I Timothy 5
Conversation regarding maturityverses 1-2
Rebuke not an elder – BUT entreat him as a father
and the younger men as brethren
The elder women as mothers
the younger as sisters – with all purity
Care of parents and grandparents done by childrenverses 3-4
Honor widows that are widows indeed
but IF any widow have children or nephews
let them learn first to show piety at home
and to requite their parents
for that is good and acceptable before God
Faithful and unfaithful widowverses 5-7
NOW she that is a widow indeed – and desolate – trusts in God
and continues in supplications and prayers night and day
but she that lives in pleasure is dead while she lives
AND these things give in charge – that they may be blameless
Unfaithful relatives of widowsverse 8
BUT IF any provide not for his own
and specially from those of his own house
he hath denied the faith
and is worse than an infidel
List for faithful older widowsverses 9-10
Let not a widow be taken into the number under threescore years old
having been the wife of one man
well reported of for good works
IF she have brought up children – IF she have lodged strangers
IF she have washed the saints’ feet
IF she have relieved the afflicted
IF she have diligently followed every good work
Younger widowsverses 11-15
BUT the younger widows refuse
for when they have begun to wax wanton against Christ
they will marry having damnation
BECAUSE they have cast off their first faith
And withal they learn to be idle – wandering about from house to house
and not only idle – BUT tattlers also and busybodies
speaking things which they ought not
I will therefore that the younger women marry
bear children – guide the house
give none occasion to the adversary
to speak reproachfully
FOR some are already turned aside after Satan
Relatives of widowsverse 16
IF any man or woman that believes have widows
let them relieve them and let not the church be charged
that it may relieve them that are widows indeed
Faithful elders should be paidverses 17-18
Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honor
especially they who labor in the word and doctrine
FOR the scripture said
You shall not muzzle the ox that treads out the corn
AND – The laborer is worthy of his reward
Accusation against an elderverses 19-22
Against an elder receive not an accusation
but before two or three witnesses
them that sin rebuke before all
that others also may fear
I charge thee before God – and the Lord Jesus Christ
and the elect angels
that you observe these things
without preferring one before another
doing nothing by partiality
Lay hands suddenly on no man
neither be partaker of other men’s sins
Medical advice for Timothy onlyverse 23
Drink no longer water but use a little wine
for thy stomach’s sake and your often infirmities
Deeds have consequences whether good or badverses 24-25
Some men’s sins are open beforehand – going before to judgment
and some men they follow after
Likewise also the good works of some are manifest beforehand
and they that are otherwise cannot be hid
: 1 Rebuke not an elder, but intreat him as a father; and the younger men as brethren. (3870 “intreat” [parakaleo] means beseech, comfort, exhort, to call to one’s side, to address, speak to, to encourage and strengthen by consolation, call together, to call to one’s aid or cheer up)
DEVOTION: Those who are over sixty years of age are called elders in the culture of Paul’s day. There was supposed to be respect and honor given to those who were of that age.
Paul wanted them treated as an individual would treat his father. One of the Ten Commandments is to honor your father and mother and you would receive a special blessing.
Now we have a church situation where someone has to go to someone older than them to give them encouragement to serve the LORD faithfully. It is not a easy task. Many people after they hit sixty years of age are set in their ways. They even think that they have everything under control.
We all realize that there are many mature Christians over sixty but we also know of those who have never matured in their Christian faith. They have been in the immature state for most of their Christian life.
Some of these individuals because of their age have been put in leadership positions in the church when most people know they have not matured in a way that is pleasing to the LORD. Once in this leadership position they sometimes are not willing to be called together for instruction regarding something they are doing wrong.
This is to be done according to Paul’s instructions with an attitude of humility and honor for these individuals. Men have to be men in the ministry. Young men need to be willing to learn from mature believers regarding spiritual growth.
CHALLENGE: No matter what age men are supposed to be willing to receive instructions from those who care about them. If it is done with an attitude of honor instruction can happen.
DAILY SPIRITUAL LUNCH: Transitional Believers
: 4 But if any widow have children or nephews, let them learn first to show piety at home, and to requite their parents: for that is good and acceptable before God. (591 “requite” [apodidomi] means repay, pay back, render, reward, to make repayment for or return something, discharge what is due, or to render account)
DEVOTION: There are women who have children and grandchildren still alive after their husband dies. If this woman needs help during her time alone it is the responsibility of these individuals to care for her until she can support herself or remarries. If she does neither than those who are in the category mentioned above have to help her with whatever she needs.
Too often those in these two groups want to leave the responsibility to the government. Many times if there are health issues they would rather put them in a nursing home and forget them rather than take their Christian responsibility.
According to Paul this is disobedience. It is not the government’s responsibility. It is a family matter. Each child and grandchild needs to do their part to help this individual have a Biblical life.
If the widow is not honoring the LORD then she has to face judgment from the LORD. If the children and grandchildren are not doing their part they have to answer to the LORD.
Today we find that many will be answering to the LORD. If there is a widow in the family and these two groups are not honoring the LORD by their actions toward her they might wonder why the LORD is not blessing them.
The church has an obligation to train families to care for one another. It will be held accountable if it is not training its members in proper treatment of those who are related to them.
CHALLENGE: Were your parents given good instructions from the church when you were growing up? Are they giving good instructions today?
: 5 Now she that is a widow indeed, and desolate, trusts in God, and continues in supplications and prayers night and day. (3443 “desolate” [monoo] means to isolate, to make single, made solitary, leave alone, who has been left alone, or be without relatives)
DEVOTION: The first part of this chapter is concerned with the treatment of widows by the church and their families. The families had the first responsibilities regarding the care and provisions for their relatives who were widowed. The church was only responsible for the ones who were without relatives. However, Paul stated that the younger widows should remarry.
Here is someone who has no one to help her. This means she has no children and her siblings have no children. If she has living children or living nephews they are to take care of her needs.
Paul gave guidelines for the widows that the church was to put on the role for help. Does this mean that someone younger than sixty would not be helped by the church? No! These were guidelines for those who were continually serving the church. They had to have a record of faithful service before their husband died.
This would be very unusual in our culture today. Today, most children don’t care for their parents. Many are willing to let them go into a nursing home or live alone rather than care for them in their home. There are very few that will live with or let live with them today. It is a lot of care to take care of a sick or elderly parent. It takes time. It restricts activity. They can be very stubborn.
We have been blessed with four children who continue to care about us on a regular basis. Children who care are a blessing. The Bible says that all children who claim to be followers of the LORD should care for their widowed mother. If they don’t the Bible says that they are worst than an unbeliever.
If she is alone the LORD says that the church should take care of her needs. If she has any relatives, they are to take care of her. If she is young, she should remarry.
We need to examine our priorities regarding our relatives. What are we willing to do with them when they are in need? The women with no family need our special attention. Should we let the government take our responsibility away from us? Are we training our people to care for the elderly? Are we training our children concerning their responsibility toward their elderly parents? The world doesn’t care. God does!!!
CHALLENGE: Are you willing to take care of your parents or your spouse’s parents? How willing are you?
: 17 Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honor, especially they who labor in the word and doctrine. (2573 “well” [kalos] means rightly, correctly, excellent, accurate, commendably, or excellently)
DEVOTION: Elders are the leaders of the church. There are those who are teaching elders or some call them pastors. These individuals who are faithful to the Word of God with both their words and actions are worthy of double honor.
Paul goes on to make sure that these individuals are given a good wage for their work. They are not to be taken for granted. They work hard on their sermons each Sunday. They are out in the community during the week visiting the sick and those who need some encouragement. They are in the community visiting those who don’t know the LORD. They are not just working one hour a week and then sitting around waiting for their paychecks to come in.
Remember that they need a wage that will support their family, so that, they can concentrate on ministry. If they take too much pay they will have to answer to the LORD but if the church gives them too little you will have to answer to the LORD.
The responsibility of every local church is also to give to missions at home and around the world. Today we find many churches don’t have a mission’s budget.
Some even cancel a missionary, so that, they can support a building project instead of caring for their responsibility to the missionaries. Churches will be held accountable to the LORD for their mission giving as well as their payment of the pastors.
CHALLENGE: There should be a percentage of the annual income given to missions.
:24 Some men’s sins are open beforehand, going before to judgment; and some men they follow after. (4271 “open beforehand” [prodelos] means openly evident, known to all, manifest. [Strong, J. (1995). Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon. Woodside Bible Fellowship])
DEVOTION: Ever wonder why some people sin openly and yet the rest of us have secret sins? I was pondering this as I walked through Las Vegas a few years ago. The hotel I was staying at was even across the street from a nightclub named “Sin.” So, some people lose their ability to be ashamed at their sins and rationalize that the consequences of doing so will never catch up with them. But this can also be true in ministry, when we are prone to the temptations of overwork, power, and celebrity.
Of course, the truth is that the consequences of all of our sins catch up with us sooner or later (usually sooner than we’d like!). And the decision to participate in sin openly is usually the result of a long serious of small compromises with sin along the way where we do not repent and confess to God and to others that we have disobeyed Him. That is where the importance of having two or three friends of the same sex who will hold us accountable comes in.
It has long been known that we tend to become like the people that we have as friends. We tend to imitate their thoughts and actions. Not only does this show the importance of choosing the right kind of friends, but it also shows the importance of making an agreement with them to be accountable for their correction in our lives when our actions do not match up to our talk. I have found that it is very easy to be self-deceived and think I am doing great when I am not!
It is also very possible to meet legitimate needs in illegitimate ways. This is especially true of sex in our culture (and it is likely that Paul was referring to this in his descriptions of these men in the first century). We need to be very open and vulnerable about both our thought lives and our actions when it comes to sex, and be sure that we find the fulfillment that God intended through intimacy with our spouses. We need to acknowledge that sex is not just a physical act alone, but it is connected with all kinds of deep spiritual and emotional overtones. Sharing our struggles in this area with like-minded friends helps us avoid Satan’s traps to make us fall.
CHALLENGE: Is there any sin in your life that you need to repent of right now? Take this opportunity to go before God and confess your sin and then find other believers who you can share this with. They should not condemn you for this, but rather encourage you to get back on the straight path! (MW)
Chastity (Purity in living)
Fasting (Time alone with LORD without eating or drinking)
Sacrifice (Giving up something we want to serve the LORD)
Submission (Willing to listen to others and LORD)
Solitude (Going to a quiet place without anyone)
Fellowship (Gathering together around the Word of God)
Frugality (wise use of resources)
Journalizing (Writing down what you have learned from the LORD)
Study and Meditation (Thinking through your study in the Word)
Secrecy (Doing your good deeds without others knowing but God)
Celebration (Gathering around a special occasion to worship LORD)
Confession (Tell the LORD we are sorry for our sins on a daily basis)
Prayer (Conversation with God on a personal level)
Supplicationsverse 5
Prayersverse 5
Silence (Letting the LORD deal with some problems and needs)
Worship (Time to praise the LORD alone or in a group)
Scripture (66 inerrant books of the Bible)
Scriptureverse 18
God the Father >(First person of the Godhead)
Godverses 4, 5, 21
God the Son (Second person of the Godhead –God/man, Messiah)>
Christversess 11, 21
Lordverse 21
Jesusverse 21
Lord Jesus Christ verse 21
God the Holy Spirit (Third person of the Godhead – our comforter)
Trinity (Three persons of the Godhead who are co-equal = ONE God)
Angels (Created before the foundation of the world – Good and Evil)>
Adversaryverse 14
Satanverse 15
Elect angelsverse 21
Man (Created on the sixth twenty-four hour period of creation)
Fatherverse 1
Sin (Missing the mark set by God on man and angels)
Lives in pleasureverse 6
Denies the faithverse 8
Infidelverse 8
Wax wantonverse 11
Damnationverse 12
Cast off first faithverse 12
Idleverse 13
Tattlersverse 13
Busybodiesverse 13
Speaking ought not thingsverse 13
Give occasion to adversaryverse 14
Speak reproachfullyverse 14
Turned aside after Satanverse 15
Accusationsverse 19
Sinverses 20, 22, 24
Preferring one above anotherverse 21
Partialityverse 21
Lay hands suddenly on someoneverse 22
Partaker of other man’s sinsverse 22
Sin can’t be hiddenverse 25
Salvation (Provided by Christ’s death on the cross for our sins)>
Purityverse 2
Honorverse 3
Pietyverse 4
Goodverse 4
Acceptableverse 4
Trustverse 5
Supplicationsverse 5
Prayersverse 5
Blamelessverse 7
Provide for widowsverse 8
Faithverses 8, 12, 25
Good worksverses 10, 25
Lodged strangersverse 10
Washed saint’s feetverse 10
Relieved the afflictedverse 10
Guide the houseverse 14
Believesverse 16
Double honorverse 17
Rebuke sinverse 20
Pureverse 22
Medicine for infirmitiesverse 23
Good worksverse 25
Israel (Old Testament people of God)
Church (New Testament people of God)
Rebuke not an eldersverses 1, 19-20
Intreat elders as fathersverse 1
Younger elders treated as brothersverse 1
Elder womenverse 2
Honor widowsverse 3
Younger Widowsverses 4, 11- 15
Show piety at home
To honor their parents
Refuse to take into care of church
Wax wanton
Let them marry
Bear children
Guide the house
Give none occasion to adversary
Older Widowsverses 5-10
Trusts in God
Continues in supplication and prayers day and night
60 years old
Wife of one husband
Well reported for good works
Brought up children
Lodged strangers
Washed the saint’ feet
Relieved the afflicted
Diligently followed every good work
Family of widows: relieve themverse 16
let not church be charged
Relieve widows indeedverse 16
Good ruling eldersverses 17-19
Rule well
Counted worthy of double honor
Labor in word and doctrine
Laborer worthy of his reward
Receive not accusation against
except with two witnesses
Laying hands verse 22
Health instructions for Timothyverse 23
Last Things (Future Events)
Judgmentverse 24
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QUOTES regarding passage
11, 12 Regarding the widows under sixty years of age, Paul says, “Do not put them on such a list.” This is all one word in Greek—paraitou, “refuse” or “reject.” He goes on to tell why: they are overwhelmed by their feelings and want to marry. “Their sensual desires overcome their dedication” is all one word in Greek, katastrēniasōsi (only here in the NT). The verb means “become wanton against.” Lock says it here suggests that they “grow physically restless and so restive against the limitations of Christian widowhood” (p. 60). In a similar vein, Bernard comments, “The metaphor is that of a young animal trying to free itself from the yoke, and becoming restive through its fulness of life” (p. 82).
If they do marry, they incur “judgment” (krima), or “condemnation” (but not “damnation,” KJV). This is because they have “broken” (ēthetēsan, “disregarded” or “set aside”) their first “pledge” (pistis, which may indicate “solemn promise” or “oath”). Lock thinks this means “the original impulse of faith which led her to join the widows; or more exactly ‘the first troth’ or ‘promise of allegiance’ made when she joined” (ibid.). It would seem that they promised to be devoted only to Christ. (Earle, R. (1981). 1 Timothy. In F. E. Gaebelein (Ed.), The Expositor’s Bible Commentary: Ephesians through Philemon (Vol. 11, p. 378). Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House.)
Condemnation (κριμα [krima]). See 3:6. They have rejected (ἠθετησαν [ēthetēsan]). First aorist passive of ἀθετεω [atheteō], late verb (first in LXX and Polybius), to reject, set aside (from ἀθετος [athetos]). See 1 Thess. 4:8; Gal. 2:21. Their first faith (την πρωτην πιστιν [tēn prōtēn pistin]). “Their first pledge” (promise, contract) to Christ. It is like breaking the marriage contract. Evidently one of the pledges on joining the order of widows was not to marry. Parry suggests a kind of ordination as with deacons and bishops (technical use of κριμα [krima] and πιστις [pistis]). (Robertson, A. T. (1933). Word Pictures in the New Testament (1 Ti 5:12). Nashville, TN: Broadman Press.)
5:11–12. Younger widows, on the other hand, were not to be put on the list. Paul’s reasoning for this was twofold: First, unlike the older women whose active sexual lives would presumably be behind them, the younger women might be faced with normal sexual desires which would overcome their dedication to Christ. As a result they would want to remarry, bringing judgment on themselves, because they had broken their first pledge. The pledge Paul referred to was probably a more or less formal commitment, taken on joining the list of widows, wherein the woman vowed to serve Christ entirely without thought of remarriage. In this way she could devote herself without distraction to the Lord (cf. 1 Cor. 7:34–35). Remarriage would involve breaking this vow and a broken vow would incur judgment (cf. Num. 30:2; Deut. 23:21; Ecc. 5:4–5). (Litfin, A. D. (1985). 1 Timothy. In J. F. Walvoord & R. B. Zuck (Eds.), The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures (Vol. 2, p. 743). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.)
The reasons for refusing them (vv. 11–14a). Because of their age, younger widows are naturally attracted to men and want to marry again. What is so bad about that? Paul seems to imply (1 Tim. 5:12) that each of the widows enrolled pledged herself to remain a widow and serve the Lord in the church. This pledge must not be interpreted as a “vow of celibacy,” nor should we look on this group of ministering widows as a “special monastic order.” There seemed to be an agreement between the widows and the church that they would remain widows and serve the Lord.
There is another possible interpretation: These younger widows, if supported by the church, would have opportunities to “live it up” and find other husbands, most likely unbelievers. By marrying unbelievers, they would be casting off their first faith. However, I prefer the first explanation.
Paul does make it clear (1 Tim. 5:13) that younger widows, if cared for by the church, would have time on their hands and get involved in sinful activities. They would get in the habit of being idle instead of being useful. They would gad about from house to house and indulge in gossip and be busybodies. There is a definite connection between idleness and sin.
Paul warned Timothy against using the “charity” ministry of the church to encourage people to be idle. The church certainly ought to assist those who really need help, but it must not subsidize sin. As a pastor, I have had to make decisions in these matters, and sometimes it is not easy. (Wiersbe, W. W. (1996). The Bible exposition commentary (Vol. 2, p. 230). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.)
5:12 set aside their previous pledge. This refers to a specific covenant young widows made when asking to be included on the widows’ list. Likely, they promised to devote the rest of their lives in service to the church and the Lord. Though well-meaning at the time of their need and bereavement, they were surely to desire marriage again (see v. 11), and thus renege on their original pledge. (MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (2006). The MacArthur study Bible: New American Standard Bible. (1 Ti 5:12). Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers.)
Ver. 12. Having damnation, &c.] Not for their second marriage, but for their wantonness against Christ, or their sinful and luxurious way of living, contrary to the Gospel of Christ: and this is to be understood not of eternal damnation, which cannot, with propriety, be said to be had now; but either of the reproach and scandal cast upon them, and religion, for their wantonness; or the judgment and censure of the church for the same; or having sin, and the guilt of sin upon them, in which sense the word is used, Rom. 5:16. Because they have cast off their first faith; or that faith which they first professed, even the doctrine of faith; which they may be said to cast off, because they walked not according to it, their conversation was not becoming their profession of it; and though they continued to profess the same faith they did in words, yet in works they denied it, or cast it off; for which reason they fell under the notice, judgment, and condemnation of the church, as well as exposed themselves to the reproach of men. (Gill, J. (1809). An Exposition of the New Testament (Vol. 3, p. 302). London: Mathews and Leigh.)
The condemnation or judgment mentioned here (v12)is not because remarriage is sinful but because of violation of a previous pledge. The exact nature of this commitment is unclear but probably involved a vow to serve Christ without the distractions of marriage (cf.7: 32-34) There were practical reasons of excluding younger widows from the list (v.13). (p 1902, The Moody Bible Commentary by Faculty of Moody Bible Institute)
Remember the only author that I totally agree with is the HOLY SPIRIT in the inerrant WORD OF GOD called THE BIBLE! All other I try to gleam what I can to help me grow in the LORD!!)
The Letters to Timothy, Titus and Philemon by William Barclay
These letters then deal with the care and the organization of the Church and of the flock of God; they tell men how to behave within the household of God; they give instructions as to how God’s hours should be administered; as to what king of people the leaders and pastors of the Church should be, and as to how the treats which endanger the purity of the Christian faith and life should be dealt with. (p. 4)
These letters can never lose their interest because in them we see, as nowhere else, the problems which continually beset the growing Church. (p. 5)
The word for that which has been committed is paratheke. Paratheke means a deposit in the sense of a deposit which has been entrusted to a banker or to someone for safe-keeping. Paratheke is characteristically and essentially something which has been entrusted and which must be handed back or handed on absolutely unaltered and unchanged. That is to say the stress is on orthodoxy. Instead of being a close, personal relationship to Jesus Christ, as it was in the thrilling and throbbing days of the early Church, faith has become the acceptance of an orthodox creed. (p. 6)
The Deep Sleep
“And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof.” (Genesis 2:21)
This is the first of seven occurrences of the unusual term “deep sleep” (Hebrew tardema) in the Old Testament. In each case it seems to refer to a special state induced by the Lord Himself in order to convey an important revelation to, or through, the person experiencing it.
In Adam’s case, God made a bride for him during his deep sleep from whose seed would be born all the nations of the earth. “And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man” (v. 22). The covenant God made with Adam and Eve delegated dominion over the earth to their descendants.
The second deep sleep was that which “fell upon Abram” (Genesis 15:12) when God passed between the sacrificial animals and established His great covenant with him, promising that from his seed would be born the chosen nation. “And I will make of thee a great nation” (12:2). The Abrahamic covenant also delegated the central land of the earth to Isaac’s descendants (15:18-21) and promised that “in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed” (12:3).
But Adam was a type of Christ and Abraham was a type of Christ, and their deep sleeps pre-figured His own deep sleep of death on the cross. There He became the last Adam and the promised seed, dying to give life to His great bride and living again to establish a holy nation of the redeemed, fulfilling all of God’s ancient covenants, and instituting the eternal New Covenant in His own blood.
When Adam fell into a deep sleep, a bride was born; when Abraham fell into his deep sleep, a nation was born. But when Christ slept deeply in death on the cross and in the tomb, death and hell were judged, and a new world was born.
(HMM, The Institute for Creation Research)
Jesus is perceived as an earthly king as He rides into the city of Jerusalem on a donkey.
When Jesus rides into the city of Jerusalem on a donkey, why does the crowd rush out to greet Him? The answer is found in Jewish culture and history. In Old Testament times, one of the ways a king was inaugurated was to get on a donkey and have a large retinue of people walk along behind him shouting, “Long live the King!”
The crowd in the temple wants to make Jesus king. When they see Him riding toward them on a donkey, they use it as an opportunity to precipitate a coronation. That He was crucified shortly afterward indicates that they were looking only for a national leader rather than a personal Savior. How do you see Him? (Quiet Walk)
…that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. 1 Peter 2:9
The essence of sanctification is that I love the God in whom I believe and who has been revealed to me with the whole of my being. Indeed I do not hesitate to assert that if I think of sanctification in any lesser terms than that, I am being unscriptural. This is scriptural holiness. This is the holiness, the sanctification, that is produced and promoted by the truth of God, because it is the truth concerning God.
Then it follows from that—I think directly—that a man who thus loves God with all his heart and soul and mind and strength does so because he is called upon to do so and is commanded to do so. To such a man the main thing in life is to glorify God and to show forth His praises.
This is the argument of the apostle Peter when he reminds the people to whom he is writing that at one time, before they became Christians, they were not a people. “Which in time past,” he says in 1 Peter 2:10, “were not a people but are now the people of God.” You who are called out of darkness into light are a “peculiar people”(verse 9). Why? What is the object of it all? “That ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light” (1 Peter 2:9). “Praises” there means “excellencies”or “virtues”; it means the glorious, marvelous attributes of God. And so sanctification is that condition in which we praise God just by being what we are. Of course, it includes not doing certain things, but it is not only that. It is much more. By being what we are in all the totality of our personalities and in the whole of our lives, we reveal and manifest the virtues and the excellencies of God.
A Thought to Ponder: Sanctification is that condition in which we praise God just by being what we are.
(From Sanctified Through the Truth, pp. 91, by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones)
The ability to teach relates to our ability to instruct others and refute false teachers. Paul expands upon this in his writing to Titue, where he states that the elder needs to “encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it” (1:9)
(p, 50 Developing Leaders for the Small Church by Glenn C. Daman)
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