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Revelation 6

First seal opened by Christ: White horse = Antichristverses 1-2

And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals

            and I heard – as it were the noise of thunder

                        one of the four beasts saying – Come and see

And I saw and BEHOLD a white horse

            and he that sat on him had a bow

                        and a crown was given to him

                                    and he went forth conquering

                                                and to conquer 

Second seal opened by Christ: Red horse = False peaceverses 3-4

 And when HE had opened the second seal

            I heard the second beast say – Come and see

And there went out another horse that was red

            and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace

from the earth – and that they should kill one another

                                    and there was given to him a great sword

Third seal opened by Christ: Black horse = Famineverses 5-6

 And when HE had opened the third seal

I heard the third beast say – Come and see

And I beheld – and lo a black horse

and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand

AND I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say

            A measure of wheat for a penny

                        and three measures of barley for a penny

                                    and see you hurt not the oil and the wine

Fourth seal opened by Christ: Pale horse = Death & Hellverses 7-8

 And when HE had opened the fourth seal

I heard the voice of the fourth beast say – Come and see

And I looked and behold a pale horse

and his name that sat on him was Death

and Hell followed with him

And power was given to them over the fourth part of the earth

to kill with sword – hunger – death – beasts of the earth

Fifth seal opened by Christ: Martyrs speakverses 9-11

 And when HE has opened the fifth seal

I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for

the word of God and the testimony which they held

And they cried with a loud voice saying

How long O Lordholy and true do YOU not judge

and avenge our blood on them that dwell on

the earth?

And white robes were given unto every one of them

and it was said to them – that they should rest yet for a little season

                        until their fellow servants also and their brethren

                                    that should be killed as they were

should be fulfilled

Sixth seal opened by Christ: Shaking of heaven & earthverses 12-14

 And I beheld when HE had opened the sixth seal

and – lo – there was a great earthquake

and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair

            and the moon became as blood

and the stars of heaven fell unto the earth

            even as a fig tree cast her untimely figs

                        when she is shaken of a mighty wind

And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together

and every mountain and island were moved out of their places

Reaction of those who reject Christverses 15-17

 And kings of the earth – and the great men – rich men

chief captains – mighty men and every bondman

free man hid themselves in the dens

rocks of the mountains

And said to the mountains and rocks

Fall on us – and hide us from the face of HIM that

sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb

                                    for the great day of HIS wrath is come

                                                and who shall be able to stand?



: 6        And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see you hurt not the oil and the wine. (5518 “measure” [choinix] means a choenix of corn was none man’s daily allowance, a dry measure, quart, a dry unit equal to a little less than two pints or 67.2 cubic inches, often used of grain measurements, or bath)

DEVOTION:  There is a time period in the early part of the Tribulation where those who are poor will have to use a whole day’s wage to buy a loaf of bread. They will not be able to feed themselves and their family. There will be a famine in the land. Grain which is a stable food item around the world will be hard to buy.

However, those who are rich will have all they want. It seems that there will be a great divide between the rich and the poor even in the Tribulation time period. They will have what they want because they will honor the Antichrist when he comes to power. They will think they are on the winning side because of their social standing.

This is true today in many countries around the world. People work all day for barely enough to feed their family. This might even happen here in America because we have more than half of the population looking to the government for handouts. All that has to happen is that the government just stops giving the handouts and then what will people do. They will be without any means to support their families.

God wants us all to work for a living. HE honors those that work and only depend on HIM for their needs. Many in the church are looking to the government to support them when they should be looking to the LORD alone to help them see the open doors HE puts before them for work.

CHALLENGE:  Remember that we carry with us from before we became a believer two traits: laziness and selfishness. We have to fight these two for the rest of our life. This can only happen if we depend on the LORD alone.

DAILY SPIRITUAL LUNCH: Transitional Believers

: 8        And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given to them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth. (1849 “power” [exousia] means authority, jurisdiction, symbol of authority, ruler, right, liberty, capability, permission, freedom of choice, or strength)

DEVOTION:  One quarter of the world’s population was going to be affected by the fourth seal being opened. It was going to affect those who have rejected Jesus Christ. This was going to happen in the first half of the Tribulation.

How were these individuals going to be killed? They were going to be killed by sword, hunger, disease and animals. There was going to be things happening during the reign of the Antichrist that has never happened before in the history of the world.

Death and Hell are said to never be satisfied. This is true during this time period when there are going to be wars and famine in the land. There is going to be a system set up where only those who worship the Antichrist can buy food.

Also during this period animals are going to be active in killing people.

Satan has been allowed power over nature at times by the LORD and this seems to be one of the times when the LORD allows even the animals to work for the Antichrist.

Many will try to hide from judgment but there is no hiding place from God. HIS judgment is final. People die and go to hell to await their final judgment in the lake of fire that is reserved for the devil and his angels.

Where is your reservation? Our prayer is that you have made a reservation in heaven through Jesus Christ. There will be many believers martyred in this time period but they will not go to hell to wait. They will be given white robes to wait for their fellow believers who will die in this time period.

CHALLENGE:  Two different outcomes even during the Tribulation time period. In every time period everyone is given a choice!!!

: 10      And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, do you not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth? (1556 “avenge” [ekdikeo] means to vindicate one’s right, do one justice, to punish a person for a thing, legal protection, or grant justice)

DEVOTION:  Even after death there is communication between the saints of God and God. This is a prayer of those who had died during the first half of the Tribulation period.

They want to know how long they have to wait for those who reject Jesus and have killed them to receive their just desserts. It is a prayer of those who have been faithful in their witness for the LORD and have died for that witness to have their enemies given a just judgment for their sins against them.

There are Psalms that are called imprecatory Psalms where the author of the Psalm is asking the LORD to judge those who have caused him harm or are trying to cause him harm.

We have to realize that the LORD is the one who will take care of those who try to hurt us. We have to turn our enemies over to the LORD. It is not easy because we would like there to be instant justice for those who hurt us.

The problem is that we have hurt Christ before we became a believer and even after we have become a believer because we still sin. If HE wanted to judge us for our sin and not give us an opportunity to ask forgiveness then HE could but HE doesn’t. HE is longsuffering toward us and HE is longsuffering toward those who reject HIM. A judgment day is coming for those who reject Christ.

We need to turn our enemies over to the LORD and then show them love to the point where they can either accept Christ or continue to reject HIM. They make the choice. We have to keep the high ground in our relationship to our enemies. They have to see Christ in our actions.

The LORD informs these individuals who are praying “how long” that they should rest for a little longer.

CHALLENGE: We need to rest in the LORD even when we are faced with individuals who are hurting us. They need to see Christ in us.


:12       And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood. (4578 “earthquake” [seismos] means 1 a shaking, a commotion. 2 a tempest. 3 an earthquake.  [Strong, J. (1995). Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon. Woodside Bible Fellowship])

DEVOTION:  The first set of judgments mentioned in the book of Revelation have to do with the seven seals.  Among these seal judgments we find famine, warfare, and death.  The sixth seal has to do with massive natural earthquakes.

We continue to experience massive earthquakes around the world, especially in the so-called “Ring of Fire.”  Recently New Zealand was the latest to be rocked by a serious earthquake that caused massive destruction.  Chile and Haiti have been similarly affected this year.  It is said that the number and severity of these earthquakes continues to escalate around the world.  We witnessed first-hand the devastation and destruction that an earthquake and resulting tsunami had in Japan in 2011, for example.

God is capable of making the earth quake precisely because He made the earth.  When the earth does quake, we realize once again that we are not masters of our universe or world, but are subject to forces that are beyond our control.  We are forced to reflect again on the God who is much greater than these things, the same God that these foolish men in this chapter are trying to hide from.  Rather than confess their sins and turn to Him for repentance, they continue to try and seek their own way out of the situation.  What they need to realize is that things are more out of their control than they think.

CHALLENGE:  The earthquakes which occur now are a reminder of the time to come when God sends His judgment with the final earthquakes.  Remind your friends that greater earthquakes are on the way. (MW)

: 17      For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand? (3709 “wrath” [orge] means desire, violent passion, anger, punishing destructive anger, indignation, or vengeance.)

DEVOTION: Couple of things to remember in the book of Revelation are that one it is not in chronological order and two that the time period of the Tribulation is called the seventieth week of Daniel. These two things can cause confusion to some who read the book and try to understand the sequence of events recorded.

The LORD has a plan for all ages. When we read the book of Revelation, we are promised a blessing. One of the blessings is the fact that we know that God has a plan and is working HIS plan.

Nothing surprises God. HE is omniscience. HE knows the past, present and future. In the Old Testament in the book of Daniel we find the seventy weeks of Daniel. Sixty-nine weeks have been fulfilled. The final week is called the time of Great Tribulation. It lasts for seven years.

During the seven years we have the indignation of God manifested toward those who have rejected HIS plan. They have rejected the only way to heaven. The only way to heaven is through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Fearing God is not enough. The demons fear the LORD. Many in our day say that they are worshiping God but it is not the same God of the Bible. Only the God of the Bible is the one true God of the universe. Many false gods are around and people like to say that all of us worship the same God but that is not true. We need to have them define the god they worship. The day of God’s anger is coming to those who have rejected HIS love. Even during the time of the Tribulation, the LORD shows HIS mercy by having witnesses around the world telling people that Jesus is the Messiah. There is the hundred and forty-four thousand witness that are sealed just after the Rapture of the church. Also, there are the two witnesses that witness in Jerusalem. Some think they are Moses and Elijah.

This week of judgment shows us that men will not turn to God when it comes but will ask the mountains and rocks to fall on them to HIDE them from HIM. There is no hiding from God. We need to be ready to meet HIM. We need to tell others how to meet HIM. The only way to meet HIM is to believe the Gospel. Remember Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to HIM.

God is our Father once we follow Christ. HE chose us from before the foundation of the world. HE loves us.

CHALLENGE: We should return HIS love by sharing HIS message with the world. The time is shorter than we think.



Chastity (Purity in living)

Fasting (Time alone with LORD without eating or drinking)

Sacrifice (Giving up something we want to serve the LORD)

Submission (Willing to listen to others and LORD)

Solitude (Going to a quiet place without anyone)


Fellowship (Gathering together around the Word of God)

Frugality (wise use of resources)

Journalizing (Writing down what you have learned from the LORD)

Study and Meditation (Thinking through your study in the Word)

Secrecy (Doing your good deeds without others knowing but God)


Celebration (Gathering around a special occasion to worship LORD)

Confession (Tell the LORD we are sorry for our sins on a daily basis)

Prayer (Conversation with God on a personal level)

Cried “How Long”verse 10

Silence (Letting the LORD deal with some problems and needs)

Worship (Time to praise the LORD alone or in a group)


Scripture (66 inerrant books of the Bible)

Word of Godverse 9

God the Father (First person of the Godhead)

Godverse 9

Word of Godverse 9

God the Son (Second person of the Godhead –God/man, Messiah)

Lambverses 1, 16

Lordverse 10

Holyverse 10

Trueverse 10

Judgeverse 10

Avengeverse 10

Sitting on throneverse 16

Wrath of the Lambverse 16

God the Holy Spirit (Third person of the Godhead – our comforter)

Trinity (Three persons of the Godhead who are co-equal = ONE God)

Angels (Created before the foundation of the world – Good and Evil)

Beasts [Seraphim]verses 1, 3, 5-7

Man (Created on the sixth twenty-four hour period of creation)

Kings of the earthverse 15

Great menverse 15

Rich menverse 15

Chief captainsverse 15

Mighty menverse 15

Bondmanverse 15

Freemanverse 15

HID in densverse 16

Said to mountains and rocks

Fall on us

Hide us from face of Christ

Wrath of the Lamb

Sin (Missing the mark set by God on man and angels)

Killverses 4, 8, 11

Salvation (Provided by Christ’s death on the cross for our sins)

Souls of those slain for Word of Godverse 9

Testimonyverse 9

Israel (Old Testament people of God)

Church (New Testament people of God)

Last Things (Future Events)

Tribulation time period

First Seal: white horse = warverses 1-2

White horse


Conquering and to conquer

Second Seal: red horse = take peaceverses 3-4

Kill one another

Third Seal: black horse = famineverses 5-6

Pair of balances in his hand

Measure of wheat for a penny

Measure of barley for a penny

Hurt not the oil and the wine

Fourth Seal: pale horse = Death verses 7-8



Power over fourth part of earth

to kill with sword, hunger,


Kill with beasts of earth

Fifth Seal: Altar in heavenverses 9-11


Slain for the

word of God and testimony

Cried: how long

White robes


Fellowservants and brethren

Sixth Seal: Wrath of the Lambverses 12-17

Great earthquake

Sun became black

Moon became as blood

Stars of heaven fell

Heaven departed as scroll

Great day of wrath has comeverse 17


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QUOTES regarding passage

15–17 These verses record the terror of all classes of people at these events and at the wrath of God and the Lamb. “The kings of the earth, the princes [dignitaries], the generals” describe the powerful; “the rich, the mighty” describe the affluent and the heroes. Finally, political distinctions of the widest kind—“every slave and every free man”—are referred to. Since all kinds of people are included, we cannot say that God’s wrath is directed only at the powerful, at the rich, or at false Christians. His judgment will fall on all who refuse to repent and instead worship demons and idols and persecute Christ’s followers (9:20–21; 16:6, 9).

The plea of people for the rocks and mountains to fall on them (v. 16) occurs in OT contexts of God’s judgment (Isa 2:19, 21; Hos 10:8). It expresses the desire to be buried under the falling mountains and hills so as to escape the pains and terrors of the judgment (KD, Minor Prophets, 1:131). Jesus said that in this way the inhabitants of Jerusalem would cry out when God’s judgment fell on the city, in a.d. 70 (Luke 23:30).

The “wrath” (orgē, “anger”) of the Lamb is not only a new metaphor but a paradoxical one. Lambs are usually gentle. But this Lamb shows “wrath” against those who have refused his grace (cf. John 5:27). Henceforth in Revelation the wrath of God and of the Lamb is a continuing theme and is described under the figures of the trumpets and bowls (11:18; 14:7, 10, 19; 15:1, 7; 16:1, 19; 19:15). Moreover, God’s wrath is a present historical reality as well as an eschatological judgment (cf. Rom 1:18ff.; 2:5). So great is the day of destruction that “who can stand?” (cf. Joel 2:11; Nah 1:6; Mal 3:2). (Johnson, A. F. (1981). Revelation. In F. E. Gaebelein (Ed.), The Expositor’s Bible Commentary: Hebrews through Revelation (Vol. 12, p. 476). Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House.)

They say (λεγουσιν [legousin]). Vivid dramatic present active indicative, as is natural here. Fall on us (Πεσατε ἐφʼ ἡμας [Pesate eph’ hēmās]). Second aorist (first aorist ending) imperative of πιπτω [piptō], tense of urgency, do it now. And hide us (και κρυψατε ἡμας [kai krupsate hēmās]). Same tense of urgency again from κρυπτω [kruptō] (verb in verse 15). Both imperatives come in inverted order from Hos. 10:8 with καλυψατε [kalupsate] (cover) in place of κρυψατε [krupsate] (hide), quoted by Jesus on the way to the Cross (Luke 23:30) in the order here, but with καλυψατε [kalupsate], not κρυψατε [krupsate]. From the face of him that (ἀπο προσωπου του [apo prosōpou tou], etc.). “What sinners dread most is not death, but the revealed Presence of God” (Swete). Cf. Gen. 3:8. And from the wrath of the Lamb (και ἀπο της ὀργης του ἀρνιου [kai apo tēs orgēs tou arniou]). Repetition of “the grave irony” (Swete) of 5:5f. The Lamb is the Lion again in the terribleness of his wrath. Recall the mourning in 1:7. See Matt. 25:41ff. where Jesus pronounces the woes on the wicked. (Robertson, A. T. (1933). Word Pictures in the New Testament (Re 6:16). Nashville, TN: Broadman Press.)

6:15–17. The practical effect of the judgment was fear in unbelievers from all walks of life. They called on the mountains and the rocks to fall on them and to hide them from God’s wrath. Their fear was so great they would rather be killed by a falling mountain than to face the wrath of the Lamb and Their wrath, referring to the anger of the Triune God. Again this is not a picture of ordinary trouble but the period of greatest distress in world history.

Taken as a whole, chapter 6 is one of the most important and pivotal chapters in the entire book. It describes the first six seals and also introduces the seventh seal which consists of and introduces the seven trumpets and the seven bowls of the wrath of God in chapters 8–9; 16.

The contents of chapter 6 should put to rest the false teachings that God, being a God of love, could not judge a wicked world. It also raises the important question contained in the closing words of verse 17: Who can stand? Only those who have availed themselves of the grace of God before the time of judgment will be able to stand when God deals with the earth in this final period of great distress. Those who will be saved in the Great Tribulation are described in the next chapter. (Walvoord, J. F. (1985). Revelation. In J. F. Walvoord & R. B. Zuck (Eds.), The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures (Vol. 2, pp. 948–949). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.)

Ver. 16. And said to the mountains and rocks, fall on us, &c.] They chose death rather than life. Dioclesian being invited by Constantine to a marriage-feast, excused himself by reason of his old age; but receiving threatening letters, the historian says, in which he was charged with having favoured Maxentius, and with favouring Maximums, he poisoned himself; and others of the emperors are said to lay violent hands upon themselves: and hide us front the face of him that sitteth upon the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb; thus they owned the proper deity, and almighty power of God, and Christ, which they dreaded; so Maximinus being afflicted with a most horrible disease, of which he died, asked pardon of the God of the Christians, and owned that he suffered justly, for his reproaches of Christ. Licinius, who sometimes pretended to be a Christian, and joined with Constantine, but afterwards revolted and fought against him, being conquered and taken, was put to death; at which time he, and they that suffered death with him, confessed that the God of Constantine was the only true Godw. This passage shews, that Christ, God’s first-born, is higher than the kings of the earth; yea, that he is equal with him that sits upon the throne, with God his father, since his wrath is equally dreaded as his; and that, though he is a Lamb, mild, meek, and gentle, yet there is wrath, fury, and indignation in him, against his enemies, which is very dreadful and intolerable; see Psal. 2:12. (Gill, J. (1809). An Exposition of the New Testament (Vol. 3, p. 737). London: Mathews and Leigh.)


(Remember the only author that I totally agree with is the HOLY SPIRIT in the inerrant WORD OF GOD called THE BIBLE! All other I try to gleam what I can to help me grow in the LORD!!)

A healthy church is not one where everyone is perfect and living godly. A healthy church is where people who are struggling for encouragement, support, training, and guidance.

 (p. 125, Developing Leaders for the Small Church by Glenn C. Daman)

1 Samuel 1

God gives a child to Hannah and Elkanah, after Hannah’s years of praying for a son.


The grief of being childless drives Hannah to God. In Him, she finds her only resource for consolation.

Even though children may cry when they are taken to a doctor by their parents, they still trust their parents in spite of fear and pain. Similarly, we must still trust and cling to the Lord even though we do not understand why He does not deliver us from our pain. Just as children will someday understand about the doctor, we will someday understand about the pain.

                           (Quiet Walk)

With no cell service and no trail map, we had just our memory of a fixed map at the trailhead to guide us. More than an hour later, we finally emerged from the woods into the parking lot. Having missed the turn-off that would have made for a half-mile hike, we took a much longer trek.

Life can be like that: we have to ask not simply if something is right or wrong, but where it will lead. Psalm 1 compares two ways of living—that of the righteous (those who love God) and that of the wicked (the enemies of those who love God). The righteous flourish like a tree, but the wicked blow away like chaff (vv. 3-4). This psalm reveals what flourishing really looks like. The person who lives it out is dependent on God for renewal and life.

So how do we become that kind of person? Among other things, Psalm 1 urges us to disengage from destructive relationships and unhealthy habits and to delight in God’s instruction (v. 2). Ultimately, the reason for our flourishing is God’s attentiveness to us: “The Lord watches over the way of the righteous” (v. 6).

Commit your way to God, let Him redirect you from old patterns that lead to nowhere, and allow the Scriptures to be the river that nourishes the root system of your heart.

By Glenn Packiam  (Our Daily Bread)


For had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.
1 Corinthians 2:8
Why is it that people fail to recognize Christ? For the fact is that those who were around Him, His own contemporaries, did not recognize Him. They did not believe the claim, for had they done so, they would have submitted themselves to Him at once. As Paul wrote to the Corinthians, the princes of this world did not know Him, “for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.” They did not know Him. They heard the claim but said, “He is an impostor. Away with Him; crucify Him!”
Now I can understand someone saying, “If what you state is true, if this person is the Son of God, well, why is it that the whole world does not believe on Him and go after Him and submit to Him?” Our Lord answers that question. “No man,” He says, “knoweth the Son.” What does He mean? Let me explain. We are concerned with the mystery of the Incarnation, and it is that which causes men to stumble. Let no one imagine that this is something simple. There is a mystery in the Incarnation; there is a sense in which we can say quite honestly that had we been standing with the crowd when He was making this claim, we would have felt immediately and instinctively that there was something exaggerated. We would have felt that the claim that He was the one to whom all things had been committed, that He was the controller of the destinies of the universe, was impossible. There is this apparent contradiction. He was arrested in apparent weakness, and yet He said that all things were in His hands. That is why people found it difficult to believe His claim.
A Thought to Ponder: He was arrested in apparent weakness, and yet He said that all things were in His hands.

         (From The Heart of the Gospel, pp. 136-137, by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones)

Afraid to Understand
“For he taught his disciples, and said unto them, The Son of man is delivered into the hands of men, and they shall kill him; and after that he is killed, he shall rise the third day. But they understood not that saying, and were afraid to ask him.” (Mark 9:31-32)
When the Lord Jesus told His disciples about His coming death and resurrection, He could hardly have spoken more plainly, yet they “understood not.” Not willing to believe that He meant what He said (with all its uncomfortable implications for their own futures), they were “afraid to ask Him” what He meant, lest He confirm that His words should be taken literally.
This was not the only time. Again and again He told them that He would be crucified and then rise again, but they could not (or would not) understand. On one such occasion, Peter even rebuked Him, and said: “Lord: this shall not be unto thee.” But the Lord answered, “Get thee behind me, Satan” (Matthew 16:22-23). A refusal to take God’s Word literally, at least in this case, was said by Christ to be inspired by Satan!
Modern evangelical Christians no longer doubt the reality of His sacrificial death and bodily resurrection, for the evidence has become overwhelming, and these truths have become the glory and power of the gospel. Nevertheless, fearful reluctance to take God’s Word literally is still a great problem among some “Bible believers.” Whenever such a stand might become costly, many Christians eagerly accept non-literal ways of “interpreting” Scripture to fit their own preferences. This approach, of course, is especially widespread in modern accommodations of the creation/Flood record of Genesis to the philosophies of modern evolutionary humanism. We should remember always that, just as in Christ’s predictions of His death and resurrection, God always means exactly what He says in His Word.

                 (HMM, The Institute for Creation Research) 

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