into what we are today through millions of years. The museums in Washington, D.C., present this as truth to all who will come into their world and believe their lie.
So we have to begin fresh once we become a believer with the fact that God created our world for HIS pleasure. We are descendants of Adam and Eve. We have a sin nature. We need a Savior who is Jesus Christ. We need to rethink who we are here to serve.
Our responsibility is to walk by faith in God through Jesus Christ with the help of the ministry of the Holy Spirit each day. Some of the things we learned at home, in school and even in church have to all be checked out by the Word of God.
Starting with false beliefs can scare us. It is only through meditating on the Word of God that truth becomes real to us. With the truth that we learn through the Word of God and the ministry of the Holy Spirit and the teaching of good Bible believing teachers we can move forward in our Christian faith.
Our brains have a lot of false data put into them from the time we are born until the time we die. We have to check all the data through the filter of the Word of God.
CHALLENGE: Walking by faith is never easy but with proper teaching we can do it daily. Remember the example of those who went before us.
: 6 But without faith it is impossible to please HIM: for he that comes to God must believe that HE is, and that HE is a rewarder of them that diligently seek HIM. (102 “impossible” [adunatos] means not capable of occurring or being accomplished or dealt with, incapable, what the law could not do, or without strength)
DEVOTION: That is a strong word “impossible.” We know that all things are possible with God but with human beings it is another story. We can’t do the impossible. Some people think they can but they soon realize that they can’t do it.
So we need childlike faith to trust in a God we can’t see but know exists because the Bible tells us so and we have seen others who believe and know that they are genuine.
Not only do we have to believe in HIM but we have to believe that HE is going to reward us one day for our service to HIM. Our service doesn’t earn us salvation but it earns us rewards it is done with the attitude and motivation.
Some people think they are serving the LORD if they do it all in public for public praise. That is not serving the LORD. It is only serving self. The reward those people will receive is given to them here on this earth and not in heaven.
God only rewards those who serve HIM without people knowing what is going on. HE wants us to do things privately, so that, we are not in it for human praise. HE knows what we do in secret. HE knows what we are doing in our prayer closet. HE sees everything.
Each day we have a responsibility to seek HIM will for that day. Each day HE gives us an opportunity to witness for HIM. Each day HE gives us a way we can show others that we are genuine believers.
CHALLENGE: Prayer is necessary for HIS daily guidance of us in HIS service. Seek HIS face and HE will show it to you.
: 31 By faith the harlot Rahab perished not with them that believed not, when she had received the spies with peace. (4204 “harlot” [porne] means prostitute, whore, a woman who sells her body for sexual uses, one who yields herself to defilement for the sake of gain, or any woman indulging in unlawful sexual intercourse)
DEVOTION: Every once in a while we will find someone coming forward in church or at special meeting who thinks that they have committed too many sins for the LORD to forgive. Some even think that they have committed the unpardonable sin.
Here we find a harlot or prostitute coming to God from a pagan community. She was the lowest of the low according to those who lived in those days. She had a house and hid the spies while the king was looking for them. She trusted that God was going to give the city of Jericho over to the children of Israel and asked that she be spared for her service of hiding the spies.
They said that she would get her request because of her belief that God was going to give the city to them. She also saved her family because of her trust. It had to be hard for her to do these things. She could have died helping them.
Yet she did something by faith and the LORD blessed her for her actions. It is thought that she was one of the women in the genealogy of Christ in Matthew chapter one. There are five women listed in this passage. Each women was unique in the way they trusted in the LORD to work in their life.
We need to realize that there is no sin or group of sins that God cannot forgive in our life. If someone genuinely trusts in the LORD HE will honor their trust with forgiveness and a place reserved for them in heaven.
CHALLENGE: Never think that you have sinned too much for God to forgive you. HE wants you to trust HIM with all of your heart.
:40 God having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be made perfect. (2909 “better thing” [kreitton] means 1 more useful, more serviceable, more advantageous. 2 more excellent. [Strong, J. (1995). Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon. Woodside Bible Fellowship])
DEVOTION: This chapter represents the hall of fame for those Jewish believers who had persevered in their faith despite overwhelming odds. The names in this list are mostly familiar, and represent men who chose to believe in God despite what they saw with their natural eyes. It is interesting that this list starts in verse 3 by mentioning that the subject of faith is the reader who accepts the creation account of Genesis 1 and 2 by faith.
The author of Hebrews points to something better four times in this list of champions (verses 4, 16, 35, and 40). His point is that there is something beyond what we can see out there which is infinitely better that what we can now see. Those so enumerated are Abel, the children of Israel who trusted in Yahweh, and those who obeyed God resulting in their being tortured to death. What they all looked forward to was a resurrection, a new life with God in heaven.
It is likely that some of those to whom the author of Hebrews is writing are those who will undergo persecution and torture and even martyrdom for their faith in Jesus Christ. There had been those who had been tempted to doubt God in the midst of these circumstances, no doubt. Yet the author of Hebrews clearly brings out that there had been a long line of those who had expressed their faith in God leading up to the current time.
With postmodernism on the rise, it is easy in our culture to compromise what we say we believe. In fact, we are told that Christianity is intolerant, and since tolerance is the supreme value, we need to be willing to mellow down what we say about moral issues. Since many do not know what moral absolutes are, they accept a Jesus who they think will allow them to have their own respective opinions about truth. Those disagreeing with immorality are accused of “hate speech.”
What a comfort to know that after this life we have something as believers in Jesus Christ to look forward to. We can share our hope with the world around us, knowing that some will become obedient to the faith once delivered for all, and some will reject it.
CHALLENGE: God is planning on His kingdom in heaven which is far better than anything that our eyes see now. When you are persecuted for being a follower of Jesus Christ, realize that you have great company in those who have gone before and kept the faith! (MW)
Chastity (Purity in living)
Fasting (Time alone with LORD without eating or drinking)
Sacrifice (Giving up something we want to serve the LORD)
Submission (Willing to listen to others and LORD)
Solitude (Going to a quiet place without anyone)
Fellowship (Gathering together around the Word of God)
Frugality (wise use of resources)
Journalizing (Writing down what you have learned from the LORD)
Study and Meditation (Thinking through your study in the Word)
Secrecy (Doing your good deeds without others knowing but God)
Celebration (Gathering around a special occasion to worship LORD)
Confession (Tell the LORD we are sorry for our sins on a daily basis)
Prayer (Conversation with God on a personal level)
Silence (Letting the LORD deal with some problems and needs)
Worship (Time to praise the LORD alone or in a group)
More excellent sacrificeverse 4
Worshipedverse 21
Passoververse 28
Sprinkling blood
Scripture (66 inerrant books of the Bible)
God the Father (First person of the Godhead)
Godverses 3-7, 10, 16, 25, 40
Worlds framed by word of Godverse 3
Creatorverse 3
Word of Godverse 3
God testifying verse 4
Translated Enochverse 5
Rewarderverse 6
Condemned the worldverse 7
Builder and maker of cityverse 10
Faithfulverse 11
Prepared a cityverse 16
People of Godverse 25
Invisibleverse 27
Better things for believersverse 40
God the Son (Second person of the Godhead –God/man, Messiah)
Christ verse 26
God the Holy Spirit (Third person of the Godhead – our comforter)
Trinity (Three persons of the Godhead who are co-equal = ONE God)
Angels (Created before the foundation of the world – Good and Evil)
Destroyer of firstbornverse 28
Man (Created on the sixth twenty-four hour period of creation)
Abel offer more excellent sacrificeverse 4
Cainverse 4
Enoch translated: pleased Godverse 5
Noah: heir of righteousnessverse 7
Warned of God
Moved with fear
Prepared the ark
Heir of righteousness
King of Egypt’s commandmentverse 23
Treasures of Egyptverse 26
Wrath of King of Egyptverse 27
Egyptians drownedverse 29
Armies of aliensverse 34
Worldverse 38
Sin (Missing the mark set by God on man and angels)
Without faithverse 6
Pleasures of sinverse 25
Believed notverse 31
Cruel mockingverse 36
Scourging of believersverse 36
Imprisoning believersverse 36
Stoned believersverse 37
Sawn asunder believersverse 37
Without us should not be made perfectverse 40
Salvation (Provided by Christ’s death on the cross for our sins)
Faithverses 1, 3-9, 13, 17, 20-24, 27-31, 33, 39
Substance of things hoped forverse 1
Evidence of things not seenverse 1
Hopeverse 1
Good reportverses 2, 39
Understandverse 3
Righteousverse 4
Giftsverse 4
Please Godverses 5, 6
Believe that HE isverse 6
Diligently seek HIMverse 6
Warned by Godverse 7
Calledverse 8
Obeyedverse 8
Promisedverses 11, 39
Strangersverse 13
Pilgrimsverse 13
Reproach of Christverse 26
Recompense of rewardverse 26
Better resurrectionverse 35
Temptedverse 37
Afflictedverse 37
Tormentedverse 37
Good reportverse 39
Better things for usverse 40
Israel (Old Testament people of God)
Eldersverse 2
Abrahamverses 8-10, 12, 17
Land of Promise
Dwelling in tabernacles
Looking for city
Good as dead
Offered up Isaac
Only begotten son
Isaacverses 9, 17-20
Seed by called
Received him as from dead
Blessed Jacob and Esau
Jacobverses 9, 20, 21
Blessed two sons of Joseph
Heirs of promiseverse 9
City whose builder and maker was Godverse 10
Sarahverse 11
Conceived seed
Delivered of child – past age
Judged faithful
Died in faithverse 13
Embraced promisesverse 13
Strangers and pilgrimsverse 13
Desire better countryverse 16
Esauverse 20
Josephverses 21, 22
Mentioned departing
Gave commandment regarding body
Mosesverses 23-29
Hid three months by parents
Proper child
Refused to be called son of
Pharaoh’s daughter
Reproach of Christ greater riches
Forsook Egypt
Passed through Red Sea
People of Godverse 25
Passoververse 28
Joshuaverse 30
Walls of Jericho fell down
compassed seven days
Rahabverse 31
Received spies with peace
Judges: Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthahverse 32
Davidverse 32
Samuel and the prophetsverse 32
Subdued kingdomsverse 33
Wrought righteousnessverse 33
Obtained promisesverse 33
Stopped the mouths of lionsverse 33
Quenched the violence of fireverse 33
Escaped edge of swordverse 34
Better resurrectionverse 35
Church (New Testament people of God)
Last Things (Future Events)
Heavenly countryverse 16
Resurrectionverse 35
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QUOTES regarding passage
40 God’s plan provided for “something better for us.” The indefinite pronoun leaves the precise nature of the blessing undefined. The important thing is not exactly what it is but that God has not imparted it prematurely. “Us” means “us Christians”; we who are Christ’s have our place in God’s plan. And that plan provides that the heroes of the faith throughout the ages should not “be made perfect” apart from Christians.
Salvation is social. It concerns the whole people of God. We can experience it only as part of the whole people of God. As long as the believers in OT times were without those who are in Christ, it was impossible for them to experience the fullness of salvation. Furthermore, it is what Christ has done that opens the way into the very presence of God for them as for us. Only the work of Christ brings those of OT times and those of the new and living way alike into the presence of God. (Morris, L. (1981). Hebrews. In F. E. Gaebelein (Ed.), The Expositor’s Bible Commentary: Hebrews through Revelation (Vol. 12, pp. 132–133). Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House)
God having provided (του θεου προβλεψαμενου [tou theou problepsamenou]). Genitive absolute with first aorist middle participle of προβλεπω [problepō], late compound to foresee, here only in the N. T. Some better thing (κρειττον τι [kreitton ti]). “Something better,” “the better promises” of 8:6. That apart from us they should not be made perfect (ἱνα μη χωρις ἡμων τελειωθωσιν [hina mē chōris hēmōn teleiōthōsin]). Negative purpose clause with ἱνα μη [hina mē] and the first aorist passive subjunctive of τελειοω [teleioō]. But this glorious and gracious purpose (foresight) of God is not due to any special merit in us. It is simply the fulness of the time in God’s dispensation of grace of which we are the beneficiaries. But all the same and all the more (noblesse oblige), we should prove worthy of our heritage and of God’s goodness to us and be loyal to Christ. (Robertson, A. T. (1933). Word Pictures in the New Testament (Heb 11:40). Nashville, TN: Broadman Press)
11:39–40. In a concluding summary the writer pointed out that the great heroes of faith he had spoken of had not yet realized their eschatological hopes. This fact shows that God had planned something better for them and us. It is indeed “better for us” that the future hopes they strove toward be delayed, since only thus could believers enjoy the present experience of becoming companions of the Messiah who leads them to glory. As a result, the perfecting (cf. 10:14; 12:23) of the Old Testament worthies—that is, the realization of their hopes—awaits that of all believers. (Hodges, Z. C. (1985). Hebrews. In J. F. Walvoord & R. B. Zuck (Eds.), The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures (Vol. 2, p. 809). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books)
The transition in Hebrews 11:35 is important: not all men and women of faith experienced miraculous deliverance. Some were tortured and died! The word translated “others” in Hebrews 11:36 means “others of a different kind.” These “others” had faith, but God did not see fit to deal with them in the same way he dealt with Moses, Gideon, and David.
While making a hospital visit, I found a patient lying in bed weeping. “What’s the matter?” I asked. Her reply was to hand me a book that she had that day received in the mail. It was on “divine healing” and “the power of faith.” Some anonymous person had written on the flyleaf, “Read this book—it will give you faith to be healed.” The patient happened to be a dedicated Christian who trusted God even in the midst of suffering. But her anonymous correspondent thought that all people with faith should be delivered miraculously.
I have personally experienced God’s miracle touch on my body when others were sure I would die. I know that God can heal. But I also know that God does not have to heal in order to prove that I have faith. The writer of Hebrews (11:36–38) records the fact that many unknown men and women of faith were not delivered from difficult circumstances; yet God honored their faith. In fact, it takes more faith to endure than it does to escape. Like the three Hebrew children, we should trust God and obey Him even if He does not deliver us (Dan. 3:16–18).
Man’s estimate of these heroes of faith was a low one; so men persecuted them, arrested them, tortured them, and in some cases, killed them. But God’s estimate is entirely different. He said that the world was not worthy of these people! The Apostle Paul is a good illustration of this truth. Festus said that Paul was out of his mind (Acts 26:24). The Jews said Paul was not fit to live (Acts 22:22). Paul himself said he was treated like “the filth of the world … the offscouring of all things” (1 Cor. 4:13). Yet Paul was God’s chosen vessel, probably the greatest Christian who ever lived!
Faith enables us to turn from the approval of the world and seek only the approval of God. If God is glorified by delivering His people, He will do it. If He sees fit to be glorified by not delivering His people, then He will do that. But we must never conclude that the absence of deliverance means a lack of faith on the part of God’s children.
Faith looks to the future, for that is where the greatest rewards are found. The people named in this chapter (and those unnamed) did not receive “the promises” (what was promised, Heb. 11:13) but they had God’s witness to their faith that one day they would be rewarded. God’s purpose involves Old Testament saints as well as New Testament saints! One day all of us shall share that heavenly city that true saints look for by faith.
We today should give thanks for these saints of old, for they were faithful during difficult times, and yet we are the ones who have received the “better blessing.” They saw some of these blessings afar off (see John 8:56), but we enjoy them today through Jesus Christ. If the saints of old had not trusted God and obeyed His will, Israel would have perished and the Messiah would not have been born.
“Without faith it is impossible to please God” (Heb. 11:6). But this kind of faith grows as we listen to His Word (Rom. 10:17) and fellowship in worship and prayer. Faith is possible to all kinds of believers in all kinds of situations. It is not a luxury for a few “elite saints.” It is a necessity for all of God’s people.
Lord, increase our faith! (Wiersbe, W. W. (1996). The Bible exposition commentary (Vol. 2, p. 321). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books)
11:40 apart from us. The faith of OT saints looked forward to the promised salvation, whereas the faith of those after Christ looks back to the fulfillment of the promise. Both groups are characterized by genuine faith and are saved by Christ’s atoning work on the cross (cf. Eph 2:8, 9). (MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (2006). The MacArthur study Bible: New American Standard Bible. (Heb 11:40). Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers.)
Ver. 40. God having provided some better thing for us, &c.] Not a better state of the church, in such respect, as to be free from suffering reproach and persecutions; for this is the case of saints under the New Testament as under the Old; nor the felicity of the soul after death; nor any greater degree of happiness in the other world; nor the perfection of blessedness in soul and body; things common to all believers; but Christ, as now exhibited in the flesh: Jesus Christ was the same in the yesterday of the Old Testament, as he is in the present day of the Gospel dispensation; he was slain from the foundation of the world; and the saints then were saved as now, by his grace and righteousness: only with this difference between them and us; they had Christ in the promise, we have him himself that was promised; they had him in type and shadow, we have him in reality and truth; they believed in, and were saved by Christ, who was to come; we believe in him, and are saved by him, as being come. Hence our case is, with respect to these circumstances, better than theirs; we have a better covenant, or a better administration of the covenant of grace; we have a better priesthood, and a better sacrifice; the Gospel is dispensed in a better manner, more clearly and fully: our condition is better than theirs; they were as children under tutors and governors, and were under a spirit of bondage; but we are redeemed from under the law, and are clear of its burdensome rites, as well as of its curse and condemnation; and have the spirit of liberty and adoption. And this God has provided for us in his council and covenant: for this denotes God’s determination, designation, and appointment of Christ, to be the propitiatory sacrifice for sin; and has respect to the nature and circumstances of his death, which were fixed in the purposes of God; as well as the time of his coming into the world, and the season of his death; and in all this God has shewn his great goodness, his amazing love, and the riches of his grace: end his end herein is, that they without us should not be made perfect; the Old-Testament saints are perfectly justified, perfectly sanctified, and perfectly glorified; but their perfection was not by the law, which made nothing perfect, but by Christ, and through his sacrifice, blood, and righteousness; and so were not made perfect without us; since their sins and ours are expiated together by the same sacrifice; their persons and ours justified together by the same righteousness; they and we make up but one church, and general assembly; and as yet all the elect of God among the Jews are not called, and so are not perfect in themselves, or without us. Jews and Gentiles will incorporate together in the latter day; and besides, they and we shall be glorified together, in soul and body, to all eternity. (Gill, J. (1809). An Exposition of the New Testament (Vol. 3, pp. 469–470). London: Mathews and Leigh.)
So the great appeal merges into the great application. “God having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be made perfect” (Heb. 11:40). The Old Testament saints had only the shadows; we have the substance. They had good things; we have better things. Their sphere and horizon was earthly; ours is heavenly. Thus the writer of Hebrews applies the lessons from all the lives he has been considering, applies them with great leverage and tremendous pressure, to the lives of the Hebrew Christians to whom he wrote. “Go on,” he says. “Go on. Never go back. Go on.” (Phillips, J. (2009). Exploring Hebrews: An Expository Commentary (Heb 11:40). Kregel Publications; WORDsearch Corp.)
…to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins…. Romans 3:25
The cross, thank God, is not only exposition. The cross is also proclamation, a mighty declaration. I like the word that the apostle uses there in Romans 3, and especially the way in which he repeats it. He likes it himself obviously. “Whom God hath set forth,” he says “to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins…to declare, I say…” (Romans 3:25-26). Have you got it, have you heard it, were you listening? says the apostle. Wake up, you sleepy listeners. “…to declare, I say….” Have you heard the declaration? Have you heard the mighty proclamation? What does this blood declare to me?
Let me sum it up in another word that this same apostle used in 2 Corinthians 5:19,21. This is the declaration: “God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them….For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.” What does all this mean? Let me put it in modern terms. The cross tells me that this is the declaration. This, it says, is God’s way of dealing with the problem of man’s sin. It has already said that there is a problem. It is a terrible one; it is the greatest problem of all time and of the whole cosmos. There is nothing greater than this. There is the exposition of the problem. Then comes the mighty declaration. This, it says, is God’s answer.
Now our Lord had been saying that in His teaching, but they could not understand it. They were blinded, even His own disciples. They were thinking as Jews, in terms of a kingdom on earth. Man will always materialize the great and glorious blessings of God’s kingdom.
A Thought to Ponder: The cross, thank God, is not only exposition. The cross is also proclamation, a mighty declaration.
(From The Cross, p. 161, by Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones)
Jesus heals a man born blind, stirring up controversy.
While Jesus certainly has compassion on those to whom He ministers, His miracles are done not only to relieve human suffering but also to establish His credentials. He claims to be the Bread of Life. To validate that message, He feeds the 5000.
In chapter 9, Jesus says that the man’s blindness is not because of sin but for the purpose of manifesting the work of God in him. The same was true with Lazarus. His death was not final but was for the purpose of bringing glory to the Son of God. Jesus raises Lazarus and then says that the Son is glorified. (Quiet Walk)
Headstone of the Corner
“The stone which the builders refused is become the head stone of the corner.” (Psalm 118:22)
That this enigmatic verse is really a Messianic prophecy is evident from the fact that Christ Himself applied it thus. “Jesus saith unto them, Did ye never read in the scriptures, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner?” (Matthew 21:42). The Jewish leaders had refused Him as their Messiah, but the day would come when they would have to confess their sad mistake.
Later, addressing them concerning “Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead,” the apostle Peter said: “This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner” (Acts 4:10-11).
This analogy evidently refers back to the building of Solomon’s great temple a thousand years earlier. At that time, each of the great stones for its beautiful walls was “made ready before it was brought thither: so that there was neither hammer nor axe nor any tool of iron heard in the house, while it was in building” (1 Kings 6:7). According to tradition, there was one stone that didn’t fit with the others, so the builders moved it out of the way. At last, when the temple tower was almost complete, they found they were missing the pinnacle stone that would cap all the rest. Finally they realized that the stone they had rejected had been shaped to be the head stone at the topmost corner of the tower.
Peter referred to it again in his epistle: “Behold, I lay in Sion a chief corner stone, elect, precious:…Unto you therefore which believe he is precious: but unto them which be disobedient, the stone which the builders disallowed, the same is made the head of the corner, and a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offense, even to them which stumble at the word, being disobedient” (1 Peter 2:6-8).
(HMM, The Institute for Creation Research)
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