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Luke 4

Jesus led to temptation by Holy Spirit                          verse 1- 2


Jesus led to temptation by Holy Spirit                                         verse 1- 2

 And Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan

and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness

being forty days tempted of the devil

AND in those days HE did eat nothing – and when they were ended

HE afterward hungered

 Three temptation of Christ                                                          verse 3- 13

 AND the devil said unto HIM

If YOU be the Son of God

command this stone that it be made bread

AND Jesus answered him – saying

It is written – That man shall not live by bread alone

but by every Word of God

AND the devil – taking HIM up into a high mountain

showed to HIM all the kingdoms of the world

in a moment of time

and the devil said unto HIM

All this power will I give YOU – and the glory of them

            FOR that is delivered unto me

and to whomsoever I will

                                    I give it

IF YOU therefore will worship me

all shall be YOURS

AND Jesus answered and said unto him

Get you behind MESatan – for it is written

You shalt worship the Lord thy God

and HIM only shalt you serve

AND he brought HIM to Jerusalem

and set HIM on a pinnacle of the temple

and said unto HIM

IF YOU be the Son of God – cast YOURSELF down from hence

for it is written – HE shall give HIS angels charge over YOU

to keep YOU

AND in their hands they shall bear YOU up

lest at any time YOU DASH YOUR foot against a stone

AND Jesus answering said unto him – It is said

            You shall not tempt the Lord your God

AND when the devil had ended all the temptation

he departed from HIM for a season

 Jesus goes to Galilee                                                                   verse 14- 15

 And Jesus returned in the POWER of the Spirit into Galilee

            and there went out a fame of HIM

through all the region round about

And HE taught in their synagogues – being glorified of all

 Jesus reads Isaiah in Nazareth                                                    verse 16- 19

 And HE came to Nazareth – where HE had been brought up

and as and HIS custom was

HE went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day

and stood up to read

And there was delivered unto HIM the book Esaias (Isaiah)

            And when HE had opened the book

HE found the place where it was written

            The Spirit of the Lord is upon ME

                        BECAUSE HE has anointed ME

to preach the gospel to the poor

            HE hath sent ME to heal the broken-hearted

                        to preach deliverance to the captives

                                    and recovering of sight to the blind

                                                to set at liberty them that are bruised

                                                to preach the acceptable

year of the Lord


People recognize Jesus                                                                verse 20- 22

And HE closed the book – and HE gave it again to the minister

and sat down

                        and the eyes of all them that were in the synagogue

were fastened on HIM

And HE began to say to them

            This day is this Scripture fulfilled in your ears

And all bare HIM witness

            and wondered at the gracious words

which proceeded out of HIS mouth

And they said

            Is not this Joseph’s son?

 Acceptance of Jesus limited                                                       verse 23- 27

 And HE said to them – You will surely say to ME this proverb

            Physician – heal yourself

whatsoever we have heard done in Capernaum

                                    do also here in YOUR country

And HE said

            Verily I say to you – No prophet is accepted

in HIS OWN country

            BUT I tell you of a truth

many widows were in Israel in the days of Elijah

                                    when the heaven was shut up

three years and six months

                                    when great famine was throughout all the land

            BUT to none of them was Elijah sent – save unto Sarepta

a city of Sidon to a woman that was a widow

            AND many lepers were in Israel

in the time of Eliseus (Elisha) the prophet

AND none of them was cleansed – saving Naaman the Syrian

 People wanted to kill Jesus                                                        verse 28- 30

 And all they in the synagogue – when they heard these things

were filled with wrath  and rose up

and thrust HIM out of the city

            and led HIM to the brow of the hill whereon their city was built

                        that they might cast HIM down headlong

BUT HE – passing through the midst of them – went HIS way

 People astonished at Jesus’ doctrine                                         verse 31- 32

 And came down to Capernaum – a city of Galilee

and taught them on the Sabbath days

                        and they were astonished at HIS doctrine

FOR HIS word was with POWER

 Demon recognizes Jesus                                                            verse 33- 34

 And in the synagogue there was a man

which had a spirit of an unclean devil

and cried out with a loud voice – saying

Let us alone – What have we to do with YOU

YOU Jesus of Nazareth?

Are YOU come to destroy us?

I know YOU who YOU are – the Holy One of God

 Jesus cast out demon                                                                 verse 35- 37

 And Jesus rebuked him


Hold your peace – and come out of him

And when the devil had thrown him in the midst

he came out of him – and hurt him not

and they were all amazed

and spoke among themselves


What a word is this!


HE commanded the unclean spirits

and they come out

AND the fame of HIM

went out into every place of the country round about

 Jesus heals Peter’s mother-in-law                                              verse 38- 39

 And HE arose out of the synagogue – and entered into Simon’s house

            and Simon’s wife’s mother was taken with a great fever

                        and they besought HIM for her

AND HE stood over her – and rebuked the fever

            and it left her

and immediately she arose and ministered unto them

 Jesus heals many in Capernaum                                                verse 40- 41

 Now when the sun was setting

            all they that had any sick

with divers diseased brought them unto HIM

            and HE laid HIS hands on every one of them

and healed them

And devils also came out of many – crying out – and saying

            YOU art Christ the Son of God

And HE rebuking them suffered them not to speak

            FOR they knew that HE was Christ

 Jesus moved throughout Galilee                                               verse 42- 44

 AND when it was day

HE departed and went into a desert place

                        and the people sought HIM

and came to HIM – and stayed HIM

                                                that He should not depart from them

AND HE said unto them

            I must preach the kingdom of God to other cities also

                        FOR therefore am I sent

AND HE preached in the synagogues of Galilee                            




: 1        And Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan, and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness. (4134 “full” [pleres] means filled up, lacking nothing, perfect, complete, or abundant)

DEVOTION:  The Holy Spirit led Jesus to a place where the Devil could tempt HIM. Not only was HE in the wilderness waiting to be tempted but HE went without food for forty days. So HE was weak as a human being waiting to face the greatest tempter of all.

We know that Jesus had to be tempted in all points like as we are but to put HIM in these circumstances seems a little much. We can barely fight the devil and his angels with a full stomach. It seems that the LORD wanted us to see that HIS temptations were to an extreme to what we would ever face. We don’t think those thoughts when we are going through temptation but compared to Jesus we are very weak.

In HIS weakened human condition the devil came with three temptations. HE was faced with what I John 2: 16 describes as the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life. These are the three temptations that Adam and Eve (Genesis 3: 6) faced in the Garden of Eden. There are the three temptations we face throughout our life here on this earth.

What did Jesus do with HIS temptations? HE quoted Scripture. HE resisted the devil by knowing the Word of God. We can do the same. Every temptation that comes our way can be offset with our knowledge of the Word of God and the help of the Holy Spirit. HE will give us the words to say when we need them.

Our responsibility is to memorize all we can to be used at a future time for witness or defense against those who are outside of Christ and our spiritual enemy and his army. Are we ready to face their attacks? If not, start now to meditate on the Word of God to the point where we hide it in our heart, so that, we do not sin against God.

CHALLENGE: All believers can be filled up with the Holy Spirit. It is a command that the New Testament that challenges all genuine believers in their daily life.


DAILY SPIRITUAL LUNCH: Transitional Believers 

: 14      And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee: and there went out a of him through                           all the region round about. (1411 “power” [dunamis] means strength, ability, inherit power,                                mighty work, or virtue)

DEVOTION:  This chapter emphasizes the strength of Jesus. HE returned from HIS temptation with strength to do HIS earthly ministry. Right after HIS baptism, HE was led by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness and fasted for forty days before Satan came to HIM.

Only in the strength of the Godhead was HE able to resist the temptations of Satan. HE was God. HE was man. The quoting of the Word of God was used by Christ to offset the temptations of the Devil. Jesus quoted the Word of God. Jesus knew the Word of God because it was established by the Godhead before the foundation of the world.

The Holy Spirit led men to write the Bible without error. Jesus knew it all. With the strength of the Holy Spirit, Jesus preached, taught, healed and dealt with the Devil and his evil angels.

We can do the same with the mighty work of the Holy Spirit in us. When we are filled with the Holy Spirit we can face each day with new strength. How are we filled? The first filling of the Holy Spirit happens at the moment of salvation. The filling of Spirit leaves when we sin. Confession of sin is necessary.

How is the filling manifested in us? We are thankful. We are submissive. We are singing. If we want the strength we need for each task the Lord sets before us – we need the filling of the Holy Spirit. When the people saw all that Jesus did and said, they were amazed. When people see what God can do with us, they will be amazed too. Let’s amaze people for the glory of the LORD!!!

CHALLENGE: Keep short accounts with the LORD. If we want dynamite in our witness we have to have the filling of the Holy Spirit.


: 24      And HE said, Verily I say to you, No prophet is accepted in his own country. (1184 “accepted” [dektos] means pleasing, welcomed, favorable, being received with pleasure, received, or propitious)

DEVOTION: Jesus was trying to reach people who saw HIM grow up. They watched HIM work in the wood shop of Joseph. Joseph was not HIS real father because God the Father sent HIM to this earth through the ministry of the Holy Spirit over Mary.

However, these individuals saw HIM interact with HIS half brothers and sisters. Remember that they didn’t become followers of Jesus until after HIS death. They were just like the other people in the synagogue who wondered how HE knew so much about the Old Testament and how HE could perform all the miracles HE did. They even had a tendency to think that Jesus was not in HIS right mind. They were wrong but they still felt that way about HIM.

HIS mother even came to take HIM home while she had asked HIM at the beginning of HIS ministry to turn water into wine. She knew HIS power. She knew HIS birth was unique. She pondered what she was learning about HIM in her heart but still didn’t really understand who HE was.

So when Jesus did HIS teaching and wonderful works in this town they were not impressed. They would not listen to HIM because they thought they knew HIM. They had an opinion of HIM that all HIS actions would not change.

It hurt Jesus but HE continued to serve the LORD even when HIS family and friends thought HE was weird. They refused to believe. HE later states that they would receive a greater judgment because of their treatment of HIM and HIS ministry.

On their way to eternity in the Lake of Fire they would finally realize who HE was but it would be too late.

CHALLENGE: Reaching family with the truth of the Word of God is not easy. Our family knows all our faults and most of the time will not listen to us but we still have the responsibility to try!! 


                     : 32      And they were astonished at his doctrine: for his word was with power.  (1849 “power” [                                                exousia] means authority, right, liberty, strength, jurisdiction, control, right to judge, ability,                                        official, capacity or freedom of choice)

DEVOTION:  When comparing the two words used for power we find that one is inherit power in Christ or a person because of his relationship to Christ is dunamis while the right to use that power is exousia. Christ while on this earth received HIS power from the Father and Holy Spirit because HE had limited HIMSELF while HE walked this earth. HE gives this power and authority to HIS followers through the ministry of the Holy Spirit in their life.

Jesus was teaching and casting out demons/fallen angels and healing the sick while HE ministered. The people were astonished that a human being could do all these things. They watched the religious leaders condemn HIM on a regular basis. They watched as HE didn’t seem to care what they thought but continued working even when they tried to kill HIM by throwing HIM off a cliff.

HE went to Capernaum where HE presently had a place to stay to minister. HE taught in the synagogue as one who had authority rather than just someone who was repeating what they had been taught.

Too often today we have pastors and Sunday School teachers quotes other sources and saying what these authors believed rather than what the individual pastor or teacher believed. This is not how Jesus taught and this is not how we should teach.

Once we become a follower of Jesus the Holy Spirit indwells us and gives us the words to say. Does that mean that we shouldn’t study other men? No we need to try to receive the best training we can from the best scholars we can. We need to read books by men who love the LORD. We need to be sure that they believe in the inerrancy of Scripture. We need to be sure that they believe in the fact that Jesus Christ came in the flesh. There are many basic doctrines that those we read should believe. Once they pass this test then we can study to help us understand the Word of God better.

However, when we teach we should have come to an honest conclusion that is recognized by others that are Biblically sound. Once we come to that conclusion we should be able to teach with authority the Word of God until someone shows us that we are ignorant of good teaching in another direction.

CHALLENGE: We need to study to the best of our ability and teach with authority on that basis with the understanding that the Holy Spirit will continue to mature us through HIS ministry in our life. 




Chastity (Purity in living)

Fasting (Time alone with LORD without eating or drinking) 

                Jesus was hungry after 40 days of fasting                                            verse 2 

Sacrifice (Giving up something we want to serve the LORD)

Submission (Willing to listen to others and LORD)

Solitude (Going to a quiet place without anyone) 

Went into a desert place                                                                 verse 42 


Fellowship (Gathering together around the Word of God)

Frugality (wise use of resources)

Journalizing (Writing down what you have learned from the LORD)

Study and Meditation (Thinking through your study in the Word)

Secrecy (Doing your good deeds without others knowing but God)


Celebration (Gathering around a special occasion to worship LORD)

Confession (Tell the LORD we are sorry for our sins on a daily basis)

Prayer (Conversation with God on a personal level)

Silence (Letting the LORD deal with some problems and needs)

Worship (Time to praise the LORD alone or in a group 

Worship the LORD alone                                                                 verse 8

Pinnacle of the Temple                                                                    verse 9

Taught in synagogues                                                                     verse 15, 16- 31

Sabbath day                                                                                     verse 16, 31

Read Scripture                                                                                 verse 16

Synagogue                                                                                      verse 33, 38, 44 



Scripture (66 inerrant books of the Bible)

                   It is written (Deuteronomy)                                                           verse 4, 8, 12, 17

                        Word of God                                                                                 verse 4

Satan quotes (Psalm)                                                                     verse 10- 11

Read Scripture on Sabbath                                                            verse 16

Prophet Isaiah                                                                                verse 17

Scripture fulfilled                                                                           verse 21

Elijah                                                                                               verse 25

Elisha                                                                                              verse 27 

God the Father (First person of the Godhead)                     

     God                                                                                                verse 4, 12, 34, 43

                      Lord                                                                                               verse 8, 12, 18, 19

                      Lord your God                                                                              verse 8, 12

                      Kingdom of God                                                                           verse 43 

God the Son (Second person of the Godhead –God/man, Messiah)

                      Jesus                                                                                              verse 1, 4, 8, 12, 14, 34, 35

                      Full of the Holy Ghost                                                                  verse 1

                      Led by the Spirit                                                                           verse 1

                      Eating nothing forty days                                                            verse 2

                      Son of God                                                                                   verse 3, 9, 41

                      Power of the Spirit                                                                       verse 14

                      Fame                                                                                             verse 14, 37

                      Being glorified of all                                                                    verse 15

                      Anointed                                                                                      verse 18

                      Preach the gospel to the poor                                                    verse 18

                      Heal                                                                                              verse 18, 40

                      Preach deliverance to captives                                                   verse 18

                      Give liberty                                                                                  verse 18

                      Preach acceptable year of the Lord                                            verse 19

                      Gracious words                                                                           verse 22

                      Joseph’s SON                                                                               verse 22

                      Prophet                                                                                        verse 24

                      Passed through angry crowd                                                      verse 28-30

                      Taught on Sabbath day                                                               verse 31

                      Astonished at HIS doctrine                                                         verse 32

                      HIS word was with power                                                           verse 32

                      Jesus of Nazareth                                                                        verse 34

                      Holy One of God                                                                         verse 34

                      Jesus rebuked man with unclean spirit                                      verse 35

                      Jesus had authority and power                                                  verse 36

                      Healing Simon’s wife’s mother                                                   verse 38- 39

                      Christ                                                                                           verse 41

                      Christ the Son of God                                                                 verse 41

                      Rebuked evil angels                                                                   verse 41

                      Preach kingdom of God                                                             verse 43, 44 

God the Holy Spirit (Third person of the Godhead – our comforter)

                        Holy Ghost – Jesus full of                                                         verse 1

Spirit led Jesus                                                                            verse 1, 14

Power of the Spirit                                                                      verse 14

Spirit of the Lord                                                                        verse 18 

Trinity (Three persons of the Godhead who are co-equal = ONE God)    

Angels (Created before the foundation of the world – Good and Evil)

                      Devil tempted Jesus                                                                   verse 2, 3, 5, 6, 13

                        Devil promises power to Jesus                                                verse 6

                        Satan (another name for devil)                                               verse 8

                        Angels (good ones) – protect                                                  verse 10, 11

                        Devil departed for season                                                       verse 13

                        Unclean devil (demon)                                                            verse 33- 35, 41

                        Devil                                                                                         verse 35

                        Unclean spirit                                                                           verse 36


Man (Created on the sixth twenty-four hour period of creation) 

Kingdoms of the world         `                                                    verse 5

Naaman the Syrian                                                                    verse 27 

Sin (Missing the mark set by God on man and angels)  

Food offered to idols                                                                 verse 3

False power promised                                                               verse 6

Worship of false god                                                                 verse 7

Tempting the LORD                                                                   verse 12, 13

Filled with wrath                                                                        verse 28 

Salvation (Provided by Christ’s death on the cross for our sins) 

Full of Holy Ghost                                                                      verse 1

Led by the Holy Ghost                                                               verse 1

Tempted                                                                                     verse 2, 13

Live by every word of God                                                        verse 4

Worship LORD alone                                                                 verse 8

Serve LORD alone                                                                      verse 8

Not tempt LORD                                                                       verse 12

Teach  (Doctrine)                                                                       verse 15, 31, 32

Anointed                                                                                    verse 18

Preach the Gospel                                                                     verse 18, 19, 43, 44

Heal                                                                                           verse 18, 39, 40

Preach deliverance to captives                                                 verse 18

Minister                                                                                     verse 20, 39

Gracious words                                                                         verse 22

Truth                                                                                          verse 25

Power in preaching                                                                   verse 32

Authority                                                                                   verse 36

Power over of Satan and his angels                                         verse 36, 41 

Israel (Old Testament people of God) 

Jordan                                                                                       verse 1

Jerusalem                                                                                  verse 9

Galilee                                                                                       verse 14, 31

Nazareth                                                                                   verse 16, 34

Minister                                                                                     verse 20

Joseph                                                                                       verse 22

Capernaum                                                                               verse 23, 31

Elijah                                                                                         verse 25, 26

Sarepta – city of Sidon                                                             verse 26

Elisha – Eliseus                                                                          verse 27

Simon’s house                                                                           verse 38

Simon’s wife’s mother          `                                                   verse 38 

Church (New Testament people of God)

Last Things (Future Events) 

Acceptable year of the Lord                                                    verse 19

Kingdom of God                                                                      verse 43



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QUOTES regarding passage

4:6 I will give you. The “you” is emphatic.

Authority. This favorite Lukan word is not found in the Matthean parallel. It is better understood as describing oikoumenēs than kosmos.

Splendor. Another favorite word in Luke, “splendor,” can also be translated “glory.” It refers to the glory that comes to the ruler who possesses such authority. This word is missing from the Matthean parallel.

For it has been given to me. “Has been given “is a divine passive, i.e., God has placed this world’s kingdoms under the devil’s temporary rule. God is clearly sovereign, but within his permissive will the devil is temporarily given this authority. This statement explains why the next one is true.

And I can give it to anyone I want to. That God’s Son would one day reign over the world’s kingdoms was clear for Luke. The issue is how he would achieve this. Would it be through the shortcut the devil offered or by submitting to God’s will, which involved suffering and death? The devil offered Jesus a crossless path of messiahship, and Luke assumed that the devil had in fact the authority to offer the world’s kingdoms to Jesus. (Stein, R. H. (1992). Luke (Vol. 24, p. 147). Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers.)


4:5–8. What Matthew recorded as the second and third temptations were reversed by Luke. This may indicate that there were continual temptations in these areas. The second temptation Luke recorded was an appeal to Jesus to be in control of all the kingdoms of the world. The condition was that Jesus must worship (proskynēsēs, lit., “bend the knee to”) the devil. Though Jesus would have world rulership, He would be depending on Satan—rather than on God the Father and His plan. Jesus again referred to Moses to combat a temptation. In that passage (Deut. 6:13) Moses warned the people about their attitude when they finally were to get into the land and achieve some glory and dominion. The temptation for them would be to praise themselves and forget to worship God. Jesus, by quoting the verse, showed that He would not make that mistake. He would give God the credit and not take it for Himself. He would not fail as Israel had failed. (Martin, J. A. (1985). Luke. In J. F. Walvoord & R. B. Zuck (Eds.), The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures (Vol. 2, p. 213). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.)


Ver. 6. And the devil said unto him, all this power will I give thee, &c.] That is; all the kingdoms of the world, and all the government and jurisdiction over them: and the glory of them; the riches, honours, and grandeur belonging to them: for that is delivered unto me: so far he spoke modestly, in that he owned an original, superior governor of them, by whom he pretended they were transferred to him; but lied, in that he suggested they were put into his hands by him, who had the supreme power over them; and that he acted by his constitution and appointment, as a deputy under him; when what power he had, as the God of the world, was by usurpation, and not by designation of God; and at most only by permission: and least of all was it true what follows; and to whomsoever I will I give it; or these, as the Vulgate Latin reads; that is, these kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; when so to do is the peculiar and sole prerogative of God: nor can Satan dispose of the goods of a single man, nor of a herd of swine, nor enter into them without leave from God. (Gill, J. (1809). An Exposition of the New Testament (Vol. 1, pp. 543–544). London: Mathews and Leigh.)


1. exousia (ἐξουσία, 1849) denotes “authority” (from the impersonal verb exesti, “it is lawful”). From the meaning of “leave or permission,” or liberty of doing as one pleases, it passed to that of “the ability or strength with which one is endued,” then to that of the “power of authority,” the right to exercise power, e.g., Matt. 9:6; 21:23; 2 Cor. 10:8; or “the power of rule or government,” the power of one whose will and commands must be obeyed by others, e.g., Matt. 28:18; John 17:2; Jude 25; Rev. 12:10; 17:13; more specifically of apostolic “authority,” 2 Cor. 10:8; 13:10; the “power” of judicial decision, John 19:10; of “managing domestic affairs,” Mark 13:34. By metonymy, or name-change (the substitution of a suggestive word for the name of the thing meant), it stands for “that which is subject to authority or rule,” Luke 4:6 (rv, “authority,” for the kjv “power”); or, as with the English “authority,” “one who possesses authority, a ruler, magistrate,” Rom. 13:1-3; Luke 12:11; Titus 3:1; or “a spiritual potentate,” e.g., Eph. 3:10; 6:12; Col. 1:16; 2:10, 15; 1 Pet. 3:22. The rv usually translates it “authority.” 

In 1 Cor. 11:10 it is used of the veil with which a woman is required to cover herself in an assembly or church, as a sign of the Lord’s “authority” over the church. See jurisdiction, liberty, power, right, strength.  (Vine, W. E., Unger, M. F., & White, W., Jr. (1996). Vol. 2: Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words (45–46). Nashville, TN: T. Nelson.)


Paul radically upholds exousía, but relates it to the two principles of what is fitting and what is edifying. exousía, then, is not intrinsic autonomy, as, e.g., in Epictetus, but freedom in God’s kingdom by faith, so that regard must be had for the perils that lurk in freedom and for the needs of neighbors. In Christian Gnosticism we find hints of a development of freedom along the lines of the extremists at Corinth, while in apocryphal Acts exousía is not God’s gift to be used in service but a magically wrested power deployed for one’s own ends. (Kittel, G., Friedrich, G., & Bromiley, G. W. (1985). Theological Dictionary of the New Testament (239). Grand Rapids, MI: W.B. Eerdmans.)


1849.  ἐξουσία ĕxŏusia, ex-oo-see´-ah; from 1832 (in the sense of ability); privilege, i.e. (subj.) force, capacity, competency, freedom, or (obj.) mastery (concr. magistrate, superhuman, potentate, token of control), delegated influence:—authority, jurisdiction, liberty, power, right, strength. (Strong, J. (2009). Vol. 1: A Concise Dictionary of the Words in the Greek Testament and The Hebrew Bible (30).) Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software)


and gave them power and authority] Power (dunamis) is the capacity, and authority (exousia), the right to act. See 10:19; Rev. 13:7. (Farrar, F. W. (1891). The Gospel according to St Luke, with Maps, Notes and Introduction. The Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges (179). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.)


First, it should be noted that exousia is often related to dunamis. Otto Betz has an interesting article on exousia in New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology, vol. 2, pp. 606–611. Here are four examples.

“It is characteristic for the NT that exousia and dunamis are both related to the work of Christ, the consequent new ordering of cosmic power-structures and the empowering of believers” (p. 609).

“The exousia of believers. The authority of a Christian believer is founded on the rule of Christ and on the disarming of all powers. It implies both freedom and service” (p. 611).

“He is free to do anything (I Cor. 6:12; 10:23 exestin); this assertion, which was made initially by the sectarian enthusiasts at Corinth, was taken up by Paul who acknowledged it to be correct” (p. 611).

“In practice, however, this theoretically unrestricted freedom is governed by consideration of what is helpful to other individual Christians and the congregation as a whole in view of the fact that complete redemption is still to come (I Cor. 6:12; 10:23)” (p. 611).

“ ‘All things are lawful [exestin] for me,’ but not all things are helpful. ‘All things are lawful [exestin],’ but not all things build up. Let no one seek his own good, but the good of his neighbor” (I Cor. 10:23ff). The quotation within these quotations are probably the slogans of the libertines at Corinth. Paul counters them by admitting their truth, but by showing that it is not the whole truth” (p. 611).

Paul uses these two terms often in his letters to the church at Corinth.

1.   exousia, I Cor. 7:37; 9:4, 5, 6, 12 (twice),18; 11:10; II Cor. 13:10

2.   dunamis, I Cor. 1:18; 2:4, 5; 4:19, 20; 5:4; 15:24, 43; II Cor. 4:7; 6:7; 8:3 (twice); 12:9; 13:4 (twice)

Rights and power were major issues for both the legalists and the libertines. Paul tries to walk a fine line between both extremes. In this context Christian women are encouraged to accept the God-given order of creation (Christ-man-woman) for the purpose of the furtherance of the Kingdom. Paul asserts the original mutuality (cf. Gen. 1:26–27; 2:18) in verses 11–12. It is very theologically dangerous to (1) isolate one verse in this context; (2) apply a rigid systematic denominational grid of the issue of the relationship of men and women/husbands and wives of the first century to every culture in every century; or (3) to miss Paul’s balance between Christian freedom and Christian corporate covenant responsibility.

Where did Christian women get the freedom to participate as leaders in public (house-church) worship? Surely not from the synagogue. Was it a cultural trend from first-century Roman society? This is surely possible and in my opinion helps explain many aspects of this chapter. However, it is surely possible that the power of the gospel, the restoration of the original “image of God” lost in the Fall, is the source. There is a shocking new equality in all areas of human life and society. But this equality can be turned into a license for personal abuse. This inappropriate extension is what Paul is addressing. (Utley, R. J. (2002). Vol. Volume 6: Paul’s Letters to a Troubled Church: I and II Corinthians. Study Guide Commentary Series (130). Marshall, TX: Bible Lessons International.)



Old Testament WORDS for Today by Warren W. Wiersbe 

We don’t get tired of the Lord’s work, but we can become weary in the Lord’s work. (p. 158)

Baruch had a serious problem in his heart and the Lord knew what it was: Baruch was seeking greater things than he was receiving from Jeremiah. Baruch came from a highly esteemed family in Judah. His grandfather Maaseiah had been governor of Jerusalem under King Josiah (2 Chron. 34: 8), and his brother Seraiah was a member of King Jehoiakim’s staff (Jer. 32: 12; 36:4; 51: 59).

With these kinds of “connections, “Baruch probably could have gotten a palace appointment and escaped persecution. But the safest place in the world is in the will of God. (p. 158-9)


The RADICAL PURSUIT of REST by John Koessler 

Few words have the power to chill the soul like the word cancer. Hearing my doctor’s words was profoundly disorienting, more like an out-of-body experience than a clinical diagnosis. I felt like I  had been transported to another world, perhaps even another dimension. Once the formula was pronounced over me, like some strange and terrifying sacrament uttered by a priest, I feared I would never be the same again. (p. 130)

Psalm 91:1 promises, “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. This is a rest of location rather than one of relaxation. It is a position more than it is an emotional state. To rest in this sense is to abide. Those who belong to God are under his protection, even when the worst happens to them. (p. 133)

Rest is not the absence of fear; it is the presence of trust. The radical pursuit of rest has not eliminated my fears about the future. It has taught me to counter those fears by referring them to God who has control over all things. He is the LORD of the past as well as the future. He is Lord of the distant past that has shaped my present. (p. 133)

In this way the futility of the created world functions like a signpost pointing us toward a redemption that has not yet been fully realized. (p. 135)

This is the future of the new heavens and the new earth. It is the domain of eschatology. The events that lie on the future’s far horizon are beyond our immediate reach. The nearer horizon, on the other hand, is the future of our dreams and plans. This is the domain of short-term goals and what we usually call long-range planning. When we invest our money or save for retirement, we do so for the near future. The near horizon is the realm of action and change. It is the future I worry about. The far horizon is the realm of faith and fulfillment. The events that lie on the horizon of the distant future are certain because they have been promised in Scripture. (p. 136)\

Remarkably, God’s promised temple was built on a landscape littered with the remains of David’s foolish choices and sinful actions. The plot of land on which Solomon’s temple would eventually be built was acquired by David after he sinned by numbering the people God’s chosen instrument for constructing the temple of Solomon, the fruit of a marriage that grew out of David’s greatest sin. (p. 139)

The debris of the past will prove to have been the stuff of transformation, used by God for our good. (p. 140)

It is no wonder that we do not welcome old age. The frailty and decline that come with it are not only uncomfortable; they are harbingers of death. It is good to be brought up short and reminded that there is a limit to this life and that another awaits us beyond it. Summer may be over, but the vacation has yet to begin. For those who belong to Jesus Christ, when this life’s day is finally spent, there is another, better rest waiting for us. (p. 142)


Colossians 3
We have been raised up with Christ and should seek the things above.

It is possible to be one place physically and another place mentally. It happens every Sunday morning in church. Bodies warm the pews while minds roam the kitchens and golf courses of the nation. In a graver example, prisoners of war survive by taking themselves mentally into another world away from the prison and there find meaning and solace. We, as Christians, are to do the same. We are to take ourselves out of the physical world, into the spiritual world, and operate according to its values, truths, and realities. “If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above. . . . Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth” (vv. 1-2). (Quiet Walk)


Power of the Holy Spirit
“But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you.” (Acts 1:8)
This promise of our Lord signaled the beginning of the immense change from the old covenant to the new. Prior to the fulfillment of Joel’s prophecy (Joel 2:28Acts 2:16) on the day of Pentecost, the saints of God were empowered both selectively and infrequently.
We, however, upon whom the “better thing” has come (Hebrews 11:40), are all temples of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19). Since we have been “quickened” (made alive) by the Holy Spirit (1 Peter 3:18), we surely should then “walk in the Spirit” (Galatians 5:25). What, then, is the dunamis (power) that the Holy Spirit provides to us?
Obviously, the power comes from the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit Himself (Ephesians 3:16-20). Our flesh has “no good thing” (Romans 7:18) to provide for an empowered, Spirit-filled life. Apart from the dwelling of God’s Spirit in us (Ephesians 1:14), we would be unable to live righteously (John 15:5).

But thanks to the omnipotent and omniscient Creator, the Holy Spirit gives us gifts to use in Christ’s assembly to mature and to encourage each other (Ephesians 4:7-16). The Holy Spirit also grants us the ability to develop His “fruit” in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23).
Then, with the encouragement and maturity we gain through our churches, and the fruit of the Holy Spirit being obvious in our daily lives, the great privilege of sharing the gospel with the lost becomes a delightful exercise of “power” (Romans 1:16) that is clear, not only in careful words of testimony, but in and through a life empowered by the Holy Spirit (1Thessalonians 1:5).

(HMM III, The Institute for Creation Research)



Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence toward God. And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight.
1 John 3:21-22
Over and above my confidence is my right of access; I must have assurance with regard to my petitions.
James puts it like this: “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God….” But notice this: “But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord” (James 1:5-7). If you are uncertain, doubtful, or hesitant and lacking assurance in your petition, you will not get your request, says James. Listen to the psalmist in Psalm 66:18: “If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me.” If I go to God with a double mind, holding on to my sin and knowing that I am living a wrong life, I will not have confidence in my prayer. “God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things” (1 John 3:20); if I am condemning myself and know I am wrong, how much more so must God.
Now I think that our Lord Himself has answered this question in John’s Gospel. He put it like this: “If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you” (John 15:7). Or again: “I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain; that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you” (John 15:16).
If I am keeping God’s commandments, then I can be certain that my life is being controlled by the Holy Spirit, and therefore I know that any petitions and desires I may have were created in me by the Holy Spirit.
A Thought to Ponder: If I go to God holding on to my sin and knowing that I am living a wrong life, I will not have confidence in my prayer.

(From Children of God, pp. 129-130, by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones)


Thus, the distinguishing characteristics of a different dispensation are three: (1) a change in God’s governmental relationship with man (though a dispensation does not have to be composed entirely of completely new features); (2) a resultant change in man’s responsibility; and (3) corresponding revelation necessary to effect the change (which is new and is a stage n the progress of revelation through the Bible). (p.40)


Obviously, whenever God gives revelation concerning His method of running the affairs of the world, there is also given a corresponding responsibility or test to the people as to whether or not they will align themselves with God’s economy and the revelation of it. (pl 41)

(Dispensationalism by Charles C. Ryrie)



                               Today’s Scripture        Numbers 18-20                                             

It is stated that life or death is a mere 18 inches each time we pass another vehicle on the road.  Others have stated it is 18 inches between the mind and the heart, which is the distance between eternal life and death.  Life and death circumstances are often closer than we realize! 

After the fracture of relationships between the Levites and Aaron, God speaks directly to Aaron and reaffirms his family’s role as priests.  They were to protect the tabernacle at all costs, since the penalty would be the loss of both the priests lives and the non-Levites if the area of the tabernacle was violated.  The rules and standards were strict, and God demanded adherence from all involved in worship to Him. 

As the people of God had been instructed to give offerings to the Lord, so the priests were given guidelines about the items they were allowed to have from the sacrifices. They were also to give back a tithe to the Lord from the sacrifices received from the people.  

Death was a constant companion even for the leaders of Israel. As the people journeyed, both Miriam and Aaron failed to enter the promised land but perished as the other adults did in the wilderness.  Moses also is rebuked and told death awaited him because of his disobedience to the word of the Lord. 

Decisions often have consequences that are far reaching and not apparent when first formulated.  For each of the leaders of Israel, rash comments and angry responses came back later to impact them in adverse ways.  The lessons we can learn from these and other biblical stories show us how seriously God takes His word.  May we be slow to anger, slow to accuse, and be careful not to minimize God’s word when making decisions.  It serves us all well to remember James 1:19, “So then my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God.” 

                                          Expectant Hope,  Pastor Miller  


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