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Prayer request policy: If you want the prayer request to be private or just between me and you, please say so in the email. I will pray for those requests. If you don’t mind others praying for the request, then just send the request with no restrictions and I will put it in the devotional for other to pray. We don’t include last names in any of our prayer requests. Thank you.

Please pray for Lawmakers.

Please remember to pray for the Biblical churches and pastors in Africa. (REMEMBER THAT IF YOU KNOW BIBLICAL PASTORS TO LET US KNOW THEIR NAMES AND CHURCHES AND WE WILL PRAY FOR THEM).

Your Prayer Request Here!

May be an image of text

May be an image of text that says 'PRAYER Jesus. You made the principle of being your disciple so simple. But walking in your footsteps can be so incredibly hard. Please help me to rely on your spirit to to guide my thoughts, words and actions. Make me an ambassador of your love. Amen.'

May be an image of text that says 'Men do not seek God first; God seeks them first; and if any of you are seeking him to-day it IS because he has first sought you. If you are desiring him he desired you first, and your good desires and earnest seeking will not be the cause of your salvation, but the effects of previous grace given to you. Spurgeon'

May be an image of text

May be an image of 1 person

May be an image of 4 people and text

May be an image of text



Faith and Bible based ministry that encourages the faithfulness of the local church and their leaders to the LORD.

Please invite friends to visit our website: or visit our Facebook page at Small Church Ministries with a Bible logo. If they would like to receive the devotions via email – please have them send their address to me with “devotional” in the message box. Also, if you don’t receive the devotions because you have visited our website or some other source please sign up. The devotions normally go out each covering a chapter of the Bible each day. In three and a half years the entire Bible is covered. Thank you.

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