John 18
Soldiers arrest Jesus verse 1- 9
When Jesus had spoken these words
HE went forth with HIS disciples over the brook Cedron
where there was a garden
into the which HE entered and HIS disciples
And Judas also – which betrayed HIM – knew the place
for Jesus oft-times resorted there with HIS disciples
Judas then having received a band of men and officers
from the chief priests and Pharisees
comes thither with lanterns – torches – weapons
Jesus therefore – knowing all things that should come on HIM
went forth – and said to them – WHOM seek you?
They answered HIM – Jesus of Nazareth
Jesus said to them – I AM HE
And Judas also – which betrayed HIM – stood with them
AS soon then as HE had said to them – I AM
they went backward – and fell to the ground
Then asked HE them again – WHOM seek you?
and they said – Jesus of Nazareth
Jesus answered – I have told you that I AM
IF therefore you seek ME – let these go their way
that the saying might be fulfilled – which HE spoke
Of them which you gave ME have I lost none
Peter cuts off ear of servant verse 10- 11
THEN Simon Peter having a sword drew it
and smote the High Priest’s servant cut off his right ear
the servant’s name was Malchus
THEN said Jesus to Peter
Put up your sword into the sheath
the cup which MY Father has given ME
shall I not drink it?
Jesus taken to High Priest’s home verse 12- 14
THEN the band and the captain and officers of the Jews TOOK Jesus
and bound HIM – and led HIM away to Annas first
for he was father-in-law to Calaphas
which was the high priest that same year
NOW Caiaphas was he – which gave counsel to the Jews
that it was expedient that one man should die for the people
Peter’s First Denial verse 15- 18
And Simon Peter followed Jesus – and so did another disciple
that disciple was known unto the high priest
and went in with Jesus into the palace of the high priest
BUT Peter stood at the door without then went out that other disciple
which was known unto the high priest
and spoke unto her that kept the door – and brought in Peter
THEN said the damsel that kept the door to Peter
Are not you also one of this man’s disciples?
He said – I am not
And the servants and officers stood there – who had made a fire of coals
for it was cold – and they warmed themselves
and Peter stood with them – and warmed himself
High Priest Questions Jesus verse 19- 24
The high priest then asked Jesus of HIS disciples – and of HIS doctrine
Jesus answered him – I spoke openly to the world
I ever taught in the synagogue – and in the temple
whither the Jews always resort
and in secret have I said nothing
Why ask you ME? – ask them which heard ME
what I have said to them
behold they know what I said
WHEN HE had thus spoken
one of the officers which stood by struck Jesus
with the palm of his hand saying
Answer YOU the high priest so?
Jesus answered him – IF I have spoken evil – bear witness of the evil
BUT if well – Why smite you ME?
NOW Annas had sent HIM bound unto Caiaphas the high priest
Peter’s final two denials verse 25- 27
Simon Peter stood and warned himself they said therefore unto him
Are not you also one of HIS disciples?
He denied it and said – I am not
One of the servants of the high priest
being his kinsman whose ear Peter cut off said
Did not I see thee in the garden with HIM?
Peter then denied again
and IMMEDIATELY the cock crew
Pilate and High Priest verse 28- 32
THEN led they Jesus from Caiaphas unto the hall of judgment
and it was early
and they themselves went not into the judgment hall
lest they should be defiled
BUT that they might eat the Passover
Pilate then went out unto them – and said
What accusation bring you against this man?
They answered and said to him
we would not have delivered HIM up to you
THEN said Pilate to them
Take you HIM – and judge HIM according to your law
The Jews therefore said unto him
It is not lawful for us to put any man to death
that the saying of Jesus might be fulfilled
which HE spoke
signifying what death HE should die
Pilate questions Jesus verse 33- 37
THEN Pilate entered into the judgment hall again – and called Jesus
and said unto HIM – Are YOU the King of the Jews?
Jesus answered him – Say you this thing of yourself
OR did others tell it you of ME?
Pilate answered – Am I a Jew?
YOUR own nation and the chief priests have delivered
YOU to me
What have YOU done?
Jesus answered – MY kingdom is not of this world
IF MY kingdom were of this world
THEN would MY servants fight
that I should not be delivered to the Jews
BUT now is MY kingdom not from hence
Pilate therefore said unto HIM
Are YOU a king then?
Jesus answered
You say that I am a king
To this end was I born
and for this cause came I into the world
that I should bear witness to the TRUTH
Every one that is of the TRUTH hears MY voice
Pilate questions Truth verse 38- 40
Pilate said to HIM – What is TRUTH?
and when he had said this – he went out again to the Jews
And said to them – I find in HIM no fault at all
BUT you have a custom that I should release to you one
at the Passover will you therefore that I
release to you the King of the Jews?
THEN cried they all again saying
Not this man – BUT Barabbas
NOW Barabbas was a robber
: 2 And Judas also, which betrayed HIM, knew the place: for Jesus ofttimes resorted there with HIS disciples. (4178 “ofttimes” [pollakis] means often, frequently, many times, repeatedly, or again and again)
DEVOTION: Betrayal of a friend is sometimes a part of life. Here we have someone who has been with the disciples for three years. He was the son of perdition that Jesus spoke about in HIS prayer to the Father.
Judas knew the habits of Jesus. He knew that HE would take them on different occasions to a particular garden for a time alone without a crowd. He knew that Jesus was going to go there after the meal.
One of things we learn from this betrayal is that other places in the Word of God we never knew about this special place for Jesus and HIS disciples. HE knew where to take them to have some private time with them.
We need a private place to get alone with God. There might have to be a private place to take family to be alone with the LORD. Too often we are too busy to get away and it shows. God wants to have time alone with us. Jesus talked about getting into a prayer closet to pray. God reveals things to us when we are alone with HIM.
CHALLENGE: Take time to be alone with the LORD regularly. Some habits are good to keep. We need to be in a place where we can meet the LORD!
DAILY SPIRITUAL LUNCH: Transitional Believers
: 11 Then said Jesus unto Peter, Put up your sword into the sheath: the cup which my Father has given me, shall I not drink it? (4221 “cup” [poterion] means drinking vessel, one’s lot or experience, divine appointments, suffer severely, or lot in life)
DEVOTION: Jesus was in the garden praying about the cup of suffering HE was going to experience. HE asked the Father if there was any way this suffering could be averted and HE knew the answer. HE wanted to do the will of the Father. HE knew the will of the Father. There was only one way for the sins of the world to be forgiven and that was through HIS sacrifice on the cross. That was HIS cup of suffering.
Peter tried to stop the soldiers from taking Jesus away. He drew HIS sword and cut off the ear of one of the High Priest’s servants. Jesus healed the ear and informed him that HE could have called twelve legions of angels to come rescue HIM if that was what HE wanted. It wasn’t. HE wanted to fulfill HIS purpose for coming.
Each of us has a lot in life. Each of us makes a choice as to whether we are going to follow the LORD. We have to remember that because God is omniscient HE knows before the foundation of the world what choice we are going to make. Once that issue is settled we have to move to the next step in our life.
We also have a cup of suffering that we are going to face throughout our life. The disciples were warned that they were going to suffer for their service to the LORD. We have the same promise if we are going to serve the LORD.
Our personal cup of suffering or divine appointment is known to the LORD. We are going to face them whether we want to or not. That is a part of our life of service to the LORD. Each cup is used to cause us to mature in our relationship to the LORD.
Whatever the LORD sends our way should be accepted as the will of God for our life. Jesus accepted HIS cup of suffering for us. We need to do the same for HIM.
Too often we find ourselves wanting something else to happen in our life. Our thinking needs to change and allow each divine appointment to cause us to thank the LORD.
CHALLENGE: When our life is over we can say with Christ “It is finished.” We will be spending eternity with our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ. Jesus went back to heaven to sit on the right hand of the Father to be our intercessor.
: 17 Then said the damsel that kept the door to Peter, Are not you also one of this man’s disciples? He said, I am not. (2377 “kept the door” [thuroros] means porter, doorkeeper, a male or female janitor, a person who guards or allows entry through an entrance, or gatekeeper)
DEVOTION: Confrontation is never easy. When people confront one another it is usually done in anger. One of the ones who confronted Peter was a relative of the man he cut the ear off of that Jesus healed. So it would seem they would know what had happened and who had done it.
Peter lied three times to three different individuals. Jesus had predicted that he would do it. Each of the gospels records this as happening with each one adding more details than the other.
One of the details only this gospel will give us is the fact that Jesus confronted HIM after HIS resurrection regarding who he loved. Peter was confronted by Jesus three times. Peter answered that he loved the LORD three times. The issue was settled that day.
When we deny the LORD HE loves us enough to confront us with a confession of love for HIM. HE didn’t give up on Peter. HE doesn’t give up on us.
We need to understand this truth when we fail to live the way we should as a believer. We want to give up on ourselves but HE will not allow that either. Peter could have gone back to his occupation of fishing which he did for a while but Jesus didn’t leave him there. HE had other plans for him.
Never give up. Keep pressing toward the mark of the high calling in Christ Jesus. HE is there to help you each day.
CHALLENGE: Remember that failure is the back door to success. Learn from your failures. Help others that you meet go through restoration with the LORD.
: 30 They answered and said unto him, If he were not a malefactor, we would not have delivered him up to you. (2555 “malefactor” [kakopoios] means an evil doer, wrong doer, bad person, criminal or one who customarily engages in doing what is bad)
DEVOTION: Jesus had many names when HE lived on this earth. HE was called the Son of God. HE was called the son of man. HE was called Lord. However, the Jewish leader had different names that they called Jesus. They called HIM a liar. They called HIM a wine bidder. They called HIM a glutton. Here we find them calling HIM another name. This name means evil doer. This name means criminal. They brought HIM to Pilate to have HIM killed by the Romans because they didn’t have authority enough to kill someone that they judged wrong under their law.
The High Priest didn’t want to lose power with the Romans. He was afraid that if Jesus lived they would lose their power and HE would gain power. Jesus however told Pilate that HIS kingdom was not of this world. HE was going to establish another kingdom when HE returned. HIS kingdom would be on the New Heaven and New Earth. HE would reign with us in HIS Kingdom. It was still future.
HE came this time to teach the TRUTH. HE wanted the people who would listen to know the TRUTH.
There is a big difference between the lies that the Jewish religious leaders were teaching and what the Word of God taught. Jesus made this plain. HE had Biblical Doctrine or teaching. Not traditions of man like the Pharisees had.
The Jewish leaders thought of Jesus as someone who was doing evil to their nation. He was someone who was teaching wrong doctrine to the nation. He was questioning their authority. He was presenting another way to God. They didn’t like him.
We are presenting the only way to God today and the world does not like us saying that there is only ONE WAY to God. They want many ways. They want many religions. They want to have their own personal way to God. They want to make an agreement with God. The Bible says that there is only ONE WAY and that is through Jesus Christ.
All those who reject him will spend eternity in the lake of fire. We are considered evil doers and our LAWMAKERS want to pass laws that we are causing “hate crimes” to be committed against those who are disobedient to the Word of God. We don’t hate them. We want them to realize that God loved them so much that HE sent his Son to die on the cross for their sins. We have to spread the WORD. We might be arrested someday soon for spreading the truth of the Word of God.
Realize that if we teach the TRUTH of the Word of God our world will hate us. Should we stop? NO!! The time is short – what did you do for Christ today?
CHALLENGE: WE have to manifest the courage that Christ manifested when HE was taken to court.
Chastity (Purity in living)
Fasting (Time alone with LORD without eating or drinking)
Sacrifice (Giving up something we want to serve the LORD)
Submission (Willing to listen to others and LORD)
Solitude (Going to a quiet place without anyone)
Fellowship (Gathering together around the Word of God)
Frugality (wise use of resources)
Journalizing (Writing down what you have learned from the LORD)
Study and Meditation (Thinking through your study in the Word)
Secrecy (Doing your good deeds without others knowing but God)
Celebration (Gathering around a special occasion to worship LORD)
Confession (Tell the LORD we are sorry for our sins on a daily basis)
Prayer (Conversation with God on a personal level)
Silence (Letting the LORD deal with some problems and needs)
Worship (Time to praise the LORD alone or in a group)
Synagogue verse 20
Temple verse 20
Passover verse 28, 39
Scripture (66 inerrant books of the Bible)
Fulfilled verse 9
Law verse 31
God the Father (First person of the Godhead)
Father verse 11
God the Son (Second person of the Godhead –God/man, Messiah)
Jesus verse 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 11, 15, 19, 20, 22, 23, 28, 32- 34, 36, 37
Knowing all things verse 4
Jesus of Nazareth verse 5, 7
Bound Jesus verse 12
Taught in synagogue verse 20
Taught in Temple verse 20
In secret He had said nothing verse 20
Struck Jesus verse 22
King of the Jews verse 33, 39
Kingdom verse 36
Servants verse 36
Born to be King verse 37
Reason to come to earth verse 37
Bear witness to truth verse 37
No fault verse 38
God the Holy Spirit (Third person of the Godhead – our comforter)
Trinity (Three persons of the Godhead who are co-equal = ONE God)
Angels (Created before the foundation of the world – Good and Evil)
Man (Created on the sixth twenty-four hour period of creation)
Jesus spoke openly to world verse 20
Hall of Judgment verse 28, 33
Pilate verse 29
World verse 37
Sin (Missing the mark set by God on man and angels)
Betrayal verse 2, 5
Bad counsel verse 14
Denial of Peter verse 17, 25, 27
Struck Jesus verse 22, 23
Evil verse 23
Defiled verse 28
Malefactor verse 30
Fault verse 38
Robber verse 40
Salvation (Provided by Christ’s death on the cross for our sins)
Doctrine verse 19
Teach verse 20
Servant verse 36
Witness verse 37
Truth verse 37, 38
Hear Jesus’ voice verse 37
Israel (Old Testament people of God)
Brook Cedron verse 1
Judas (betrayer) verse 2, 3, 5
Band of men and officers verse 3, 12
Chief priests verse 3, 35
Pharisees verse 3
Nazareth verse 5, 7
High Priest’s servant (ear) Malchus verse 10
Jews verse 12, 14, 20, 31, 36, 38
Caiaphas (High Priest) verse 13, 14, 24, 28
High Priest verse 15, 16, 19, 22
Palace of the High Priest verse 15
Annas verse 24
Servants of High Priest verse 26
Barabbas verse 40
Church (New Testament people of God)
Disciples verse 1, 2, 17, 19, 25
Simon Peter verse 10- 18, 25-27
Another disciple (John) verse 15, 16
Last Things (Future Events)
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QUOTES regarding passage
18:17. Both here and in Mark 14:66, 69 par., it is a servant-girl who confronts Peter the first time. If she recognized the other disciple as someone who could be admitted, doubtless she knew him well enough to know he was a disciple of Jesus. Seeing Peter come in with him, she made the obvious connection and asked the obvious question: ‘Are you another of this man’s disciples?’ (American niv; mē kai sy ek tōn mathētōn ei tou anthrōpou toutou; lit. ‘Surely you are not also [one] of this man’s disciples, are you?’—expressing, perhaps, a disdainful disbelief that Peter, under the circumstances, felt to be intimidating).
The form of the question suggests either that the expected answer is ‘No’, or, more likely in this context, that the question is a ‘cautious assertion’ (M. I, pp. 192–193). The question may not have been hostile so much as cynical. But Peter, cowed by his surroundings (as the other disciple was not, being more familiar with them), and threatened by his own memory of the fact that he was the only disciple who had struck a servant of the high priest (v. 10), begins his shameful descent. He may have viewed this first instance of self-distancing from the Master as a rite of admission to the courtyard; but once performed, it was easy to repeat, with rising vehemence. (Carson, D. A. (1991). The Gospel according to John (p. 583). Leicester, England; Grand Rapids, MI: Inter-Varsity Press; W.B. Eerdmans)
17 Apparently Peter’s first statement of denial accompanied his admittance to the courtyard; the last occurred somewhat later, perhaps just as Jesus was about to be taken to the council chamber. There are minor differences in all four accounts of the denial, but there are broad general agreements. The first denial was a reply to a question asked by the girl who tended the gate and granted access to Peter and the other disciple. The wording of the Greek text, me kai su (“are you not?”), implies that the girl recognized both the unnamed disciple and Peter as followers of Jesus. Matthew and Mark agree that the first questioner was a servant girl (Matt 26:69; Mark 14:66), but they do not connect her with the disciples’ entrance into the courtyard. Luke agrees that the first accuser was a servant girl who thought Peter was one of Jesus’ disciples (Luke 22:56). (Tenney, M. C. (1981). John. In F. E. Gaebelein (Ed.), The Expositor’s Bible Commentary: John and Acts (Vol. 9, p. 172). Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House.)
18:17–18. Peter’s denial before the servant girl was a striking contradiction to his earlier boast to lay down his life for Jesus (13:37), and his show of offense in cutting off Malchus’ ear (18:10). Evidently the other disciple was also in danger (perhaps greater) but he did not deny Jesus. Peter stood by the fire … warming himself in the cold spring evening, Jerusalem being about 2,500 feet above sea level. This little detail about the cold evening is another indication that the author of this book was an eyewitness. (Blum, E. A. (1985). John. In J. F. Walvoord & R. B. Zuck (Eds.), The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures (Vol. 2, pp. 335–336). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.)
Jesus had predicted that Peter would deny Him three times (Matt. 26:34; John 13:38), but that he would be restored to fellowship and service (Luke 22:32). Peter followed the crowd when he should have been fleeing (John 18:8; and see Matt. 26:30–32). Had he gone his way, he would never have denied the Lord. While we certainly admire his love and courage, we cannot agree with his actions; for he walked right into temptation. This is what Jesus warned him about in the Garden (Matt. 26:41).
We do not know who the other disciple was who went with Peter into the courtyard of the home of the high priest. It was probably John, though it is difficult to understand how a fisherman could be acquainted with the high priest and his household. Was this “other disciple” possibly Nicodemus or Joseph of Arimathea? They would certainly have access to this home.
As you watch Peter, you see him gradually moving into the place of temptation and sin; and his actions parallel the description in Psalm 1:1. First, Peter walked “in the counsel of the ungodly” when he followed Jesus and went into the high priest’s courtyard. Peter should have followed the counsel of Jesus and gotten out of there in a hurry! Then, Peter stood with the enemy by the fire (John 18:16, 18); and before long, he sat with the enemy (Luke 22:55). It was now too late and within a short time, he would deny his Lord three times.
First, a servant girl asked, “Art not thou also one of this Man’s disciples?” The Greek text indicates that she expected a negative answer, and that is what she got! Peter denied Christ by denying that he belonged to the band of disciples.
Peter remained by the fire, so it is no wonder that he was approached again. (That same night, Jesus had been perspiring as He had prayed in the Garden!) Another servant girl asked the same question, again expecting a negative reply. The pronoun they in John 18:25 suggests that others in the circle around the fire took up the question and one by one hurled it at Peter.
The third question came from one of Malchus’ relatives! The Greek construction indicates that he expected an affirmative answer: “I saw you in the Garden with Jesus, didn’t I? Yes, I did!” After all, this man had gotten a good look at Peter because he was probably standing with Malchus when Jesus was arrested. Some of the bystanders took up the discussion (Matt. 26:73; Mark 14:70) so that Peter may have been surrounded by challengers.
At that point, Peter’s resistance broke down completely. He began to “curse and swear” (Matt. 26:74). This does not mean that Peter let loose a volley of blasphemies, but rather that he put himself under a curse in order to emphasize his statement. He was on trial, so he put himself under an oath to convince his accusers that he was telling the truth.
It was at that point that the cock began to crow (John 18:27) just as Jesus had predicted (Matt. 26:34). There were four “watches”: evening (6–9 p.m.), midnight (9–12), cockcrowing (12 midnight to 3 a.m.), and morning (3–6 a.m.) (see Mark 13:35). The crowing of the cock reminded Peter of the Lord’s words, and he went out and wept bitterly. (Wiersbe, W. W. (1996). The Bible exposition commentary (Vol. 1, pp. 375–376). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.)
Keep in mind that the crowing of the cock was the announcement of the dawning of a new day! “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning” (Ps. 30:5). It is worthwhile to contrast Peter and Judas. Peter wept over his sins and repented, while Judas admitted his sins but never really repented. Judas experienced remorse, not repentance. When Judas went out from the Upper Room, “it was night” (John 13:30); but when Peter went out to weep bitterly, there was the dawning of a new day. It is the contrast between godly sorrow that leads to true repentance, and the sorrow of the world (regret and remorse) that leads to death (2 Cor. 7:9–10). We will discover that Jesus restored Peter (John 21) and enabled him to serve with great power and blessing.
In the Garden that night, you would find both guilt and grace. Peter was guilty of resisting God’s will. Judas was guilty of the basest kind of treachery. The mob was guilty of rejecting the Son of God and treating Him as though He were the lowest kind of criminal.
But Jesus was gracious! Like King David, He crossed the Kidron, fully conscious that Judas was betraying Him. He went into the Garden of Gethsemane surrendered to the Father’s will. He healed Malchus’ ear. He protected His disciples. He yielded Himself into the hands of sinners that He might suffer and die for us. “Love so amazing, so divine, Demands my soul, my life, my all!”
What is in your hand today—the sword, or the cup? (Wiersbe, W. W. (1996). The Bible exposition commentary (Vol. 1, p. 376). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.)
Ver. 17. Then saith the damsel that kept the door unto Peter, &c.] She being relieved, either by her father, if porter, or by a fellow-servant, had the opportunity of coming into the hall, where Peter was, and was curious to observe him, who he should be, that that person of note should order him to be admitted, when an affair of so much privacy and importance was transacting; and either by Peter’s language, or the trouble that appeared in his countenance, or fancying she had seen him in the temple, or in some part of the city in company with Jesus, addresses him after this manner: art not thou also one of this man’s disciples? She speaks of Christ in the vulgar dialect of the Jews, calling him this man; not only esteeming him a mere man, but a worthless man; and knowing he had disciples, challenges him as one of them; when he, all in fright and surprise, not expecting such a question to be put to him, without any further thought, rashly and suddenly says, I am not: he never denied that Christ was God or the son of God, or that he was come in the flesh, or that he was the Messiah and Saviour of sinners; but either that he did not know what the maid said, or the person she spoke of; or, as here, that he was one of his disciples; which was a very great untruth: and many are the aggravations of his fall; which came to pass as soon as ever he was entered almost; and that by the means of a maid, a servant-maid, a very inferior one; and at first perhaps they were alone; and the question put to him might not be in a virulent way, nor proceed from malice, but commiseration of him; and yet he had not resolution enough to own himself a disciple of Jesus; which he might have done, and in all likelihood might have gone safe off directly: but he that had so much confidence as to say, though all men deny thee, yet will not I; and had so much courage, as, in the face of a band of soldiers, to draw his sword, and smite one of the high-priest’s servants, but a few hours before, has not spirit enough in him to own his master before a servant-maid! (Gill, J. (1809). An Exposition of the New Testament (Vol. 2, p. 98). London: Mathews and Leigh.)
We should notice, first, in these verses, the exceeding hardness of heart to which a backsliding professor may attain. We are told that Judas, one of the twelve apostles, became guide to them that took Jesus (Acts 1:16). We are told that he used his knowledge of the place of our Lord’s retirement, in order to bring his deadly enemies upon him; and we are told that when the band of men and officers approached his Master, in order to make him prisoner, Judas “stood with them” – Yet this was a man who for three years had been a constant companion of Christ, had seen his miracles, had heard his sermons, had enjoyed the benefit of his private instruction, had professed himself a believer, had even worked and preached in Christ’s name! – ‘Lord,’ we may say’ what is man?’ From the highest degree of privilege down to the lowest depth of sin, there is but a succession of steps. Privileges misused seem to paralyze the conscience. The same fire that melts wax will harden clay. (p. 155-6, John Vol.3 by J.C. Ryle)
Stan shared (NY): Please Read Slowly
If you have food in your fridge, clothes on your body, a roof over your head,
and a place to sleep, you’re richer than 75% of the entire world.
If you have money in your wallet, and can go anywhere you want, you are among 18% of worlds most wealthy people.
If you are alive today and healthy, you are more blessed than the millions of people who will not survive this week and die.
If you can actually READ and UNDERSTAND this message, you are more fortunate than the 3 BILLION people in the world who are blind, deaf or illiterate.
Life is not about complaining,
Life is about thousands of other reasons to be grateful and happy.
Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?
1 John 5:5
Faith enables us to have victory over the world and to overcome it directly—passively—by the resting of a naked faith upon the Lord Jesus Christ. I am increasingly convinced that this is the greatest lesson that we as Christian people can ever learn in this world. It is the possibility of directly and immediately and passively resting upon the power and the ability of our risen Lord. “This is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith” (verse 4)—my faith in Him, my belief in Him, that He is the Son of God. The result of that is that I go to Him and rest upon Him.
This is something of the meaning that you will find enunciated everywhere in the Bible. Let me give you just one quotation that will illustrate it perfectly and represent all others: “The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous runneth into it and is safe” (Proverbs 18:10). That is it! Read the various Psalms too, and see how those godly men of old were struggling against the world and its temptations and insinuations, and they will all tell you that was the only thing they could do. They say that the forces were too great for them. They might have failed, but they said, “There is only one thing to do—I will run into the tower, and there in the tower I am safe.”
Or if you like it in New Testament form, it is the doctrine of the vine and the branches, as seen in the statement of our Lord: “Without me ye can do nothing” (John 15:5). It is put positively by the apostle Paul: “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” (Philippians 4:13); and “nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me” (Galatians 2:20).
A Thought to Ponder: I will run into the tower, and there in the tower I am safe.
(From Life in God, p. 56, by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones)
1 Peter 3
Husbands and wives should be sensitive to the responsibilities and needs of each other.
In a Christian marriage, the wife should submit to her husband and live an exemplary life which validates her faith. The husband should love his wife unconditionally, be sensitive to her, and seek to understand her. When both spouses assume a proper role before God and each other, a harmonious and satisfying relationship will result. If not, conflict or alienation can result. (Quiet Walk)
Hastening His Coming
“Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?” (2 Peter 3:12)
Exactly how can we “hasten unto the coming of the day of God”? The answer is by bringing its coming closer. In fact, the phrase can just as well be understood as “hastening the coming.”
Although the Scriptures give us many signs to know when Christ’s return is near, Jesus said that no one could determine the exact time—not even He Himself! “Of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father” (Mark 13:32). In His self-limited human nature, He did not know because, apparently, it depended in some way on what His disciples would do to “hasten his coming” after He went back to heaven.
When He left them, He said: “Ye shall be witnesses unto me . . . unto the uttermost part of the earth” (Acts 1:8). This was a command, but it was also a prophecy: “Ye shall be witnesses” to the very last tribe on earth. In His Olivet discourse, He had said: “This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come” (Matthew 24:14). Sometime, somehow, every tribe will be reached, because John, in his vision, saw a great multitude “of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues” in heaven (Revelation 7:9).
“The Lord is not slack concerning his promise” to return, but He does desire “that all should come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9), and we should “account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation” (2 Peter 3:15). No one but the Father knows just when the last convert from the last tribe will be won, but if we “love his appearing” (2 Timothy 4:8), we can “hasten his coming” by doing all we can to get the gospel to the ends of the earth. (HMM, The Institute for Creation Research)
In my state in the US, the winters can be brutal, with sub-zero temperatures and never-ending snow. One bitterly cold day, as I shoveled snow for what seemed like the thousandth time, our postman paused in his rounds to ask how I was doing. I told him that I disliked winter and was weary of all the heavy snow. I then commented that his job must be pretty rough during these extreme weather conditions. He responded, “Yeah, but at least I have a job. A lot of people don’t. I’m thankful to be working.”
I have to admit that I felt quite convicted by his attitude of gratitude. How easily we can lose sight of everything we have to be thankful for when the circumstances of life become unpleasant.
Paul told the followers of Christ at Colossae, “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful” (Colossians 3:15). He wrote to the Thessalonians, “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5:18).
Even in our times of genuine struggle and pain, we can know God’s peace and permit it to rule our hearts. And in that peace, we’ll find reminders of all that we’ve been given in Christ. In that, we can truly be thankful. (By Bill Crowder, Our Daily Bread)
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