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I Chronicles 18

Victories of David over Philistines & Moabverses 1-2

Now after this it came to pass – that David smote the Philistines

and subdued them – and took Gath and her towns out of the

hand of the Philistines

And he smote Moab – and the Moabites became David’s servants

and brought gifts

Victories of David around Euphrates riververses 3-4

And David smote Hadarezer – king of Zobah unto Hamath

as he went to establish his dominion by the river Euphrates

      and David took from him a thousand chariots

seven thousand horsemen

twenty thousand footmen

David also houghed all the chariot horse

but reserved of them an hundred chariots

Victories of David over Syriansverses 5-6

And when the Syrians of Damascus came

to help Hadarezer king of Zobah

                        David slew of the Syrians

two and twenty thousand men

Then David put garrisons in Syria-damascus

            and the Syrians became David’s servants

and brought gifts

Thus the LORD preserved David whithersoever he went

Booty of victories brought to Jerusalemverses 7-8

And David took the shields of gold that were on

the servants of Hadarezer

and brought them to Jerusalem

            likewise from Tibhath and from Chun

cities of Hadarezer

                                    brought David very much brass

            wherewith Solomon made the brazen sea

                        and the pillars – and the vessels of brass

King Tou brings gifts to Davidverses 9-10

Now when Tou – king of Hamath heard how David had smitten

            he sent Hadoram all the hosts of Hadarezer – king of Zobah

his son to  king David

to inquire of his welfare -to congratulate him

because he had fought against Hadarezer

                              and smitten him

(for Hadarezer had war with Tou)

and with him all manner of vessels of gold

and silver and brass

David dedicates all gifts to the LORDverse 11

Them also king David dedicated to the LORD

with the silver and gold that he brought

from all these nations

from Edom – Moab – the children of Ammon

the Philistines – Amalek

Victories of David over Edomitesverses 12-13

Moreover Abishai the son of Zeruiah

slew the Edomites in the valley of salt

eighteen thousand – and he put garrisons in Edom

                                    and all the Edomites became David’s servants

Thus the LORD preserved David whithersoever he went

Officials during David’s reignverses 14-17

So David reigned over all Israel

and executed judgment and justice among all his people

      and Joab the son of Zeruiah was over the host

      and Jehoshaphat the son of Ahilud – recorder

      and Zadok the son of Abiathar were the priests

      and Shavsha was scribe

      and Benaiah the son of Jehoiada was over the Cherethites

                  and the Pelethites

      and the sons of David were chief about the king



: 2        And he smote Moab; and the Moabites became David’s servants, and brought gifts. (4503 “gifts” [minchah] means presents, tribute, offering, payment from one nation to another for protection and as an acknowledgment of submission, or oblation)

DEVOTION:  Remember that the descendants of Lot were the ones who formed the nation of Moab. They were a group that should be supporting the children of Israel instead of fighting with them. However, we find that relatives do fight with one another from time to time. This nation fought against Israel on a regular basis.

David defeated them in battle and instead of killing them all he made them pay tribute money to him from the time of their defeat until their rebellion against Israel in the future.

David was building up his land and his wealth to honor the LORD. He wanted to build a great nation that could be safe and worship the LORD in the way they thought they should without worrying about being conquered by their neighboring nations. It was either defeat your neighbors or worry about them coming to fight most of the time.

Today we are not in a battle situation with our neighbors that cause us to take up arms to fight. The battle we are fighting with our neighbors is a moral battle. It is a battle for their beliefs regarding Jesus Christ. We have to inform our neighbors about our belief that everyone needs to become a follower of Jesus Christ or be judged by the LORD in the future.

The final judgment is coming and we don’t know the day or hour but we need to be witnessing while we still have a chance to see our neighbors come to the LORD. We should not want to have someone come up to us during the Great White Throne Judgment and say “Why didn’t you tell me?”

CHALLENGE:  I don’t know if that could happen but it should be in our thought process to make sure we at least try to reach our neighbors, friends and relatives for the LORD.

DAILY SPIRITUAL LUNCH: Transitional Believers

: 6        Then David put garrisons in Syria-Damascus; and the Syrians became David’s servants, and brought gifts. Thus the LORD preserved David whithersoever he went. (3467 “preserved” [yasha] means to help, save, to be victorious, to give success in battle, rescued, to save from moral troubles, or to give victory to)

DEVOTION: When someone is a genuine servant of the LORD he receives help from the LORD during all of his life. This doesn’t mean that a servant is sinless but that the servant is trying to be obedient and when he or she is not obedient they ask for forgiveness for their sins and the LORD continue to bless them.

This is what was happening in the life of David. He gave his life to the LORD and tried to serve him to the best of his ability most of the time but when he sinned, he confessed his sins and the LORD continued to bless him. Sometimes there was judgment but even the judgment was not final.

Today we find that this is true also. We are individuals who ask the LORD for forgiveness and serve HIM to the best of our ability most of the time. None of us is without sin once we accept the LORD into our life but we are willing to confess our sin and ask for forgiveness.

The only ones in the time of the disciples who thought they were without sin were the Pharisees. They put on a good show but underneath it all they were sinners and Jesus told them so. HE will tell us when we are acting like Pharisees even today. Some will listen but others will continue to be fake believers.

Those who are fake believers will be judged for eternity with those who have not genuinely accepted Christ. The LORD knows the difference. Being religious is not the same as being a genuine believer.

Too many people in our churches are good at judging others without looking at themselves.

CHALLENGE: Our responsibility is to make sure that we are genuine believers because we realize that we are still sinners saved by grace and we need to confess our sins for the LORD to bless us.

: 8        Likewise from Tibhath, and form Chun, cities of Hadarezer, brought David very much brass, wherewith Solomon made the brazen sea, and the pillars, and the vessels of brass (5178 “brass” [nachosheth] means copper, bronze, an alloy of copper and tin and sometime other elements, money, or wealth)

DEVOTION:  The author of the book of I Chronicles knew where the bronze came from that Solomon used to make the bronze Sea after the reign of David. He wrote this book after the reign of David. He knew about the building of the Temple.

Here is a father planning the building of the Temple by his son, Solomon. He gathered material to help make the building of the Temple easier. The material that was gathered during the reign of David made it a doable project.

The LORD was the one who gave David all these victories, so that, he could collect what was necessary for the future building of the Temple. The LORD had a plan that HE made before the foundation of the world and this was part of that plan. Nothing happens by chance in the eyes of the LORD. HE knows the beginning from the end.

We sometimes think that God is acting haphazard in our world and sometimes even in our life but this is not true. HE has a plan and HE wants us to work HIS plan when we are obedient to HIM.

Do you doubt that God has a plan for your life? This is not what the Bible teaches. HE is working in your life not only for your growth but also for the growth of your children and your children’s children. HE wants us to learn to depend on HIM to work out what is best for our family.

We should be working with HIM to reach our family for their future service to HIM. This can only be done by our obedience and our bringing our families to the LORD in prayer.

The bronze sea was used to wash the priests before they came into the presence of the LORD.

CHALLENGE:  We have to be washed by the blood of the Lamb. HE is the only one who can cleanse us of sin.


: 13      And he put garrisons in Edom; and all the Edomites became David’s servants. Thus the LORD preserved David whithersoever he went.  (3467 “preserved” [yasha] means to be open, wide, free, to be safe, avenging, defend, deliver, help, rescue, or get victory)

DEVOTION:  Victory is a word that we like to hear in all of our adventures of life. We want victory in school with our grades. We want victory in any sporting event we are a part of while in school. We want to have victory in our relationships with other people. We want to be victorious in our occupation. This is something that doesn’t always happen in our life.

David was in the presence of the LORD. David is being obedient to the LORD. David is contacting the LORD concerning his every move. David was under the protective arm of the LORD.

With the LORD’S help David had victory over all his enemies. This was a time period when the LORD was blessing David and the kingdom of Israel. This phrase is used twice in this chapter regarding all of the adventures David took. He had victory over all of the people he found against. He even received gifts from people that he didn’t even fight against. They were glad that he was defeating their enemies.

All of the gifts David received he dedicated to the LORD for the building of HIS house or Temple in the future. There was much preparation done by David regarding the Temple he could not build. He knew that his son was going to build the Temple.

If we are in the practice of practicing the presence of God in our daily walk with the LORD, we can have the blessings of the LORD on a regular basis. When we are out of the presence of the LORD, the blessings are few and far between.

Which place should we be in? Do we want to be safe in the hands of the LORD? We have the LORD’S help available to us because of what Christ did on the cross. We can do ALL THINGS with the strength of the LORD. The ALL THINGS have to be according to HIS will. Do we have VICTORY on a daily basis?

Remember that David didn’t have it rosy while he was running from Saul but the LORD protected him and cared for him in his difficult circumstances. This might be what some people are going through right now. They might only see the negative of their circumstances, rather than the blessing that are still coming in their life. Also, remember that we can have victory even in difficult circumstances when we don’t give in to the circumstances.

If facing difficult circumstances trust that the LORD will bless us in the future if we stay in his presence. If we are in good circumstances find someone who is going through a difficult circumstance and help them.

CHALLENGE: The LORD uses individuals who are available to be HIS servants on the ground.

: 14      So David reigned over all Israel, and executed judgment and justice among all his people. (6213 “executed” [‘asah] means to carry out or perform an action, manufacture, labor, work, make, do, assign, or administered)

DEVOTION:  David wanted to please the LORD in every aspect of his administration. The people needed to know that the laws of the land were God’s laws and they would be administered the way the LORD wanted them to be.

So David assigned men to the task of making sure that the people received the right punishment for the right crimes. He also made it plain that the moral code of God would be followed in the administration of justice. It was not going to be the laws of the lands around them but the laws that God commanded through the commandments given in the wilderness to Moses.

The Ten Commandments were the basis of the law of Israel. It was the basis of the laws of other countries throughout history. America was founded on the legal system that used the Ten Commandments as a standard. That has gone by the wayside now with many of the laws of the land going away from honoring God and set to please people with the best lawyers instead of having justice for all.

God’s plan is always better. HE wants there to be justice for all according to HIS standard. That will take place again when we come to the final judgment on the world where the books will be opened and people will be judged by God’s standard and not with the lower standard that is presently happening in our world.

There will be no politically correct decisions made by the LORD only Biblically correct decisions. We need to practice this in our church and in our family now. Believers are not to be politically correct in their thinking or actions.

All the people in David’s day were judged by the LORD’S standard. It was the only standard that was truly just!!!

CHALLENGE: What is your standard as you enter your world today? Is it Biblically correct or politically correct? We answer to the LORD for our choice.



Chastity (Purity in living)

Fasting (Time alone with LORD without eating or drinking)

Sacrifice (Giving up something we want to serve the LORD)

Submission (Willing to listen to others and LORD)

Solitude (Going to a quiet place without anyone)


Fellowship (Gathering together around the Word of God)

Frugality (wise use of resources)

Journalizing (Writing down what you have learned from the LORD)

Study and Meditation (Thinking through your study in the Word)

Secrecy (Doing your good deeds without others knowing but God)


Celebration (Gathering around a special occasion to worship LORD)

Confession (Tell the LORD we are sorry for our sins on a daily basis)

Prayer (Conversation with God on a personal level)

Silence (Letting the LORD deal with some problems and needs)

Worship (Time to praise the LORD alone or in a group)

Brazen Seaverse 8

Pillarsverse 8

Vessels of brassverse 8

Zadok – son of Ahitub –priestverse 16

Abimelech – son of Abiathar – priestverse 16


Scripture (66 inerrant books of the Bible)

God the Father (First person of the Godhead)

LORD – Jehovah (Covenant keeping, Personal)verses 6, 11, 13

LORD preserved Davidverses 6, 13

God the Son (Second person of the Godhead – God/man, Messiah)

God the Holy Spirit (Third person of the Godhead – our comforter)

Trinity (Three persons of the Godhead who are co-equal = ONE God)

Angels (Created before the foundation of the world – Good and Evil)

Man (Created on the sixth twenty-four hour period of creation)

Philistinesverses 1, 11

Moabverses 2, 11

Hadarezer – king of Zobahverses 3-5, 7-10

David took from him

1,000 chariots

7,000 horsemen

20,000 footmen

100 chariots

Shields of gold

Very much brass

Syrians defeatedverses 5, 6

David slew 22, 000

Tou – king of Hamath verses 9-10

Sent his son Hadoram to congratulate David

Brought vessels of gold, silver, and brass

Edomverses 11-13

Abishai the son of zeruiah slew them

Children of Ammonverse 11

Amalekverse 11

Sin (Missing the mark set by God on man and angels)

Salvation (Provided by Christ’s death on the cross for our sins)

Preservedverses 6, 13

Dedicatedverse 11

Judgmentverse 14

Justiceverse 14

Israel (Old Testament people of God)

Davidverses 1-17

Subdued Philistines

Smote Moab – they brought gifts

Dominion by the river Euphrates

Put garrisons in Syria- Damascus

Syrians became David’s servants

Dedicated to the LORD gifts of Tou

Reigned over all Israel and executed

judgment & justice

Jerusalemverse 7

Abishai – son of Zeruiahverses 12, 13

Slew Edomites – 18,000

Made Edomites servants of David

Joab – son of Zeruiah was over the hostverse 15

Jehoshaphat – son of Ahilud was recorderverse 15

Shavsha – scribeverse 16

Benaiah – son of Jehoiadaverse 17

Over the Cherethites and Pelethites

Sons of David were chief about the kingverse 17

Church (New Testament people of God)

Last Things (Future Events)


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QUOTES regarding passage

18:14 The growth of David’s domains necessitated some organization to care for their administration. The Chronicler notes that it was over “all Israel” that David reigned. The character of his rule was that he ruled with justice and rectitude. This statement enhanced still further David’s reputation. He was an ideal ruler. Justice and right doing marked his whole administration. (Thompson, J. A. (1994). 1, 2 Chronicles (Vol. 9, p. 152). Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers.)

f. David’s cabinet (18:14–17). David’s control of all Israel (cf. 11:3; 12:38; 13:2; 15:28) was the foundation of his empire, which was administered by the first ‘cabinet’ or ‘executive’ in Israelite history (vv. 14–17). The list is based on 2 Samuel 8:15–18 (cf. 2 Sam. 20:23–26), though some overlap with the list of secular officials in 1 Chronicles 26:25–32 also occurs. David’s doing what was just and right (Heb. mišpāṭ ûṣĕdāqâ; cf. 2 Chr. 9:8) reflects the ancient Near Eastern tradition where rulers took responsibility for their judicial system (cf. Absalom’s attempt to gain power by usurping David’s legal authority, 2 Sam. 15:1–6). The terms ‘justice’ (Heb. mišpāṭ) and ‘righteousness’ (Heb. ṣedeq‚ ṣĕdāqâ) also express David’s faithfulness to Israelite covenant law. They were God’s own principles (Ps. 89:14; Isa. 33:5), which became the hallmark of ideal government in the prophetic hope (Isa. 11:1–5).

15–17. The ‘cabinet’ had three ‘departments’, with two military officers, two in charge of administration, and four priests. The pattern of administration sketched here is usually thought to be modelled on Egyptian practice, the recorder (niv, nrsv, rsv; ‘secretary of state’, reb, neb) acting either as ‘spokesman, herald’ or in charge of protocol, and the secretary (niv, nrsv, rsv, jb; ‘adjutant-general’, reb, neb) responsible for official correspondence. Others have sought Canaanite analogies, but native Israelite developments should not be discounted. In the military section, Joab, successor to Abner (cf. 2 Sam. 3:6–39) and briefly displaced by Amasa (2 Sam. 19:13–20:13), was David’s chief general, and Benaiah was over the royal bodyguard of Cherethite (= Cretan) and Pelethite (= Philistine) mercenaries.

The information about the priests is less straightforward, since Zadok and Abiathar are the more familiar names of David’s priests (e.g. 2 Sam. 15:24ff.; 1 Chr. 15:11). The evv correctly have Ahimelech for mt’s ‘Abimelech’ with 2 Samuel 8:17, but the common adoption of Wellhausen’s proposal (as in reb, neb) to remove Zadok’s father’s name and change the second priest’s name to ‘Abiathar son of Ahimelech son of Ahitub’ (cf. 1 Sam. 22:20) does not do justice to a complex problem. Chronicles at least has a tradition that one Ahitub was Zadok’s father (1 Chr. 6:8, 53; cf. 2 Sam. 8:17), which was strong enough to influence the names of later pre-exilic generations (1 Chr. 6:12; cf. 9:11; Ezra 7:2; Neh. 11:11). A possible analogy for Abiathar and Ahimelech (father or son?) carrying out joint priestly duties is the combined activity of Aaron and his sons (Lev. 8–10). A further problem concerns David’s sons (v. 17). According to 2 Samuel 8:18 they were ‘priests’, but here they are only David’s chief officials (niv, nrsv, rsv; ‘eldest sons’, reb, neb). They were probably either the king’s personal priests, i.e. a kind of royal chaplain, or high-ranking officials whose priestly function was separate from that of the levitical priests (cf. 2 Sam. 20:26; 1 Kgs 4:5). (Selman, M. J. (1994). 1 Chronicles: An Introduction and Commentary (Vol. 10, pp. 197–199). Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.)

17 Benaiah (cf. comment on 11:23), in contrast to Joab (v.15), who led the general Israelite militia, commanded David’s standing force of professional, foreign troops: the Kerethites, a people connected with the Philistines (1 Sam 30:14; Ezek 25:16) probably Cretans-notice the Egyptian name, up until the 1300s, of “Keftiu” (Heb., Caphtor; see comment on 1:12)—and the Pelethites, seemingly a shortened name for the Philistines themselves. (Payne, J. B. (1988). 1, 2 Chronicles. In F. E. Gaebelein (Ed.), The Expositor’s Bible Commentary: 1 & 2 Kings, 1 & 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Job (Vol. 4, p. 399). Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House.)

18:14–17 David’s enemies felt his wrath, but his people enjoyed his righteousness and justice. He was not only a good general but also an efficient administrator. David’s officers and officials are listed here as well as in 2 Samuel 8:16–18. God likes to give recognition for service to Him and His leaders. (MacDonald, W. (1995). Believer’s Bible Commentary: Old and New Testaments. (A. Farstad, Ed.) (p. 436). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.)

18:17 Cherethites … Pelethites: These were elite companies of soldiers, probably mercenaries. They were commanded by Benaiah, a member of one of the groups of “three mighty men” (11:24). There were Philistines known as Cherethites (Ezek. 25:16; 1 Sam. 30:14), and the connection between Pelethites and Philistines elsewhere (2 Sam. 15:18) leads to the conclusion that they were all from Philistia. chief ministers: These were David’s sons who served in his government. They are called by the Hebrew word usually translated “priests” in 2 Sam. 8:18. (Radmacher, E. D., Allen, R. B., & House, H. W. (1999). Nelson’s new illustrated Bible commentary (p. 518). Nashville: T. Nelson Publishers.)

12–17. The equity and righteous reign of David serves to remind us of Jesus, of whom it is said, Behold a king shall reign in righteousness, and princes shall rule in judgment. Isaiah 32:1. (Hawker, R. (2013). Poor Man’s Old Testament Commentary: 1 Kings–Esther (Vol. 3, p. 379). Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software.)


(Remember the only author that I totally agree with is the HOLY SPIRIT in the inerrant WORD OF GOD called THE BIBLE! All other I try to gleam what I can to help me grow in the LORD!!)

Beware the temptation to advance God’s plan your way, according to your schedule, especially if an action involves sin. (p. 138, From ORDINARY to EXTRAORDINARY by John MacArthur)

Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as you can—— John Wesley

True Deliverance
“And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.” (Matthew 6:13)

Certain Christian workers practice what they call a “deliverance ministry,” but true biblical deliverance is better defined in terms of today’s verse, which, of course, is the last petition in the prayer that Christ taught His disciples to pray. True deliverance is deliverance from evil, whatever form that evil might take, and preservation until God’s kingdom comes. Let us observe several scriptural accounts of true deliverance.

Note that the Greek word for deliverance has the connotation of “rescue,” and this is its first occurrence in the New Testament; that makes its usage here especially significant. That the Lord will indeed provide such deliverance, if we pray for it in sincerity, is affirmed in many testimonies and promises. Burdened with the problems of his old sin nature, Paul cried out, “O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death?” But then the answer comes: “I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 7:24-25). Even as his anticipated martyrdom was approaching, Paul could still testify, “The Lord shall deliver me from every evil work, and will preserve me unto his heavenly kingdom” (2 Timothy 4:18).

Peter also assures us that “the Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished” (2 Peter 2:9). He is able to deliver His people from all the evils of this present evil world, to keep them and prepare them for the glory and the power of His coming kingdom, for He Himself is the Deliverance. “As it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer [same word], and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob” (Romans 11:26). (HMM, Institute of Creation Research)


And he that searches the hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit. Romans 8:27
The Holy Spirit clearly has a mind. In Romans 8:27 we read, “the mind of the Spirit” this is in connection with prayer. He is also the one who loves, because we read that “the fruit of the Spirit is love” (Galatians 5:22); and it is His function to shed abroad the love of God in our hearts (Romans 5:5). And, likewise, we know He is capable of grief, because in Ephesians 4:30 we are warned not to “grieve” the Holy Spirit. 
The ultimate doctrine about the Spirit, from the practical, experiential standpoint, is that my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, so that whatever I do, wherever I go, the Holy Spirit is with me. I know nothing that so promotes sanctification and holiness as the realization of that. If only we realized, always, that in anything we do with our bodies, the Holy Spirit is involved! Remember also that Paul teaches that in the context of a warning against fornication. He writes, “Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you…?” (1 Corinthians 6:19). That is why fornication should be unthinkable in a Christian. God is in us, in the Holy Spirit: not an influence, not a power, but a person whom we can grieve. 
I am going through these details not out of an academic interest, nor because I happen to have a theological type of mind. No, I am concerned about these things, as I am a man trying myself to live the Christian life, and as I am called of God to be a pastor of souls, and I feel the responsibility for the souls and conduct and behavior of others. Wherever you are, wherever you go, if you are a Christian the Holy Spirit is in you; and if you really want to enjoy the blessings of salvation, you do so by knowing that your body is His temple.
A Thought to Ponder: If you are a Christian, the Holy Spirit is in you. (From God the Holy Spirit, pp. 11-12, by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones)


In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins.
Ephesians 1:7
If the Lord Jesus Christ is not crucial, central, vital, and occupying the very center of our meditation and our living, thinking, and praying, we have no right to look for revival. And yet, if you go and talk to many people, even in the church, about religion, you will find that they will talk to you at great length without ever mentioning the Lord Jesus Christ. I am never tired of putting it like this, because it is something that I am so familiar with in my experience as a pastor. People come and talk to me about these things, and I put my question to them. I say, “If you had to die tonight, how would you feel?”
“Oh,” they say, “I believe in God.”
“All right,” I reply, “what will you say when you stand in the presence of God? What are you relying on?”
“Well,” they say, “I have always tried to live a good life, I have done my best, I have tried to do good.”
“But nevertheless you have sinned, haven’t you?”
“Oh yes, I have sinned.
“So,” I ask, “what do you do about your sin? What will you say to God, in the presence of God, about your sin?”
“Well,” they say, “I believe God is a God of love.”
“And how does that help you?”
“Well,” they say, “I believe that if I acknowledge my sin to God and then ask Him to forgive me, He does forgive me, and I am relying upon that.”
The point I am making is that they do not even mention the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. They seem to think that they can go to God directly without the Lord Jesus Christ at all. There is a great deal of so-called Christianity that is quite Christ-less.
A Thought to Ponder: If the Lord Jesus Christ is not occupying the very center of our meditation, we have no right to look for revival.

             (From Revival, pp. 45-46, by  Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones)

MARK LEVIN’S WAY OR GOD’S WAY (Friday Church News Notes, June 4, 2021,, 866-295-4143) – I listened to Mark Levin’s radio broadcast last week and was reminded of two things. First, Levin is one of the most knowledgeable, clever, sincere, and passionate personalities in America’s conservative political movement. Second, other than sharing a love for America, we have radically different world views. I’m not criticizing Mr. Levin; I am thankful for the good he has done for America, he and every other “conservative.” I’m only singling him out insofar as he represents the most zealous, thoughtful, practical side of influential political conservatives. My point is that regardless of what we have in common about America, we have very little in common in reality. If God’s redeemed people are followers of secular voices, no matter how knowledgeable and zealous, it is evidence of carnality and worldliness because God’s thoughts are not their thoughts. Following are some of the differences:
(1) We have a different God. My God is the Sovereign of the universe. He has an eternal plan which encompasses all of human history, and that plan is “that in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ” (Ephesians 1:10). Toward this end, God “worketh all things after the counsel of his own will” (Ephesians 1:11). “He changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings” (Daniel 2:21). This God created all things, and in Him we live and move and have our being, and by Him all things consist. “For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever” (Romans 11:36). Knowing this God, I don’t have to wring my hands at human affairs. They are safely in His hands.
(2) We have a different gospel. My gospel is the gospel of eternal salvation by God’s grace through the vicarious atonement of Jesus Christ. It is God’s free gift, without works and sacrament. It is a gospel for individuals. It saves souls, not nations. It is spiritual, not political.
(3) We have a different authority. My authority is the Holy Bible, which I hold to be the verbal, plenarily inspired Word of God and sole authority for faith and practice. That is what it claims to be and that is what it is shown to be by many infallible proofs.
(4) We have a different citizenship. My citizenship is in heaven, and I am a pilgrim in this present world. “For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ” (Philippians 3:20).
(5) We have a different perspective. My perspective of life is viewed from God’s eyes, not man’s. This perspective is revealed in God’s Word, where I am told, “If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory” (Colossians 3:1-4).
(6) We see different fundamentals at work. I see spiritual fundamentals as the root of America’s ills. A primary fundamental is the condition of the churches, which in turn dramatically affects the character of the people. The church is the pillar and ground of the truth (1 Timothy 3:15), and America has always been a nation of churches.
) We have a different goal. My goal in life is to please the God who has saved me by His amazing grace and to fulfill His calling, which is to be an ambassador of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20). “For ye are bought with a price, therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s” (1 Corinthians 6:20).
(8) We fight different battles with different weapons. My battles are spiritual and are fought with spiritual weapons. “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:4-5).
(9) We have a different spirit. Because of my faith in Jesus Christ and in His infallible Word, I have the spirit of faith and trust and patience and hope and encouragement, not frustration and anger and fighting and bitterness and disappointment.

               (Fundamental Baptist Information Service by David Cloud)

Marital Problems
“And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.” (Colossians 3:17)
Marriage has always had a high place—a high calling. In the beginning, God’s stated purpose in marriage was to propagate children (Genesis 1:28) and to eliminate solitude (2:18). Such a state was deemed “very good” (1:31). But sin entered through Adam’s rebellion, and the universal Curse resulted. Out of this came a new marital relationship, one full of potential problems, for “he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee” (3:16). It is safe to say that the many excesses on both sides of a marriage that we see today are the legacy of sin.
Not only is marriage affected by the Curse, Satan himself delights in destroying marriage. Immediately after the Curse, we see that he introduced numerous practices that are detrimental to a proper marriage. The ungodly lineage of Cain began to practice polygamy (4:19). Later, Noah’s son, Ham, indulged in sexual thoughts and innuendoes (9:22). Even godly Abram participated in an extramarital affair that, even though not specifically condemned, was harmful to his marriage (16:1-3).
Soon after this, we read about all sorts of immorality, including homosexuality in Sodom and Gomorrah (19:1-10); fornication, rape, marriage to unbelievers (34:1-2); the practice of incest (35:22; 38:13-18); prostitution (38:24); and seduction (39:7-12).
What is the solution for this age-long attack on the family? We must heed the guidelines given in Scripture for a godly marriage. Passages such as those surrounding our text are well worth our study. (JDM, The Institute for Creation Research)

In 1983, three teens were arrested for the murder of a fourteen-year-old. According to news reports, the younger teen was “shot . . . because of his [athletic] jacket.” Sentenced to life in prison, the three spent thirty-six years behind bars before evidence surfaced that revealed their innocence. Another man had committed the crime. Before the judge released them as free men, he issued an apology.

No matter how hard we try (and no matter how much good is done by our officials), human justice is often flawed. We never have all the information. Sometimes dishonest people manipulate the facts. Sometimes we’re just wrong. And often, evils may take years to be righted, if they ever are in our lifetime. Thankfully, unlike fickle humans, God wields perfect justice. “His works are perfect,” says Moses, “and all his ways are just” (Deuteronomy 32:4). God sees things as they truly are. In time, after we’ve done our worst, God will bring about final, ultimate justice. Though uncertain of the timing, we have confidence because we serve a “faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is he” (v. 4).

We may be dogged by uncertainty regarding what’s right or wrong. We may fear that the injustices done to us or those we love will never be made right. But we can trust the God of justice to one day—either in this life or the next—enact justice for us.

                     By Winn Collier, Our Daily Bread)

Delores Turner writes

After chemo (and immunotherapy) treatment, it’s true that it can take years until you feel alive again … With the side effects of chemo and radiation, you will never be 100% again because your immune system is weak. It can ruin marriages, families and relationships with friends. Because you’re not the same again after cancer and treatments.

In the hardest moments you know who your real friends are or who the people are who appreciate you.

Unfortunately, like with most friendships, Facebook friends will leave you in the middle of a story. They want a post to ′′like′′ for the story, but they don’t really read your message when they see it is long.

More than half have stopped reading. Someone may have already gone to the next post in their newsfeed.

I have decided to publish this post in support of close family, friends and relatives who have fought this horrible disease.

Now I’m focusing on those who take the time to read this post to the end … a little test, just to see who reads and who shares without reading.

Cancer is a very aggressive and destructive enemy of our bodies.

Even after treatment, the body is devastated. It’s a very long process.

I would like to know who I can count on and who takes the time to read this.

When you have finished this, write ′′Done′′ in the comments.

Sadly, cancer is still the illness of the century. Unlike others, this little petition will not have the effect of removing friends from my list. As I have a personal interest in the effects of cancer, I want to see who reads and who shares without reading! If you’ve read everything, select ′′Like′′ so I can put a thank you on your profile. I know 97% of you won’t broadcast it but my friends will be the 3% who will. Please, in honour of someone who died, or who is battling cancer. Everyone says, ′′If you need anything, don’t hesitate: I’ll be there for you.′′ So I’m going to make a bet, without being pessimistic: I know my family and friends will put it on their wall. You just have to copy (not share)!!! I want to know who I can count on … Type ′′Done ′′ in the comments when you do. It’s awareness month for this disease. I did it for someone very special! We all know someone who stood before us, and who has fought or who is fighting this battle.

Visit our Facebook page for Small Church Ministries – please invite others to join us on Facebook. Thank you. Look for the logo from the devotionals.

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